"Intellectual Humility (IH) merupakan suatu sifat kebajikan yang baru-baru ini dikembangkan dalam bidang ilmu psikologi dan dipercaya dapat membantu para siswa Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) mengelola dirinya saat bertemu dengan
perbedaan berpendapat. Dewasa ini, alat ukur The Comprehensive Intellectual Humility Scale (CIHS) telah teruji secara komprehensif mampu mengukur konsep IH
yang terdiri atas empat aspek yang berbeda, yaitu; Independence of Intellect and Ego (IIO), Openness to Revising One’s Viewpoint (OROV), Respect for Others’
Viewpoints (ROV), Lack of Intellectual Overconfidence (LIO). Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah mengadaptasi alat ukur CIHS ke dalam versi bahasa Indonesia pada siswa
SLTA di Indonesia. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap
berdasarkan pedoman adaptasi alat ukur dari International Test Commission (ITC).
Penelitian ini melibatkan 411 partisipan berusia 14-19 tahun (M = 16.10) dipilih
melalui convenience sampling. Prosedur pengujian reliabilitas dan validitas melalui
internal consistency dan confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) telah dilakukan. Hasil
perhitungan reliabilitas menunjukkan alat ukur CIHS versi Bahasa Indonesia tidak
memiliki item-item dengan nilai konsistensi internal yang tinggi, baik secara
keseluruhan maupun pada dua aspek yang termasuk di dalamnya. Sementara itu, hasil
uji validitas dengan menggunakan CFA menunjukkan model good fit, dengan
memenuhi 2 dari 3 kriteria yang berlaku. Pengembangan alat ukur ini masih
diperlukan terutama dalam meningkatkan nilai reliabilitasnya. Meskipun demikian,
alat ukur CIHS versi Bahasa Indonesia valid dalam mengukur konstruk Intellectual
Humility. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan penelitian adaptasi alat
ukur, pengembangan konstruk Intellectual Humility di kemudian hari, serta
pengembangan lebih jauh dari penelitian ini dapat membantu guru dan para psikolog
sekolah dalam proses asemen pengukuran Intellectual Humility untuk pengembangan karakter siswa SLTA di Indonesia.
Intellectual Humility (IH) is a virtue that was recently developed in the field ofpsychology and is trusted to be able to help high school students manage themselveswhen facing disagreements. Currently, The Comprehensive Intellectual HumilityScale (CIHS) has been tested comprehensively to be able to measure the IH whichconsists of four different aspects, namely; Independence of Intellect and Ego (IIO),Openness to Revise Someone's Point of View (OROV), Respect for OtherPerspectives (ROV), Lack of Too Intellectual Trust (LIO). The purpose of this studywas to adapt the CIHS into an Indonesian version for secondary school students inIndonesia. The quantitative research method was carried out in several stages basedon the guidelines for adapting measuring instruments from the International TestCommission (ITC). This study involved 411 participants aged 14-19 years (M = 16.10)who were selected by convenience sampling. The procedure for testing the reliabilityand validity through internal consistency and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) wascarried out. The results of reliability calculations show that the Indonesian version ofthe CIHS does not have items with high internal consistency, both as an overall scoreand on the two aspects included in it. Other than that, the results of the validity testusing the CFA showed a good fit, by meeting 2 of the 3 criterions. The developmentof this measurement is still needed, especially in increasing its reliability score.However, the Indonesian version of the CIHS is valid in measuring the construct ofintellectual humility. The results of this study can be used as a reference for measuring instrument adaptation research, the development of the intellectual humility construct in the future, and further development of this study can assistteachers and school psychologists in the process of measuring Intellectual Humility for building characters of secondary school students in Indonesia."