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"Latar belakang: Terdapat hubungan antara pertambahan umur dengan gangguan status fungsional. Pengukuran status fungsional pada penghuni panti wredha diperlukan guna mengetahui kualitas hidup mereka.
Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor risiko gangguan status fungsional penghuni panti wredha di Jakarta.
Metode: Cross sectional, responden adalah penghuni empat panti wredha di Jakarta. Pengukuran status fungsional menggunakan Barthel ADL Indeks.
Hasil: Terdapat 52% penghuni panti wredha yang mengalami gangguan status fungsional (Skor BAI: 0-19). Responden dengan gangguan status emosional pada kelompok umur kurang dari 70 tahun berisiko mendapat gangguan status fungsional 6,64 kali dibandingkan responden tanpa gangguan status emosional (OR: 6,64; 95% CI: 1,74-25,35), sedangkan pads kelompok umur 70 tahun keatas risiko meningkat sebesar 26,36 kali ( OR: 26,36; 95% CI: 2,8-248,59). Hasil tersebut didapat setelah dikendalikan oleh faktor risiko lainnya yakni keluhan penyakit, pendidikan, partisipasi kegiatan di panti serta status gizi.
Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan tingginya prevalensi gangguan status fungsional. Faktor sosio demografi, status kesehatan, dukungan sosial dan status gizi berpengaruh pada kejadian gangguan status fungsional.
Referensi: 55 (1990-2003)

Risk Factors of Functional Decline of Dwellers of Residential Homes in JakartaBackground: There is relation of age accretion with the functional decline. Functional status assessment at dwellers of residential homes needed to examine their quality of life.
Objective: To examine the prevalence and risk factors of functional decline of dwellers of residential homes in Jakarta.
Method: Cross sectional, subjects are 250 dwellers in four of residential homes in Jakarta Functional status assessment has been measured by the Barthel ADL Index.
Results: There are 52% dwellers of residential homes had functional decline (Score BAI: 0-19). Subjects with the emotional status trouble at age group < 70 years old have risk the functional decline 6,64 times ( OR: 6,64; 95% Cl: 1,74-25,35), while age group ? 70 years old have risk 26,36 times ( OR: 26,36; 95% CI: 2,8-248,59). The result obtained by after controlled by another variables in model that is the existence of disease sigh, education, participate activity in residential home and nutritional status .
Conclusion: This result shows that the prevalence of functional decline is high enough. Factors of socio demography, social support, nutritional status, emotional status and health status have an in with the functional decline occurrence in four of residential homes in Jakarta.
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Kertapati
Status fungsional adalah kemampuan individu untuk melakukan pemenuhan
kebutuhan dan perawatan diri secara mandiri dalam aktivitas rutin sehari-hari.
Status fungsional yang menurun berdampak pada penurunan kemandirian,
sehingga lansia menjadi ketergantungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh intervensi keperawatan spiritual dan latihan chair yoga
selama 12 sesi latihan terhadap status fungsional dan kepuasan hidup lansia.
Penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol dengan sampel 42 lansia
kelompok perlakuan dan 42 lansia kelompok kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel
yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
intervensi keperawatan spiritual dan latihan chair yoga berpengaruh signifikan
meningkatkan status fungsional (p=0,000) dan kepuasan hidup (p=0,000). Hasil uji MANCOVA menunjukkan pengaruh intervensi keperawatan spiritual dan latihan chair yoga diperkuat oleh usia dan aktivitas fisik (p=0,000). Spiritual dan latihan chair yoga dapat meningkatkan status fungsional dan kepuasan hidup pada lansia secara signifikan. Intervensi keperawatan spiritual dan latihan chair yoga merupakan salah satu terapi komplementer sebagai upaya peningkatan status fungsional dan kepuasan hidup lansia yang dapat digunakan oleh perawat di masyarakat

Functional status is an individual's ability to perform self intervention and
activities of daily routine. The impact of functional status decreased on
independence, so that the older people to dependency. The aim of this study to determine the effect of spiritual nursing intervention and chair yoga exercises on functional status and life satisfaction of older adults. The research design was quasi experimental with 42 subjects as intervention groups and 42 subjects as control groups. The simple random sampling was used. The results showed that spiritual nursing intervention and chair yoga exercises significantly effect to improve functional status (p = 0.000) and life satisfaction (p = 0.000). MANCOVA analyze that spiritual nursing intervention and chair yoga exercise were significantly increased with controled by age and physical activity (p = 0.000). Spiritual and chair yoga exercise can improve functional status and life
satisfaction among older adults significantly. Spiritual nursing intervention and
chair yoga exercise is an one of the complementary therapy as preventive effort to improve the functional status and life satisfaction among older adults can used by nurse in the community."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Nilam Permata

Stroke dapat menyebabkan penurunan status fungsional jika pasien tidak menjalani rehabilitasi terutama pada fase sub-akut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor yang berhubungan dengan penurunan status fungsional pada pasien stroke fase sub-akut. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata pasien stroke mengalami ketergantungan sedang dalam melakukan aktivitas fungsional. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penurunan status fungsional pada pasien stroke fase sub-akut yaitu usia (p=0,042), jenis kelamin (p=0,000), derajat keparahan (p=0,041), lokasi lesi (p=0,000), fatigue (p=0,023), status kognitif (p= 0,023), dan dukungan sosial (p= 0,037). Tipe stroke diketahui tidak berhubungan dengan penurunan status fungsional (p=0,312). Lokasi lesi merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan penurunan status fungsional (p=0,010). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengkajian dalam asuhan keperawatan pasien stroke fase sub-akut dalam rangka mengetahui masalah terkait status fungsional.


Stroke can cause a decrease in functional status if the patient does not undergo rehabilitation especially in the sub-acute phase. This study aims to identify factors associated with decreased functional status in sub-acute stroke patients. This quantitative research uses a cross-sectional approach. The results of the study show that the average stroke patient has a moderate dependence on performing functional activities. Factors associated with decreased functional status in sub-acute stroke patients were age (p = 0.042), sex (p = 0.000), severity (p = 0.041), location of the lesion (p = 0,000), fatigue ( p = 0.023), cognitive status (p = 0.023), and social support (p = 0.037). Type of stroke was known not to be associated with a decrease in functional status (p = 0.312). The location of the lesion was the factor most associated with a decrease in functional status (p = 0.010). This research is expected to be used as a basis for the assessment of nursing care for sub-acute stroke patients in order to identify problems related to functional status.


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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Perasaan takut akan jatuh dan penurunan status fungsional sering dialami pada pasien fraktur ekstremitas bawah yang telah menjalani pembedahan. Edukasi yang tepat diikuti dengan latihan ambulasi pada pasien pascapembedahan diperlukan untuk dapat meningkatkan status fungsional dan keyakinan pasien untuk melakukan ambulasi dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi dan latihan ambulasi terhadap fall efficacy dan status fungsional pada pasien pascapembedahan ORIF ekstremitas bawah. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan pre test and post test without control group. Besar sampel pada penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 33 responden dengan consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan fall efficacy dan status fungsional antara sebelum dan setelah dilakukan edukasi dan latihan ambulasi (p value < 0,001). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan terdapat perbedaan nilai fall efficacy dan status fungsional setelah diberikan intervensi edukasi dengan latihan ambulasi

