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Ria Anggraeni
Abstrak :
Komitmen pernikahan sebagai motivasi untuk melanjutkan hubungan dalam pernikahan dan kewajiban moral dalam mempertahankan pernikahan (Johnson, Caughlin, & Huston, 1999). Johnson, dkk., membagi komitmen menjadi tiga, yaitu personal komitmen, moral komitmen, dan struktural komitmen. Ketiga komitmen pernikahan ini, dapat dibedakan berdasarkan tipe pasangan. Tipe pasangan terbagi menjadi empat, yaitu tradisional, terpisah, independen, dan campuran (Fitzpatrick, 1988). Kedua konstruk ini belum banyak diteliti di Indonesia, terutama pada pasangan taaruf. Penelitian ini menggunakan 62 partisipan atau 31 pasangan yang menikah melalui taaruf, dengan menggunakan alat ukur Relational Dimensional Inventory (RDI) dikembangkan oleh Fitzpatrick (1988, dalam Rubin, Palmgreen & Sypher, 1991). Sedangkan alat ukur komitmen pernikahan dikembangkan oleh Johnson, Caughlin, & Huston (1999). Hasil penelitian ini, membuktikan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan komitmen secara signifikan berdasarkan tipe pasangan yang menikah melalui taaruf.
Marital commitment as motivation to continue the marital relationship and the moral obligation to maintain marriage (Johnson, Caughlin, & Huston, 1999). Johnson, et all., divide into three commitments specifically personal commitment, moral commitment, and structural commitment. The marital commitment, can be distinguished by couples type. Couples type are divided into four types, that is traditional, independent, separate, and mixed couples. Both of these constructs have not been studied in Indonesia, especially in arranged marriage (taaruf) couples. This study used 62 participants or 31 married couples by arranged marriage (taaruf). The measurement of couples type is Relational Dimensional Inventory (RDI) developed by Fitzpatrick (1988, in Rubin, Palmgreen & Sypher, 1991). While the marital commitment used inventory marital commitment developed by Johnson, Caughlin, & Huston (1999). This research proves that these are no significant differences regarding couples type in arranged married (taaruf) couples.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melok Roro Kinanthi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memeroleh gambaran dan pemahaman mengenai faktor-faktor berperan dalam komitmen pernikahan para Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) di desa Dadap, Indramayu dan bagaimana dinamikanya, dengan menggunakan kerangka teori Bioekologi. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus, data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, pengamatan partisipatif dan analisis dokumen terhadap berbagai sumber, seperti TKW, perangkat desa, budayawan setempat, warga, dan staf lembaga pemerintahan terkait. Sebagai informan kunci, TKW yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 11 orang, terdiri dari mereka yang masih mempertahankan pernikahan dan yang telah mengakhirinya. Partisipan dipilih secara purposive dan snowball. Menggunakan teknik analisis dari Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana (2014), temuan yang didapat dalam penelitian ini adalah tampaknya context makrosistem merupakan pre-determined bagi interaksi antara berbagai context lingkungan yang mengelilingi partisipan, yakni mikrosistem, mesosistem, eksosistem, dan karakteristik personal partisipan itu sendiri, yang mana berbagai interaksi tersebut berperan dalam dinamika komitmen pernikahan partisipan. Diantara berbagai context lingkungan yang saling berinteraksi tersebut, tampaknya interaksi antara individu dengan mikrosistemnya, dalam hal ini pasangan, atau yang dinamakan proximal process, dan karakteristik personal yang dihasilkan dari proximal process tersebut menjadi penentu utama komitmen pernikahan partisipan. Faktor lingkungan berperan sebagai pemicu timbulnya konflik dalam pernikahan partisipan dan sebagai faktor yang melatari proximal process dan karakteristik personal partisipan. Sementara itu, keputusan untuk tetap berkomitmen dan bagaimana partisipan merespon situasi sulit tersebut lebih banyak ditentukan oleh proximal process dan karakteristik personal partisipan yang dihasilkan dari proximal process itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa teori Bioekologi dapat menjelaskan komitmen pernikahan TKW di desa Dadap, Indramayu.;
The objective of this research is to obtain a description and understanding of certain aspects portraying a marriage commitment on Indonesian female migrant worker (TKW) in the village of Dadap, Indramayu, as how dynamic those are, by utilizing the Bioecology theory framework. Utilizing a qualitative approach and having a case study design, data contained in this research are compiled by a means of interview, participatory observation, and documentary analysis against any resources, such as TKW, official community, society, and relevant government institution staff. As the key informant, TKW involved in this research comprised of 11 persons, some who keep striving their marriage and others are already divorced. Participants are selected purposively and snowball. Utilizing an analysis technique by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014), the finding on this research exposes