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Abstrak :
This is about the law of reflective in the thoughts of Jurgen Habermas. A deliberative democracy and a law of positivism are legitimate for consensus of the society, economy, and the nation. Utilizing his idea on a deliberative democracy, Habermas answers the unsolved problems posed by the ideology critiques on the instrumental rationality used by the Western constitution systems. His theory may also be applied to establish democracy within the Eastern values of the Asian societies, like Indonesia, which uses certain traditional values in the systems of the constitution.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seran, Alexander
Abstrak :
This is about the law of reflective in the thoughts of Jurgen Habermas. A deliberative democracy and a law of positivism are legitimate for consensus of the society, economy, and the nation. Utilizing his idea on a deliberative democracy, Habermas answers the unsolved problems posed by the ideology critiques on the instrumental rationality used by the Western constitution systems. His theory may also be applied to establish democracy within the Eastern values of the Asian societies, like Indonesia, which uses certain traditional values in the systems of the constitution.
Depok: Departemen kewilayaan FIB Universitas Indonesia, 2009
360 JETK 1:1 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahadian Prima Nugraha
Abstrak :
Tesis ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normative yang membahas mengenai konstitusionalitas pemilukada di daerah otonomi khusus Papua berdasarkan konsep demokrasi deliberative Jurgen Habermas dan keadilan distributive John Rawls yang merupakan gambaran pelaksanaan demokrasi yang diterapkan pada masyarakat Indonesia yang multikultur, sehingga harus mempertimbangkan kondisi komunitas/masyarakat yang relatif tertinggal dari dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, baik sosial, pendidikan, ekonomi maupun politik. Masyarakat Papua telah memiliki budaya dan mekanisme sendiri dalam memaknai kontestasi politik yang berbeda dengan perundangan di bidang pemilu, yaitu dengan menggunakan mekanisme noken serta adanya syarat khusus harus orang asli Papua untuk menjadi Gubernur/Wakil Gubernur Papua. Oleh karenanya, Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai penafsir akhir konstitusi harus memberikan tempat khusus bagi entitas minoritas tersebut dalam konstitusi yang hidup melalui putusan. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, konsitusi Indonesia sebenarnya telah menganut konsep demokrasi deliberative dalam kehidupan ketatanegaraannya, namun hanya pada tataran formil dan belum menyentuh implementasi konsep deliberative. Selain itu, perlakuan khusus terhadap masyarakat Papua telah sesuai dengan nilai-nilai konstitusi dilihat dari konsep demokrasi deliberative dan keadilan distributive. Namun demikian, kedua konsep tersebut memberikan kewajiban bagi pemerintah untuk lebih menjaring aspirasi masyarakat khususnya entitas minoritas dalam suatu diskursus politik.
This thesis is a normative study discussing the constitutionality of special election in the special autonomous region Papua based on the concept of deliberative democracy by Habermas and distributive justice by John Rawls. Those concepts reflect the description of democracy implemented in Indonesian multicultural society; therefore it should consider the condition of community/society that relatively lags behind in many aspects of life, whether social, educational, economic and political. Papuan society has its own culture and mechanism in understanding different political contestation with legislation in the field of elections, namely, by using a “noken” mechanism and special requirement, that is indigenous Papuans, for Governor/Deputy Governor of Papua. Constitutional Court as the final interpreter of the constitution must give a special place to the minority entity in the living constitution through the verdict. According to this research, Indonesia has actually embraced the concept of deliberative democracy in its political subdivision's life, yet just on the formal level and not on deliberative concept implementation. Furthermore, the affirmative action taken for Papuan people is in accordance with the values of constitution viewed from the concept of deliberative democracy and distributive justice. Nevertheless, those two concepts necessitate the government to gather people aspirations especially the minority entity in a political discourse.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manambe, Ellena Florance
Abstrak :
Teori demokrasi deliberatif sebagai salah satu cara untuk melengkapi, atau bahkan menyempurnakan praktek demokrasi liberal (demokrasi representatif) di Indonesia paska Reformasi. Dengan menggunakan perspektif demokrasi deliberatif milik Jǖrgen Habermas seorang ilmuwan sosial kritis madzab Frankfurt maka setidaknya Teori demokrasi deliberatif sedikit banyak bisa memberikan kontribusi terhadap ide dan praktek demokrasi liberal yang sedang dijalankan di Indonesia, khususnya setelah Reformasi 1998. Dalam demokrasi deliberatif, kebijakan-kebijakan penting (perundang-undangan) dipengaruhi oleh diskursus-diskursus liar yang terjadi dalam masyarakat Di samping kekuasaan administratif (negara) dan kekuasaan ekonomis (kapital) terbentuk suatu kekuasaan komunikatif melalui jaring-jaring komunikasi publik masyarakat sipil. Kajian teori ini megkaji setelah dari lebih satu dekade, bagaimana sebetulnya nasib perjalanan