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Ditemukan 58 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ablowitz, Mark J.
Abstrak :
A study, by two of the major contributors to the theory, of the inverse scattering transform and its application to problems of nonlinear dispersive waves that arise in fluid dynamics, plasma physics, nonlinear optics, particle physics, crystal lattice theory, nonlinear circuit theory and other areas. A soliton is a localized pulse-like nonlinear wave that possesses remarkable stability properties. Typically, problems that admit soliton solutions are in the form of evolution equations that describe how some variable or set of variables evolve in time from a given state. The equations may take a variety of forms, for example, PDEs, differential difference equations, partial difference equations, and integrodifferential equations, as well as coupled ODEs of finite order. What is surprising is that, although these problems are nonlinear, the general solution that evolves from almost arbitrary initial data may be obtained without approximation. For such exactly solvable problems, the inverse scattering transform provides the general solution of their initial value problems. It is equally surprising that some of these exactly solvable problems arise naturally as models of physical phenomena. Simply put, the inverse scattering transform is a nonlinear analog of the Fourier transform used for linear problems. Its value lies in the fact that it allows certain nonlinear problems to be treated by what are essentially linear methods.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1981
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vogel, Curtis R.
Abstrak :
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics Inverse problems arise in a number of important practical applications, ranging from biomedical imaging to seismic prospecting. This book provides the reader with a basic understanding of both the underlying mathematics and the computational methods used to solve inverse problems. It also addresses specialized topics like image reconstruction, parameter identification, total variation methods, nonnegativity constraints, and regularization parameter selection methods. Because inverse problems typically involve the estimation of certain quantities based on indirect measurements, the estimation process is often ill-posed. Regularization methods, which have been developed to deal with this ill-posedness, are carefully explained in the early chapters of Computational Methods for Inverse Problems. The book also integrates mathematical and statistical theory with applications and practical computational methods, including topics like maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation. Several web-based resources are available to make this monograph interactive, including a collection of MATLAB m-files used to generate many of the examples and figures. These resources enable readers to conduct their own computational experiments in order to gain insight. They also provide templates for the implementation of regularization methods and numerical solution techniques for other inverse problems. Moreover, they include some realistic test problems to be used to further develop and test various numerical methods.
Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2002
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarantola, Albert
Abstrak :
While the prediction of observations is a forward problem, the use of actual observations to infer the properties of a model is an inverse problem. Inverse problems are difficult because they may not have a unique solution. The description of uncertainties plays a central role in the theory, which is based on probability theory. This book proposes a general approach that is valid for linear as well as for nonlinear problems. The philosophy is essentially probabilistic and allows the reader to understand the basic difficulties appearing in the resolution of inverse problems. The book attempts to explain how a method of acquisition of information can be applied to actual real-world problems, and many of the arguments are heuristic.
Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafid Budiman
Abstrak :
Milling robot 5 derajat kebebasan ini merupakan robot movemaster yang merupakan robot jenis artikulasi. Penelitian kali ini merupakan simulasi gerakan robot menggunakan MATLAB. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pemecahan inverse kinemtaics. Untuk dapat menggerakkan robot manipulator maka perlu menjelaskan posisi dan orientasi dari bagian-bagian manipulator (joint, link dan end effector), maka pada masing-masing joint diletakkan koordinat sistem, atau FRAME. Pergerakan ini tidak lain adalah perubahan diskripsi dari frame lama ke frame yang baru, proses ini disebut proses mapping. Pe-mapping-an melibatkan proses translasi dan rotasi, posisi frame berubah dengan translasi dan orientasi frame berubah dengan rotasi. Dalam penelitian ini perubahan orientasi ini dengan menggunakan perhitungan roll dan pitch. penelitian ini dibantu dengan pembuatan GUI(Graphic User Interface) untuk memudahkan penggunaan. Pergerakan ini berdasarkan informasi point-point pada CL-File (Cutter Location file). Kinematika/pergerakkan robot terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu forward kinematics dan inverse kinematics. Dengan pendekatan inverse kinematics yang dipecahkan secara analitik maka posisi dan orientasi part dapat dirubah ke joint angle robot, sehingga memungkinkan milling robot bergerak sesuai informasi CL-point. Hasil dari simulasi memperlihatkan pergerakan robot yang digunakan untuk proses milling, dan sampai sejauh mana keakuratan robot tersebut.