a macrosystem context which constitutes a pre-determined of interaction among environment context surrounded to participants, i.e. microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and their personal characteristic, of which those interaction play its role on a dynamic commitment of participants marriage.Among those interacted environment context, it appears interaction between individual with her microsystem (spouse), or it is called as proximal process, and personal characteristic resulted from a proximal process plays a major determination to participant marriage commitment. Environment aspect plays its role as a trigger of conflict within a marriage of participants, and as an aspect contributing proximal process and participant personal characteristic. While the decision to maintain a commitment and how participants respond to particular difficult situation are more determined by proximal process and personal participants characteristic resulting from its proximal process;The objective of this research is to obtain a description and understanding of certain aspects portraying a marriage commitment on Indonesian female migrant worker (TKW) in the village of Dadap, Indramayu, as how dynamic those are, by utilizing the Bioecology theory framework. Utilizing a qualitative approach and having a case study design, data contained in this research are compiled by a means of interview, participatory observation, and documentary analysis against any resources, such as TKW, official community, society, and relevant government institution staff. As the key informant, TKW involved in this research comprised of 11 persons, some who keep striving their marriage and others are already divorced. Participants are selected purposively and snowball. Utilizing an analysis technique by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014), the finding on this research exposes a macrosystem context which constitutes a pre-determined of interaction among environment context surrounded to participants, i.e. microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and their personal characteristic, of which those interaction play its role on a dynamic commitment of participants marriage.Among those interacted environment context, it appears interaction between individual with her microsystem (spouse), or it is called as proximal process, and personal characteristic resulted from a proximal process plays a major determination to participant marriage commitment. Environment aspect plays its role as a trigger of conflict within a marriage of participants, and as an aspect contributing proximal process and participant personal characteristic. While the decision to maintain a commitment and how participants respond to particular difficult situation are more determined by proximal process and personal participants characteristic resulting from its proximal process, The objective of this research is to obtain a description and understanding of certain aspects portraying a marriage commitment on Indonesian female migrant worker (TKW) in the village of Dadap, Indramayu, as how dynamic those are, by utilizing the Bioecology theory framework. Utilizing a qualitative approach and having a case study design, data contained in this research are compiled by a means of interview, participatory observation, and documentary analysis against any resources, such as TKW, official community, society, and relevant government institution staff. As the key informant, TKW involved in this research comprised of 11 persons, some who keep striving their marriage and others are already divorced. Participants are selected purposively and snowball. Utilizing an analysis technique by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014), the finding on this research exposes a macrosystem context which constitutes a pre-determined of interaction among environment context surrounded to participants, i.e. microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and their personal characteristic, of which those interaction play its role on a dynamic commitment of participants marriage.Among those interacted environment context, it appears interaction between individual with her microsystem (spouse), or it is called as proximal process, and personal characteristic resulted from a proximal process plays a major determination to participant marriage commitment. Environment aspect plays its role as a trigger of conflict within a marriage of participants, and as an aspect contributing proximal process and participant personal characteristic. While the decision to maintain a commitment and how participants respond to particular difficult situation are more determined by proximal process and personal participants characteristic resulting from its proximal process]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herlia Alifiah
Abstrak :
