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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Firyal Fairuztsana Nugraha
Abstrak :
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan virus yang menginfeksi sel darah putih yang menyebabkan turunnya kekebalan tubuh manusia. Layanan program penanggulangan HIV/AIDS diberikan mulai dari tingkat puskesmas sebagai layanan kesehatan dasar. Penggunaan terapi ARV sebagai pengobatan HIV/AIDS menunjukkan penurunan angka kematian dan kesakitan, meningkatkan kualitas hidup ODHA, dan meningkatkan harapan masyarakat. Profilaksis antimikroba diindikasikan pada pasien dengan imunosupresi berat dan mengakibatkan peningkatan risiko infeksi oportunistik. Tujuan utama tugas khusus ini yaitu dilakukan profil untuk mengetahui pasien aktif dan pasien baru, pasien meninggal atau rujuk/pindah, penggunaan obat ARV, dan penggunaan obat profilaksis di Puskesmas Kecamatan Matraman. Berdasarkan hasil profil, jumlah pasien aktif, pasien baru, pasien yang dirujuk atau pindah, pasien putus obat atau lost to follow up, dan pasien meninggal pada tahun 2022 berturut-turut sebanyak 81; 21; 12; 20; dan 2 orang dengan menggunakan empat regimen obat ARV, yaitu regimen TLE sebanyak 59 orang, TLD sebanyak 40 orang, Duviral + NVP sebanyak 2 orang, dan Duviral + EFV sebanyak 1 orang. Pasien yang menggunakan TPT dengan regimen 3HP (45 orang) dan 6H (25 orang), serta 32 orang tidak menggunakan TPT. Pasien yang menggunakan terapi profilaksis kotrimoksasol sebanyak 52 orang dan pasien yang belum pernah menggunakan sebanyak 51 orang. ...... Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that infects white blood cells causing a decrease in human immunity. HIV/AIDS prevention program services are provided starting from the District Health Center level as basic health services. The use of ARV therapy as HIV/AIDS treatment has shown a decrease in mortality and morbidity, improved the quality of life of PLWHA, and increased community hope. Antimicrobial prophylaxis is indicated in patients with severe immunosuppression and results in an increased risk of opportunistic infections. The main objective of this special assignment is to conduct a profile to determine active and new patients, dead or referred/moved patients, the use of ARV drugs, and the use of prophylactic drugs at the Matraman District Health Center. Based on the results of the profile, the number of active patients, new patients, patients who were referred or moved, patients who dropped out or lost to follow up, and patients who died in 2022 were 81; 21; 12; 20; and 2 people, respectively, using four ARV drug regimens, namely TLE regimens for 59 people, TLD for 40 people, Duviral + NVP for 2 people, and Duviral + EFV for 1 person. Patients who used TPT with regimens 3HP (45 people) and 6H (25 people), and 32 people did not use TPT. Patients who used cotrimoxazole prophylaxis therapy were 52 people and patients who had never used it were 51 people.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Juwita Nelwan
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Obat kotrimoksazol dan rifampisin telah lama diketahui memiliki efek anti mikotik. Peran kedua antimikroba ini terhadap candida belum diteliti, sehingga dirasa perlu untuk diteliti sehingga dapat dimasukkan dalam pedoman tatalaksana medis berbasis bukti untuk pasien HIV dan tuberkulosis. Metode: Studi prospektif pada pasien HIV dan tuberkulosis dengan metode quasi-experiment, dilakukan di poliklinik HIV dan Poliklinik Paru pada bulan Oktober 2009-Agustus 2011. Pada tiap pasien dilakukan pemeriksaan kumur rongga mulut sebanyak dua kali untuk melihat adanya kolonisasi Candida, yang diidentifikasi menggunakan Saboraud Dextrose Agar dan ChromAgar. Kumur dilakukan sebelum pasien diberikan obat kotrimoksazol untuk profilaksis PCP dan obat rifampisin untuk TB, kumur kedua dilakukan dua minggu setelah pengobatan. Proporsi, jenis dan jumlah kolonisasi kandida dirongga mulut pasien dibandingkan sebelum dan setelah pengobatan. Hasil: Didapatkan total 86 orang pasien terdiri dari 40 orang pasien HIV dan 46 orang pasien TB. Kolonisasi awal pada pasien HIV 57,5% dan 19,5% pada pasien TB, sebagian besar adalah candida albicans baik pada pasien HIV maupun TB (82,6% vs. 77,8%). Dua minggu mendapat kotrimoksazol pada pasien HIV