Fear of falling and decreasing functional status are often experienced in patients with lower limb fractures who have undergone surgery. Appropriate education followed by ambulation training in postsurgery patients is needed to be able to increase the functional status and confidence of patients to carry out early ambulation. This study aims to determine the effect of education and ambulation training on fall efficacy and functional status in postsurgery patients with lower extremity ORIF. The design of this study was a quassy experimental with a pre test and post test design without control group. The sample size in this study was 33 respondents with consecutive sampling. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in fall efficacy and functional status between before and after education and ambulation training (p value <0.001). This study concluded that there were differences in fall efficacy and functional status after being given educational intervention with ambulation training"
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andriani Putri Bestari
Latar belakang: Status epileptikus non konvulsivus SENK merupakan salah satu diagnosis banding pasien dengan penurunan kesadaran termasuk pada ensefalopati metabolik EM . Luaran pasien EM dengan SENK masih belum banyak diteliti.Metode penelitian: Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan disain potong lintang terhadap pasien EM dengan gambaran elektroensefalogram EEG SENK berdasarkan kriteria Salzburg yang dirawat di ruang emergensi, ruang rawat intensif, dan ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunksumo pada bulan Juli 2016-Juli 2017. Pasien dilakukan pencatatan, pemeriksaan EEG, dan observasi hingga akhir perawatan atau 30 hari perawatan. Luaran dinilai dalam mortalitas dan status fungsional dalam modified Rankin scale mRS yang dibagi menjadi baik mRS 0-2 dan buruk 3-5 . Analisa bivariat dilakukan untuk mencari faktor demografis, klinis, dan elektrografis yang berpotensi mempengaruhi luaran.Hasil: Dari total 32 subjek penelitian, didapatkan mortalitas sebesar 40,6 . Dari 19 subjek hidup, 84,2 memiliki status fungsional buruk. Pada subjek yang meninggal, 84,6 memiliki latar belakang teta, 100 tidak responsif terhadap suara, 92,3 tidak responsif terhadap nyeri, dan 76,9 memiliki gambaran aktivitas delta/teta ritmik dengan frekuensi >0,5Hz. Sepsis dan jumlah etiologi penurunan kesadaran memiliki berpotensi mempengaruhi luaran subjek p0,5Hz. Sepsis dan jumlah etiologi berpotensi mempengaruhi luaran.Kata kunci: luaran; mortalitas; status fungsional; ensefalopati metabolik; status epileptikus non konvulsivus

Background Nonconvulsive status epilepticus NCSE is one of the important differential diagnoses in patients with altered consciousness including metabolic encephalopathy ME . The outcome of ME patients with NCSE has not been studied extensively.Method This is an observational cross sectional study in ME patients with NCSE based on EEG findings that fulfilled the Salzburg criteria treated in the emergency, intensive care, and inpatient units of Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital in July 2016 July 2017. Subjects underwent documentation, EEG recording, and observation until discharge or 30 days of treatment. Outcome was measured in mortality and functional status in modified Rankin scale divided into favorable mRS 0 2 and poor mRS 3 5 . Bivariate analysis was done to find the potential demographic, clinical, and electrographic factors to influence outcome.Result Out of total 32 subjects, the mortality rate was 40.6 . From 19 survivors, 84,2 had poor functional status. In fatal subjects, 84.6 had theta background rhythm, 100 unresponsive to sound, 92.3 unresponsive to pain, and 76.9 had rhythmic delta theta activity 0.5Hz. Sepsis and the number of etiologies causing altered consciousness had the potential to influence outcome p0.5Hz. Sepsis and the number of etiologies had the potential to influence outcome.Keywords mortality functional status metabolic encephalopathy nonconvulsive status epilepticus"
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UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iskandar Agung
"Latar Belakang. Status fungsional merupakan komponen esensial pengkajian paripuma pasien geriatri. Sesungguhnya pada usia lanjut bukan hanya usia harapan hidup yang penting, tetapi bagaimana usia lanjut dapat menjalani sisa kehidupannya dengan baik dan optimal. Untuk itu usia lanjut harus bisa melakukan ADL secara mandiri. Untuk menilai ADL dasar diperlukan alat ukur yang andal, sahih dan Iuas dipakai. Indeks ADL Barthel merupakan alat ukur yang banyak dipakai. Suatu alat ukur yang baik untuk dapat dipalcai luas hares melalui uji keandalan dan kesahihan. Di Indonesia Indeks ADL Barthel belum pernah diuji keandalan dan kesahihannya.
