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Parikesit Muhammad
Abstrak :
Salah satu faktor penyebab kulit kering pada lanjut usia adalah penurunan konsentrasi asam hialuronat pada epidermis dan dermis. Asam hialuronat berat molekul kecil dianggap lebih efektif melembapkan kulit dibandingkan asam hialuronat berat molekul besar. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak terkontrol tersamar ganda yang dilakukan pada 36 orang berusia 60-80 tahun dengan kulit kering di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 3. Setelah prakondisi selama satu minggu, setiap subjek penelitian mendapatkan tiga pelembap yang berbeda secara acak pada tiga lokasi di tungkai bawah, yang dioleskan dua kali sehari. Penilaian skin capacitance (SCap), transepidermal water loss (TEWL), dan skor SRRC dilakukan pada minggu ke-0, 2, dan 4. Nilai SCap lebih tinggi pada area pengolesan asam hialuronat berat molekul kecil dibandingkan dengan asam hialuronat berat molekul besar (56,37 AU vs 52,37 AU, p=0,004) dan vehikulum (56,37 AU vs 49,01 AU, p<0,001). Tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai TEWL dan skor SRRC yang bermakna antara ketiga kelompok perlakuan. Tidak ditemukan efek samping subjektif dan objektif pada ketiga kelompok perlakuan. Pelembap yang mengandung asam hialuronat berat molekul kecil meningkatkan SCap lebih tinggi secara bermakna daripada asam hialuronat berat molekul besar dan vehikulum serta memiliki keamanan yang sama dalam mengatasi kulit kering pada populasi lansia. ......A contributing cause to dry skin is a reduced concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) in both the epidermis and dermis. Low molecular weight HA (LMWHA) is believed to be more effective in replenishing skin hydration in aging skin compared to High Molecular Weight HA (HMWHA). A double-blind, randomized controlled trial was conducted on 36 residents of a nursing home in Jakarta, aged 60 and 80 years with dry skin. Following a week of preconditioning, each test subject was administered three distinct, randomized moisturizing lotions, to be topically applied to three separate sites on the leg. Skin capacitance (SCap), transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and SRRC scores were measured at weeks 0, 2, and 4. After four weeks of therapy, area that was treated with LMWHA showed greater SCap values compared to the area treated with HMWHA (56.37 AU vs 52.37 AU, p=0.004) and vehicle (56.37 AU vs 49.01 AU, p<0.001). All groups did not show any significant differences in TEWL and SRRC scores. No side effects were found in all groups. The application of a moisturizer containing LMWHA to the dry skin of elderly resulted in significant improvements in skin hydration compared to moisturizers containing HMWHA and vehicle. Furthermore, these moisturizers demonstrated similar safety in treating dry skin in the elderly.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erick Wonggokusuma
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan. Osteoarthritis (OA) adalah sebuah penyakit sendi degeneratif yang menyebabkan disabilitas dengan prevalensi yang terus meningkat. Hormon pertumbuhan memiliki efek regenerasi tulang rawan secara langsung melalui stimulasi sel kondroblas dan proses morphoangiogenesis juga melalui faktor pertumbuhan secara sistemik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat suntikan sendi dengan hormon pertumbuhan pada kasus Osteoarthritis. Metode Penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor pada bulan Mei hingga September 2015. Desain penelitian adalah randomized post test only control group. Sejumlah 21 ekor kelinci Selandia Baru putih, berat 1.9-2.6kg, usia 7-8 bulan. Kelinci dibagi secara acak menjadi kelompok kontrol (NaCl 0.9%), suntikan hormon pertumbuhan (4iu), dan suntikan asam hyaluronat (6mg) . Dengan metode acak tersamar dilakukan suntikan kolagenase tipe II C. Histolyticum pada hari 1 dan ke 4 pada lutut kiri, kemudian tindakan penyuntikan dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali dengan selang waktu 1 minggu. Evaluasi dengan periode kepincangan, skoring makroskopis, histologis dilakukan pada minggu ke-8 pasca penyuntikan pertama. Temuan Penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan periode kepincangan pada grup yang diberikan hormon pertumbuhan lebih singkat, dan bermakna secara statistik dibandingkan dengan grup kontrol (p<0.001), grup asam hyaluronat (p<0.03), dan grup hormon pertumbuhan (p<0.001). Evaluasi skor makroskopik dengan skor yoshimi menunjukan bahwa kelompok hormon pertumbuhan memiliki kerusakan tulang rawan yang lebih ringan jika dibandingkan dengan grup kontrol (p=0.001) dan grup asam hyaluronat (p=0.04). Skoring histopatologis menggunakan skor modifikasi Mankin menunjukan pada kelompok dengan hormon pertumbuhan memiliki angka terendah dibandingkan grup lainnya (p=0.001), grup kontrol (p=0.001), grup asam hyaluronat (p=0.015). Kesimpulan. Suntikan hormon pertumbuhan ke dalam sendi memiliki efektifitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Asam hyaluronat pada model osteoarthritis. Hormon pertumbuhan memberikan harapan baru sebagai alternatif dalam terapi osteoarthritis.ABSTRACT