dan rifampisin pada pasien TB didapatkan penurunan kolonisasi menjadi 47,5% vs. 12,5%). Penurunan ini bermakna pada kedua kelompok pasien, kotrimoksazol OR 0,2 (0,05-0,93; p<0,04) dan rifampisin 0,21 (0,08-0,58; p<0,01). Didapatkan juga penurunan jumlah hitung koloni secara absolut. Simpulan: Kotrimoksazol dan rifampisin menurunkan kolonisasi Candida rongga mulut pasien HIV dan TB pada pemakaian selama dua minggu ......Background: Cotrimoxazole and rifampicin are known as a broadspectrum antibiotics that have also antimicotic effect. However, limited data is available. This study aimed to provide data on role of these antibiotics to Candida species. Methods: A quasi experimental prospective study among HIV and tuberculosis patient in HIV and TB clinic, evaluated from Ocotber 2009 and August 2011. Each patient received two times oral rinse, before and within 2-weeks cotrimoxazole treatment for HIV and rifampicin treatment for TB. Proportion, species and number of colonization were compared. Hasil: Of 86 patients, 40 were HIV seropositive patients and 46 were TB patients. HIV-seropositive patients was 57.5% colonized with candida and 19.5% for TB patients; in majority was C.albicans (82.6% vs. 77.8%). During 2-weeks treatment, colonization was decreased to 47.5% among HIV patients received cotrimoxazole and 12.5% in TB patients received rifampicin. The proportion of colonization reduced significantly during cotrimoxazole 0.2 (95%CI 0.05-0.93; p<0.04) and rifampicin 0.21 (95%CI 0.08-0.58; p<0.01). Number of colonization was also reduced. Conclusions: Cotrimoxazole and rifampicin reduced Candida colonization in HIV and TB patients within two weeks exposure.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ken Ayu Mastini
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Pemberian kotrimoksazol diberikan sebagai standar pencegahan primer terhadap infeksi toksoplasmosis dan pneumonia Pneumocystis jirovecii (PCP) pada pasien HIV dengan CD4 kurang dari 200 sel/mm3 dan pasien tuberkulosis. Beberapa penelitian di luar negeri mendapatkan bahwa pemberian profilaksis kotrimoksazol belum sesuai dengan panduan nasional, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menilai kepatuhan dokter dalam meresepkan profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol. Tujuan : mengetahui pola peresepan dokter terutama dalam memulai, menghentikan, dosis obat, efek samping, durasi pemberian dan persentase lama pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol pada pasien HIV Metode : Studi ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif dan mengambil data semua pasien HIV usia lebih dari 18 tahun yang berobat ke UPT HIV RSCM tahun 2004-2013 dan memenuhi kriteria pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol. Variabel yang diteliti adalah pola inisiasi peresepan, penghentian peresepan, dosis, durasi, persentase lama pemberian, serta ada tidaknya efek samping kotrimoksazol Hasil : Sejumlah 3818 pasien mempunyai indikasi pemberian kotrimoksazol dengan nilai tengah usia pasien adalah 29 tahun, pria (79,1%), tuberkulosis (58,5%), stadium 3 dan 4 (86%). Nilai tengah CD4 saat awal adalah 51 sel/mm3 (RIK 101). Profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol sudah dimulai pada 83% pasien. Pemberian dosis kotrimoksazol sudah sesuai pedoman pada 99,8% pasien. Efek samping yang dari yang paling sering sampai yang jarang terjadi adalah peningkatan transaminase (38,1%), leukopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), mual (15,4%), muntah (7,8%), trombositopenia (7,4%) dan alergi (5,3%). Efek samping yang menyebabkan penghentian peresepan adalah alergi (100%), anemia (2,4%), peningkatan transaminase (2,1%), muntah (0,8%) dan leukopenia (0,6%). Pola penghentian peresepan tidak sesuai pedoman pada 61,6% dengan nilai tengah persentase lama pemberian 87,5% (RIK 39) dan nilai tengah durasi pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol adalah 20 bulan (RIK 20). Durasi pada pasien dengan CD4≤100 sel/mm3 dan >100 sel/mm3 adalah 21 bulan (RIK 22) dan 12,5 bulan (RIK 14,75) dengan nilai p=0,000. Kesimpulan : walaupun pada saat awal 83% pasien HIV dewasa dilakukan pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol dengan pengaturan dosis yang sangat baik, namun 61,6% penghentian peresepan tidak sesuai pedoman.
Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000. Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline;Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000. Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline;Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000. Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline, Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000. Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Kartika Putriasih
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Pemakaian kotrimoksazol sedini mungkin sejak diberikan ARV bermanfaat mencegah infeksi oportunistik terkait HIV (PCP dan toksoplasmosis) dan mengurangi mortalitas terkait pasien HIV dengan jumlah CD4 rendah. Faktor risiko yang memengaruhi mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV yang telah mendapat ARV perlu dicari sehingga dapat membantu klinisi dalam memberikan tata laksana pada anak terinfeksi HIV di Indonesia. Tujuan. Evaluasi pemakaian kotrimoksazol dan hubungannya terhadap mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV yang telah mendapat ARV di RSCM pada tahun 2005-2018. Metode. Uji deskriptif-analitik menggunakan analisis kesintasan yang dilakukan secara kohort retrospektif di RS. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) menggunakan data rekam medis periode Januari 2005 - Desember 2018. Subyek adalah anak berusia 1 bulan-18 tahun yang mendapat ARV pertama kali di RSCM. Hubungan pemakaian kotrimoksazol dengan mortalitas dianalisis dengan uji log rank. Faktor-faktor risiko selanjutnya dianalisis secara multivariat. Hasil. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 403. Proporsi pemakaian kotrimoksazol saat inisiasi ARV pada anak terinfeksi HIV adalah 88%. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara pemakaian kotrimoksazol saat inisiasi ARV dengan mortalitas (HR 1,498; IK 95% 0,620-3,618, p=0,369), namun pemakaian kotrimoksazol saat inisiasi ARV menurunkan mortalitas pada kondisi imunodefisiensi berat (HR 2,702; IK 95% (1,036-7,049); p=0,042). Faktor risiko yang memengaruhi mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV yang mendapat terapi ARV adalah stadium HIV (stadium 3-4). Kesimpulan. Pemakaian kotrimoksazol saat inisiasi ARV menurunkan mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV dengan imunodefisiensi berat. Faktor risiko yang memengaruhi mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV yang telah mendapat ARV adalah stadium HIV 3-4. ......Background. The use of cotrimoxazole as early as possible since being administered antiretroviral drugs is beneficial in preventing HIV-related opportunistic infections (PCP and toxoplasmosis) and reducing mortality associated with HIV patients with low CD4 counts. Risk factors that affect mortality in HIV-infected children who have received antiretroviral drugs need to be sought so that they can help clinicians in providing HIV-infected children in Indonesia. Objective. Evaluation of the use of cotrimoxazole and its association with mortality in HIV-infected children who had received ARV at RSCM in 2005-2018. Methods. Descriptive analytic test using survival analysis were carried out in a retrospective cohort in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital using medical record data for the period January 2005 - December 2018. Subjects were children aged 1 month - 18 years who have received ARV for the first time at RSCM. The association of cotrimoxazole use with mortality was analyzed by log rank test. Risk factors are then analyzed multivariately. Results. This study involved 403 subjects. The proportion of cotrimoxazole use at ARV initiation in HIV-infected children was 88%. There was no association between the use of cotrimoxazole at ARV initiation and mortality (HR 1.498; 95% CI 0.620-3.618; p=0,369), but the use of cotrimoxazole at ARV initiation reduced mortality in severe immunodeficiency conditions (HR 2.702; 95% CI 1,036-7,049; p=0.042). Risk factors that affect mortality in HIV-infected children who received ARV therapy are stages of HIV (stage 3-4). Conclusion. The use of cotrimoxazole at ARV initiation reduces mortality in HIV-infected with severe immunodeficiency. Risk factors that affect mortality in HIV-infected children who have received ARV are stage 3-4.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Komara
