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AtKisson, Alan
Abstrak :
Synopsis 'Clearly another winner!' Sustainability Indicators 'AtKisson's Accelerator tools and ISIS Method are powerful - I've seen them in action. This book is the essential guide, while also being an inspiring and informative read for just about anybody.' Hunter Lovins, President and founder of the Natural Capitalism Solutions 'AtKisson at his best.' Herman Mulder, independent adviser, former Senior Executive Vice President of ABN AMRO 'A must-read book.' Manuel Baigorri, Director, Social and Environmental Sustainability, Levi Strauss Europe, Middle East and Africa 'A powerful tonic for hope.' Darcy Hitchcock, co-author of The Business Guide to Sustainability 'The ISIS Agreement is awesome ... and gives those of us who've stepped up to the plate and been doing this work for years some reference points and the feeling that we are actually doing something.' Nancy Lee Bentley, Wholistic Health Expert & Author of Truly Cultured www.TrulyCultured.com 'The ideal entry point for leaders and innovators in all organizations for understanding and instituting change towards sustainability ... essential, transformative reading for leaders in business, organizations, and government, and professionals of all description in all sectors who are working on whole systems change in pursuit of strategies for innovation, sustainability, and profitability, as well as students in business and management.' Sustainable Village
London : Earthscan, 2008
658.408 3 ATK i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai strategi intervensi militer asing melawan Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIS di Irak dan Suriah sejak tahun 2014 sampai 2017. Kerangka pemikiran yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan tema di atas adalah konsep intervensi militer, perang asimetris dan kemunduran organisasi terorisme. Analisa tesis ini akan diarahkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan strategi  intervensi militer apa yang dilakukan oleh pihak asing seperti koalisi AS, Rusia, Iran, dan negara diluar Irak dan Suriah. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka dan wawancara. Dari data tersebut ditemukan bahwa, kekuatan ISIS berasal dari strategi konvensional dan asimetris untuk memperluas dan mempertahankan kekuasaannya. Kekuatan ISIS ini membuat pemerintah Irak dan Suriah meminta intervensi asing untuk melawan gerakan terorisme ini. Terdapat dua strategi intervensi militer yang digunakan dalam upaya ini, yaitu strategi diplomatik dan strategi militer.  Melalui metode kualitatif yang menggunakan berbagai sumber yang relevan, tesis ini membangun argumen bahwa intervensi militer yang dilakukan oleh pihak asing merupakan langkah strategis dalam upaya menghancurkan ISIS serta kembali menstabilkan kondisi keamanan Irak dan Suriah. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan berkurangnya wilayah yang dikuasai ISIS, jumlah pasukan, serta kondisi fiskal hingga akhir 2017.
This study discusses the strategy of foreign military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria from 2014 to 2017. The concept of  military intervention, asymmetric warfare and declining of terrorist organizations are used to explain the effect of military intervention to the decline of ISIS. The analysis of this thesis will be directed to explain military intervention strategies which were conducted foreign parties such as the US, Russia, Iran and other countries outside Iraq and Syria. This study uses literature and interviews method. The author found that the power of ISIS is originated from conventional and asymmetrical strategies to expand and maintain its power. The power of ISIS has made the Iraqi and Syrian governments ask foreign intervention to fight this terrorism movement. There are two military intervention strategies used in this effort, diplomatic and military strategy. From various relevant sources with qualitative methods, this thesis builds the argument that military intervention which was carried out by foreign parties is a strategic step in efforts to destroy ISIS an stabilize the security in Iraq and Syria. This is proven by the reduction of ISIS-controlled areas, number of troops, and fiscal conditions until the end of 2017.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudy Ibrahim
Abstrak :
Propaganda merupakan bentuk komunikasi yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan dan untuk memanipulasi target propaganda, baik manipulasi emosi, sikap, opini, sampai dengan perilaku. Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) merupakan kelompok teror yang berada di wilayah timur tengah yang menggunakan propaganda. Sebagai sebuah kelompok teror, ISIS memiliki tiga tujuan utama yaitu publisitas, motivasi ideologi, dan perekrutan. Propaganda ISIS sebagai perpanjangan dari ISIS juga memiliki tiga tujuan tersebut yang memberikan kerangka pada strategi propaganda ISIS. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas serta strategi propaganda ISIS dan kontrapropaganda yang bersesuaian dengan propaganda ISIS. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan metode studi dokumen yang berkaitan dengan propaganda ISIS dan metode wawancara kepada 4 orang narasumber. Pengumpulan data juga dilakukan dengan sensus terhadap 4 publikasi propaganda ISIS yaitu IS Report, IS News, Dabiq, dan Al-Mustaqbal. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan metode analisis isi dan analisis aspek propaganda. Formulasi strategi propaganda ISIS dan kontrapropaganda yang bersesuaian dilakukan dengan metode analisis tugas dan sasaran. Hasil penelitian menemukan propaganda yang dilakukan ISIS merupakan propaganda yang berkualitas berdasarkan aspek-aspek publikasi, pemberitaan, wacana ideologi, dan mode persuasi. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan media sosial dengan saluran komunikasi Internet.