Tujuan. Membuktikan bahwa kuesioner Indeks ADL Barthel merupakan intrumen ukur yang andal dan sahih untuk menilai status fungsional dasar usia lanjut Indonesia.
Metodologi. Dirancang suatu studi validasi. Prosedur yang dilakukan adalah pada hari pertama kunjungan semua pasien dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, pengisian formulir kuesioner indeks ADL Barthel dan indeks ADL Katz serta pada hari 7 --14 kunjungan dilakukan pengisian ulangan formulir kuesioner ADL Barthel.
Hasil. Telah dilakukan pengambilan data dari 100 responden, nilai ICC ADL Barthel tiap-tiap butir, dan nilai total ADL Barthel didapatkan sangat baik (> 0,75), kecuali untuk butir mengendalikan rangsang buang air besar dengan ICC 0,645 hasilnya baik (0,4 -- 0,75). Keandalan internal consistency penelitian ini diperoleh nilai Cronbach a 0,938. Uji kesahihan eksternal ADL Barthel dibandingkan ADL Katz dianalisis dengan uji Spearman correlation coefficient menunjukkan hubungan bermakna (pc0,01), yaitu antara butir dan nilai total ADL Barthel dengan butir dan nilai total ADL Katz. Hanya hubungan butir mengendalikan rangsang buang air km-II ADL Barthel dengan butir makan ADL Katz yang bermalma dengan (p<0,05). Kesahihan konstruksi ADL Barthel diuji dengan Spearman correlation coefficient dan melihat nilai rho (r) masing masing butir. Hasil yang didapatkan semua butir berhubungan bermakna dengan nilai total (p<0,001). Semua butir mempunyai nilai r > 0,3.
Simpulan. Kuesioner ADL Barthel merupakan instrumen ukur yang andal dan sahih serta dapat digunakan untuk mengukur status fungsional dasar usia lanjut Indonesia.

Background. Status functional is essential component of comprehensive geriatric assessment. Actually in addition to longevity, the important thing for elderly is to live the rest of their life as good and as optimal as possible. To live their life as good and as optimal as possible, the elderly should do the basic ADL independently. To measure basic ADL performance of elderly, measurement tool which is valid, reliable and commonly used is needed. Barthel index is the measurement tool which commonly used. For a good instrument to become commonly used, it should be tested for reliability and validity. In Indonesia Barthel index hasn't been tested for reliability and validity.
Objectives. To verify that Barthel index form is an accurate tool to measure basic functional status in elderly population Indonesia.
Methods. A validation study was arranged. On the first day of visit, all patients were subjected to anamnesis and physical examination. Barthel index form and Katz index form were filled on the first visit, which were repeated on day 7 through day 14 of visits.
Results. There were 100 respondents in this study. Intra class correlation coefficient (ICC) Barthel index for each dimension, total score Barthel index were found to be excellent (>0.75) with the exception of controlling bowels with ICC 0.645 (good). The internal consistency was found to have Cronbach a 0.938. Compared to Katz index, the external validity of Barthel index was found to be significant (p<0.01) using Spearman correlation coefficient. The construct validity was found to be significant (p<0.001)
Conclusion. Barthel index form is an reliable and valid tool which is recommended to measure basic functional status in elderly population Indonesia."
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Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liya Arista
"Stroke merupakan kondisi hilangnya fungsi otak karena gangguan aliran darah otak terjadi lebih dari 24 jam. Stroke berdampak fisik maupun mental sehingga klien stroke bergantung kepada keluarga serta membutuhkan perawatan dan pemulihan jangka panjang. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh program pemberdayaan keluarga terhadap status fungsional klien dan kesiapan keluarga merawat klien stroke. Desain penelitian quasi experiment dengan pendekatan control group pretest posttest design pada 25 responden meliputi 12 orang kelompok kontrol dan 13 orang kelompok intervensi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna status fungsional klien antara kelompok kontol dan intervensi setelah program pemberdayaan. Namun, terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna kesiapan keluarga merawat klien stroke antara kelompok kontrol dan intervensi (p = 0,004 pada α = 0,05). Oleh karena itu, pemberian program pemberdayaan keluarga direkomendasikan sebagai intervensi keperawatan untuk mempersiapkan keluarga melaksanakan perawatan terutama ketika klien stroke pulang ke rumah.