This milling robot is movemaster robot, which is kind of articulation manipulator .This research is simulation the robot movement using MATLAB. This research started by solution of inverse kinematics problems. Position and orientation from each part of manipulator can be described by attaching coordinate or called Frame on it. And to change description from the old frame to the new frame, we do mapping process. Mapping involves transformation, translation and rotation, so that it make possible to change position frame by translation, and orientation by rotation. In this research the method of describing orientation of a frame is by roll, pitch angles. This research did kinematics, both forward and inverse, simulation of milling robot 5 degree of freedom (Dof). And also created Graphical User Interface (GUI) to help the research be easy. The kinematics of milling robot based on information cutter location point in CL-File (Cutter Location File). By analytical approach we found the inverse kinematics. And it make possible the milling robot moved based on CL-point. The result of this research shown the simulation of kinematics milling robot, and how far the accuracy of it.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Hardiyanto
Abstrak :
Menciptakan obat bagi pasien rumah sakit adalah tugas instalasi farmasi rumah sakit yang rumit dan rawan human error. Obat-obatan dengan nama yang mirip seperti hydroxyzine, obat jenis antihistamin, dan hydralazine, obat tekanan darah, mudah keliru saat diramu oleh apoteker. Karena itu perlu dibuat alat bantu untuk mengambil dan mengemas obat yang akurat dan tak keliru serta bisa bekerja nonstop selama 24 jam dan lebih presisi dibandingkan apoteker farmasi manusia berupa lengan robot dengan konfigurasi mekanik berbentuk planar dua sendi yang berputar horizontal dengan tambahan satu sendi yang bergerak vertikal dan pengendali berbasis mikrokontroler Atmel89S52. Robot ini memiliki tugas utama untuk mengambil obat diwadah dengan koordinat tertentu untuk dipindah-pindahkan ke wadah berikutnya dengan koordinat yang lain yang masih dalam daerah kerjanya.
Chemical-medicine composing is a duty of hospital pharmacy that is complicated and sometimes vulnerable to human error. Drugs bearing similar names such as hydroxyzine, of antihistamine and hydralazine types, and for high-blood pressure are easily mixed up when composed buy the druggists. Therefore a device that correctly and accurately picks and packs the drugs with a-24 hour working ability and a higher precision than a human druggist- is of an urgent need.The device is a robotic arm with a mechanical configuration in the form of two-joint planar that rotates horizontally. This is added by a vertically rotating joint and a Atmel89S52-microcontroller based controller. The main task of the robot is to pick a drug in a container that has a specific coordinate and to move it to another container that has another coordinate that is still within the robot's working range.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jamaludin Malik Ibrahim
Abstrak :
Invers Moore-Penrose merupakan perumuman invers pada matriks bujur sangkar. Setiap matriks dengan entri bilangan kompeks memiliki invers Moore-Penrose dan invers Moore-Penrose dari suatu atriks adalah tunggal. Ketunggalan invers Moore-Penrose dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti invers pada matriks persegi maupun persegi panjang. Dalam skripsi ini, dibahas konstruksi invers Moore-Penrose melalui f1g􀀀invers, f1;2g􀀀invers, f1;2;3g􀀀invers, f1;2;4g􀀀invers, f1;3g􀀀invers, dan f1;4g􀀀invers. Kemudian, dibahas pula konstruksi invers Moore-Penrose dari matriks Laplacian dan beberapa sifat invers Moore-Penrose dari matriks Laplacian. Pada Teorema 4.4, invers Moore-Penrose dari matriks Laplacian memenuhi persamaan LL† = L†L = I􀀀 1n J, dengan J merupakan matriks berukuran nn yang setiap entrinya bernilai satu. Sehingga, invers Moore-Penrose dari matriks Laplacian dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti invers matriks Laplacian.
