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Topping, J.
London : Chapman and Hall, 1972
519.5 TOP e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marbun, Nindya Meylani
Abstrak :
Penyelesaian kerugian keuangan negara akibat kelalaian/kesalahan administrasi seharusnya merupakan penyelesaian administrasi sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2004 tentang Perbendaharaan Negara dan Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan. Kerugian negara selalu diarahkan kepada hukum pidana dan mengabaikan hukum administrasi negara. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya pemahaman mengenai teori hukum administrasi negara. Tidak semua penyimpangan khususnya dalam hal tindakan aparatur pemerintah dikenai sanksi pidana apabila hukum administrasi negara memberikan pedoman dan sanksi. Untuk itu, perlu dibuat adanya Standar Operasional agar penyelesaian kerugian keuangan negara akibat kesalahan/kelalaian admnistrasi dapat diselesaikan secara administrasi dan peningkatan pengawasan dari APIP dalam hal ?hal yang berhubungan dengan administrasi pemerintahan.
Solving Mechanism of State Financial Loss Due to Administrative Failure and/or error should be an administrative settlement in accordance with Law No. 1 of 2004 on State Treasury and Law No. 30 Year 2014 on Government Administration. State losses are always directed to the criminal law and the law ignores the state administration. This is due to lack of understanding of the theory of administrative law. Not all irregularities, especially in terms of the actions of government officials subject to criminal sanctions if the administrative law providing guidelines and sanctions. For that, need to be made that the completion of their Standard Operating state financial losses due to errors / omissions of Administrative can be resolved administratively and increased supervision of the APIP in those things which relate to government administration.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Refi Fitri H. NST
Abstrak :
Pada era globalisasi saat ini terdapat kecenderungan meningkatnya tuntutan dan dugaan kejadian kesalahan medik yang berbias ke malpraktik. Hampir setiap tindakan medik menyimpan risiko. Kesalahan medik dengan konsckuensi serius paling sering terjadi Salah satunya di Unit Gawat Darurat. Masalah asuhan klinis di Unit Gawat Darurat apabila tidak dikenali dan dipahami dengan baik dapat merugikan pasien, bahkan rumah sakit itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai pengetahuan, sikap, dan persepsi tenaga kesehatan terhadap kesalahan medik yang nantinya diharapkan dapat meminimalisasikan texjadinya kesalahan medik. Penelitian dilakukan di unit gawat darurat RS ”X” dengan 10 informan yang terdiri dari manager, kepala seksi, kepala ruangan, ketua kelompok perawat, dokter dan perawat pelaksana yang bertugas di unit tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yaitu wawancara mendaiam, obsen/asi, dan tclaah dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode analisis isi (content anabzsis) yaitu membandingkan hasil penelitian dengan teori dalam kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan sudah mengetahui tentang pengertian kesalahan medik, sumber-sumber kesalahan medik, dampak kesalahan medik, dan upaya kesalahan medik, namun untuk tipe-tipe kesalahan medik informan belum mengetahuinya. Sikap informan terhadap kesalahan medik, informan menilai bahwa kesalahancadalah hal yang wajar. Kewlahan tidak texjadi apabila mengikuti prosedur dengan benar. SDM terampil dan fasilitas cukup memadai, hanya ruangan yang belum memadai dinilai sebagai sumber kesalahan medik. Kesalahan medik dapat bcrdampak positif dan negatiti Informan menilai sikap pimpinan dalam mengantispasi kesalahan medik kurang sesuai. Persepsi infomian tentang kesalahan medik menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan medik texjadi dikarenakan kasus sulit, pasien banyak, dan harus melakukan tindakan dengan cepat. Faktor manusia, komunikasi, pasien, merupakan sumbcij terjadinya kesalahan medik. Kesalahan medik bukan hanya bcrdampak pada pasicn, namun berdampak juga pada pemberi pelayanan. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk meminimalisasikan kesalahan medik dapat dilakulcan dengan pelatihan, refreshing keilmuan, kolaborasi sesama tim, memperbaiki komunikasi, dan melaksanakan tindakan sesuai SOP. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan, sikap, dan persepsi tenaga kesehatan di unit tersebut cukup baik namun tidak dibarengi dengan tindakan, sarana dan prasarana yang rnemadai, pengawasan yang memadai dari tim manajemen risiko, dan sistem rujukan pasien yang kurang baik sehingga menyulitl-can keluarga pasien. Mengingat bahwa salah satu usaha untuk meminimalisasikan kesalahan medik adalah dcngan rnembuat Iaporan insiden, maka disarankan tim manajemen risiko untuk secara intensif mensosialisasikan pelaporan insidcn dan menyediakan buku panduan mengenai bentuk~bentuk kesalahan yang harus dilaporkan dan pihak rumah sakit membuat kebijakan yang isinya adalah mernberikan jaminan tidak akan memberikan sanksi kepada yang melakukan kesalahan dan melaporkan