Stroke is a condition of brain function loss due to disturbance in cerebral blood flow that occurs more than 24 hours. The difficulties and dysfunction are caused by brain damage entail long-term disorders of physical and mental balance, so that the patients depend on their families. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the family empowerment program on the functional status of patients after stroke and also family preparedness to taking care the patients at home. The study design was a quasi-experiment design with pretest-posttest control group approach using 25 respondents. Groups were divided into a control group (n=12) and intervention group (n=13).
The results showed that is no significant difference between functional status in both groups after the intervention, but there is a significant difference in family preparedness to taking care for stroke survivors between the control and intervention groups (p = 0.004 at α = 0.05). Based on the results, the provision of family empowerment program as a preparation for discharge planning could be one of the nursing interventions for families to giving a care for stroke survivors at home.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang : Pasien usia lanjut seringkali memerlukan rawat inap karena infeksi pneumonia yang disertai dengan penurunan status fungsional. Hubungan antara penurunan status fungsional pada pasien usia lanjut dengan pneumonia komunitas yang dirawat inap dengan kesintasan belum banyak diteliti.
Tujuan : Mendapatkan informasi mengenai perbedaan kesintasan 30-hari pasien pneumonia komunitas berusia lanjut dengan berbagai derajat ketergantungan. Metodologi : Penelitian kohort retrospektif berbasis analisis kesintasan terhadap pasien usia lanjut dengan pneumonia komunitas di ruang rawat akut geriatri RSCM periode Januari 2010-Desember 2013. Dilakukan ekstraksi data dari rekam medik mengenai status fungsional, kondisi klinis dan faktor perancu, kemudian dicari data mortalitasnya dalam 30 hari. Status fungsional awal perawatan dinilai dengan indeks ADL Barthel, kemudian dikelompokkan menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu mandiri-ketergantungan ringan, ketergantungan sedang-berat dan ketergantungan total. Perbedaan kesintasan antara ketiga kelompok ditampilkan dalam kurva Kaplan Meier. Perbedaan kesintasan antara ketiga kelompok diuji dengan Log-rank test, dengan batas kemaknaan <0,05. Analisis multivariat dengan Cox?s proportional hazard regression untuk menghitung adjusted hazard ratio (dan interval kepercayaan 95%-nya) dengan koreksi terhadap variabel perancu.
Hasil : Dari 392 subjek, sebanyak 79 subjek (20,2%) meninggal dunia dalam waktu 30 hari. Rerata kesintasan seluruh subjek 25 hari (IK95% 24,66-26,49), kelompok mandiri-ketergantungan ringan 28 hari (IK95% 27,38-29,46), ketergantungan sedang-berat 25 hari (IK95% 23,71-27,25), ketergantungan total 23 hari (IK95% 21,46-24,86). Kesintasan 30-hari pada kelompok mandiri- ketergantungan ringan 92,1% (SE 0,029), ketergantungan sedang-berat 80,2% (SE 0,046), ketergantungan total 68,0% (SE 0,041). Crude HR pada ketergantungan sedang-berat 2,68 (p=0,008; IK95% 1,29-5,57), ketergantungan total 4,32 (p<0,001; IK95% 2,24-8,31) dibandingkan dengan mandiri-ketergantungan ringan. Setelah dilakukan adjustment terhadap variabel perancu didapatkan fully adjusted HR pada kelompok ketergantungan total 3,82 (IK95% 1,95-7,51), ketergantungan sedang-berat 2,36 (IK 95% 1,13-4,93).
Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaan kesintasan 30-hari pasien pneumonia komunitas berusia lanjut pada berbagai derajat ketergantungan; semakin berat derajat ketergantungan, semakin buruk kesintasan 30-harinya.