Introduction. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that cause disability for patients all over the globe, with an increasing number of patients. Growth hormone (GH) works trough direct and indirect effect on cartilage regeneration by chondroblast stimulation, stimulation of growth factors and morphoangiogenesis process. Further research is needed to know the effects of intra articular joint injection of growth hormone using validated animal model and reliable outcome measurement. Methods. This study was conducted in Animal Hospital of Agricultural Institute Bogor west Java, from May to September 2015. The design of the study was randomized posttest only control group. Male white New Zealand rabbit (n=21) weighted 1.9-2.6kg, age 6-7months were used in this study. The sample was randomized and divided into three groups. All groups recieved intra articular injection of type 2 collagenase (Sigma® Missouri) 2mg at the left knee on day 1 and 4. Injections of growth hormone (4iu), hyaluronic acid (HA) (6mg) and saline (0.6ml) were done at 2 weeks after collagenase injection once a week for consecutive 3 weeks. Evaluation of weight and lameness periode is done periodically, histopathological and macroscopic score were done at 8 weeks since the first injection. Result. The lameness priode for control group is significantly longer than both of the experimental groups (p<0.001), HA (p<0.03), and GH (p<0.001). Macroscopic score evaluation taken from the lateral condyle of the left femur showed that the GH group received significantly less cartilage damage than the HA group (P=0.04) and placebo (P=0.01). Histopathological score was also found lowest at the GH group (p=0.001), with significant difference in control (p=0.001), and HA group (p=0.015).). Conclusion. Intraarticular injection of growth hormone is found to be more effective compared to hyaluronic acid on rabbit osteoarthritis model. This results showed promising result for intra articular injection of GH as an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis.;Introduction. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that cause disability for patients all over the globe, with an increasing number of patients. Growth hormone (GH) works trough direct and indirect effect on cartilage regeneration by chondroblast stimulation, stimulation of growth factors and morphoangiogenesis process. Further research is needed to know the effects of intra articular joint injection of growth hormone using validated animal model and reliable outcome measurement. Methods. This study was conducted in Animal Hospital of Agricultural Institute Bogor west Java, from May to September 2015. The design of the study was randomized posttest only control group. Male white New Zealand rabbit (n=21) weighted 1.9-2.6kg, age 6-7months were used in this study. The sample was randomized and divided into three groups. All groups recieved intra articular injection of type 2 collagenase (Sigma® Missouri) 2mg at the left knee on day 1 and 4. Injections of growth hormone (4iu), hyaluronic acid (HA) (6mg) and saline (0.6ml) were done at 2 weeks after collagenase injection once a week for consecutive 3 weeks. Evaluation of weight and lameness periode is done periodically, histopathological and macroscopic score were done at 8 weeks since the first injection. Result. The lameness priode for control group is significantly longer than both of the experimental groups (p<0.001), HA (p<0.03), and GH (p<0.001). Macroscopic score evaluation taken from the lateral condyle of the left femur showed that the GH group received significantly less cartilage damage than the HA group (P=0.04) and placebo (P=0.01). Histopathological score was also found lowest at the GH group (p=0.001), with significant difference in control (p=0.001), and HA group (p=0.015).). Conclusion. Intraarticular injection of growth hormone is found to be more effective compared to hyaluronic acid on rabbit osteoarthritis model. This results showed promising result for intra articular injection of GH as an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis.;Introduction. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that cause disability for patients all over the globe, with an increasing number of patients. Growth hormone (GH) works trough direct and indirect effect on cartilage regeneration by chondroblast stimulation, stimulation of growth factors and morphoangiogenesis process. Further research is needed to know the effects of intra articular joint injection of growth hormone using validated animal model and reliable outcome measurement. Methods. This study was conducted in Animal Hospital of Agricultural Institute Bogor west Java, from May to September 2015. The design of the study was randomized posttest only control group. Male white New Zealand rabbit (n=21) weighted 1.9-2.6kg, age 6-7months were used in this study. The sample was randomized and divided into three groups. All groups recieved intra articular injection of type 2 collagenase (Sigma® Missouri) 2mg at the left knee on day 1 and 4. Injections of growth hormone (4iu), hyaluronic acid (HA) (6mg) and saline (0.6ml) were done at 2 weeks after collagenase injection once a week for consecutive 3 weeks. Evaluation of weight and lameness periode is done periodically, histopathological and macroscopic score were done at 8 weeks since the first injection. Result. The lameness priode for control group is significantly longer than both of the experimental groups (p<0.001), HA (p<0.03), and GH (p<0.001). Macroscopic score evaluation taken from the lateral condyle of the left femur showed that the GH group received significantly less cartilage damage than the HA group (P=0.04) and placebo (P=0.01). Histopathological score was also found lowest at the GH group (p=0.001), with significant difference in control (p=0.001), and HA group (p=0.015).). Conclusion. Intraarticular injection of growth hormone is found to be more effective compared to hyaluronic acid on rabbit osteoarthritis model. This results showed promising result for intra articular injection of GH as an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Basuki Supartono
Abstrak :
Background: Platelet-Rich Plasma is believed to repair cartilage degeneration by stimulating tissue regeneration, however the clinical evidence is still insufficient. The aim of this research is to compare the efficacy of intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection (HA) and combined hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma (HA-PRP) on osteoarthritis of the knee, and the association on gender, age, body mass index and osteoarthritis degree towards the efficacy. Methods: This is a cross-setional study using 58 patients’ medical records. 27 patients received HA injections, and 31 patients received HA-PRP injections. Patients were evaluated weekly using IKDC and WOMAC score until 2 months after the injections. Results: On the 2nd month of follow up, AH-PRP shows greater increase in IKDC (p=0,146) and WOMAC (Pain p=0,004; Stiffness p=0,008; Knee function p=0,007) score compared to HA injection. There’s no association on gender, age, and body mass index towards the IKDC and WOMAC score increase on either HA or combined HA-PRP injection. There’s no significant difference on osteoarthritis degree towards IKDC and WOMAC score increase on HA injection. However, there’s a significant difference between osteoarthritis degree 2 and 4 towards IKDC (p=0,002) and WOMAC score (Pain p=0,042; Stiffness p=0,018; Knee function p=0,042) and between osteoarthritis degree 2 and 3 towards WOMAC Pain (p=0,008) and WOMAC Knee function (p=0,018). Conclusions: HA-PRP injection shows better results to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms compared to HA injections. Better results were observed in patients with less severe osteoarthritis degree.
Jakarta: RSON, 2015
796 IJSS 1:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggita Dipika Wulandari
Abstrak :
Doksorubisin (DOX) merupakan agen kemoterapi antrasiklin yang bekerja dengan memperlambat atau menghentikan pertumbuhan sel kanker. Namun, penggunaan DOX memiliki efek toksik pada sel normal serta efek samping kardiotoksisitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat sistem penghantaran DOX dengan SPION-PAMAM-HA, mengkarakterisasi, dan mengevaluasi konjugat superparamagnetic iron oxyde nanoparticle-poliamidoamin G4-asam hialuronat-doksorubisin (SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX). Hasil karakterisasi SPION-TC menunjukkan kristal magnetit dengan ukuran 2,79 nm. Konjugat SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX menunjukkan diameter rata-rata 292,57 ± 4,86 nm, indeks polidispersitas 0,216 ± 0,002 