Moore-Penrose inverse is a generalized inverse from square matrices. Every matrix with complex entries has a unique Moore-Penrose inverse. Uniqueness of Moore-Penrose inverse can be used as a substitute inverse on square or rectangular matrices. In this skripsi, the construction of Moore-Penrose inverse is explain through f1g􀀀inverse, f1;2g􀀀inverse, f1;2;3g􀀀inverse, f1;2;4g􀀀inverse, f1;3g􀀀invers, and f1;4g􀀀invers. Moreover, the construction of Moore-Penrose inverse for Laplacian matrices, as well as some properties of the inverse, is also discussed. In Theorem 4.4, Moore-Penrose inverse satisfy the equation LL† = L†L = I􀀀 1 nJ, where J is an nn matrix with all entries are one.;Moore-Penrose inverse is a generalized inverse from square matrices. Every matrix with complex entries has a unique Moore-Penrose inverse. Uniqueness of Moore-Penrose inverse can be used as a substitute inverse on square or rectangular matrices. In this skripsi, the construction of Moore-Penrose inverse is explain through f1g􀀀inverse, f1;2g􀀀inverse, f1;2;3g􀀀inverse, f1;2;4g􀀀inverse, f1;3g􀀀invers, and f1;4g􀀀invers. Moreover, the construction of Moore-enrose inverse for Laplacian matrices, as well as some properties of the inverse, is also discussed. In Theorem 4.4, Moore-Penrose inverse satisfy the equation LL† = L†L = I􀀀 1 nJ, where J is an nn matrix with all entries are one.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chadan, Khosrow
Abstrak :
Here is a clearly written introduction to three central areas of inverse problems: inverse problems in electromagnetic scattering theory, inverse spectral theory, and inverse problems in quantum scattering theory. Inverse problems, one of the most attractive parts of applied mathematics, attempt to obtain information about structures by nondestructive measurements. Based on a series of lectures presented by three of the authors, all experts in the field, the book provides a quick and easy way for readers to become familiar with the area through a survey of recent developments in inverse spectral and inverse scattering problems.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
There are many non-survey method that estimate 1-0 Coefficient e. i : RAS, RECRAS and LAGRANGIAN. In this study, the author would like to introduce a new methode to estimate non-survey Coefficient of I-4, namely AHP. Using 1985 1-0 Table of publication, this study introduces the estimation 1990 1-0 coefficient using some instruments such as : MAPS MAD, PEOM and PEG. These instruments have been used to evaluate how fit the result is. The conclusion of this study shows that the technical coefficient matrix estimated by AHP and RAS may perform relative well. But, when converted to its associated Leontief Inverse, in term of such measures as it output multiplier or sectoral gross output that it does not produce look very much like an associated full-survey matrix.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoke Arfela Adlan
Abstrak :
Saat ini industri konstruksi dan bangunan memegang peranan penting. Namun, praktik-praktik pembangunan diakui sebagai salah satu kontributor utama permasalahan lingkungan terutama dalam pengeluaran energi listrik. Fakultas Teknik UI merupakan salah satu pemakaian listrik terbesar di kampus UI. Maka dengan hal tersebut, dibutuhkan suatu energi alternatif untuk mengurangi biaya operational FT UI. Salah satunya adalah dengan pemanfaatan ground reaction force pada aktivitas berjalan sebagai alternatif di FT UI. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya, nilai Ground Reaction Force (GRF) dan Energi Potensial saat manusia melakukan aktivitas berjalan perubahan ketinggian lantai sedalam 5 cm menghasilkan nilai yang terbesar. Maka dengan hal tersebut, perlu adanya analisis biomekanik pada aktivitas berjalan normal sebagai atribut perancangan energy floor (perubahan ketinggian pada lantai) dengan inverse dynamics model untuk mengetahui tingkat kenyamanan pada aktivitas berjalan terhadap faktor ketinggian lantai dinamis tersebut dengan melakukan perhitungan joint moment pada knee dan ankle. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa rata-rata nilai joint moment pria Indonesia pada saat berjalan pada lantai dinamis 5 cm mempunyai nilai lebih kecil daripada lantai statis. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan tingkat kenyamanan pada sendi pada segmen leg dan foot masih berada kondisi nyaman ketika berjalan di lantai dinamis 5 cm.
Currently, the building and construction industry play an important role. However, development practices recognized as one of the main contributors to environmental problems especially in the production of electrical energy. Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia (FT UI) is one of the largest on-campus electrical consumption of the UI. Because of that, needs an alternative energy to reduce the operational costs of the FT UI. One of them is with utilization of Ground Reaction Force (GRF) on the activity of walking as an alternative at FT UI. Based on the results of previous study, the value of GRF and the potential energy of human gait (walking) on the floor height change as deep as 5 cm yield the greatest value. Therefore, the need for analysis of biomechanics in human gait as design attributes of energy floor (elevation changes on the floor) with inverse dynamics model to find out the level of comfort on the human gait to the floor height of the dynamic factor by doing the calculation of knee and ankle joint moments. Based on the results that the average value of joint moment male Indonesian that walked on the dynamics floor has a value of 5 cm smaller that static floor. In summary, the comfort level can be summed up in the joint segment of the leg and foot were still comfortable conditions when walking on the dynamics floor of 5 cm.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
A rapid and simple to amplify genomic DNA sequences nanking mini-Tn5 transposon insertion was developed.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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