Propaganda as a communication is used to deliver message to manipulate its targets? emotion, attitude, opinion, or behavior. Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is a terror group that uses propaganda, residing mainly in Middle East. As a terror group, ISIS has three main goals which are publicity, ideological motivation, and recruitment. ISIS? propaganda, as an extension of itself, also embodies those goals which provide foundation for ISIS? propaganda strategy. Because of that, the research was conducted to study the quality and the ISIS? propaganda strategy along with its relevant counterpropaganda strategy. The research employed quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection was conducted by studying documents related to ISIS? propaganda and by interviewing 4 experts and by doing census on four ISIS propaganda publications which are IS Report, IS News, Dabiq, and Al-Mustaqbal. Analyses were conducted using content analysis and propaganda element analysis. Strategy of ISIS propaganda and its relevant counterpropaganda was formulated using assignment and target analysis. Result showed that ISIS propaganda is a good propaganda employing wide range of aspects, from publication, news, ideological discourse, to persuasion mode. Last, the result also showed that ISIS tends to use social media with Internet as its preferred communication channel. ;Propaganda as a communication is used to deliver message to manipulate its targets? emotion, attitude, opinion, or behavior. Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is a terror group that uses propaganda, residing mainly in Middle East. As a terror group, ISIS has three main goals which are publicity, ideological motivation, and recruitment. ISIS? propaganda, as an extension of itself, also embodies those goals which provide foundation for ISIS? propaganda strategy. Because of that, the research was conducted to study the quality and the ISIS? propaganda strategy along with its relevant counterpropaganda strategy. The research employed quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection was conducted by studying documents related to ISIS? propaganda and by interviewing 4 experts and by doing census on four ISIS propaganda publications which are IS Report, IS News, Dabiq, and Al-Mustaqbal. Analyses were conducted using content analysis and propaganda element analysis. Strategy of ISIS propaganda and its relevant counterpropaganda was formulated using assignment and target analysis. Result showed that ISIS propaganda is a good propaganda employing wide range of aspects, from publication, news, ideological discourse, to persuasion mode. Last, the result also showed that ISIS tends to use social media with Internet as its preferred communication channel. ;Propaganda as a communication is used to deliver message to manipulate its targets? emotion, attitude, opinion, or behavior. Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is a terror group that uses propaganda, residing mainly in Middle East. As a terror group, ISIS has three main goals which are publicity, ideological motivation, and recruitment. ISIS? propaganda, as an extension of itself, also embodies those goals which provide foundation for ISIS? propaganda strategy. Because of that, the research was conducted to study the quality and the ISIS? propaganda strategy along with its relevant counterpropaganda strategy. The research employed quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection was conducted by studying documents related to ISIS? propaganda and by interviewing 4 experts and by doing census on four ISIS propaganda publications which are IS Report, IS News, Dabiq, and Al-Mustaqbal. Analyses were conducted using content analysis and propaganda element analysis. Strategy of ISIS propaganda and its relevant counterpropaganda was formulated using assignment and target analysis. Result showed that ISIS propaganda is a good propaganda employing wide range of aspects, from publication, news, ideological discourse, to persuasion mode. Last, the result also showed that ISIS tends to use social media with Internet as its preferred communication channel. , Propaganda as a communication is used to deliver message to manipulate its targets’ emotion, attitude, opinion, or behavior. Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is a terror group that uses propaganda, residing mainly in Middle East. As a terror group, ISIS has three main goals which are publicity, ideological motivation, and recruitment. ISIS’ propaganda, as an extension of itself, also embodies those goals which provide foundation for ISIS’ propaganda strategy. Because of that, the research was conducted to study the quality and the ISIS’ propaganda strategy along with its relevant counterpropaganda strategy. The research employed quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection was conducted by studying documents related to ISIS’ propaganda and by interviewing 4 experts and by doing census on four ISIS propaganda publications which are IS Report, IS News, Dabiq, and Al-Mustaqbal. Analyses were conducted using content analysis and propaganda element analysis. Strategy of ISIS propaganda and its relevant counterpropaganda was formulated using assignment and target analysis. Result showed that ISIS propaganda is a good propaganda employing wide range of aspects, from publication, news, ideological discourse, to persuasion mode. Last, the result also showed that ISIS tends to use social media with Internet as its preferred communication channel. ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Poltak Partogi, 1963-
Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2017
363.32 NAI a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Amaliyah
Abstrak :
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dihadapkan pada sebuah persoalan dilematis ketika Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) eks-ISIS yang bermukim di Irak dan Suriah menyatakan keinginannya untuk pulang ke Indonesia. Di satu sisi, pemerintah mengemban tanggung jawab untuk melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia seperti yang diamanatkan dalam Pembukaan UUD NRI 1945 Alinea ke-4. Di sisi lain, pemerintah dihadapkan pada ancaman merebaknya aksi-aksi terorisme dan penyebaran paham ISIS di tanah air jika memulangkan para WNI tersebut. Tulisan ini mencoba mengurai permasalahan yang ada dengan menelisik lebih jauh akar permasalahan kepulangan WNI eks-ISIS tersebut, dampak positif dan negatifnya, serta solusi yang tepat dalam menjaga stabilitas politik dan keamanan nasional
Jakarta: Biro humas settama lemhanas RI, 2020
321 JKLHN 41 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Poltak Partogi, 1963-
Abstrak :
On ideology and terrorism actions of ISIS organization in Southeast Asia.
Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia , 2018
363.325 NAI k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melinda Jeanned RIrimasse
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Rhamadan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berupaya untuk melakukan analisis terhadap proses sekuritisasi terhadap isu Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) yang dilakukan oleh rezim pemerintahan Joko Widodo periode 2014 s.d. 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka teori Sekuritisasi dengan metode kualititif yang didukung dengan data primer dan sekunder. Problematisasi penelitian ini berawal dari telaahan peneliti terhadap perubahan dalam kebijakan pemerintahan Joko Widodo pada periode 2014 s.d. 2019 berkaitan dengan upaya penanganan FTF ISIS asal Indonesia, dimana fasilitas repatriasi yang telah lama menjadi salah satu kebijakan pemerintah, secara drastis mengalami perubahan dimana kebijakan tersebut tidak lagi dilanjutkan setelah ISIS mengalami kekalahan pada tahun 2020. Atas dasar hal tersebut peneliti mengajukan pertanyaan penelitian “Mengapa kebijakan penanganan FTF ISIS asal Indonesia tahun 2020 berbeda dengan kebijakan pada tahun 2014-2019?”. Hasilnya, peneltian ini menunjukkan bahwa sekuritisasi yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dapat dikatakan berhasil yang indikasinya dapat dilihat dari upaya para stakeholder dalam membingkai ancaman yang ekstensial, proses pengambilan tindakan darurat, dan cara-cara yang dianggap tidak mengindahkan aturan yang berlaku ......This study attempts to analyze the securitization process on the issue of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) carried out by the Joko Widodo regime for the period 2014 to d. 2019. The method used in this study is a qualitative method to obtain primary and secondary data, which will be analyzed further. The problematization of this research began with the researcher's study of the changes in policies taken by the Joko Widodo government in the period 2014 to d. 2019 on the issue of handling ISIS FTF from Indonesia, where repatriation facilities have long been one of the government's policies, but in 2020 the policy was no longer continued after ISIS suffered defeat. Based on the narrative of this problem, the researcher asked the research question "Why is the policy of handling ISIS FTF from Indonesia in 2020 different from the policy in 2014-2019?". As a result, this research shows that the securitization carried out by the Government of Indonesia can be said to be successful, the indications can be seen from the efforts of stakeholders in framing extensive threats, the process of taking emergency actions, and ways that are considered not to heed the applicable regulations.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfina Saraswati Adania
Abstrak :
Majalah Dabiq sebagai salah satu corong media propaganda ISIS diisi oleh berbagai konten propaganda baik berupa gambar maupun tulisan yang melukiskan ISIS sebagai pahlawan. Dalam kurun masa terbitnya yang singkat, Dabiq mencapai jangkauan yang luas karena telah diterjemahkan dalam berbagai bahasa dan disebarkan lewat internet. Riset ini bermaksud menambah studi mengenai teks-teks naratif dalam artikel Dabiq. