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Abstrak :
This study investigates the relationship between the level of socio-economic development and infant and child mortality in India. The perspective of this study is based on the "Theory of Demographic Transition" which states that improved public health programs and technological and medical advances bring down the level of mortality. The study tests the following major hypothesis: the higher level the level of socio-economic development, the lower the infant and child mortality rates among the states in India. The study applies correlation and multiple regression analysis to data collected by the National Family Health Survey 1992-1993, one of the most comprehensive surveys of its kind ever conducted in India by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India. The finding support the theory of demographic transition in large measure revealing that the overall socio-economic development is inversely related to infant and child mortality rates among the states of India.
Journal of Population, 7 (2) 2001 : 37-58, 2001
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sjenileila Boer
Abstrak :
Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) terutama pneumonia merupakan penyebab utama kesakitan dan kematian pada bayi dan anak balita di negara berkembang ,sekitar 4 juta kematian disebabkan penyakit tersebut Di Indonesia ISPA bawah terutama pneumonia mengakibatkan kematian sekitar 150.000 balita per tahun. Di Pangkal Pinang, Pneumonia masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat, cakupan Pneumonia sejak tahun 1998 terus meningkat Pada tahun 1999 berdasarkan Pemantauan Status Gizi (PSG) yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pangkal Pinang didapatkan 15,37 % balita mengalami gizi buruk. Gizi buruk dapat menyebabkan penyakit infeksi termasuk pneumonia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan status gizi dengan kejadian pneumonia balita di kota Pangkalpinang tahun 2000. Jenis desain yang digunakan adalah kasus kontrol, dengan 120 sampel, dimana kasus adalah balita yang datang ke puskesmas dan menderita pneumonia sedangkan kontrol adalah balita yang datang ke puskesmas dan tidak menderita pneumonia. Unit analisis adalah balita usia 9 - 59 bulan. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terhadap ibu balita yang terpilih sebagai sampel kasus maupun kontrol. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara status gizi dengan kejadian pneumonia balita (OR= 3,194. 95 % CI :1,585 - 6,433 ). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disarankan kepada pengambil keputusan agar lebih memberikan perhatian terhadap status gizi balita dengan meningkatkan kegiatan yang sudah ada.
Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The study attempted to identify important ejects of demographic characteristics on infant and child mortality. The data for the study was collected in 2004 under the project of the UNFPA entitled "Strengthening the Department of Population Science and Human Resource Development" of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. Application of logistic regression model suggests that demographic factors are associated with the chance of cliild survival. Breastfeeding and immunization practice of children has highly significant effects on infant and child mortality among all the included demographic variables. The results show that the risk of infant and child mortality was higher for children whose mother never breastfed than for children who were breastfed. The analysis results also show that the children who got full immunizations had lower risks of infant and child mortality than those who were not immunized at all. Similarly, risk of infant and child mortality gradually declined as both mother ?s age at marriage and mother 's age at birth increased
Journal of Population, 11 (2) 2005 : 161-175, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Zaenal Mustofa
Abstrak :
Penderita pneumonia yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Cibabat Cimahi selama periode 2000-2003 sebanyak 1.559 orang, 120 orang diantaranya meninggal dunia CFR=7,71%, sedangkan di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung selama periode yang sama telah merawat sebanyak 1.792 orang, 112 orang diantaranya meninggal dunia CFR=6,63%. Tingginya CFR penderita pneumonia di kedua rumah sakit tersebut menarik penulis untuk mengadakan penelitian, terutama pada balita yang cukup banyak penderitanya. Studi awal diketahui bahwa pada penderita pneumonia yang tidak meninggal di Rumah Sakit Cibabat terdapat sebanyak 36,5% memiliki gejala tambahan yang tidak lain sebagai penyakit penyerta pneumonia. Bagaimana