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Oni Khonsa
Abstrak :
Kanker ovarium merupakan kanker ke tujuh yang paling sering ditemukan di seluruh dunia setelah kanker payudara, serviks, kolorektal, lambung, korpus uteri dan paru. Menurut data histopatologi tahun 1996, karsinoma ovarium menunjukkan urutan ketiga setelah karsinoma serviks dan karsinoma payudara. Insiden kanker ovarium di Amerika Serikat (AS) berkisar antara 15,7 dari 100.000 wanita kelompok usia 40-44 tahun hingga 54 dalam 100.000 wanita kelompok usia 75-79 tahun. Di Australia, insiden kanker ovarium sebesar 11,8 dalam 100.000 wanita. Kanker ovarium cukup membingungkan karena inaidennya meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya angka kematian selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Gejala Minis yang tidal( spesifik pada stadium dini the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), maupun keterlambatan dalam merujuk pasien rnenyebabkan banyak kasus yang datang pada stadium lanjut. Pada saat didiagnosis, lebih dari 60% kanker ovarium menunjukkan stadium lanjut dan prognosisnya buruk dengan perkiraan ketahanan hidup 5 tahun berkisar 10-20%. Di Norwegia, sekitar 480 insiden kasus baru didiagnosis setiap tahunnya, dan sekitar duapertiga pasien mengalami kekambuhan penyakit, yang terbukti berakibat fatal. Keganasan ovarium terjadi pada semua umur. Angka morbiditas meningkat hingga mencapai usia 70 tahun, kemudian menurun kembali. Waktu kritis adalah sekitar usia 40 tahun morbiditas meningkat secara dramatis. Terdapat beberapa tulisan mengenai faktor prognostik pada pasien dengan kanker ovarium dan banyak peneliti menekankan pentingnya faktor-faktor ini untuk perencanaan dan hasil akhir pengobatan. Penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan biasanya berbasis populasi, maupun rumah sakit. Sebagian peneliti menggunakan sampel kanker ovarium secara keseluruhan sementara sebagian lainnya menggunakan sampel karsinoma ovarium.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Perawat memegang peranan penting dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan serta mendampingi pasien dengan kanker ginekologi selama 24 jam. Pada pelaksanaan, belum semua perawat melakukan pengkajian psikoseksual ketika memberikan asuhan pelayanan keperawatan untuk menggali masalah seksual akibat terapi yang dialami oleh pasien kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman perawat yang bekerja diunit ongkologi dalam mendiskusikan isu seksual dengan pasien dan penyintas kanker ginekologi. Secara keseluruhan fenomena yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah suatu gambaran pengalaman perawat dalam mendiskusikan isu seksual dengan pasien kanker ginekologi. Penelitian dengan metode kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi ini melibatkan sampel sepuluh partisipan. Analisa hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan cara analisa isi dengan menyimpulkan pernyataan partisipan menjadi tema dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini menemukan lima tema utama yang berkaitan dengan pengalaman perawat dalam mendiskusikan isu seksual dengan pasien kanker ginekologi yaitu persepsi perawat tentang pelayanan psikoseksual, hambatan yang ditemukan perawat ketika mendiskusikan isu seksual dengan pasien kanker ginekologi, menemukan masalah yang mengganggu seksualitas pada pasien kanker ginekologi, cara/upaya perawat memperoleh dukungan dalam membantu masalah psikoseksual pada pasien kanker ginekologi, kebutuhan perawat terhadap implementasi pelayanan psikoseksual pada pasien kanker ginekologi. Pelayanan psikoseksual pada pasien kanker ginekologi dapat ditingkatkan dengan adanya diskusi isu seksual dengan pasien kanker ginekologi. Perawat diharapkan dapat melakukan pengkajian psikoseksual di dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada pasien kanker ginekologi.