demokrasi di negara-negara demokrasi di dunia, dan dalam hal ini khususnya di Indonesia? Apakah perjalanan demokrasi kita masih on the right track, atau sebaliknya, kita sebetulnya sudah jauh menyimpang dari prinsip-prinsip, ide-ide atau aturan-aturan demokrasi yang sesungguhnya. Kekosongan pengetahuan tentang arah demokrasi dan proses demokratisasi merupakan PR besar bangsa ini mengingat proses dan implementasi model demokrasi dan demokratisasi sangat penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Perdebatan atas pemikiran demokrasi selama satu abad terakhir oleh Josep Schampeter diaminkan oleh Josep Besette terkait tradisi kebersamaan diruang public memberikan bobot yang lebih besar untuk apa disebut "kebebasan dan modern", kebebasan berpikir dan hati nurani, hak-hak dasar dari inti demokrasi merupakan dasar dari lahirnya kebijakan dan aturan hukum. Ini menjadi pertimbangan penulis terkait dengan kajian teori demokratis. Penulis ingin mengevaluasi banyak hal terkait proposal yang secara teoretikus demokrasi menawarkan konsolidasi lembaga-lembaga secara demokratisasi. Penulis memusatkan perhatian pada paradigma baru demokrasi, model "demokrasi deliberatif", saat ini menjadi yang paling sangat cepat berkembang tren nya dalam implementasi. Gagasan utama penulis: bahwa dalam pemerintahan yang demokratis keputusan politik harus dicapai melalui proses musyawarah, persamaan hak masyarakat sipil dalam bentuk partisipasi publik, dimana bicara demokrasi sudah ada sejak kelahirannya pada abad kelima. Cara-cara musyawarah dan tidak berjarak dengan daerah pemilih menjadikan demokrasi deliberatif sebagai jalan penyempurnaan yang sangat kaya makna. Deliberatif memainkan peran sentral dalam berkembangnya pemikiran demokrasi itu sendiri. Cara berfikir kita tidak akan berubah jika kita tidak melakukan perubahan dasar yang terkait dengan demokrasi ......The theory of deliberative democracy is the one who?s going to complete or even accomplish the practice of democracy liberal (democracy representative in Indonesia while reformation). By using perspective democracy a deliberative belonging to jurgen habermas a social scientist at least the theory democracy of deliberative more or less can contribute for an idea and practices democracy liberal being executed in Indonesia, especially after 1998's reform. In a deliberative democracy, policies matters (legislation) influenced by discussion occurring in the community in side administrative power (a state) and power economical (capitalized) formed his communicative through public communication civil society. This is the core democracy a deliberative being the writer testing to be applied in a political system or of the Indonesian. Critical theory of deliberative democracy at least through to contribute the idea and practice of liberal democracy in Indonesia, especially after the Reformation of 1998. In deliberative democracy, policies important (law) influenced by discourses "wild" in society in addition to the administrative authority (ies) and economic power (capital) form a communicative power through public communication web of civil society. This is the core of deliberative democracy being the author of the trial to be applied in the political system or government post-New Order Indonesia.) The disagreement which has existed in democratic thought over the past centuries between the tradition associated with Josep Schampeter , which gives greater weight to what Josep Basette called the liberties of the moderns, freedom of thought and conscience, certain basic rights of the person and of property and the rule of law. It is with those considerations in mind that I will be examining the present debate undemocratic theory. I want to evaluate the proposals that democratic theorists are offering inorder to consolidate democratic institutions. I will concentrate my attention on the new paradigm of democracy, the model of deliberative democracy, which is currently becoming the fastest growing trend in the field. Their main idea: that in a democratic polity political decisions should be reached through a process of deliberation among free and equalcitizens, has accompanied democracy since its birth in fifth century. The ways ofenvisaging deliberation and the constituency of those entitled to deliberate have variedgreatly, but deliberation has long played a central role in democratic thought. What we see today is therefore the revival of an old theme, not the sudden emergence of a new one.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alva Lashyadi
Abstrak :
Beberapa tahun terakhir, populisme menjadi fenomena politik yang terjadi di berbagai negara di dunia, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada fenomena politik menjelang kontestasi Pilkada 2017 DKI Jakarta. Hadirnya kelompok massa yang menamakan dirinya sebagai Aksi Bela Islam membentuk populisme yang dilandaskan pada agama Islam, yang kemudian disebut dengan populisme Islam di Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat sebagai instrumen penting atas terjadinya krisis representasi dalam perkembangan demokrasi representatif di Indonesia. Meski begitu, alih-alih menjadi jawaban atas krisis representasi yang ada, dampak dari hal ini justru dapat menimbulkan krisis representasi bagi warganegara yang bukan merupakan bagian kelompok tersebut, serta berpotensi menjadi penghambat atas perkembangan demokrasi. Guna merespons hal tersebut, penulis akan mengangkat demokrasi deliberatif demi menjaga nilai-nilai demokrasi atas hadirnya populisme Islam di Indonesia.