kesalahan medik yang terjadi. ...... In current globalization era there is tendency of increasing demand and medical error cases estimation that biased to malpractice. Almost all of medical action has risk. Medical error with serious consequence is the most frequent cases in Emergency Unit. If clinical upbringing cases in Emergency Unit not recognized and comprehended well would harm patient, stahl even the hospital. This research aim to gather information toward knowledge, attitude and health force assessment toward medical error that later would minimize medical error. Research conducted in emergency unit of RS “X” with 10 informant that consist of manager, chief section, chief executive, nurse group leader, doctor and muse administrator that undertake the unit. Research method used is qualitative method that is circumstantial interview, observation, and document study. Data analysis conducted with content analysis method that is research result with bibliography theory. Research result shows that informant has recognize about medical error interpretation, medical error sources, medical error impact, and medical error efforts, however for medic types informer not yet know it. Informant behavior toward medical error, informant assess that mistake is spontaneous. Mistake would not occur if following the right procedure, skilled SDM and adequate facility, only room that not yet adequate assessed as medical error source. Medical error could affect positively and negatively. Informant assessed leader behavior in anticipating medical error less suitable. Informant assessment toward medical error shows that medical error occurs because of complicated cases, excessive patient, and act quickly. Human factor, communication, patient, is source of medical error. Medical error was not only affecting patient, but also affecting service giver. Efforts conducted to minimizing medical error could do by training, knowledge refreshing, team collaboration, fixing communication, and conduct act that appropriate with SOP. Conclusion Hom this research is knowledge, attitude, and health force assessment in those unit is quite well but not along with action, adequate medium and infrastructure, adequate monitoring from risk management team, and patient reference system that less good so that complicate patient family. Considering that one of the efforts to minimize medical error is making incidental report, so that suggested risk management team intensively socialize incident report and providing guidance book toward fallacies that had to be reported and hospital that make policy, which has content of guaranteed would not give sanction to the one who do mistake and reporting medical error occurred.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2008
618.92 AVO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Synopsis "I found this book an interesting and well-presented read, full of ideas for understanding and dealing with errors in organizations. It will trigger academic debate and inspire practice, and so should be on the bookshelf of anyone interested in risk management." - Denham Phipps, occupational psychologist, Human Reliability Associates, Lancashire, UK in The Psychologist, January 2012 "Attempts to manage human error in high-hazard domains were initially (and often still are) concentrated on what went on between the ears of the perpetrators. Remedial efforts focused on blaming, shaming, retraining and the like - but these measures largely isolated the people in question from the context in which the unsafe acts occurred. One of the most significant facts about errors is that the same kinds keep occurring in similar situations involving a wide range of different individuals. These recurrent 'error traps' make it clear that the origins of unsafe actions go well beyond the individual and encompass the workplace, the team dynamics and the organization as a whole - particularly its safety culture. This understanding has led to an increasing concern with the broader systemic issues. This collection is the latest and best of these systemic treatments, covering as it does the gamut of error research over the last 40 years. Hofmann and Frese have brought together within a single volume a glittering assembly of top-rank contributors. Their chapters provide fresh insights as well as providing a coherent account of these diverse contexts. This book will be essential reading for all error researchers of whatever disciplinary persuasion for many years to come." - James Reason, University of Manchester, UK "If you think that all errors are to be prevented, think again. While recognizing that preventing errors is often beneficial, Hofmann and Frese provide extensive support for the fact that the goal of the elimination of all errors in organizations is neither possible nor desirable. Their edited book, with internationally acclaimed chapter authors, convincingly demonstrates the superiority of focusing on error management rather than error prevention for individuals, teams, and organizations in settings varying from IT software development to top management teams. This book is indispensible for anyone