Sitorus, Panal
Abstrak :
Pelayanan transportasi di DKI Jakarta oleh angkutan umum bus cukup besar, yaitu ± 66% dari seluruh angkutan umum. Perum PPD adalah salah satu operator transpor perkotaan di DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Kelancaran pelayanan bus ditunjang oleh pemeliharaan bus di depo, yaitu dengan perbaikan, perawatan untuk mempersiapkan bus Siap Guna Operasi (SGO) yang siap untuk dioperasikan.
Kesiapan menyediakan bus SGO sangat ditentukan oleh pekerja reparasi di bengkel depo bus, sehingga sangat perlu memperhatikan pekerja reparasi dan lingkungannya, agar mereka bekerja secara lebih manusiawi dengan performa yang optimal.
Bagaimana tingkat performa kerja reparasi ban di depo bus single decker Perum PPD, dan faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi performa kerja tersebut belum diketahui secara jelas, sehingga perlu diteliti, yang hasilnya sangat penting bagi pengambilan keputusan dalam rangka pengelolaan depo.
Untuk menjawab persoalan utama penelitian ini diajukan hipotesis yaitu: "Tidak ada pengaruh faktor lingkungan fisik, faktor individual, faktor lingkungan sosial keorganisasian terhadap performa kerja reparasi di depo bus single decker Perum PPD, dengan hipotesis alternatif, yaitu ada pengaruh positif".
Jenis penelitian adalah studi korelasional yang dilakukan secara cross sectional. Penelitian ini mengandung makna sistem urbane yang berciri penyempurnaan atau perbaikan. Jumlah sampel depo adalah 9 depo bus single decker di Jakarta, Depok dan Tangerang. Jumlah sampel responden adalah 54 orang. Data primer yang diperoleh melalui pengukuranpengukuran kondisi fisik, jawaban responder dan data sekunder, selanjutnya di olah dengan bantuan program komputer "Microstat". Derajat signifikansi adalah sebesar 0,05. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Chi Square, dan Regresi Berganda.
Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi performa kerja reparasi ban di depo bus single decker Perum PPD adalah: (1) luas ruangan kerja, (2) bekerja pagi dalam sebulan, (3) kebisingan, (4) kebiasaan-sarapan pagi, (5) pencahayaan, (6} tunjangan ASTEK, (7) temperatur, (9) kelembaban, (9) lama bekerja di depo, {10) akibat banyaknya kendaraan di depo, (11) gizi, (12) memrpunyai peran penting jika telah bekerja baik, (13) istirahat setelah satu periode kerja, (14) pandangan rekan/atasan sebagai keluarga besar depo.
Melalui analisis regresi berganda terhadap 14 faktor yang signifikan, diperoleh nilai multiple R=0,944. Selanjutnya dengan analisis varians diperoleh Fratio 6,909>F tabel,0,05=1,95 yang berarti menolak hipotesis nol (Ho) dan menerima hipotesis alternatif (Ha) penelitian ini.
Hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan pendapat McCormick dan Daniel (1985:14) bahwa performa kerja di pengaruhi oleh variabel individual dan variabel situasional. Demikian pula hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan pendapatAchmadi (1969:2) bahwa performa kerja ditentukan oleh hubungan interaktif antara beban kerja, beban tambahan dan kapasitas kerja.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan bahwa pentingnya pengelola segera melakukan sinkronisasi, meningkatkan gugus kendali mutu, pembenahan dan pembangunan 1ingkungan kerja dan penyerasian lingkungan sosial keorganisasian guna memperoleh performa kerja yang lebih tinggi. Perlu pula penelitian lanjutan tentang faktor-faktor lain yang belum terungkap yang mempengaruhi performa kerja.
Factors Influencing The Work Performance In Perum PPPD (A Case Of Tire Repair At "Single Decker" Bus Depot)Transportation service in DKI Jakarta is dominated by bus about 66% from total public transport.
Perum PPD is one operator of urban transport in DKI Jakarta and it?s surrounding. The smoothness of bus service supported by bus maintenance in depot, namely: giving service and treatment so that the bus is ready to be operated. The readiness of bus prepared by repairers in depot workshop. It is necessary to pay attention to the repairers so, that they would like to do their best.
The level of tire repair performance and some factors that influence them have not been known clearly in depot of single decker bus. The aim of this study is to obtain better understanding concerning factors to support the improvement of the depot management.
Some hypotheses to answer the main problems are "there is influence in physical environment, individual factors, and organization of the social environment to the repairer performance in depot bus single decker of Perum PPD".
This study is a correlation study implemented by "cross sectional", which is an urbane system characterized by perfection or improvement. The total sample is 9 depot buses "single decker" placed around Jakarta, Depok, and Tangeranig, and the total respondent sample is 54 persons.
Primarily data obtain from measurement condition of physical environment, in the further respondent answered analyzed by computer program "microstat". Significant degree is 0.05. Statistic tests are "Chi Square", and also "Multiple Regression".
The result of the study expresses that some factors influenced performance in depot bus "single decker" Per-um PPD are: (1) the wide used room to work, (2) working in the morning- monthly, (3) noisy, (4) in custom breakfast, (5) lightening, (6) getting ASTEK, (7) temperature, (9) dampness, (9) the duration of bus depot activity, (10) the amount vehicles in depot, (11) nutrition; (12) having important role if the repairer has worked well, (13) taking a rest after a periodic working, (14) view of friends and leader as like as a family in bus depot. By using multiple regression analysis got the value of multiple R=0.544. By using analysis of variance, its result Fratio Fratio 6,909>F tabel,0,05=1,95 that means rejected the null hypotheses (Ho), and accepted the alternative hypotheses (Ha) of this study.
The result of this study is same with the McCormick and Daniel (1955:14) opinion said that work performance had been influenced by individual and situational variables. So as the Achmadi (1999:2) opinion, which express that the work performance determined by interactive correlation among, work load, environment effect and work capacity.
Based on the conclusion of the study, suggested that it is very important as quickly as possible to manage depot in order to get more synchronization, improving quality control circle, improvement of working condition, and to get harmonize social environment in order to achieve the best performance. It is necessary to propose further study about some factors, which have not been expressed in this study.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1991
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