Background : Elderly patients often require hospitalization because of pneumonia accompanied by decreased functional status. The relationship between the declines in functional status in elderly patients with community acquired pneumonia who are hospitalized with survival rate has not been widely studied. Objective : To determine the difference of 30-days survival in elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in various degree of dependency during admission.
Method : A retrospective cohort study based on survival analysis of the elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in acute geriatric ward RSCM from January 2010 to December 2013. Extraction of data from medical records regarding functional status, clinical conditions and confounding factors, then followed up the 30-day mortality. Functional status at the start of hospitalization was assessed by the ADL Barthel index, then grouped into three, which are independent-mild dependence, moderate-severe dependence and total dependence. The difference of survival rate among the three groups is shown in the Kaplan- Meier curves. The difference in survival rate among the three groups were tested with the log-rank test, with a significance limit of <0.05. Multivariate analysis with Cox's proportional hazards regression to calculate adjusted hazard ratio (and its 95% confidence interval) with correction for confounding variables.
Results : Of the 392 subjects, a total of 79 subjects (20.2%) died within 30 days. The mean survival rate of all subjects was 25 days (95%CI 24.66-26.49), independent-mild dependence group was 28 days (95%CI 27.38-29.46), moderate-severe dependence group was 25 days (95%CI 23,71-27.25), the total dependence group was of 23 days (95%CI 21.46-24.86). The 30-day survival of independent-mild dependence group was 92.1% (SE 0.029), moderate-severe dependence group was 80.2% (SE 0.046), total dependence group was 68.0% (SE 0.041). Crude HR of moderate-severe dependence group was 2.68 (p=0.008; 95%CI 1.29-5.57), the total dependence group was 4.32 (p<0.001; 95%CI 2.24- 8.31) compared with independent-mild dependence group. After adjustment for confounding variables, obtained the fully adjusted HR was 3,82 (95%CI 1,95- 7,51) in total dependence group, and 2,36 (95%CI 1,13-4,93) in moderate-severe dependence group.
Conclusion : There are differences in 30-day survival rate of elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in various degrees of dependence; the more severe the degree of dependence, the worse its 30-day survival rate.;Background : Elderly patients often require hospitalization because of pneumonia accompanied by decreased functional status. The relationship between the declines in functional status in elderly patients with community acquired pneumonia who are hospitalized with survival rate has not been widely studied. Objective : To determine the difference of 30-days survival in elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in various degree of dependency during admission.
Method : A retrospective cohort study based on survival analysis of the elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in acute geriatric ward RSCM from January 2010 to December 2013. Extraction of data from medical records regarding functional status, clinical conditions and confounding factors, then followed up the 30-day mortality. Functional status at the start of hospitalization was assessed by the ADL Barthel index, then grouped into three, which are independent-mild dependence, moderate-severe dependence and total dependence. The difference of survival rate among the three groups is shown in the Kaplan- Meier curves. The difference in survival rate among the three groups were tested with the log-rank test, with a significance limit of <0.05. Multivariate analysis with Cox's proportional hazards regression to calculate adjusted hazard ratio (and its 95% confidence interval) with correction for confounding variables.
Results : Of the 392 subjects, a total of 79 subjects (20.2%) died within 30 days. The mean survival rate of all subjects was 25 days (95%CI 24.66-26.49), independent-mild dependence group was 28 days (95%CI 27.38-29.46), moderate-severe dependence group was 25 days (95%CI 23,71-27.25), the total dependence group was of 23 days (95%CI 21.46-24.86). The 30-day survival of independent-mild dependence group was 92.1% (SE 0.029), moderate-severe dependence group was 80.2% (SE 0.046), total dependence group was 68.0% (SE 0.041). Crude HR of moderate-severe dependence group was 2.68 (p=0.008; 95%CI 1.29-5.57), the total dependence group was 4.32 (p<0.001; 95%CI 2.24- 8.31) compared with independent-mild dependence group. After adjustment for confounding variables, obtained the fully adjusted HR was 3,82 (95%CI 1,95- 7,51) in total dependence group, and 2,36 (95%CI 1,13-4,93) in moderate-severe dependence group.