Nurses play an important role in providing nursing care as well as assisting gynecologic cancer patients for 24 hours. In fact, not all nurses do a psychosexual assessment when providing nursing care in order to explore sexual problems related to the cancer therapy experienced by the patients. This study aimed to explore the experiences of nurses who work in oncology unit in discussing sexual issues with the patients and survivors of gynecologic cancer. Overall phenomenon obtained in this study was an overview of nurses? experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients. This study applied a qualitative method with phenomenological design. The samples were ten participants. The results were analyzed using content analysis by concluding the participants? statements to become the research themes. This study identified five main themes related to nurses? experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, including nurses? perceptions of psychosexual services, the obstacles found by nurses when discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, finding problems that interfere with sexuality in gynecologic cancer patients, nurses? attempts to obtain supports in helping psychosexual problems of gynecologic cancer patients, nurses? needs to the implementation of psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients. Psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients can be improved by the presence of sexual issues discussion with gynecologic cancer patients. Nurses are expected to do a psychosexual assessment in providing nursing care to gynecologic cancer patients.;Nurses play an important role in providing nursing care as well as assisting gynecologic cancer patients for 24 hours. In fact, not all nurses do a psychosexual assessment when providing nursing care in order to explore sexual problems related to the cancer therapy experienced by the patients. This study aimed to explore the experiences of nurses who work in oncology unit in discussing sexual issues with the patients and survivors of gynecologic cancer. Overall phenomenon obtained in this study was an overview of nurses? experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients. This study applied a qualitative method with phenomenological design. The samples were ten participants. The results were analyzed using content analysis by concluding the participants? statements to become the research themes. This study identified five main themes related to nurses? experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, including nurses? perceptions of psychosexual services, the obstacles found by nurses when discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, finding problems that interfere with sexuality in gynecologic cancer patients, nurses? attempts to obtain supports in helping psychosexual problems of gynecologic cancer patients, nurses? needs to the implementation of psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients. Psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients can be improved by the presence of sexual issues discussion with gynecologic cancer patients. Nurses are expected to do a psychosexual assessment in providing nursing care to gynecologic cancer patients.;Nurses play an important role in providing nursing care as well as assisting gynecologic cancer patients for 24 hours. In fact, not all nurses do a psychosexual assessment when providing nursing care in order to explore sexual problems related to the cancer therapy experienced by the patients. This study aimed to explore the experiences of nurses who work in oncology unit in discussing sexual issues with the patients and survivors of gynecologic cancer. Overall phenomenon obtained in this study was an overview of nurses’ experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients. This study applied a qualitative method with phenomenological design. The samples were ten participants. The results were analyzed using content analysis by concluding the participants’ statements to become the research themes. This study identified five main themes related to nurses’ experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, including nurses’ perceptions of psychosexual services, the obstacles found by nurses when discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, finding problems that interfere with sexuality in gynecologic cancer patients, nurses’ attempts to obtain supports in helping psychosexual problems of gynecologic cancer patients, nurses’ needs to the implementation of psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients. Psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients can be improved by the presence of sexual issues discussion with gynecologic cancer patients. Nurses are expected to do a psychosexual assessment in providing nursing care to gynecologic cancer patients.;Nurses play an important role in providing nursing care as well as assisting gynecologic cancer patients for 24 hours. In fact, not all nurses do a psychosexual assessment when providing nursing care in order to explore sexual problems related to the cancer therapy experienced by the patients. This study aimed to explore the experiences of nurses who work in oncology unit in discussing sexual issues with the patients and survivors of gynecologic cancer. Overall phenomenon obtained in this study was an overview of nurses’ experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients. This study applied a qualitative method with phenomenological design. The samples were ten participants. The results were analyzed using content analysis by concluding the participants’ statements to become the research themes. This study identified five main themes related to nurses’ experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, including nurses’ perceptions of psychosexual services, the obstacles found by nurses when discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, finding problems that interfere with sexuality in gynecologic cancer patients, nurses’ attempts to obtain supports in helping psychosexual problems of gynecologic cancer patients, nurses’ needs to the implementation of psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients. Psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients can be improved by the presence of sexual issues discussion with gynecologic cancer patients. Nurses are expected to do a psychosexual assessment in providing nursing care to gynecologic cancer patients., Nurses play an important role in providing nursing care as well as assisting gynecologic cancer patients for 24 hours. In fact, not all nurses do a psychosexual assessment when providing nursing care in order to explore sexual problems related to the cancer therapy experienced by the patients. This study aimed to explore the experiences of nurses who work in oncology unit in discussing sexual issues with the patients and survivors of gynecologic cancer. Overall phenomenon obtained in this study was an overview of nurses’ experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients. This study applied a qualitative method with phenomenological design. The samples were ten participants. The results were analyzed using content analysis by concluding the participants’ statements to become the research themes. This study identified five main themes related to nurses’ experiences in discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, including nurses’ perceptions of psychosexual services, the obstacles found by nurses when discussing sexual issues with gynecologic cancer patients, finding problems that interfere with sexuality in gynecologic cancer patients, nurses’ attempts to obtain supports in helping psychosexual problems of gynecologic cancer patients, nurses’ needs to the implementation of psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients. Psychosexual services for gynecologic cancer patients can be improved by the presence of sexual issues discussion with gynecologic cancer patients. Nurses are expected to do a psychosexual assessment in providing nursing care to gynecologic cancer patients.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Wijayanti
Abstrak :
Kanker merupakan salah satu penyakit dengan angka kematian yang tinggi. Kasus kanker di dunia tiap tahun terus meningkat. Kekambuhan akan kanker sendiri ini menimbulkan ketakutan pada pasien. Takut kekambuhan kanker adalah salah satu masalah psikologis yang paling penting diantara pasien kanker. dukungan sosial merupakan strategi koping penting untuk dimiliki keluarga saat mengalami stress. Dukungan sosial keluarga dapat berfungsi sebagai strategi preventif untuk mengurangi stress dan konsekuensi negatifnya. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan jumlah sampel 153 penyintas kanker ginekologi menggunakan kuesioner ILES dan FCRI dan dianalisis menggunakan korelasi pearson. Hasil penelitian diperoleh adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial dengan ketakutan kambuh penyintas kanker ginekologi dengan p value 0,001 dengan dukungan emosional yang paling besar diterima oleh penyintas kanker. Kesimpulan semakin besar dukungan sosial semakin berkurang ketakutan kambuh kanker, sehingga diharapkan dukungan sosial lebih ditingkatkan pada penyintas kanker ginekologi.
Cancer is one disease with a high mortality rate. Cases of cancer in the world each year continue to increase. This recurrence of cancer itself creates fear in the patient. The fear of cancer recurrence is one of the most important psychological problems among cancer patients. social support is an important coping strategy for the family when it comes to stress. Family social support can serve as a preventive strategy to reduce stress and its negative consequences. The research method used a quantitative design with cross sectional approach, with the number of samples of 153 survivors of gynecological cancer using the ILES and FCRI questionnaires and analyzed using Pearson correlation. The result of the research showed that there was a significant correlation between social support and fear of relapse of gynecological cancer survivors with p value 0,001 with the greatest emotional support received by survivors of cancer. Conclusions The greater the social support the less the fear of recurrence of cancer, so it is expected more enhanced social support in survivors of gynecological cancer.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidya Asfit Mahalya
Abstrak :
Kualitas hidup merupakan salah satu parameter keberhasilan intervensi keperawatan pada penyakit kronik, terutama kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara dan kanker ginekologi. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dan jumlah sampel 96 responden untuk masing-masing kelompok data. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah consecutive sampling dan analisa data distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata kualitas hidup responden kanker payudara adalah 66,49; ginekologi 59,04, skor tertinggi kategori skala fungsional pada kanker payudara adalah fungsi peran 40,55; ginekologi fungsi sosial 82,60, skala gejala pada kanker payudara adalah diare 92,70; ginekologi dypsnoea 89,23. Skor tertinggi pada aspek seksual kanker payudara pada kepuasan seksual dan kecemasan seksual 48,26 dan 82,27;ginekologi 89,93 dan 89,23. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk meneliti perbedaan rerata nilai mean pada setiap skala item di kuesioner.Kata kunci: kualitas hidup, kanker payudara, kanker ginekologi.
