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Ditemukan 33 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Skrzynecki, Peter
St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press , 1975
821.3 SKR i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anindya Putri Pramesthi
Abstrak :
Jerman telah lama menjadi negara tujuan migrasi dari berbagai negara sejak tahun 1950. Hal itu lantaran Jerman Barat mengalami kemajuan dan membutuhkan banyak pekerja dari luar negeri. Kini, para imigran datang tak hanya untuk bekerja, namun untuk berbagai tujuan. Budaya yang dibawa oleh para imigran tersebut mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar dalam karya sastra dan karya yang ditulis oleh para imigran di Jerman, yang disebut dengan Migrantenliteratur. Penelitian ini akan membahas tentang perkembangan identitas seorang imigran pada karya Yoko Tawada: Von der Muttersprache zur Sprachmutter. Eine Begegnungen mit dem Deutschen yang terbentuk melalui konflik menggunakan teori being and becoming yang digagas oleh Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian deskriptif kualitatif menunjukan bahwa identitas lama sangat mempengaruhi terbentuknya identitas baru. Identitas baru terbentuk dengan tidak menghilangkan identitas lama, namun keduanya saling mempunyai pengaruh.
Since 1950 Germany has been the country of destination to many people due west Germany in the past needed many workers from overseas. Nowadays immigrant in Germany not only to work but these people come based on many purposes. Immigrant has made much influences in literature, these literature is being called as Migrantenliteratur. This research is about new identity that ich character develop through the conflicts in Yoko Tawada rsquo s Literature Von der Muttersprache zur Sprachmutter. Eine Begegnungen mit dem Deutschen. These new identities development is going to be analyzed through being and becoming theory by Stuart Hall. The result by using qualitative descriptive method in analysing this short story shows that previous identity has huge influence in the process of new identity development. New identity is being made by not forgetting previous identity, both identity are equal in new identity itself.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kyung-Eun Yang
Abstrak :
This study examined factors that determine immigrant womens service usage, using Gelberg-Andersens Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations as a conceptual framework. Considering that the degree to which female marriage migrants take advantage of support services varies considerably within the group, special analytic attention was given to possible differences in service utilization patterns depending on their employment status. The study utilized National Survey on Multicultural Family data set from 2009. Among the total 154,333 individuals, the study used a sub-sample of 53,155 female marriage migrants. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine possible differences in service utilization in relations to employment status. The relationship between the two support services (adjustment assistance services and family care services) was examined. In addition, the three domains of factors that jointly explain the use of services among female marriage migrants were explored. The study found that female marriage migrants have different needs depending on their employment status. In terms of adjustment assistance service use determinants, the strongest predictor was having Joseonjok (Korean-Chinese) ethnicity for both the employed and unemployed group. When predicting the family care service use, number of children turned out to be the strongest predictor for the employed group, whereas perceived needs turned out as the strongest predictor for the unemployed group. Findings from the study may provide useful implications for the development of social work services and/or service delivery systems that are tailored to the different needs of immigrant women based on their positions within the labor market.
Seoul: Sookmyung Institute for Multicultural Studies, 2018
350 OMNES 8:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabila Fitriana
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang kebijakan politik imigrasi Prancis yakni Immigration Choisie untuk menertibkan gelombang imigran yang masuk ke Prancis. Kebijakan ini disahkan pada 2006 melalui UU No.2006-911 24 Juli 2006. Kebijakan Immigration Choisie dititikberatkan pada upaya menyeleksi imigran yang datang. Kebijakan ini diterapkan dengan memperhatikan beberapa kriteria yakni tujuan kedatangan, latar belakang pendidikan dan kemampuan bahasa Prancis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah. Prancis berharap bahwa imigran yang masuk ke Prancis akan didominasi oleh pekerja migran dengan kualifikasi yang baik, sehingga dapat bersaing di sektor professional Prancis. Selain itu, pekerja migran yang masuk juga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pembangunan ekonomi Prancis serta