Anak merupakan karunia bagi pasangan menikah, namun tidak jarang anak juga membawa beban bagi keluarga. Faktanya, kepuasan pernikahan cenderung menurun ketika pasangan memiliki anak. Kepuasan pernikahan yang menurun dapat kemudian menurunkan komitmen pernikahan, sehingga membuat pernikahan rentan terhadap perceraian. Pembagian peran dalam mengurus rumah tangga dan mengasuh anak kerap menjadi bahan perdebatan, terutama pada keluarga dual-earner. Pembagian peran yang tidak dipersepsikan adil dapat menurunkan kepuasan pernikahan. Perceived fairness diperlukan guna menjaga kualitas pernikahan dan mempertahankan pernikahan dalam jangka panjang. Penelitian ini meneliti peran mediasi kepuasan pernikahan dalam hubungan perceived fairness dengan komitmen pernikahan. Komitmen pernikahan diukur menggunakan Tripartite Theory of Commitment yang membagi komitmen menjadi komitmen personal, moral, dan struKtural. Sementara kepuasan pernikahan diukur menggunakan Quality of Marital Index dan perceived fairness diukur menggunakan Perceived Fairness Scale. Penelitian ini melibatkan 168 partisipan dengan karakteristik individu yang sedang dalam pernikahan pertama, memiliki anak, dan tinggal satu atap dengan pasangan dan anaknya. Data diperoleh melalui convenience sampling dengan cara menyebarkan poster penelitian melalui media sosial. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan pernikahan terbukti memediasi hubungan antara perceived fairness dengan komitmen pernikahan personal dan perceived fairness dengan komitmen pernikahan moral. Disisi lain, kepuasan pernikahan gagal memediasi perceived fairness dengan komitmen pernikahan struktural. ......Children are a gift for married couples, but not infrequently children also carry a burden for the family. In fact, marital satisfaction tends to decrease when couples have children. Decreased marital satisfaction can lead to decrease in marital commitment, thus making marriages more vulnerable to divorce. The division of roles in household chores and child rearing is often a matter of debate, especially in dual-earner families. The division of roles that are not perceived as fair can reduce marital satisfaction. Perceived fairness is needed to maintain the quality of marriage and maintain commitment of marriage in the long term. This study examines the mediating role of marital satisfaction in the relationship between perceived fairness and marital commitment. Marital commitment is measured using The Tripartite Theory of Commitment which divides commitment into personal, moral, and structural commitments. Meanwhile, marital satisfaction was measured using the Quality of Marital Index and perceived fairness was measured using the Perceived fairness Scale. This study involved 168 participants with individual characteristics who are in their first marriage, have child/children, and live under the same roof with their spouse and children. Data were obtained through convenience sampling by distributing research posters through social media. The results show that marital satisfaction is proven to mediate the relationship between perceived fairness with personal marital commitment and perceived fairness with moral marital commitment. On the other hand, marital satisfaction failed to mediate perceived fairness with structural marital commitment.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Bilqisthi
Abstrak :
Di Indonesia, terdapat fenomena ta?aruf (perjodohan muslim Indonesia). Hal yang membedakan ta?aruf dengan perjodohan lainnya adalah landasan proses ini berdasarkan keyakinan agama, bukan budaya ataupun alasan ekonomi. Studi mengenai pasangan pernikahan yang melalui perjodohan, termasuk ta?aruf masih sedikit jika dibandingkan pernikahan romantic love. Berdasarkan studi literatur, komitmen dan kepuasan pernikahan merupakan prediktor kesuksesan pernikahan. Namun, belum ada penelitian yang melihat hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut dalam konteks pernikahan ta?aruf. Maka peneliti melakukan penelitian yang melihat hubungan kepuasan pernikahan dan komitmen pernikahan pada 131 individu yang menikah melalui ta?aruf. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kepuasan pernikahan dengan komitmen personal (r = 0,423, p < 0.01, one-tailed.) dan juga antara kepuasan pernikahan dengan komitmen moral (r =0.330, ,p < 0.01, one-tailed). Namun, ternyata tidak terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara komitmen struktural dan kepuasan pernikahan (r = 0,074, p > 0.01)
In Indonesia , there are ta'aruf phenomenon ( Indonesian Muslim matchmaking ) . The differences between ta'aruf with other matchmaking is the cornerstone of this process is based on religious beliefs, not cultural or economic reasons. Studies with arranged marriage participant, including ta'aruf, are less when compared to romantic love marriage. Based on the literature study, commitment and marital satisfaction is a predictor of marriage success. However , no studies have looked at the relationship between the two variables in the context of ta'aruf. So the researcher conducted a study to see the relationship between marital satisfaction and commitment in 131 married individuals through ta'aruf. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between marital satisfaction with personal commitment ( r = 0.423 , p < 0.01 , one-tailed) And also between marital satisfaction with moral commitment ( r = 0.330 , p < 0.01 , one-tailed). However, it turns out there is no significant relationship between structural commitment and marital satisfaction ( r = 0.074 , p > 0.01)
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library