nm, dan nilai zeta potensial -53,37 ± 3,68 mV. Studi pelepasan pada 10 jam dapat terlihat bahwa sebanyak 99% doksorubisin dilepaskan di lingkungan pH 5, sementara kurang dari 10% doksorubisin dilepaskan di lingkungan pH 7,4. Uji sitoksisitas menunjukkan konjugat SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX memiliki efek toksik pada sel HeLa dan sel Vero dengan IC50 2,54 ± 0,27 µM pada sel HeLa dan CC50 2,18 ± 0,019 µM pada sel Vero serta memiliki nilai SI SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX lebih besar dibandingkan SI DOX yang menandakan bahwa konjugat SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX masih aman digunakan dan masih memiliki efek anti kanker. ......Doxorubicin (DOX) is an anthracycline chemotherapy agent that works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. However, DOX has a toxic effect on normal cells as well as a side effect of cardiotoxicity. This study aims to develop a DOX delivery system with SPION-PAMAM-HA, characterize, and evaluate of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle-polyamidoamine G4-hyaluronic aciddoxorubicin (SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX). Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION) could be used as diagnostic agent, polyamidoamine G4 (PAMAM) was used as carrier and hyaluronic acid (HA) was used as active targeting moiety. SPION were prepared by co-precipitation method, then SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX were produced by conjugation of SPION with PAMAM-HA and DOX. SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX were characterized by particle size analyzer (PSA), UV-Vis spectrophotometry, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), fluorescence spectrophotometry, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The release study was conducted by using pH 5 and pH 7.4. Cytotoxicity study was conducted on HeLa cells and Vero cells by using MTT [3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] assay. The characterization results of SPION-TC showed magnetite crystals with a size of 2.79 nm. The mean particle size, polydispersity index, and zeta potential of SPION-PAMAM-HADOX were 57 ± 4.86 nm, 0.216 ± 0.002 nm, and -53.37 ± 3.68 mV. The release study at 10 hours showed that 99% of DOX was released in pH 5, while less than 10% DOX was released in pH 7.4. The cytotoxicity study showed that SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX has toxicity effect on HeLa cells and Vero cells with IC50 2,54 ± 0,27 µM on HeLa cells, CC50 2,18 ± 0,019 µM on Vero cells sel Vero, and SI value of SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX greater than SI DOX which indicates that SPION-PAMAM-HA-DOX conjugate is still safe to use and has anti-cancer effects
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Permata Ayunda Putri
Abstrak :
Tulang merupakan salah satu penyusun sistem gerak manusia yang rentan mengalami kerusakan berupa fraktur akibat kecelakaan atau osteoporosis. Mekanisme remodeling tulang dapat membantu memperbaiki struktur tulang, namun bergantung pada kerusakannya. Rekayasa jaringan tulang, perancah, merupakan salah satu penyembuhan yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu regenerasi jaringan tulang. Perancah harus memiliki biokompatibilitas serta osteokonduktivitas yang baik. Biokeramik seperti hidroksiapatit (HAp) dan biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) digunakan sebagai perancah karena strukturnya yang mirip tulang asli. Temulawak, Curcuma xanthorrhiza (CuX) merupakan tanaman obat yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan sifat antiinflamasi pada perancah. Pada penelitian ini, kitosan (CS), hyaluronic acid (HA), dan ekstrak temulawak (CuX) digunakan sebagai material utama perancah dengan HAp dan BCP sebagai variasinya. Ekstraksi temulawak dilakukan dengan metode Soxhlet dan ekstraksi HAp dan BCP dilakukan dengan metode kalsinasi tulang ikan tuna pada suhu 600 °C dan 1000 °C. Ketiga perancah difabrikasi dengan metode freeze drying dan dikarakterisasi dengan uji viabilitas dan proliferasi sel. HAp dan BCP sebagai variabel bebas menghasilkan viabilitas sel yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan perancah kontrol pada uji direct selama 4 hari. Namun, tingginya degradasi dari perancah mengakibatkan jumlah sel berkurang drastis dari pertama kali ditanam. Pada uji viabilitas indirect menggunakan MTT assay, HAp pada perancah mendukung viabilitas sel secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan BCP dan kontrol. Secara keseluruhan, ketiga variasi perancah berhasil menyediakan tempat bagi sel untuk