interested in understanding performance errors and harnessing them for attaining effective performance through training and the design of tasks, teams, organizations, or any other system." - Daniel R. Ilgen, Michigan State University, USA "With the unexpected seemingly becoming a larger chunk of everyday organizational life and growing evidence showing that crises and accidents often start with the small stuff, we can understand why scholarly interest in errors has mushroomed. Thus, David Hofmann and Michael Frese's Errors in Organizations could not be more important or timelier. This comprehensive volume includes essays by a renowned set of scholars who provide not only keen insight into the phenomenon, but also shrewd guidance about future research avenues." - Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, University of Michigan, USA
New York: Routledge, 2011
302.35 ERR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cacuci, Dan Gabriel
Abstrak :
This book addresses the experimental calibration of best-estimate numerical simulation models. The results of measurements and computations are never exact. Therefore, knowing only the nominal values of experimentally measured or computed quantities is insufficient for applications, particularly since the respective experimental and computed nominal values seldom coincide. In the authors view, the objective of predictive modeling is to extract best estimate values for model parameters and predicted results, together with best estimate uncertainties for these parameters and results. To achieve this goal, predictive modeling combines imprecisely known experimental and computational data, which calls for reasoning on the basis of incomplete, error-rich, and occasionally discrepant information.
Berlin: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan Kepmenkes no 129 tahun 2008 tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal Rumah Sakit, standar pelayanan farmasi untuk tidak adanya kejadian kesalahan pemberian obat adalah 100 %. Kejadian kesalahan pemberian obat dari bagian farmasi di RS ?X? masih selalu muncul walaupun sudah ada Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kesalahan. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan melakukan analisis konten. Peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan faktor penyebab kejadian kesalahan pemberian obat yang perlu diperbaiki adalah faktor supervisi terhadap pelaksanaan SPO, lingkungan kerja fisik, kelelahan, stress dan interupsi, beban kerja serta ketrampilan dan pengetahuan petugas.
Based on Kepmenkes No. 129 year 2008 about Minimum Service Standards Hospitals, pharmaceutical service standards for the absence of medication error occurrence is 100%. Incidence of medication errors in a hospital "X" pharmacy section was always appear despite existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the factors that caused the error. This is a qualitative research method with content analysis. Researchers conducted in-depth interviews, observation and document review. From the results, the causes of medication error events that need to be improved is the supervision of the implementation of SPO factors, physical work environment, fatigue, stress and interruptions, workload and skill and knowledge workers.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Contents : Key concepts in patient safety -- Keeping the patient safe -- Safety improvement is in professional practice -- Safety improvement is in systems -- Safety improvement is achieved within organizations -- Culture of safety in healthcare settings -- Why things go wrong -- What to do when things go wrong -- Safe patient care systems -- The use of evidence to improve safety.
Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett, 2011
362.11 FOU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hong-Fwu Yu
Abstrak :
CSP-T is a three-level continuous sampling plan (CSP). Yu, Yu, and Wu investigated a mixed policy between precise inspection and CSP-T with inspection errors (types I and II) and return cost. With respect to non-repairable and repair able product, the following decision variables are determined such that the unit net profit is maximal: (1) the optimal sampling plan for CSP-T and (2) the optimal proportions on which precise inspection should be performed for the non inspected items, the
Taylor and Francis, 2016
658 JIPE 33:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syahrudin M.
Abstrak :
This study is aimed at (1) investigating the types of translation errors in abstracts of students final assignments of accounting study program Politeknik Negeri Medan of 2016 until 2017 academic year, and (2) finding out the dominant types of translation errors in the abstracts of students final assignments. The dominants type of grammatical errors was caused by the confusion of verb groups in dealing with the English grammar systems. The dominant type of lexical errors was caused by the failure in choosing appropriate words.
Medan: Politeknik Negeri Medan, 2019
338 PLMD 22:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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