Conclusion : There are differences in 30-day survival rate of elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in various degrees of dependence; the more severe the degree of dependence, the worse its 30-day survival rate.;Background : Elderly patients often require hospitalization because of pneumonia accompanied by decreased functional status. The relationship between the declines in functional status in elderly patients with community acquired pneumonia who are hospitalized with survival rate has not been widely studied. Objective : To determine the difference of 30-days survival in elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in various degree of dependency during admission.
Method : A retrospective cohort study based on survival analysis of the elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in acute geriatric ward RSCM from January 2010 to December 2013. Extraction of data from medical records regarding functional status, clinical conditions and confounding factors, then followed up the 30-day mortality. Functional status at the start of hospitalization was assessed by the ADL Barthel index, then grouped into three, which are independent-mild dependence, moderate-severe dependence and total dependence. The difference of survival rate among the three groups is shown in the Kaplan- Meier curves. The difference in survival rate among the three groups were tested with the log-rank test, with a significance limit of <0.05. Multivariate analysis with Cox's proportional hazards regression to calculate adjusted hazard ratio (and its 95% confidence interval) with correction for confounding variables.
Results : Of the 392 subjects, a total of 79 subjects (20.2%) died within 30 days. The mean survival rate of all subjects was 25 days (95%CI 24.66-26.49), independent-mild dependence group was 28 days (95%CI 27.38-29.46), moderate-severe dependence group was 25 days (95%CI 23,71-27.25), the total dependence group was of 23 days (95%CI 21.46-24.86). The 30-day survival of independent-mild dependence group was 92.1% (SE 0.029), moderate-severe dependence group was 80.2% (SE 0.046), total dependence group was 68.0% (SE 0.041). Crude HR of moderate-severe dependence group was 2.68 (p=0.008; 95%CI 1.29-5.57), the total dependence group was 4.32 (p<0.001; 95%CI 2.24- 8.31) compared with independent-mild dependence group. After adjustment for confounding variables, obtained the fully adjusted HR was 3,82 (95%CI 1,95- 7,51) in total dependence group, and 2,36 (95%CI 1,13-4,93) in moderate-severe dependence group.
Conclusion : There are differences in 30-day survival rate of elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in various degrees of dependence; the more severe the degree of dependence, the worse its 30-day survival rate., Background : Elderly patients often require hospitalization because of pneumonia accompanied by decreased functional status. The relationship between the declines in functional status in elderly patients with community acquired pneumonia who are hospitalized with survival rate has not been widely studied. Objective : To determine the difference of 30-days survival in elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in various degree of dependency during admission.
Method : A retrospective cohort study based on survival analysis of the elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in acute geriatric ward RSCM from January 2010 to December 2013. Extraction of data from medical records regarding functional status, clinical conditions and confounding factors, then followed up the 30-day mortality. Functional status at the start of hospitalization was assessed by the ADL Barthel index, then grouped into three, which are independent-mild dependence, moderate-severe dependence and total dependence. The difference of survival rate among the three groups is shown in the Kaplan- Meier curves. The difference in survival rate among the three groups were tested with the log-rank test, with a significance limit of <0.05. Multivariate analysis with Cox's proportional hazards regression to calculate adjusted hazard ratio (and its 95% confidence interval) with correction for confounding variables.
Results : Of the 392 subjects, a total of 79 subjects (20.2%) died within 30 days. The mean survival rate of all subjects was 25 days (95%CI 24.66-26.49), independent-mild dependence group was 28 days (95%CI 27.38-29.46), moderate-severe dependence group was 25 days (95%CI 23,71-27.25), the total dependence group was of 23 days (95%CI 21.46-24.86). The 30-day survival of independent-mild dependence group was 92.1% (SE 0.029), moderate-severe dependence group was 80.2% (SE 0.046), total dependence group was 68.0% (SE 0.041). Crude HR of moderate-severe dependence group was 2.68 (p=0.008; 95%CI 1.29-5.57), the total dependence group was 4.32 (p<0.001; 95%CI 2.24- 8.31) compared with independent-mild dependence group. After adjustment for confounding variables, obtained the fully adjusted HR was 3,82 (95%CI 1,95- 7,51) in total dependence group, and 2,36 (95%CI 1,13-4,93) in moderate-severe dependence group.