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, studi kepustakaan, dan metode penelusuran teks, tesis ini mengupas salah satu jenis artikel dalam Dabiq, yaitu artikel yang memuat profil martir ISIS yang tewas dalam pertempuran. Analisis tematik deduktif digunakan untuk melihat tema-tema hero's journey dalam dua belas artikel tentang anggota ISIS yang tewas, dan menempatkannya dalam konteks fandom sesuai dengan teori peperangan naratif. Temuan riset ini adalah banyaknya kemiripan antara isi artikel dengan tema-tema hero's journey dimaksudkan supaya pembaca dapat merasa beresonansi dengan pengalaman si anggota ISIS yang dituliskan sebagai seorang pahlawan sehingga beralih mendukung ideologi ISIS dengan harapan bahwa dirinya juga dapat meraih keagungan dan kejayaan yang serupa. Riset ini ditutup dengan saran untuk melakukan kontranarasi. Langkah awal yang dapat dilakukan pada seseorang yang teradikalisasi adalah menemukan pada tahapan hero's journey apa ia saat ini, lalu memutuskan pendekatan deradikalisasi yang cocok untuknya. ......Dabiq magazine as one of the media mouthpieces of ISIS propaganda is filled with various propaganda content in the form of both images and writings that painted ISIS as heroes. Within a short period of publication, Dabiq has achieved a wide reach as it has been translated into various languages and distributed via the internet. This research aims to add to the study of narrative texts in Dabiq articles. Using a qualitative approach, literature research, and textual analysis methods, this thesis examines one type of article in Dabiq, which features profiles of ISIS martyrs who died in battle. Deductive thematic analysis is used to find the hero's journey themes in twelve articles about deceased ISIS members, and place them in the context of fandom according to narrative warfare theory. The finding of this research is that the many similarities between the content of the articles and the hero's journey themes are intended to allow readers to resonate with the experience of the ISIS members who were written as heroes, and thus to support the ideology of ISIS in the hope that they too can achieve similar greatness and glory. The research concludes with a suggestion for counter-narratives. The first step that can be taken for someone who is radicalized is to find out what stage of the hero's journey they were currently in, and then decide which deradicalization approach is suitable for them.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Kholisoh
Abstrak :
Penanggulangan terorisme masih menjadi tantangan global termasuk Indonesia, tahun 2014 Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (ISIS) mendeklarasikan sebagai Khilafah Islamiyah yang mentriger agresi Warga Negera Indonesia (WNI) baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, Di sisi lain, regulasi terkait penanganan tindak pidana terorisme di Indonesia belum bisa menjawab pola-pola kejahatan baru terorisme tersebut, sehingga hal ini menghambat upaya hukum dalam penanganan WNI eks pro ISIS yang dipulangkan dari Suriah termasuk rombongan keluarga yang melibatkan suami, istri dan anak-anak. Dalam pola terorisme lama, perempuan hanya diberikan peran sebagai support system. Sedangkan, perkembangan terbaru perempuan justru menjadi aktor utama. Tesis ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kasus untuk menggambarkan dimensi gender dalam proses penanganan dan pengaruhnya dalam proses hukum penanganan keluarga returnee. Dimensi gender sebagai pendekatan untuk melihat perang, fungsi dan tanggung jawab laki-laki dan perempuan yang terlibat kelompok ekstrem, dalam kasus penanganan returnee persoalan mekanisme penanganan yang tidak jelas serta kekosongan hukum berpengaruh pada subjektivitas penegak hukum yang masih menggunakan logika kemanusiaan dan pandangan yang bias gender dalam menanangan kasus perempuan dan laki-laki eks pro ISIS. ......Counter terrorism is still challenges in global area, In 2014, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was declared Khilafah Islamiyah (Islamic State) which triggered aggression of Indonesian citizens (WNI) decide to move to Suriah. On the other side, regulations relating to combatting terrorist acts in Indonesia have not been able to answer the new patterns of terrorism crime, so this is hampering legal efforts in addressing ex-ISIS Indonesian citizens repatriated from Syria including family groups involving husbands, wives and children. Thus, the handling pattern is different from the previous models of terrorism crimes. In the old pattern of terrorism, women were only given a role in the domestic sphere and ensured the regeneration of their groups. Meanwhile, the latest development of women has become the main actor and recruitment agent for new group members. This thesis uses a descriptive analysis method using a case approach to describe the gender dimension is related to handling and how it influences the views of gender in the legal process of handling family returnees. The gender dimension as an approach to see war, functions and responsibilities of men and women involved in extreme groups, in the case of handling returnees the problem of unclear handling mechanisms and legal vacuum affect the law enforcement subjectivity that still uses humanitarian logic and gender biased views in tackling the case of women and men ex-ISIS. Therefore, in the future law enforcers must use agenda theory in which each individual, both men and women have their respective roles involved in extreme groups
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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