Quality of life is one of the parameters of the success of nursing interventions on chronic diseases, especially cancer. This study aims to determine differences in the quality of life of patients with breast cancer and gynecologic cancer. This study was a descriptive cross sectional approach, and the number of samples 96 respondents for each group of data. The sampling technique is consecutive sampling and analysis of the frequency distribution data. The results showed that the average score of respondents quality of life of breast cancer was 66.49; gynecology 59.04, the highest score in the category of functional scale breast cancer is the function of the role of 40.55; 82.60 gynecology social function, scale symptoms in breast cancer were diarrhea 92.70; gynecology was dypsnoea 89.23. The highest scores on the sexual aspects of breast cancer in sexual enjoyment and sexual anxiety 48.26 and 82.27; gynecology 89.93 and 89.23. The study recommends further research to examine the differences between the mean value of the mean on each scale item in the questionnaire.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Nur Komarudin
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Kanker ginekologi dan infeksi COVID-19 memiliki tingkat insidensi dan mortalitas yang tinggi di Indonesia serta berdampak pada aspek kesehatan, sosial, dan budaya. Kanker ginekologi dan infeksi COVID-19 memicu inflamasi yang dapat mengakibatkan ganguan multi-organ. Pemeriksaan laboratorium dapat digunakan sebagai indikator keparahan untuk menilai inflamasi dan kerusakan organ. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai analisis kakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium pasien kanker ginekologi dengan COVID-19. Metode Metode yang akan digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah deskritif dan analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang retrospektif. Hasil Tingkat insidensi pasien kanker ginekologi dengan COVID-19 2020-2022 sebesar 154 per 100.000. Kanker serviks (54,3%) menjadi diagnosis terbanyak diikuti dengan kanker ovarium (28,7%), kanker rahim (14,9%), kanker vulva (1,1%), dan kanker vagina (1,1%). Stadium III (37,2%) menjadi yang terbanyak diikuti stadium IV (26,6%), stadium I (20,2%), stadium II (16%). Karakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan stadium kanker adalah obesitas (OR 0,321; CI 0,125-0,826; P value 0,018), neutrofil absolut tinggi (OR 5,006; Cl 95%, 1,307 – 19,176; P value 0,019), ureum tinggi (OR 3,977; Cl 95%, 1,112 – 14,224; P value 0,034), dan platelet to leucocyte ratio (PLR) tinggi (OR 7,379; 95% CI 2,067-26,466; P value 0,002). Karakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan derajat keparahan COVID-19 adalah sesak napas (OR 12,364; Cl 95%, 4,148 – 36,848; P value <0.001) dan PLR tinggi (OR 6,787; 95% CI 1,103 - 41,774; P value 0,039). Kesimpulan Karakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium yang dapat dikaitkan sebagai indikator keparahan berdasarkan stadium kanker ginekologi adalah obesitas, neutrofil absolut tingg, ureum dan PLR tinggi. Karakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium yang dapat dikaitkan dengan indikator keparahan berdasarkan derajat keparahan COVID-19 adalah sesak napas dan PLR tinggi. ......Introduction Gynecologic cancer and COVID-19 infection have high incidence and mortality rates in Indonesia and impact health, social and cultural aspects. Gynecological cancers and COVID-19 infections trigger inflammation that can lead to multi-organ disorders. Laboratory tests can be used as an indicator of severity to assess inflammation and organ damage. Therefore, this study will discuss the analysis of clinical characteristics and laboratory results of gynecological cancer patients with COVID-19. Method The method used in this study is descriptive and analytic with a retrospective cross- sectional approach. Results The incidence rate of gynecologic cancer patients with COVID-19 2020-2022 was 154 per 100,000. Cervical cancer (54.3%) was the most common diagnosis followed by ovarian cancer (28.7%), uterine cancer (14.9%), vulvar cancer (1.1%), and