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Dian Anggraini
Deformitas kaki dapat menyebabkan perubahan mobilitas sendi, luas kontak kaki ke permukaan, kemampuan neuromuskular untuk menstabilkan kaki serta mempertahankan posisi berdiri tegak. Perubahan ini akan berdampak pada penurunan fungsi ekstremitas bawah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatahui hubungan deformitas kaki dengan fungsi ekstremitas bawah pada pasien neuropati diabetik. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel 105 orang responden yang mengalami neuropati diabetik dengan deformitas kaki. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square, Anova, dan regresi logistik etiologik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara deformitas kaki dengan fungsi ekstremitas bawah p = 0,000, OR = 10,857 . Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan acuan bagi perawat dalam melakukan pengkajian keperawatan untuk memprediksi penurunan fungsi ekstremitas bawah pada pasien neuropati diabetik dengan deformitas kaki sehingga bisa mencegah terjadinya resiko cedera atau jatuh pada pasien.

Foot deformity can cause various of changes in joint mobility, extent of foot contact to the surface, neuromuscular ability to stabilize the legs and maintain an upright standing position. These changes will have an impact on lower limb function. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of foot deformities with the lower extremity functions in diabetic neuropathy patients. The design of this study was a quantitative research with a cross sectional study approach with sample size of 105 respondents who has foot deformity with diabetic neuropathy. Data were analysed using a Chi Square, Anova, and etiologic logistic regression. The results showed a significant correlation between foot deformities with lower extremity function p 0,000, OR 10,857 . This study is expected to be used as a reference for nurses in conducting nursing assessments to predict lower extremity function in diabetic neuropathy patients with foot deformities in order to prevent the risk of injuries or falls in patients."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kocahan, T.
This study aimed to determine the upper extremity isokinetic muscle strength profile of Turkey male weightlifters and shed light on the exercise and training program by sharing these results with the athletes and all team working presently in the weightlifting sports area. This study included 21 weightlifters, who did not have any orthopedic problems, did professional weightlifting for at least 2 years, were cooperative, had a cognitive state required for the assessment, and volunteered to participate in the study. the tests were performed using an isokinetic dynamometer system at angular velocities of 60°/s and 240°/s during concentric contractions. The protocol was applied separately to the right and left extremities for the shoulder internal rotation/external rotation and elbow flexion/extension movements.
The peak torque of internal rotation in the shoulder joint was found to be higher than that of external rotation, and the extension peak torque in the elbow joint was higher than the peak torque of exion. External/internal rotation rate in the shoulder joint at 240 º/s velocity was lower compared with the rate at 60º/s velocity and also at the rates accepted to be normal for both angular velocities.
The elbow flexion/extension rate on the dominant and nondominant sides ranged outside of the rates accepted as normal for both angular velocities. The present findings can guide the weightlifting athletes to reduce the sports injuries that may occur in shoulder and elbow joints and increase their sports performance."
Amman: Islamic World Academic of Sciences, 2017
610 MJU 25:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyudi Hartono
"Ruang lingkup: Di bagian produksi industri rotan, pekerja melakukan gerakan tangan berulang untuk jangka waktu yang lama dan sering kali disertai beban yang berat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan Upper Extremity Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (UEWMSDs).
Metode: Penelitian ini mcnggunakan desain potong lintang dengan jumlah sampel 100 yang diambil secara random sampling. Data penelitian didapat dari anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan provokasi neurologi pada ekstrentitas atas dan pengamatan sikap dan posisi anggota tubuh pada waktu bekerja dengan menggunakan kode skor RULA.
Hasil penelitian: Didapatkan prevalensi UEWMSDs sebesar 46 %. Kelainan UEWMSDs yang terbanyal; adalah Impingement syndrome sebesar 24.%. Faktor-faktor seperti umur, jenis kelamin, status gizi, tingkal pendidikan, lama kerja, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok, kebiasaan olahraga, pekerjaan sampingan, lama tidur, riwayat keluhan fisik sebelumnya, desain ruang kerja, pelatihan kerja dan SOP tidak terbukti merupakan faktor risiko untuk terjadinya UEWMSDs. Faktor yang :Iarhubungan dengan UEWMSDs adalah sikap dan posisi anggota tubuh pada waktu bekerja dengan skor RULA ≥ 5 (p=0.000).
Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian mendapatkan adanya hubungan bennakna antara sikap dan posisi anggota tubuh waktu bekerja dengan UEWMSDs. Sikap dan posisi anggota tubuh dengan skor RULA ≥ 5 mempunyai risiko UEWMSDs 104 kali dari sikap dan posisi anggota tubuh dengan skor RULA < 5.

The Relationship Between Upper Extremities' Posture on Work and UEWMSDs on Rattan workers at PT "X". Scope: Al the production unit of rattan industry, workers perform repetitive hand movements for prolonged periods of time and occasionally with heavy load The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence and factors that relate with Upper Extremity Work-related Macula-Skeletal Disorders (UEWMSDs).
Method: This study used cross-sectional design with a total number of 100 samples that was randomly sampling selected. The data were compiled from anamnesis, physical examination, neurology provocation; test on upper extremities and observation during working using RUI,R score.
Result : The prevalence of UEWMSDs is 46 % . hnpingement syndrome is the greatest number of UEWMSDs (24 %). Whereas age, gender, nutrient status, educational background, length of working hours, length of service, smoking habit, sports, side jobs, length of sleep, prior history of physical complaint, workplace design, job training and standard operational procedure (SOP) are not risk factors for UEWMSDs. The factor related with UEWMSDs is extremity's posture and position during working with RULA score (p=0.000).
Conclusion : The study finds that there is a significant relationship between extremity' posture and position during working with UEWMSDs. Extremity' posture and position with RULA score ≥ 5 have a risk of 104 times greater than the ones with RULA score < 5.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Lestari Effriana
"Latar Belakang : Pekerja di PT X banyak yang bekerja dengan sikap tubuh berdiri, yang jika dipertahankan dalam waktu lama akan dapat menyebabkan gangguan muskuloskeletal yaitu berupa nyeri tungkai bawah (NTB). Pada penelitian pendahuluan di perusahaan tersebut ditemukan 42,3% mengalami NTB, sehingga perlu diketahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi timbulnya keluhan NTB tersebut.
Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian adalah kros seksional, dengan 107 orang responden yang merupakan total populasi yang memenuhi kriteria umur dan masa kerja. Data diperoleh melalui wawaneara, pemeriksaan fisik dan pengamatan sikap tubuh pada waktu kerja yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2005.
Hasil : Didapatkan prevalensi NTB 46,7 %, dan dari hasil pengamatan didapatkan responden yang sikap berdiri statis 39 orang (36,44%). Faktor-faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan NTB adalah sikap tubuh berdiri statis (OR= 8,01), kemudian bagian pekerjaan di finishing ( OR=3,88) dan umur X30 tahun (OR = 0,31).
Kesimpulan dan Saran : Prevalensi NTB cukup tinggi ( 46,7 %) dan faktor sikap tubuh yang paling berhubungan dengan NTB adalah sikap tubuh berdiri statis sedangkan faktor-faktor lain yang berhubungan adalah bagian pekerjaan difinishing dan umur >30 tahun. Pekerja perlu diberi pelatihan tentang sikap tubuh yang baik dan benar agar pekerja lebih sering merubah sikap berdiri statis menjadi sikap berdiri dinamis saat bekerja.

Back ground : Many workers in PT X are working with standing posture. If this standing position is maintained for along time, it can cause musculoskeletal problem among other lower extremity pain. A preliminary study found that 42,3% workers have Lower Extremity Pain. This study will find out what are the risk factors that are associated with the symptom.
Methodology : The research design was cross sectional. Total samples were 107 workers, which is the total population that meets the age & work period criteria. Data was collected by interview, physical examination and visual observation of working posture in June 2005.
Result: Prevalence of Lower Extremity Pain (LEP) was 46,7%, observation of working posture showed 39 worker (36,44%) of worked with static standing posture. The factor has the highest association with Lower Extremity Pain is static standing posture (OR=S, 01) followed by workers in the finishing department (OR=3,88) and age more than 30 year (OR=0,31).