Abstrak :
Sebagian besar bakteri penyebab Infeksi saluran kemih (ISK) adalah bakteri gram negatif. Bakteri Gram negatif banyak yang telah resisten terhadap berbagai macam antibiotik, salah satunya terhadap antibiotik gentamisin dan kotrimoksazol. Kedua antibiotik ini termasuk antibiotik yang digunakan untuk mengatasi ISK akibat bakteri gram negatif. Menurunnya kepekaan obat ini menjadi salah satu kendala dalam penanggulangan ISK di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pola kepekaan bakteri Gram negatif terhadap antibiotik gentamisin dan kotrimoksazol dari tahun 2001-2005. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan disain cross-sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis data sekunder sebanyak 1522 sampel yang diteliti dengan kultur positif di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Klinik FKUI dari Januari 2001 sampai Desember 2005 dan telah menjalani pemeriksaan resistensi berdasarkan National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), terdiri dari: Escherichia coli 567 sampel, Enterobacter 153 sampel, Klebsiella pneumonia 407 sampel, Proteus mirabilis 137 sampel dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa 256 sampel. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa nilai rata-rata kepekaan Escherichia coli terhadap gentamisin 78,4% dan kotrimoksazol 34%; nilai rata-rata kepekaan Enterobacter terhadap gentamisin 71,7% dan kotrimoksazol 36,3%; nilai rata-rata kepekaan Klebsiella pneumonia terhadap gentamisin 70% dan kotrimoksazol 50,6%; nilai rata-rata kepekaan Proteus mirabilis terhadap gentamisin 94,7% dan kotrimoksazol 43%; nilai rata-rata kepekaan Pseudomonas aeruginosa terhadap gentamisin 44,8% dan kotrimoksazol 29%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari tahun 2001-2005 bakteri Gram negatif terhadap antibiotik kotrimoksazol cenderung telah resisten, sedangkan terhadap antibiotik gentamisin cenderung masih sensitif kecuali terhadap bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa yang telah resisten. ......Most of the bacteria causing urinary tract infection (UTI) is negative gram bacteria. Some of these bacteria are resistant to several antibiotics, including gentamycin and cotrimoxazole. Both of these antibiotics are used for treating UTI caused by negative gram bacteria. Decreasing sensitivity of these drugs being the obstacle in the management of UTI in Indonesia. This research is aimed to investigate the sensitivity pattern of the gram negative bacteria to gentamycin and cotrimoxazole from 2001 to 2005. The disain of this study was cross-sectional descriptive. This study was conducted by analyzing secondary data with 1522 positive culture samples from Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia since January 2001 to December 2005 and had been checked for their resistance based on the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) including 256 samples of Eschericia coli, 153 samples of Enterobacter, 407 samples of Klebsiella pneumonia, 137 samples of Proteus mirabilis, and 258 samples of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Results of the analysis showed that sensitivity of Escherichia coli to gentamicin and cotrimoxazol were 78.4% and 34% respectively; sensitivity of Enterobacter to gentamicin and cotrimoxazol were 71.7% and 36.3% respectively; sensitivity of Klebsiella pneumonia to gentamicin and cotrimoxazol were 70% and 50.6% respectively; sensitivity of Proteus mirabilis to gentamicin and cotrimoxazol were 94.7% and 43% respectively; sensitivity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to gentamicin and cotrimoxazol were 44.8% and 29% respectively. Based on that analysis, it can be concluded that from 2001-2005, negative Gram bacteria tend to resistant to be cotrimoxazole, meanwhile to gentamycin, it’s still effective, except to resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library