berintegrasi dengan baik di masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan kebijakan Immigration Choisie belum mampu secara signifikan menertibkan dan meningkatkan kualitas imigran di Prancis. ...... The thesis focuses on the French immigration policy ldquo Immigration Choisie rdquo to control the the flux of immigrants who enter France. This policy was adopted in 2006 through Law No.2006 911 of 24 July 2006. Immigration Choisie's policy focuses on selecting immigrants. This policy is implemented by taking into account several criteria including motif of arrival, educational background and French language skills. This study uses historical method. Through this policy, France expected that immigrants who enter France will be dominated by qualified migrant workers to compete in the French professional sector. In addition, the flux of migrant workers are also expected to contribute to the French economic development and could integrate well with the society. The results show that Immigration Choisie's policy implementation could not significantly control and select migrants for improving the quality of immigrants in France.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bunga Insyirah Wijaya
Abstrak :
Fenomena Arab Spring telah berlangsung selama lebih dari 10 tahun dan berdampak pada beberapa revolusi di negara-negara Timur Tengah lainnya, termasuk Suriah. Karena konflik berkepanjangan di Suriah, kondisi ekonomi dan sosialnya pun ikut terdampak, menciptakan krisis pangan dan hilangnya rasa aman. Warga yang terkena dampak berat harus bermigrasi, baik secara paksa maupun sukarela, agar dapat hidup lebih aman. Migrasi ini mempengaruhi para migran, terutama remaja muda, pada pembentukan konsep identitas dan kepemilikan mereka. Menggunakan novel fiksi berlatar konflik Suriah berjudul Other Words for Home (2019), artikel ini menerapkan konsep ruang dan identitas untuk menganalisis cara tokoh utama dalam mendefinisikan identitasnya di ruang yang bervariasi. Artikel ini juga menggunakan metode penelitian Wee (2019) yang menggunakan tiga skala spasial, yaitu ruang publik, ruang institusional, dan ruang kamar, untuk menganalisis bagaimana imigran berinteraksi dan membangun identitasnya di setiap ruang. Hipotesis dari artikel ini adalah bahwa hubungan ruang dan identitas saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain dalam konteks konstruksi identitas imigran muda. Temuan artikel menunjukkan bahwa konstruksi identitas imigran muda terjadi sesuai dengan situasi spasial yang ada, karena cara imigran berinteraksi di setiap ruang berbeda satu sama lain. ......The Arab Spring phenomenon has been going on for more than 10 years and has had an impact on several revolutions in other Middle East countries, including Syria. Due to the prolonging conflict in Syria, the economic and social situations are affected, creating food crisis and the loss of security. The citizens who are heavily affected have to migrate, whether it is forcibly or voluntarily, in order to live more securely. This migration affected the migrants, especially the young adolescent, on their concept of identity and belonging. Using a fiction novel set in the Syrian conflict, titled Other Words for Home (2019), this article uses the concept of the space and identity to analyze the main character‟s way in defining her identity in the moving spaces. The article also models Wee (2019)‟s research by using the three spatial scales, which are public spaces, institutional spaces, and room spaces, in order to analyze how the immigrant interact and construct her identity on each space. The hypothesis of the article is that space and identity relation are mutually reciprocated in the context of young immigrants' identity construction. The finding of the article suggests that identity construction of young immigrants is spatially situated, as the immigrant‟s way of interacting in each space differs from one to another.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakhrana Linati
Abstrak :
Kritik sosial sering kali dituangkan ke dalam berbagai macam bentuk sastra, salah satunya bentuk ilustrasi. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, banyak orang yang pada akhirnya menuangkan aspirasi, kritik bahkan sindiran kedalam sebuah gambar yang memiliki makna tersendiri. Kemudahan mengakses internet pada dewasa ini juga membuat seniman turut membuat karya sastra yang dimuat online dan disebarluaskan dengan mudah. Melalui teori semiotik oleh Ferdindand de Saussure, analisis ini dilakukan pada tiga buah ilustrasi online yang dibuat oleh kartunis dan illustrator Jerman yaitu Schwarwel, Harm Bengen dan Freimut Woessner. Ketiga ilustrasi yang menjadi korpus dalam penelitian ini dipublikasikan secara online lewat situs pribadi mereka. Hasil penelitian dalam bentuk deskriptif kualitatif ini menunjukkan bahwa ilustrasi karya Schwarwel, Harm Bengen dan Freimut Woessner merepresentasikan penolakkan terhadap pengungsi dan imigran di Jerman baik dalam dunia politik, pendidikan dan masyarakat luas.