dengan balita yang meninggal dunia?. Untuk itu penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyakit penyerta terhadap kematian balita akibat pneumonia di Rumah Sakit Cibabat Cimahi dan Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Desain penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kasus kontrol, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 170 balita, yang terdiri 85 balita sebagai kasus dan 85 balita sebagai kontrol. Variabelvariabel yang diteliti adalah kematian balita penderita pneumonia sebagai variabel terikat, sedangkan sebagai variabel bebas adalah penyakit penyerta, sianosis, umur, jenis kelamin, status gizi, status imunisasi, status rujukan, kelas perawatan, dan lokasi tempat tinggal. Seluruh variabel yang diteliti bersumber dari data rekam medik di kedua rmah sakit tersebut sejak Januari 2000 sampai bulan Juni 2004. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh penyakit penyerta terhadap kematian balita penderita pneumonia di Rumah Sakit Cibabat Cimahi dan Rumah Sakit Masan Sadikin Bandung. Balita penderita pneumonia disertai penyakit penyerta berisiko 3,38 kali dibandingkan dengan balita tanpa disertai penyakit penyerta. (p=0,00, OR=3,38, 95%CI=1,68--6,85). Ada pengaruh sianosis terhadap kematian balita akibat pneumonia, balita penderita pneumonia dengan gejala umum sianosis berisiko 7,42 kali meninggal dunia akibat dibandingkan balita tanpa gejala umum sianosis. (p=0,00, OR=7,42 95%CI=2,97-19,13). Melihat hasil penelitian diatas disarankan dalam menangani balita penderita pneumonia di Rumah Sakit agar lebih mewaspadai adanya penyakit penyerta dan gejala umum sianosis. Daftar Kepustakaan : 57 (1991-2004)
South-East Asia Region World Health Organization (SEARO-WHO) reported that communicable diseases have caused 40% of 10.5 million of deaths among children under-five year olds in the world. In the 6 SEARO-countries, including Indonesia, it was estimated that about 9 of 10 deaths were caused by pneumonia, diarrhea, measles and malnutrition. Based on an extrapolation of a result of Household Health Survey in 1992, the mortality rate of pneumonia among under-five children in Indonesia is about 6 per 1,000 under-five children. Therefore it is estimated that among under-five children, 150.000 deaths occur every year due to pneumonia. It means that pneumonia has significantly contributes on death among children, especially in the under-five group. Cibabat Hospital in Cimahi has treated about 1,559 pneumonia cases during the period of 2000-2003, and among all those cases, 120 patient died (CFR=7.71%). Hasan Sadikin General Hospital in Bandung during the same period has managed 1,792 pneumonia cases with 112 deaths among the treated cases (CFR 6,63%). There are several factors influencing pneumonia caused mortality, such as a) age (< 2 months), b) socio-economic status, c) malnutrition, d) low birth weight, e) low mother education, f) low health care coverage, g) high house density, h) inadequate immunization, i) contracting chronic diseases. The objective of this study was to know the effect of underlying diseases on under-five child mortality due to pneumonia in Cibabat Hospital in Cimahi and in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital in Bandung. The study results showed that there was an effect of underlying diseases on the under-five child mortality caused by pneumonia in both hospitals. An under-five pneumonia case with underlying disease(s) was 3.38 times more likely to cause death as compared to under-five pneumonia case without underlying disease(s). It was also found that cyanosis, as one of the common signs of emergency in pneumonia, also increased the risk of death. A pneumonia case with cyanosis was 7,42 times at risk to cause death than the case without cyanosis. Based on our study, it is recommended that the medical staffs in the hospitals to be aware of the existing underlying diseases and to conduct integrated case management The medical staffs, as well as the mothers are also suggested to pay attention on the sign of cyanosis. This sign is actually not so difficult to be recognized, although it was frequently ignored. This common sign of cyanosis is important in pneumonia treatment in the field, using several case management approaches, including oxygenation. The Ministry of Health and its relevant structures are also encouraged to establish the Integrated Management Program of the Under-five Child Sickness, especially related to pneumonia, by providing sufficient health) medical facilities (such as oxygen contractor) in the community health centers and the hospitals. References: 57 (1991 - 2004)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noerid Haloei R.