vaginal cancer (1.1%). Stage III (37.2%) was the most common followed by stage IV (26.6%), stage I (20.2%), stage II (16%). Clinical characteristics and laboratory results that had a significant association with cancer stage were obesity (OR 0,321; CI 0,125-0,826; P value 0,018), high absolute neutrophils (OR 5.006; 95% CI, 1.307-19.176; P value 0.019), high high ureum level (OR 3.977; 95% CI, 1.112-14.224; P value 0.034), and high PLR (OR 7.379; 95% CI 2.067-26.466; P value 0.002). Clinical characteristics and laboratory results that had a significant association with COVID-19 severity were shortness of breath (OR 12.364; Cl 95%, 4.148 - 36.848; P value <0.001) and high PLR (OR 6.787; 95% CI 1.103 - 41.774; P value 0.039). Conclusion Clinical characteristics and laboratory results associated with gynecologic cancer stage were obesity, high absolute neutrophils, high ureum level, and high PLR. Clinical characteristics and laboratory results associated with COVID-19 severity were shortness of breath and high PLR.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noviyani Sugiarto
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Malnutrisi pada pasien kanker ginekologi merupakan masalah besar yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kelangsungan hidup pasien. Sayangnya, belum banyak penelitian yang dilakukan. Tujuan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan status gizi pasien kanker ginekologi sebelum dan sesudah perawatan di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode. Studi yang dilakukan adalah dengan kohort prospektif yang melibatkan pasien kanker ginekologi yang dirawat di bangsal ginekologi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Juni 2016 sampai Mei 2017. Kami menggunakan teknik sampling konsekutif, food record, dan pengukuran antropometri lengkap untuk pengumpulan data. Kami menggunakan parameter indeks massa tubuh IMT untuk menilai kategori malnutrisi, dan pemeriksaan antropometri dan laboratorium untuk parameter status nutrisi lainnya. Untuk menganalisis data nutrisi, kami menggunakan NutriSurvey 2007 dan untuk data lain yang kami gunakan SPSS IBM 21.0. Hasil. Ada 96 subyek yang menjalani dan menyeselesaikan semua pemeriksaan dan data untuk penelitian ini. Proporsi malnutrisi berdasarkan IMT adalah 24 , sedangkan berdasarkan Malnutrisi Skrining Alat MST , prevalensi malnutrisi adalah 62,5 . Berdasarkan penurunan IMT, 20,8 pasien mengalami penurunan IMT setelah pengobatan. Lingkar Lengan Atas LILA dan serum albumin pasien menurun secara signifikan setelah pengobatan. Kesimpulan. Lingkar Lengan Atas LILA dan serum albumin pasien menurun secara signifikan setelah perawatan. ......Background. Cancer malnutrition in gynecologic cancers cases were big problem that can affect survival rate. Unfortunately, not many studies has been done. Objective. The aim of this study is to find out the nutritional status changes of gynecologic cancer patients before and after treatment in Gynecology Ward Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Method. This is a prospective cohort study on gynecologic cancer patients treated in Gynecology Ward Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. The study was done from June 2016 to May 2017. We used consecutive sampling techniques, food record, and complete anthropometric measurement for data collection. We used body mass index BMI parameter for appraising malnutrition categories, and anthropometric and laboratory examination for other parameters. For analysing data, we used NutriSurvey 2007 for nutritional data and SPSS IBM 21.0.for other data. Results. There were 96 subjects underwent all examination and data completion for the study. Proportion of malnutrition with BMI was 24 , while based on Malnutrition Screening Tool MST was 62,5 . There were 20,8 patients that experience reduction of BMI after treatment. Mid upper arm circumference MUAC and albumin serum of patients decrease significantly after treatment. Conclusion. Mid upper arm circumference MUAC and albumin serum of patients decrease significantly after treatment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library