Social criticism is often showed in various forms of literature, one of it is illustration. Therefore, many people ultimately poured their aspirations, criticism and even innuendo into drawing which has its own meaning. The easy access the internet today also makes the illustrators take part ini making literary works that are published online and easily disseminated. Through the semiotic theory by Ferdinand de Saussure, this analysis is carried out on three online illustrations which was made by German cartoonists and illustrators; Schwarwel, Harm Bengen and Freimut Woessner. These three corpus are published online through their website. Result of this research indicate that the illustrations by Schwarwel, Harm Bengen and Freimut Woessner represent a rejection of German refugees and immigrant both in politics, education and the wider community.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Charissa Sakina
Abstrak :
Film yang berjudul Fatima 2015 merupakan sebuah film Prancis karya sutradara Philippe Faucon yang mengangkat tema mengenai kehidupan imigran di Prancis. Film ini berkisah mengenai kehidupan seorang wanita asal Aljazair yang bernama Fatima. Ia menjadi imigran di Prancis bersama kedua orang anak perempuannya yang bernama Nesrine dan Souad. Tokoh Fatima selalu menggunakan bahasa Arab dalam kesehariannya. Fatima juga membawa serta kebudayaan dan tradisinya sebagai orang Arab walaupun ia tinggal di Prancis. Berbeda dengan Fatima, kedua orang anaknya menggunakan bahasa Prancis dalam kesehariannya dan juga menganut kebudayaan Prancis. Dalam film ini, kerap terjadi konflik antara tokoh Fatima dengan kedua anaknya. Film ini dianalisis melalui aspek naratif dan dihubungkan dengan aspek sinematografisnya. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori dari Boggs dan Petrie 2008 serta Hall 1990 . Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini menunjukkan jika penyebab konflik antara Fatima dan kedua anaknya diakibatkan perbedaan identitas mereka. Tokoh Fatima yang merupakan imigran generasi pertama masih menganut identitas asal negaranya sedangkan kedua anak Fatima berhasil terintegrasi oleh model integrasi yang diterapkan Prancis sehingga kedua anak Fatima memiliki identitas Prancis.
Fatima 2015 is a French film by Philippe Faucon with the theme of immigrant life in France. This film is about the life of an Algerian woman named Fatima. She became an immigrant in France with her daughters named Nesrine and Souad. Fatima characters always use Arabic in her daily life. Fatima also brought her culture and tradition as an Arab even though she lived in France. In contrast to Fatima, her daughters speak French in their daily life and also embrace French culture. In this film, there is often a conflict between Fatima with her two daughters. The film is analyzed through the narrative aspect and is associated with the cinematographic aspect. For the analysis theories from Boggs and Petrie 2008 and Hall 1990 were used. The results of the analysis show that the causes of the conflict between Fatima and her daughters were due to differences in their identities. Fatima who represents the first generation immigrants still adheres to the identity of their country of origin while Fatima rsquo;s daughters successfully integrated to the French integration model that applied so they have French identity.
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rasya Jilan Andjani
Abstrak :
Artikel ini berfokus pada representasi perempuan magribi dalam novel kiffe kiffe demain karya Fa ? za Gu ? ne. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori representasi dari Stuart Hall dan teori analisis naratif struktural dari Rolland Barthes. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa perempuan magribi dalam novel ini tidak hanya dikonstruksikan sebagai perempuan yang mendapatkan represi secara fisik dan mental akibat kultur budaya magribi yang patriarkal namun juga melawan represi dengan memiliki kuasa atas diri sendiri yang dihadirkan melalui tokoh Yasmina dan Doria yang sebagian besar melalui pendidikan. Dalam artikel ini pula, dapat terlihat bahwa adanya permasalahan perempuan magribi yang tidak hanya sebagai perempuan yang masih terdominasi oleh laki-lakinamun juga perempuan yang mendapatkan represi secara mental sebagai imigran.Kata Kunci: Representasi, perempuan magribi, patriarki, imigran
This article focuses on how the Maghreb women represented in the kiffe kiffe demain novel by Fa ? za Gu ? ne. The theories include the theory of representation by Stuart Hall and theory of structural analysis of narrative by Rolland Barthes. The method used in this study is the litterature study. The studies result shows that Maghreb women in this novel are not only constructed as women who get physical and mental repression due to patriarchal system in Maghreb culture but also broke the repression by being the women who got an education that presented by Yasmina and Doria. Moreover, In this article it can be seen that the problem of Maghreb women are not only as women who have always been dominated by the men whereas also women who get mental repression as immigrants.Keywords: Representation, Maghreb women, patriarchy, immigrant
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