Abstrak :
Masih terdapat ketidakmerataan kematian pada anak di Indonesia, baik angka kematian neonatal AKN , bayi AKB , dan balita AKBA yang terjadi pada semua dimensi ketidakmerataan meliputi jenis kelamin anak, umur anak, pendidikan ibu, status ekonomi keluarga, tempat tinggal, dan antarprovinsi. Untuk itu diperlukan kuantifikasi ketidakmerataan guna perencanaan fokus program. Studi ini adalah analisis data sekunder SDKI dari tahun 1994 sampai 2012. Analisis data menggunakan aplikasi Health Equity Assessment Toolkit HEAT . Hasil menunjukkan kejadian kematian pada anak di Indonesia mengalami penurunan dari tahun 1994 sampai tahun 2012 dengan selisih terbesar pada AKBA kemudian AKB dan paling kecil pada AKN. Kematian pada anak tertinggi terjadi di umur neonatal, tersering pada jenis kelamin anak laki-laki, banyak pada kelompok anak dengan ibu tidak sekolah, berasal dari keluarga kuintil miskin, terjadi di pedesaan, dan perlu perhatian di wilayah timur Indonesia. Ukuran difference berkisar antara 4 pada AKN berdasarkan jenis kelamin anak tahun 1997 dan 2002 sampai 123 pada AKBA berdasarkan provinsi tahun 1994 kematian per1000 kelahiran hidup. Sementara ukuran rasio berkisar antara 1,1 pada AKB berdasarkan jenis kelamin anak tahun 2002 sampai 6,6 pada AKBA berdasarkan provinsi tahun 1994 . Ketidakmerataan angka kematian balita di Indonesia merupakan yang tertinggi dibandingkan negara lain dengan benchmark yang sama.
There remains an inequality of deaths among children in Indonesia both neonatal mortality rate NMR , infant IMR , and under five U5MR . Inequality occurs in all dimensions including child rsquo s sex, child 39 s age, maternal education, family economic status, residence, and interprovincial. It calls for description of inequality quantification for focus program setting. This study is a secondary data analysis using Health Equity Assessment Toolkit HEAT application with IDHS source from 1994 to 2012. The results show that the child mortality rates in Indonesia depict a decrease from 1994 to 2012 with the largest mortality difference in U5MR and then IMR and at least NMR. The highest child mortality occurred at neonatal period, most common in boys, many in group of children with non school mothers, coming from poor quintile, rural, and attention in eastern Indonesia. The indicator of difference ranges from 4 at NMR by child rsquo s sex in 1997 and 2002 to 123 at U5MR by interprovincial in 1994 deaths per 1000 live births, while the ratio sorts between 1.1 at IMR by child rsquo s sex in 2002 until 6.6 at IMR by interprovincial in 1994 . The inequality of under five mortality rate in Indonesia is the highest compared to other countries with the same benchmark.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This article demonstrates rife marked low mortality risks associated with wide birth spacing and breast-feeding independent of fire levels of bio-demographic, socioeconomic and health-related factors. Effects of preceding and succeeding birth intervals are strongest or ages 3-H months, Those of the former are less strong but nevertheless appreciable or the other childhood ages. Benefits from breastfeeding are greatest at ages 0-2 months and gradually diminished with age, Breastfeeding is nor the main mechanism through which birthspacing offered Philippine child mortality. These findings are interpreted according to their relevance for mortality research, theory and policy.
Journal of Population, Vol. 3 No. 1 June 1997 : 1-18, 1997
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ubro, Mincie H.
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pola dan perbedaan fertilitas dan juga mempelajari faktor sosio-ekonomi, budaya dan demografi yang mempengaruhi fertilitas di kawasan Indonesia Timur. Data yang digunakan adalah Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2012 dengan menerapkan metode analisis tabulasi silang dan regresi logistik biner. Wanita yang memiliki tiga anak atau lebih, cenderung lebih tinggi pada wanita yang berumur 35 ? 49 tahun, berpendidikan rendah, wanita dengan preferensi jenis kelamin anak laki-laki, menikah pada umur kawin pertama ≤ 20 tahun, tinggal didaerah perdesaan, bekerja dan yang pernah mengalami kematian anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi, budaya dan demografi secara statistik signifikan mempengaruhi fertilitas di Indonesia Timur. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap fertilitas di Indonesia Timur adalah adalah umur wanita, pendidikan wanita, preferensi jenis kelamin anak, umur kawin pertama dan kematian anak. ...... The objectives of this paper is to studying the patterns and differences of fertility and also studying the socio-economic, culture and demographic factor that affecting fertility in Eastern Indonesia. The data used are from results of Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey, 2012 The analysis using crosstabulation and binary logistic regression. lower educated, women with gender preference son, first married at age ≤ 20 years of marriage, living in the rural areas, worked and women who have experienced child mortality. The results showed the socioeconomic, culture and demographic factor significantly affect fertility in Eastern Indonesia. Women who have three more children is higher in women aged 35-49 years, The factors significant affected fertility in Eastern Indonesia is women aged, education, child gender preference, first age at marriage and child mortality.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library