Conclusion : Prevalence of LEP is hight ( 46,7%). Related factors are static standing posture and are finishing department were static posture while working, workers who?s working in the finishing department and age more than 30 years. Recommendation : The workers should be trained in proper work position and change to dynamic standing position from static position.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Shofi Rosyadi
"Latar belakang penelitian ini didasari oleh isu-isu pilpres 2019 yang beredar secara masif di media sosial. Dari isu-isu tersebut muncul polarisasi dan membagi menjadi dua belah pihak yang saling berseberangan. Namun, pengguna pada dasarnya tidak disuguhkan informasi yang berimbang akibat dari sistem rekomendasi pada sosial media. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya kajian dampak media sosial khususnya pada kajian sistem rekomendasi dengan konteks di Indonesia.
Tesis ini mengkaji sistem rekomendasi yang dirancang oleh operator media sosial cenderung seragam atau selaras dengan pandangan politik pengguna saja. Fenomena tersebut adalah The Filter Bubbles dimana informasi yang beredar pada media sosial kita disaring hanya sesuai dengan pandangan pengguna itu sendiri. Polarisasi menjadi efek yang bisa dipengaruhi oleh sistem rekomendasi karena penerimaan informasi dari pengguna setelah melalui sistem kurasi berdasarkan personalisasi memunculkan berita seragam.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem rekomendasi membuat posisi polarisasi pengguna semakin ekstrim. Hal ini ditandai dengan semakin teguhnya opini dan pandangan politik yang dipegang oleh pengguna sebelumnya.

The background of this research is based on 2019 election issues that spread massively in social media. From these issues comes the polarization and divides into two opposing sides. However, users are basically not presented with balanced information as a result of the recommendation system on social media. This research is expected to enrich the study of social media impact, especially on study of recommendation system with context in Indonesia.
This thesis examines the recommendation system designed by social media operators tends to be uniform or aligned with the user's political views only. The phenomenon is The Filter Bubbles where the information circulating on our social media is filtered only in accordance with the user's own views. Polarization becomes an effect that can be influenced by the recommendation system because the acceptance of information from the user after going through a personalized curation system raises uniform news.
This research uses quantitative approach with experiment method. The results of this study indicate that the recommendation system makes the polarization position of users more extreme. This is marked by increasingly persistent opinions and political views held by previous users
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Almira Yuni Sunaryanti
"Nyeri merupakan masalah yang sering dialami pasien setelah menjalani operasi bedah ortopedi. Intervensi yang dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan nyeri dan meningkatkan kenyamanan setelah menjalani operasi bedah ortopedi yaitu pemberian terapi komplementer dan alternatif. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi pengaruh kompres dingin (cold pack) terhadap nyeri dan kenyamanan pada pasien post operasi fraktur ekstremitas bawah. Desain penelitian quasi eksperimen pretest posttest with control group. Metode pemilihan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 32 responden, dibagi menjadi kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kelompok intervensi diberikan kompres dingin menggunakan media cold pack, sedangkan kelompok kontrol mendapatkan intervensi standar rumah sakit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari kompres dingin (cold pack) terhadap skor nyeri dan kenyamanan setelah diberikan intervensi antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi (p < 0,05; α 0.05). Kompres dingin memberikan pengaruh terhadap nyeri dan kenyamanan, sehingga dapat direkomendasikan sebagai terapi untuk menurunkan tingkat nyeri dan meningkatkan kenyamanan pada pasien post operasi fraktur ekstremitas bawah.

Pain is a common problem experienced by patients after undergoing orthopedic surgery. Several interventions to reduce pain and increase comfort after undergoing orthopedic surgery include the provision of complementary and alternative therapies. This research sought to investigate the effect of applying cold pack on pain and comfort of post-operative lower extremity fracture patients. This research employed a quasi-experimental design, using pretest posttest with control group. The samples were selected through consecutive sampling technique, with a total of 32 respondents assigned into intervention and control groups. The respondents in the intervention group were given cold compresses using cold pack, while the control group respondents received standard hospital intervention. The research results revealed that there is a significant effect of cold pack on pain and comfort scores after the intervention was given between the control group and the intervention group (p < 0.05; 0.05). Cold compress affects pain and comfort of experienced by patients, so it can be recommended as a therapy to reduce pain levels and increase comfort in post-operative lower extremity fracture patients."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Kezia Martina
"Latar belakang: Strategi terapi sarkoma jaringan lunak (SJL) ekstremitas cukup menantang. Hal ini karena diagnosis sering terlambat dan gambaran klinisnya yang tidak spesifik sehingga hampir 50% pasien yang baru didiagnosis mengalami kematian. Berbagai modalitas terapi digunakan untuk meningkatkan angka kesintasan pasien sarkoma jaringan lunak ekstremitas. Namun faktor klinikopatologis dapat memengaruhinya angka kesintasan sehingga memengaruhi efektivitas terapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui angka dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruh kesintasan hidup (overall survival) lima tahun pascaterapi pasien sarkoma jaringan lunak ekstremitas di RSCM tahun 2011-2015.
