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Rambe, Fitria Sakura Nohana
Abstrak :
Gunung Betung berada di dalam Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman Provinsi Lampung. Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman, dapat disebut juga TAHURA WAR, merupakan kawasan pelestarian alam yang dibangun untuk tujuan koleksi tumbuhan dan atau satwa yang alami atau buatan, jenis asli dan atau bukan asli, yang dimanfaatkan bagi kepentingan penelitian, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, menunjang budidaya, budaya, pariwisata dan rekreasi. TAHURA WAR memiliki potensi yang tinggi untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan wisata. Ditinjau dari aspek penawaran (supply), TAHURA WAR memiliki kekuatan obyek dan daya tarik wisata berupa hutan hujan tropis (Rain Forest) dengan keanekaragaman flora dan faunanya. Gejala keunikan alam dapat dijumpai seperti air terjun, batu berlapis, batu keramat, sumber air panas, gua serta bentang alam yang sangat indah. Dari aspek permintaan (demand), TAHURA WAR saat ini selalu dikunjungi wisatawan. Jumlah kunjungan cenderung meningkat selama 3 tahun terakhir. Dalam penyusunan materi untuk skripsi ini, kesempatan bagi penulis untuk menganalisis Tahura WAR sebagai wilayah yang memiliki Potensi Ekowisata yang baik, yang akan dikembangkan guna mencegah kerusakan hutan, sumber air, flora dan fauna yang dilakukan oleh oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Untuk itu perlu adanya peningkatan program wisata yang bertanggungjawab, berorientasi pada lingkungan alami, dan mendukung kesejahteraan masyarakat kota Bandar lampung. Adapun tujuan analisis ini adalah mendisain akses termudah menuju potensi wisata dan mengembangkan infrastruktur (sarana dan prasarana) dengan maksud memberi kenyamanan kepada para wisatawan yang berkunjung, meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat sekitar TAHURA WAR, dan yang pasti menjaga kelestarian hutan agar tetap alami.
Gunung Betung is located in Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman at Lampung Province. Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman, also known as TAHURA WAR, is a conservation area which built to the aims of collection natural or synthetis plants and/or animals, genuine and/or not genuine which used for research, science, education, cultivation, culture, tourism and recreation. TAHURA WAR have a high potential to develop as a tourism area. Based on supply aspect, this TAHURA WAR had the object strength and tour attraction such as tropical rain forest with diverse plants and animals. The unique of the natural symptoms that can be seen like waterfall, layers rock, the holy rock, geyser, cave and a beautiful natural scenery. Based on demand, TAHURA WAR at present always visited by tourists. The amount of visit increased for the last 3 years. In compilation of item for this final assignment, it is an opportunity for writer to analize Tahura WAR as an area with a good ecotourism potential, which will develop to prevent the forest damage, water resource, plants and animals which treated by irresponsible person. To do so, it takes a responsible increase tourism program, oriented to natural environment, and support the society welfare in Bandar Lampung. The aim of this analysist are to design the easiest access to the potential ecotourism and to develop the infrastructures to give the pleasure for the tourists, increase the standard of life of the community around the TAHURA WAR and for sure, to protect the natural forest conservation.
R.21.08.54 Ram p
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lakshmanan, Valliappa
Abstrak :
The ability to create automated algorithms to process gridded spatial data is increasingly important as remotely sensed datasets increase in volume and frequency. Whether in business, social science, ecology, meteorology or urban planning, the ability to create automated applications to analyze and detect patterns in geospatial data is increasingly important. This book provides students with a foundation in topics of digital image processing and data mining as applied to geospatial datasets.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Sonny
Abstrak :
Merancang jaringan infrastruktur transportasi sangat penting terutama untuk daerah dan negara di mana kurangnya perhatian diberikan pada perencanaan sistem transportasi berbasis kepulauan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah model yang akan digunakan sebagai alat untuk perencanaan tingkat strategis transportasi multimodal, khususnya dalam perencanaan pembangunan jaringan terminal angkutan barang. Model ini menentukan rencana evaluasi jaringan angkutan barang yang optimal, yang memilih set optimal tindakan dari sejumlah tindakan yang mungkinkan. Model ini dikembangkan dalam kerangka masalah rute kapal menggunakan masalah pemrograman dua tingkat, di mana menggunakan teknik multimodal yang tergabung dalam masalah tingkat yang lebih rendah yang secara eksplisit memperhitungkan arus barang, dan kegiatan di dalam terminal penangan di pelabuhan . Masalah tingkat atas mengoptimalkan kombinasi tindakan tersebut bahwa barang disampaikan dalam terminal dilayani secaramaksimal. Opsi tindakan yang layak meliputi perbaikan infrastruktur yang ada, hubungan jaringan transportasi laut dan pemilihan lokasi terminal angkutan. Jenis masalah dapat dianggap sebagai masalah optimasi kombinatorial, di mana teknik perhitungan evolusi berdasarkan algoritma genetika digunakan sebagai prosedur solusi. Model ini diuji pada jaringan angkutan barang di Propinsi Maluku Utara, Indonesia, di mana pengembangan angkutan jaringan transportasi yang diinginkan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan moda laut daripada kendaraan berbasis jalan. Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa prosedur berdasarkan Genetik Lokal bisa memberikan kinerja yang lebih baik dan memadai bisa menemukan kombinasi terbaik dari tindakan di antara alternatif yang tersedia.