Most of multicultural literature works explore identity problems. The writer analyzes White Teeth and Brick Lane. Both of them have similarities in terms of situation, setting of place and theme. Both of them explore the theme of diaspora identity undergone by Bangladeshi immigrants. The novels are studied closely on the focus of theme through Stuart Hall's concept of cultural identity by considering character, conflict, setting, tone and point of view. The leading character of two novels chooses cultural identity in the contrary position. Samad Miah Iqbal, the leading character of White Teeth tries hard to reconstruct his essential identity through residual cultural traits (ethnic and moderate religion). His choice results in his being alienated and exclusive when others follow dominant culture. He is in crisis when failing to find out the identity assumed transcendent and pure, even disillusioned by his twin's taking his own identity quests beyond his hope. Alsana and Neena Begum criticize most of Samad?s identity quest. In Brick Lane, the leading character, Nazneen adapts herself gradually into dominant culture. She had once applied religion for identity quest before she criticized the fundamentalist Islamic group, Bengal Tigers. Ethnic is easier to adapt than religion. Nazneen is in opposite with Chanu who is conservative and defends his cultural identity with ethnicity. Nazneen gives her daughters a chance to find out their own identity. After her proper adaptation into dominant culture, Nazneen finds a convenient position and remains in London with her daughters when Chanu comes back to Bangladesh. Second Generation of Bangladeshi immigrant following English culture is Magid in White Teeth and Shanana in Brick Lane. Since the very beginning, they have fought to release themselves from ethnical and religious burden in order to identify themselves with English culture. The end of White Teeth shows that Magid is in opposite with Samad and Millat, while Shanana in Brick Lane is finally allowed to lead her own way of identity quest after having been controlled by Chanu for a long time. Second Generation of Bangladeshi immigrant emphasizing his essential identity through residual culture traits (fundamental religion) is Millat Zulfikar Iqbal and Karim who join ethno-religious group. Millat joined KEVIN and Karim established Bengal Tigers. KEVIN and Bengal Tigers are dedicated for Islam struggle and also for opposing dominant culture. Ethnic is used to support their main goal, i.e. religious struggle. Thus, ethno-religious is used as their collective identity. Their radical attitude causes them to be called Islamic fundamentalist group. This supports Western stereotype that Islam is related with fanaticism, violence and intolerance. Both of novels prove Stuart Hall's concept that an immigrant identity needs to be positioned in dominant culture because they are in diaspora within a strange land. Referring to residual culture (religion and ethnic) will lead an immigrant into exclusive and alienated life. Identity crisis takes places when one fails to find out the cultural identity assumed pure, fixed, and coherent. The author of two novels implies the importance of assimilation for immigrant's success in different way. Zadie Smith implies it by showing Samad's identity crisis and failure of finding essential identity. On the other hand, Monica Ali implies it by revealing Nazneen's happiness, as she is willing to adapt herself into dominant culture.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Kartini Lasman
Abstrak :
Imigrasi telah menjadi isu besar bagi negara Prancis sejak pasca perang dunia kedua, menimbulkan beragam permasalahan dan belum pernah ditemukan formula yang tepat untuk mengatasinya. Anak muda imigran di Prancis memiliki kekhasan sebagai generasi kedua atau ketiga yang dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Prancis karena mengenyam pendidikan Prancis dalam suasana diskriminatif dan keterpinggiran. Lagu rap sebagai salah satu produk budaya urban menjadi salah satu sarana ekspresi mereka. Tesis ini akan mengkaji representasi identitas anak muda imigran di Prancis dalam lagu-lagu rap karya Rohff, seorang rapper terkenal di Prancis. Teori yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah mengenai representasi dan identitas dari Stuart Hall, didukung oleh konsep-konsep Kathryn Woodward mengenai identitas. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa dalam lagu-lagu rap karya Rohff, anak muda imigran di Prancis direpresentasikan sebagai kaum yang tertindas dan terkurung oleh sistem yang melingkupi mereka, baik sistem pemerintahan ataupun sosial ekonomi.
Immigration has been a big issue in France since post second world war. It has been the roots of many problems, such as riots, discrimination, racism,etc. Nebertheless,the formula to overtake this big issue has not been found yet. Young immigrant in France, has unique caracteristic for being the second or third immgrant generation in France. They were born and grew up in France in the heat of discrimination and marginalisation as an immigrant. They need space to express themselves and therefore street art or l?art de la rue was born. This tesis is focusing on representation of young immigrant identity in France through Rohff's rap. Stuart Hall theory's on representation and Cultural Identity, combined with Kathryn Woodward concept on Identity and Difference is the main theory employed. The result shows that young immigrant in France represent their identity as someone who is imprisoned by the discriminative system (government and/or social-economny).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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