Metode: Sebanyak 42 pasien sarkoma jaringan lunak ekstremitas ditegakkan dengan histopatologis dan menjalani terapi di RSCM tahun 2011-2015 menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode Kapplan Meier, uji Cox Regression, dan Cox Regression with Time Dependent Variable
Hasil penelitian: Median kesintasan hidup pascaterapi pasien sebesar 6 tahun ( 3 bulan - 8,25 tahun) dengan persentase kesintasan hidup lima tahun sebesar 52,4%. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kesintasan hidup lima tahun pascaterapi pasien SJL adalah tindakan pembedahan berupa limb saving surgery (HR 0,852 IK95% 0,68 - 1,07, p =0,163).
Kesimpulan: Kesintasan hidup lima tahun pada pasien sarkoma jaringan lunak ekstremitas adalah sebesar 52,4%, Kesintasan hidup dipengaruhi oleh derajat SJL tinggi, terapi tidak lengkap, dan stadium klinis metastasis.
Kata kunci: kesintasan, sarkoma jaringan lunak ekstremitas.

Background: The strategy for treating limb soft tissue sarcoma (SJL) is quite challenging. This is because the diagnosis is often delayed and the clinical picture is non-specific so that almost 50% of newly diagnosed patients die. Various therapeutic modalities are used to increase the survival rate of patients with extremity soft tissue sarcoma. However, clinicopathological factors can influence the survival rate and thus affect the effectiveness of therapy. This study aims to determine the numbers and factors that influence overall survival five years after therapy for patients with soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities at RSCM in 2011-2015.
Methods: A total of 42 patients with soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities were histopathologically established and underwent therapy at the RSCM in 2011-2015 as subjects in this study. Data analysis was carried out using the Kapplan Meier method, Cox Regression test, and Cox Regression with Time Dependent Variable.
Results: The median survival after therapy for patients was 6 years (3 months - 8.25 years) with a five-year survival percentage of 52.4%. Factors that affect five-year survival after SJL patients are surgical procedures in the form of limb saving surgery (HR 0.852 95% CI 0.68 - 1.07, p = 0.163).
Conclusion: The five-year survival rate for patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities was 52.4%. Overal survival is affected by higher sarcoma grade, incomplete therapy, and worse clinical stage.
Keywords: survival, extremity soft tissue sarcoma.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zecky Eko Triwahyudi
"Jumlah kasus tumor muskuloskeletal di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Di antara pilihan tata laksana yang ada, tindakan amputasi masih menjadi salah satu modalitas utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk enilai hubungan antara faktor-faktor klinis dan demografis dengan kualitas hidup dan luaran fungsional pasien-pasien dengan tumor ekstremitas bawah yang menjalani amputasi Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik observasional potong lintang dengan subjek seluruh pasien tumor ekstremitas bawah di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo selama 2014-2019. Kualitas hidup dan luaran fungsional diukur menggunakan instrumen SF-36 dan MSTS. Total 72 pasien memiliki rerata usia 31 tahun dan 65% pria, 33 di antaranya teridentifikasi hidup. Mayoritas subjek memiliki diagnosis osteosarkoma (58%), dilakukan amputasi transfemoral (50%) dan lokasi tumor di distal femur (44,4%). Rerata SF-36 adalah 61,63, sementara skor MSTS adalah 35%. Hanya 1 pasien yang menggunakan prosthesis, di mana skor SF-36 pasien tersebut paling baik (74) di antara subjek lain. Rerata SF-36 lebih baik pada pria dibandingkan wanita (p=0,011). Skor MSTS lebih baik pada tingkat pendapatan menengah ke atas (p=0,04). Kesintasan 3 tahun pasca amputasi sebesar 45,8%. Tidak ada perbedaan kesintasan antara osteosarkoma dan tumor lain. Kualitas hidup berkaitan dengan faktor jenis kelamin dan penggunaan alat bantu gerak, sementara luaran fungsional berkaitan dengan tingkat pendapatan.