Designing a multimodal freight transport infrastructures network is essential especially for regions and countries where lack of attention is given on the planning of multimodal transport systems. This research proposes a model that will be used as a tool for strategic level of multimodal transport planning, particularly in freight terminal network development planning. The model determines an optimal freight transport evaluation plan, which selects an optimal set of actions from a number of possible actions. The model is developed within the framework of vehicle routing problem using bi level programming problem, where a multimodal multi user assignment technique is incorporated within lower level problem that explicitly takes into account freight flows, and activities within terminals. the upper level problem optimizes the combination of actions such that the freight delivered within terminal served frequently is maximized. The feasible actions include improving the existing infrastructures, sea link and freight terminals. This type of problem can be considered as a combinatorial optimization problem, where evolutionary computation techniques based on genetic algorithms applied as solution procedures. The model is tested on the freight transport network in North Maluku Island, Indonesia, where freight transport network development is desired to increase the utilization of other modes rather than road based vehicles. Result revealed that the procedure based on Genetic Local Search could provide better performance and could adequately find the best combination of action among available alternatives.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kazar, Baris M.
Abstrak :
This book explores computational structure of the exact and approximate spatial autoregression (SAR) model solutions. Estimation of the parameters of the SAR model using Maximum Likelihood (ML) theory is computationally very expensive because of the need to compute the logarithm of the determinant (log-det) of a large matrix in the log-likelihood function.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu faktor yang memegang peranan penting untuk mencapai sasaran organisasi. Sumber daya manusia yang cakap, terarnpil dan berpendidikan sangat menentukan keberhasilan suatu organisasi. Untuk menjalankan semuanya itu sumber daya manusia memerlukan motivasi untuk dapat meningkatkan kinerja. Dalam meningkatkan kinerja, peran kepemimpinan dan faktor kemampuan kerja sangat menentukan keberhasilan maupun kegagalan dalam mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Dalam suatu unit organisasi, kemampuan kerja akan dapat dioptimalkan bila didukung oleh kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana kerja yang baik. Mengingat masalah kinerja staf sangat dipengaruhi oleh kepemimpinan, motivasi, kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana, kemampuan serta disiplin kerja, dan tinggi rendahnya kinerja staf akan berpengaruh terhadap pelayanan kesehatan di kota Pekanbaru, khususnya di lingkungan Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru, maka perlu dilakukan perielitian terhadap kinerja staf Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru Propinsi Riau Tahun 2001. Rancangan penelitian mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptit; melalui wawancara mendalam, dan Fokus group diskusi (FGD). Sumber informasi pada penelitian ini diperoleh dari pejabat struktural (Eselon IV) di lingkungan Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru, staf masing-masing seksi dan sub.bagian serta penanggung jawab wilayah kerja dengan jumlah sebanyak 21 orang, hasil diskusi kelompok serta profil Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru Tabun 2001 sebagai data sekunder. Hasil penelitian pada Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru, menunjukkan masih adanya kekurangan, dan ketidaksesuaian dengan target pencapaian, belum adanya pemberian penghargaan atau sanksi kepada staf yang bekerja baik atau bekerja tidak baik, serta belum optimalnya bimbingan, pembinaan, dorongan dan komunikasi dengan staf. Hal lain adalah masih kurangnya motivasi kerja dan gairah kerja, masih kurang memadainya sarana dan prasarana, kurangnya kemampuan dan keterampilan teknis, serta kurangnya disiplin kerja, ini terlihat dari hasil rekapitulasi nilai kehadiran rata-rata staf adalah 68,93%. Penelitian ini menyarankan, untuk meningkatkan kinerja, bimbingan, pembinaan, dorongan dan komunikasi dengan staf serta adanya penghargaan bagi yang bekerja dengan baik dan sanksiltegoran bagi yang bekerja tidak baik, berikutnya adalah pengadaan sarana dan prasarana, serta perlu meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan teknis Kepala SeksilKepala Sub.Bagian melalui pelatihan-pelatihan, atau tugas belajar. Agar masing-masing staf dapat memahami tugas pokok dan fungsinya dengan baik, perlu ditingkatkan rasa kekeluargaan, kebersamaan dan kekompakan agar terjalin hubungan baik antara atasan dengan bawahan. Daftar bacaan : 32 ( 1968-2001 )
The Factors that Influence to the Staff Performance of Health Office, Pekanbaru Harbor, Riau Province, 2001Human resources are one of the factors that give an important role in achieving the goal of organization. Smart, skilled and educated human resources will determine the success of an organization. To run of all these, they should be motivated in order to improve their performance. In improving the performance, the role of leadership and the factors of work capability will determine the success or fail in achieving the goal that stated. In an organization unit, work capability can be optimized if supported by the completeness of means and good work infrastructures. Considering that the problem of staff performance according to the writer's assumption it was influenced by leadership, motivation, completeness of means and infrastructure, capability also work discipline, where its low-high of staff performance will influence to health service in Pekanbaru City, especially at the Health Office of Pekanbaru Harbor. So it is need to conduct the study on the staff performance of Health Office, Pekanbaru, Harbor, Riau