The establishment and growth of multicultural startup company urge intercultural communication in work place context becomes inevitable. This qualitative research uses empirical case study attempts to comprehend the adaptation experience within intercultural communication that applies to Chengdu employee in a startup company in Jakarta and how the adaptation experience is taking role in order to form the existent organization culture. The study shows the pattern of adaptation and its significance in forming organization culture; within the adaptation pattern, Chengdu employee succeeding the adaptation process to run their job well and achieve the company goals.
Perusahaan asing X merupakan salah satu pelaku bisnis mancanegara di sektor perbankan yang mengembangkan bisnisnya di Indonesia. Dengan berdirinya perusahaan ini, adanya interaksi antarbudaya dalam internal perusahaan berpotensi menimbulkan konflik antara karyawan Indonesia dengan karyawan Tiongkok. Ting Toomey (dalam Gudykunts dan Kim, 2003) menjelaskan bahwa dalam penyelesaian konflik, individual atau kelompok memiliki situasi khusus untuk menyelamatkan muka atau harga dirinya yang terancam dan dipertanyakan. Penelitian kualitatif dengan strategi penelitian studi kasus ini memfokuskan pada face negotiation antara karyawan Indonesia dan Tiongkok dalam meresolusi konflik. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa penerapan face negotiation theory tidak bisa seutuhnya diterapkan dalam setiap situasi. Ketika komunikasi antarbudaya melibatkan kepemilikan modal, tendensi penyelamatan muka dapat dilakukan selama tidak menggangu upaya pencapian profit. Pihak-pihak yang terlibat pada komunikasi antarbudaya ketika dihadapkan pada penyelamatan muka tetap mempertahankan tujuan perusahaan
Foreign company X is one of the foreign company in the banking sector that develops its business in Indonesia. With the establishment of this company, the intercultural communication within the employee caused conflict between Indonesian and Chinese employees themself. Ting Toomey (in Gudykunts and Kim, 2003) explains that in conflict resolution, individuals or groups have special situations to saving their face or threatened and questioned self-esteem. This study focuses on face negotiations between Indonesian and Chinese employees in resolving conflicts. The results of the study show that the application of a face negotiation theory cannot be fully applied in every situation. When intercultural communication involves capital ownership, the tendency to save face can be done as long as it does not interfere with efforts to capture profits. The parties involved in intercultural communication when faced with saving face still maintain the company`s goals