Conclusion : There are differences in 30-day survival rate of elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia in various degrees of dependence; the more severe the degree of dependence, the worse its 30-day survival rate.]"
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Chemotherapy is one of the cancer treatment that could provide many side effects and decrease the functional status and quality of life cancer patients. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) training is one of the nursing intervention that leads to decreased physical and phsycological effect from chemotherapy. The purpose of this study was to identify 'the effect of progressive muscle relaxation training on functional status in the context of the nursing care for cancer patients with chemotherapy'. This study was a quasi experimental using a nonequivalent control group with pretest and posttest design. The sample was cancer patients who received chemotherapy and inpatient in RS Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. A concecutive sampling was used as the sample collection method and 48 subjects were obtained this study, divided into two groups, each group consisted of twenty four subjects as intervention group who were given PMR training twice a day for seven days, and twenty four subjects as control group who were not given PMR training. The instrument that used in this study were demography form and Functional Living Index-Cancer to measure functional status which consisted 22 questions with 7-point Likert-Type linear analog scale. A T test was used to examine the differences of the mean of functional status scores and each dimension. The finding showed that there was a significant increased of the mean of functional status after PMR training in intervention group (p=0,000). It means that PMR training has an effect in increasing level of functional status in cancer patients with chemotherapy. It is recommended to apply PMR training as a nursing intervention to cancer patients with chemotherapy and suggested to conduct futher research using more samples."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandra Bagus Ropyanto
"Fase rehabilitasi merupakan fase kemampuan fungsional berada pada tahap paling rendah dibandingkan fase lain. Pemulihan fungsi fisik menjadi prioritas dilihat dari status fungsional. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status fungsional pada paska ORIF fraktur ekstremitas bawah.
Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan 35 responden dan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Variabel independen adalah usia, lama hari rawat, jenis fraktur, nyeri, kelelahan, motivasi, fall-efficacy, dan dukungan keluarga sementara variabel dependen adalah status fungsional. Uji ANOVA digunakan untuk data kategorik serta korelasi pearson dan spearman rho untuk data numerik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan fall-efficacy (r = -0,490 dan nilai p=0,003) merupakan faktor yang berhubungan. Model multivariat memiliki nilai p=0,015 dan jenis fraktur, nyeri, dan fall-efficacy mampu menjelaskan 28,2 % status fungsional dengan nyeri sebagai faktor yang paling besar untuk memprediksi status fungsional setelah dikontrol fall-efficacy dan jenis fraktur. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan melakukan latihan meningkatkan status fungsional terintegrasi manajemen nyeri dan fall-efficacy.

Rehabilitation phase is a phase of functional ability at the stage of the lowest compared to other phases. Recovery of physical function is a priority from functional status. Conducted research on the functional status as the basis for the restorative care. The research aimed to identify factors associated with functional status post ORIF fracture in the lower extremities.
The study design was a crosssectional with 35 respondents and collecting data using questionnaires. Independent variables were age, length of day care, type of fracture, pain, fatigue, motivation, fall-efficacy, and family support; as the dependent variable was functional status. ANOVA test used for categorical data and Pearson correlation and spearman rho for numerical data.
The results show the fall-efficacy (r = - 0.490 and p-value = 0.003) is related factors. Multivariat model have p value=0,015 and type of fracture, pain, and fall-efficacy explained 28,2 % functional status variable with pain as the biggest factor for predicting functional status after controlled fall-efficacy and type of fracture. This research recommended for exercises improved functional status integrated pain and fallefficacy managemen."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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