hidup dan tidak beracun. ......Bones are one of the musculoskeletal systems in humans which vulnerable to damage as fractures because of accidents or osteoporosis. The remodeling mechanism in bone may help to fix the bone structure, but it depends on the extent of the damage. Bone tissue engineering as a scaffold is one of the methods to help bone regeneration. Bone tissue engineering as a scaffold is one of the methods to help bone regeneration. Scaffold must have good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity. Bioceramics such as hydroxyapatite (HAp) and biphasic calcium phosphate are often used as scaffolds because their structure is similar to natural bone. Temulawak, or Curcuma xanthorrhiza (CuX), is a herbal plant that improves anti-inflammation. This study uses chitosan (CS), hyaluronic acid (HA), and temulawak extract (CuX) as the primary materials. This study uses extraction of temulawak using the Soxhlet method and extraction of HAp and BCP using calcination at 600 °C and 1000 °C. Scaffolds with the combination of CS/HA/CuX, CS/HA/CuX/HAp, and CS/HA/CuX/BCP fabricated using the freeze-drying method and characterized with proliferation and viability test. The HAp dan BCP as dependent variables generated better ability in the viability test than CS/HA/CuX scaffold on the direct test for four days. However, the high degradation from the sample yielded to loss of cells. For indirect tests using MTT assay, the addition of HAp in the scaffold showed better performance in the cell viability significantly more than BCP and control scaffolds. Overall, all scaffolds provided good places for the cell to live and showed non-toxic behavior towards the cells.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Maulana Ghiffary
Abstrak :
Osteoartritis merupakan penyakit kronis yang ditandai dengan kemunduran tulang rawan dan menyebabkan kekakuan, nyeri, dan gangguan pergerakan. Strategi rekayasa jaringan tulang menggunakan perancah dapat menjadi alternatif yang menjanjikan untuk regenerasi jaringan tulang yang rusak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk fabrikasi dan karakterisasi perancah dengan material chitosan (CS), hyaluronic acid (HA), hydroxyapatite (Hap) dengan kombinasi penambahan graphite (Gr), graphene oxide (GO), dan multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNCT) untuk aplikasi rekayasa jaringan tulang. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan sintesis GO dan fungsionalisasi kimia dari material Gr dan MWNCT. Fabrikasi perancah dilakukan dengan metode freeze drying. Seluruh kelompok perancah dilakukan karakterisasi SEM dan FTIR, uji tekan dan porositas, uji swelling, wettability, dan laju degradasi. Fabrikasi perancah dibagi menjadi empat kelompok yaitu CS/HA/HAp, CS/HA/HAp/GO, CS/HA/HAp/f-Gr, dan CS/HA/HAp/f-MWNCT dengan ukuran diameter 1 cm, tinggi 1,5 cm, dan luas permukaan luas permukaan 4,71-6,28 cm2. Keseluruhan perancah memiliki ukuran pori yang bervariasi dan terdistribusi pada permukaan. Berdasarkan hasil FTIR, perancah mengandung gugus fungsi O-H, C=O, C-O-C, amida I, amida II, dan fosfat (PO43-). Pada uji kekuatan tekan, keseluruhan perancah memiliki CS/HA/HAp memiliki kekuatan tekan dan young modulus yang serupa dengan cancellous bone sebesar 5,76-6,14 MPa dan 3,95-471 MPa. Perancah memiliki laju porositas dengan rentang 13,8- 86,6%. Perancah memiliki kemampuan wettabiliy yang baik dengan rentang persentase 726-1069%. Rasio swelling perancah berada pada rentang 25,2-39,3%. Laju degradasi perancah cukup terkontrol dengan rentang 16,7-35,5%. Berdasarkan seluruh hasil karakterisitik, perancah CS/HA/HAp dengan penambahan GO merupakan kandidat terkuat sebagai perancah ideal pada penelitian ini. Perancah GO mempunyai karakteristik yang berada diantara perancah kontrol dan perancah f-MWNCT/f-Gr. ......Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease characterized by the deterioration of cartilage and causes stiffness, pain, and impaired movement. The bone tissue engineering strategy using scaffolds can be a promising alternative for the regeneration of damaged bone tissue. This study aims to fabricate and characterize scaffolds with chitosan (CS), hyaluronic acid (HA), hydroxyapatite (Hap) with a combination of addition of graphite (Gr), graphene oxide (GO), and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNCT) for tissue engineering applications. In this study, GO synthesis and chemical functionalization of Gr and MWNCT materials were carried out. Scaffolding was done by freeze drying method. All groups of scaffolds were characterized by SEM and FTIR, compressive and porosity