ABSTRACT In recent years, populism has become a political phenomenon that occurs in various countries in the world, including in Indonesia. This can be seen in the political phenomenon ahead of the regional election 2017 DKI Jakarta.. The presence of a mass group that calling itself the Action to Defend Islam formed populism based on Islam, which is later called Islamic populism in Indonesia. This can be seen as an important instrument for the crisis of representation in the development of representative democracy in Indonesia. Even so, instead of being the answer to the existing crisis of representation, the impact of this can actually create a crisis of representation for citizens who are not part of that group, and have the potential to become an obstacle to the development of democracy. In response to this, the author will raise deliberative democracy in order to maintain democratic values over the presence of Islamic populism in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fan, Mei-Fang
Abstrak :
The deliberative systems approach perceives public deliberation as a broad system that encompasses diverse communicative practices and emphasises the connectivity and interdependence of its components, division of deliberative labour and functions, and how crucial components interconnect to enhance the deliberative quality of the system. Drawing on deliberative systems theory and the epistemic approach to democracy, this study investigated the controversies surrounding a development project in the traditional Thao territories of the Sun Moon Lake region, with the objective of exploring epistemic oppression and how citizen action performs functions of deliberative systems and deliberative power. The study shows that the Thao tribe’s narratives and testimonies of their life have not been valued, multiple forms of epistemic oppression, and the decoupling problems that exist between empowered spaces and other components in deliberative systems. To combat epistemic oppression and coercive power and safeguard traditional territories and cultural subjectivity and continuity, the Thao tribespeople and civic society
Taipei: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, 2021
059 TDQ 18:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Sri Raharjo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kepemimpinan pasangan Walikota Joko Widodo dan Wakil Walikota FX. Hadi Rudyatmo di Kota Surakarta, yang harmonis dan langgeng hingga dua periode. Latar belakang seorang Joko Widodo sebagai seorang pengusaha dikombinasi latar belakang FX. Hadi Rudyatmo sebagai politisi murni, mampu membawakan gaya kepemimpinan yang visoner, egaliter, santun, bersih, tegas dan merakyat. Di dalam penelitian ini juga akan digali apa saja faktor yang membuat pasangan ini bisa cocok dan selaras satu sama lain dan pengaruhnya pada pembangunan demokrasi lokal di Surakarta serta dampaknya pada stabilitas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di Surakarta. Landasan teoritis penelitian ini menggunakan teori konflik dan integrasi dari Peter M. Blau, Richard L. Poe dan Georg Simmel. Di samping itu juga menggunakan teori kepemimpinan dari Bernard & Ruth Bass dan Bruce J. Avolio, Kurt Lewin, James M. Burns dan Herbert Feith. Pendekatan mengenai Demokrasi dan Pemerintahan Lokal menggunakan teori John Steward dan Demokrasi Deliberatif dari Iris Marion Young. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sumber primer diperoleh melalui wawancara. Sementara sumber sekunder diperoleh dari media massa dan kajian pustaka. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, penulis menemukan bahwa Walikota Joko Widodo dan Wakil Walikota FX. Hadi Rudyatmo menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan demokratis transformasional dikombinasi dengan implementasi demokrasi deliberasi atau partisipatoris konsultatif. Selain itu penulis juga menemukan hal-hal lainnya yang ikut mempengaruhi gaya kepemimpinan, tindakan, dan kebijakan yang diambil oleh pasangan kepala daerah Kota Surakarta ini, yaitu latar belakang kehidupan keluarga, pengalaman hidup, kepekaan terhadap lingkungan sekitar dan karakter personal yang mampu menyatukan keduanya sehingga menjadi pasangan yang cerdas mengelola konflik sehingga terjalin soliditas dan satu kesatuan pribadi yang saling mengisi. Berbekal seluruh nilai-nilai idealitas kepemimpinan yang diimplementasikan keduanya, Joko Widodo dan FX. Hadi Rudyatmo mampu melanggengkan hubungan harmonis mereka melebihi batas struktur, waktu dan ruang politik ......This research analyzes the leadership of Mayor Joko Widodo and Deputy Mayor FX. Hadi Rudyatmo in Surakarta that has been harmonious and lasted for two periods. Joko Widodo’s background as an entrepreneur combined with FX. Hadi Rudyatmo’s background as a dedicated politician has resulted a visionary, egalitarian, courteous, clean, resolute and populist. This research will also scrutinize whatever factors that make this pair compatible with each other and the effect it has on the local democracy development in Surakarta and on the stability of government implementation in Surakarta. The theoritical foundation of this research is the theory of conflict and integration from Peter M. Blau, Richard L. Poe