Province in 2001. The design study was used descriptive qualitative approach, through in-depth interview, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The resource of information of this study were structural officer (Echelon IV) at the Health Office of Pekanbaru Harbor, each staff of section and sub-department also the undertaker of working area, with the number 21 people. Profile Data of Health Office of Pekanbaru Harbor in 2001 and the result of the FGD. The result of this study shows that the staff performance at the Health Office of Pekanbaru Harbor was weak, and it was not meet with the target. There was not any rewarding or sanction to staff who was working good or was not good, also the guidance has not optimal yet, managing, motivation and communication to the staff There was still lack of work motivation and spirit, still lack of means and infrastructure, lack of capability and technical skills, also lack work discipline. It can be seen from the result of recapitulation average of the attendant value of the staff was 68,93%. This study is recommend to improve the performance, guidance, managing, motivation and good communication to the staff, it also should be established the rewarding system to who good working and sanction to whose was not good working. The procurement of means and infrastructures should be improved, the capability and technical skill of Head Section I Head Sub Department also should be improved through some training, or advance study. In order that each staff could understand the main task and their function, it should be increased the sense of family spirit, togetherness, and compact, these conditions will establish good relations between the superior and the subordinate. References: 32 (1968-2000)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pucci, Paola
Abstrak :
This book investigates how established transport planning tools can evolve to understand and plan for the ever-changing contemporary mobilities that influence the opportunities available to individuals. It discusses existing techniques, revised in the light of the growing interest in the social implications of transport planning decisions: these include analytical tools to interpret consolidated and emerging phenomena, as well as operational tools to tackle new and existing mobility demands and needs. The book then addresses the implications of everyday mobility for individuals and communities. The result of a continuous exchange between the two authors, it brings together the results of their various research projects. Despite referring to different objects and settings, the work presented is connected by an underlying interest in the impact that mobility has on people in an increasingly mobile world, and the need to include such concerns into mobility planning and policy.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
L. Budi Triadi
Abstrak :
Pengembangan lahan rawa pasang surut saat ini masih diarahkan untuk budidaya padi. Budidaya ini memerlukan dukungan pelayanan pengelolaan air secara memadai. Akan tetapi saat ini sistem tata air pada lahan yang telah lama dibuka kurang berfungsi optimal. Beberapa upaya pernah dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah, tetapi belum memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Sejatinya masalah tersebut dapat diatasi melalui jaringan tata air yang baik. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian ini dengan menggunakan simulasi numerik hidraulik 1 dimensi dengan metode Beda Hingga. Dalam penelitian disajikan dua opsi pengembanganjaringan tata air,yaitujaringan dengan pintu sekat dan kombinasi pintu sekat dan pintu ayun pada saluran Tersier. Dari studi ini diperoleh pembuktian bahwa penggunaan pintu sekat dapat mempertahankan muka air di saluran Tersier; pintu ayun menciptakan sirkulasi air; fungsi drainasi dapat dipenuhi dan saluran Primer serta Sekunder dapat digunakan sebagai alur pelayaran. Sebagai kesimpulan khusus dapat dikatakan bahwa sistem tata air yang dilengkapi pintu air mampu menghasilkan kinerja jaringan tata air yang optimum. Semen tara itu secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa opsi prasarana hidraulikyang tepat dapat mengatasi masalah sistem tata air di unit irigasi rawa pasang surut
Bandung: Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum, 2014
627 JTHID 5:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book presents the latest research findings, as well as innovative theoretical and practical research results, methods and development techniques related to P2P, grid, cloud and Internet computing. It also reveals the synergies among such large scale computing paradigms. P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet computing technologies have rapidly become established as breakthrough paradigms for solving complex problems by enabling aggregation and sharing of an increasing variety of distributed computational resources on a large scale. Grid computing originated as a paradigm for high-performance computing, offering an alternative to expensive supercomputers through different forms of large-scale distributed computing. P2P computing emerged as a new paradigm following on from client-server and web-based computing and has proved useful in the development of social networking, B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), B2G (Business to Government), and B2E (Business to Employee). Cloud computing has been described as a “computing paradigm where the boundaries of computing are determined by economic rationale rather than technical limits”. Cloud computing has fast become the computing paradigm with applicability and adoption in all domains and providing utility computing at large scale. Lastly, Internet computing is the basis of any large-scale distributed computing paradigm; it has very quickly developed into a vast and flourishing field with enormous impact on today’s information societies and serving as a universal platform comprising a large variety of computing forms such as grid, P2P, cloud and mobile computing.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library