tests, swelling, wettability, and rate of degradation tests. Scaffolding was divided into four groups, namely CS/HA/HAp, CS/HA/HAp/GO, CS/HA/HAp/f-Gr, and CS/HA/HAp/f-MWNCT with a diameter of 1 cm, height 1, 5 cm, and a surface area of ​​4.71-6.28 cm2. The entire scaffold has varying pore sizes and is distributed over the surface. Based on the results of FTIR, the scaffold contains functional groups O-H, C=O, C-O-C, amide I, amide II, and phosphate (PO43-). In the compressive strength test, all scaffolds having CS/HA/HAp had similar compressive strength and young modulus with cancellous bone of 5.76-6.14 MPa and 3.95-471 MPa. Scaffolds have porosity rates in the range of 13.8-86.6%. Scaffolds have good wetability with a percentage range of 726-1069%. The swelling ratio of the scaffolds was in the range of 25.2-39.3%. The rate of degradation of the scaffold was quite controlled with a range of 16.7-35.5%. Based on all the characteristic results, the CS/HA/HAp scaffold with the addition of GO was the strongest candidate as the ideal scaffold in this study. The GO scaffold has characteristics that are between the control scaffold and the f-MWNCT/f-Gr scaffold.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valonia Irene Nugraheni
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Asam hialuronat (AH) merupakan glikosaminoglikan dan salah satu komponen penting dari matriks ekstraseluler pada lingkungan biologis mikro dentin.  Pada pulpa terinflamasi, ketika lingkungan biologis mikro kondusif maka terjadi rekrutmen sel punca pulpa (human dental pulp stem cells/hDPSCs) yang akan berdiferensiasi menjadi odontoblast like cell membentuk dentin reparatif dan terdapat ekspresi dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP). Tujuan: Mengetahui potensi berbagai konsentrasi AH pada media kultur hDPSCs terhadap ekspresi DSPP dengan waktu observasi  7 hari dan 14 hari.  Metode: hDPSCs yang didapatkan dari bahan baku tersimpan pada pasase ke-3 dan 4 yang telah mengalami serum starvation selama 24 jam, diberikan AH dengan konsentrasi 10 mg/mL , 20 mg/mL , 30 mg/mL dan  kontrol positif pada medium osteogenik. Selanjutnya dilakukan observasi waktu selama 7 hari dan 14 hari untuk melihat ekspresi DSPP dari tiap kelompok secara kuantitatif (uji ELISA) dan potensi mineralisasi secara kualitatif (uji alizarin red) pada hari ke-21. Uji statistik menggunakan one way anova.  Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan potensi berbagai konsentrasi  AH (10mg/mL, 20  mg/mL, 30 mg/mL)  (p<0.05) pada media kultur hDPSCs terhadap ekspresi DSPP dengan waktu observasi 7 hari dengan konsentrasi 30 mg/mL yang paling berpotensi meningkatkan DSPP dan dikonfirmasi dengan nodul yang pekat pada uji alizarin red di hari ke-21.  Kesimpulan: Asam hialuronat (AH) memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan ekspresi DSPP, konsentrasi AH 30 mg/ml merupakan konsentrasi yang optimum bagi hDPSCs.  ......Background: Hyaluronic acid (HA) is glycosaminoglycan and one of important factors in extracellular matrix located at dentin niche biology.  In an inflamed pulp, when niche biology is conducive, the recruitment of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) will take place and it will differentiate into odontoblast like cell that will create reparative dentin and expressing dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP).  Objective: To analyze the potential of HA conditioned media in various concentration towards hDPSCs differentiation via expression of DSPP at day 7 and 14.  Methods: hDPSCs culture were obtained from previous research (ethical approval attached) at P3 and P4. After 24 hours incubation of hDPSCs, culture media were supplemented with osteogenic media. Cells were then starved for 24 hours. hDPSCs then planted into 96 well plate and HA 10 mg/ml, 20 mg/ml, 30 mg/ml added into each particular well. DSPP expression is analysed using elisa reader at day 7 and 14 and qualitative result is analysed using alizarin red at day 21. Data was analysed using one way anova. Result: At day 7 there is a statistically significant different potential of natural HA conditioned media in various concentration (10mg/mL, 20  mg/mL, 30 mg/mL) (p<0.05) towards hDPSCs differentiation via expression of DSPP with HA 30 mg/mL being the most potential concentration to increase DSPP expression, which can be confirmed by bold nodules presented with alizarin red at day 21.  Conclusion: HA have the potential to increase odontoblast differentiation process via expression of DSPP, with HA 30 mg/mL being the optimum concentration for hDPSCs.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library