and Georg Simmel. In conjunction with the leadership theory from Bernard & Ruth Bass and Bruce J. Avolio, Kurt Lewin, James M. Burns and Herbert Feith. The approach on democracy and local government applies John Steward’s theory, deliberative democracy from Iris Marion Young. This research utilizes qualitative method with primary and secondary data. Primary sources were gathered through direct interviews while secondary sources were assembled from mass media and literature review. This research reveals that Mayor Joko Widodo and Deputy Mayor FX. Hadi Rudyatmo implemented transformational democratic leadership style combined with deliberative democracy or consultative participatory. This research also reveals other factors that have affected leadership style, actions, and policies taken by the pair of these Surakarta leaders: family background, life experiences, sensibility to their surroundings and personal characters. Those factors have a major role in uniting the two persons and have molded them into a pair of leaders who excel in conflict management so their cooperation was a solid and effective one. With all those virtues of leadership they implemented, both of Joko Widodo and FX. Hadi Rudyatmo preserve their harmonious political and social relationship beyond the boundaries of political structure, time and space.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asdar Syarifuddin
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas kombinasi Pilkada calon tunggal dengan sistem noken mengambil studi kasus pada Pilkada Tahun 2018 di Kabupaten Mamberamo Tengah, Papua. Terdapat dua permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, pertama, bagaimana dampak pemilihan sistem noken terhadap kemenangan calon tunggal petahana, kedua, bagaimana prinsip deliberasi dalam pemilihan sistem noken dengan calon tunggal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksplanatif yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menerangkan, menguji hipotesis dari variabel-variabel penelitian terkait sistem noken dan calon tunggal. Hasil penelitian terkait dampak sistem noken menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pemilihan sistem noken pada pemilihan calon tunggal lebih memberi keuntungan dan berdampak semakin menguatkan peluang kemenangan calon tunggal petahana. Sedangkan terkait prinsip deliberasi dalam pemilihan sistem noken dengan calon tunggal menunjukkan hadirnya pemilih kotak kosong menandakan ruang deliberasi tidak terabaikan, baik pemilih maupun kepala suku bebas menentukan keputusan serta ketersediaan ruang publik masih berjalan bebas sesuai basis pemilihnya. Impilkasi teoritis local strongmen relevan untuk memotret eksistensi petahana. Teori ini dapat membantu melihat eksistensi petahana dengan menganalisa modal kekuatan yang dimiliki petahana yang menjadi daya tarik dari partai-partai politik dan kelompok informal lainnya. Sedangkan implikasi teori demokrasi deliberatif menunjukkan sistem noken pada Pilkada Kabupaten Mamberamo Tengah Tahun 2018 selaras dengan prinsip dasar demokrasi deliberatif yang memungkinkan adanya ruang publik. ......This study discusses the combination of a single candidate Pilkada with the noken system taking a case study in the 2018 Pilkada in Central Mamberamo Regency, Papua. There are two problems in this study, first, how is the impact of the noken system election on the victory of the incumbent single candidate, second, how is the principle of deliberation in the election of the noken system with a single candidate. This study uses an explanatory research method, namely research that aims to explain, test hypotheses from research variables related to the noken system and single candidate. The results of research related to the impact of the noken system show that the application of the noken system election model in the selection of a single candidate is more profitable and has an impact on strengthening the chances of winning the incumbent single candidate. Meanwhile, regarding the principle of deliberation in the noken system election with a single candidate, the presence of empty box voters indicates that the deliberation space is not neglected, both voters and tribal chiefs are free to make decisions and the availability of public space is still running freely according to their voter base. The local strongmen's theoretical implications are relevant for photographing the incumbent's existence. This theory can help to see the existence of the incumbent by analyzing the capital strength of the incumbent which is the attraction of political parties and other informal groups. Meanwhile, the implications of deliberative democracy theory show that the noken system in the 2018 Central Mamberamo Regional Election is in line with the basic principles of deliberative democracy which allows for public space.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This study compares each Korean administration'purposes of public relations, the communication flow of government PR,press policies and relationship between the press and the government, in oreder to examine characteristic and changes in the KOrean governments' approaches to governmnet PR.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library