The number of musculoskeletal tumors in Indonesia is increasing. Among all treatment options, amputation is still frequently performed. The purpose of this study is to identify demographical and clinical characteristics associated with quality of life and functional outcome of patients with lower extremity tumor who underwent amputation. This study was a cross-sectional study with subjects from all lower extremity tumor patients who underwent amputation in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during the 2014-2019. Quality of life and functional outcome were measured using SF-36 and MSTS questionnaires.There were 72 subjects, consisted of 65% men and have average age of 31 years. Among the patients, 33 of whom were identified alive and interviewed. Mean SF-36 score is 61.63, while mean MSTS score is 35%. There was only 1 patient who wore prosthesis, scoring the best SF-36 of 74. Mean SF-36 of male is better than female (p=0.011). Better MSTS score was found in subjects with better education level (p=0.04). The 3-year survival rate of our patients was 45.8%. There was no difference of survival rate between patients with osteosarcoma and other diagnosis. Quality of life is associated with gender and use of walking aids, while functional outcome is associated with level of income."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Adiputra
"Pendahuluan: Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektivitas Kinesio Tape dan Sham Taping terhadap performa ekstremitas bawah atlet voli. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan taping tidak hanya meningkatkan performa atlet tetapi juga dapat menurunkan angka cedera atlet voli. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan single-blind randomized clinical trial dengan menilai efektivitas penggunaan taping pada jangka waktu 20 menit, 24 jam dan 72 jam dan hubungannya terhadap performa atlet voli sehat. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 38 orang dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki dan kondisi atlet voli sehat tanpa faktor risiko. Seluruh subjek dilakukan randomisasi acak dengan aplikasi untuk membagi menjadi 2 kelompok, kelompok intervensi (Kinesio tape) dan kelompok kontrol (Sham Taping). Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi Kinesio Tape memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan Sham Taping dalam hal pengukuran body reaction time, pengukuran daya ledak otot, pengukuran kekuatan otot dengan leg dynamometer, pengukuran fleksibilitas otot dengan sit and reach test dan pada pengukuran agility dengan modified agility T test. Kesimpulan: Kinesio tape terbukti efektif dalam mempersingkat waktu body reaction time, meningkatkan daya ledak otot, meningkatkan kekuatan otot, meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot dan meningkatkan agility.

Background: To assess the effectiveness of Kinesio Tape and Sham Taping on the performance of the lower extremities of volleyball athletes. This research shows that the use of taping not only improves athlete performance but also reduce incidence rate of athlete injury. Method: Research used a single-blind randomized clinical trial by assessing the effectiveness of using taping over a period of 20 minutes, 24 hours and 72 hours and its relationship to the performance of healthy volleyball athletes. The subjects of this research were 38 people, with characteristics male and healthy volleyball athletes without risk factors. All subjects were randomly assigned with an application to divide them into 2 groups, the intervention group (Kinesio tape) and the control group (Sham Taping). Result: The results of this study show that Kinesio Tape intervention provides better results than Sham Taping in terms of measuring body reaction time, measuring muscle explosive power, measuring muscle strength with a leg dynamometer, measuring muscle flexibility with the sit and reach test and measuring agility with modified agility T test. Conclusion: Kinesio tape has proven to be effective in shortening body reaction time, increasing muscle explosive power, increasing muscle strength, increasing muscle flexibility and increasing agility."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sconfienza, Luca Maria, editor
"As it is quick, inexpensive, and non-invasive, ultrasound is the modality of choice for guidance of interventional procedures in the soft tissues. Furthermore, the rising mean age of the general population is being accompanied by increasing demand among patients for minimally invasive procedures to treat painful chronic and degenerative syndromes of the musculoskeletal system. This handbook is a clear, practical guide to ultrasound-guided minimally invasive treatments of musculoskeletal pain in the upper limb. Each chapter is clearly structured, with brief but comprehensive descriptions of the disease to be treated and of the materials and drugs needed. High-quality images and easy-to-follow schemes explain the best approach in each situation, and practical tips and tricks of value in daily clinical routine are provided."
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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