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Jihan Nabila
"Onggok merupakan limbah padat industri tapioka dari singkong dan dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan maltodekstrin. Maltodekstrin merupakan senyawa organik yang dihasilkan dari hidrolisis pati dan memiliki ruang lingkup aplikasi luas untuk pangan dan kesehatan. Kandungan pati dalam onggok dimodifikasi melalui proses hidrolisis enzimatik menggunakan enzim ?-amilase dan ?-amilase pada suhu 80oC pada pH 5,5. Hidrolisis enzimatik dilakukan dengan memvariasikan konsentrasi enzim ?-amilase sebesar 0,1% dan ?-amilase sebesar 0,05%, 0,1%, dan 0,5%. Konsentrasi onggok juga divariasikan menjadi 4%, 7%, 10%, dan 13%. Penggunaan optimum jumlah enzim ?-amilase dan ?-amilase berturut-turut adalah sebesar 0,1% dan 0,1% pada interval waktu 1 menit dengan nilai dextrose equivalent (DE) yang diperoleh sebesar 5,7. Maltodekstrin yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan scanning electron microscopy (SEM) untuk menunjukkan morfologi struktur pati yang telah rusak akibat proses hidrolisis oleh enzim. Simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) menentukan temperatur kristalisasi produk dari suhu 50oC hingga 150oC serta degradasi produk hidrolisis dimulai dari suhu 350oC. Hasil hidrolisis onggok secara enzimatik berupa maltodekstrin dengan DE kisaran 2 hingga 10 memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan pada industri farmasi sebagai eksipien dalam formula sediaan tablet melalui granulasi basah serta sebagai pengikat tablet dan filler tablet.

Onggok is tapioca industrial solid waste from cassava and can be used to make maltodextrin. Maltodextrin is an organic compound produced from the hydrolysis of starch and has a wide scope of application for food and health. The starch content in cassava was modified through an enzymatic hydrolysis process using ?-amylase and ?-amylase enzymes at 80oC at pH 5.5. Enzymatic hydrolysis was carried out by varying the concentrations of ?-amylase by 0.1% and ?-amylase by 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.5%. The concentration of onggok was also varied to 4%, 7%, 10% and 13%. The optimum use of ?-amylase and ?-amylase enzymes respectively was 0.1% and 0.1% at 1 minute intervals with a dextrose equivalent (DE) value of 5.7. The maltodextrin obtained was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) that shows the structural morphology of starch which has been damaged by the hydrolysis process by enzymes. Simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) determines the crystallization temperature of the product from 50oC to 150oC and the degradation of hydrolysis products starts from 350oC. The result of enzymatic hydrolysis of cassava in the form of maltodextrin with a DE below 10 has the potential to be developed in the pharmaceutical industry as an excipient in tablet formulations through wet granulation and as a tablet binder and tablet filler."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deffy Maryati

Latar Belakang: Perawatan gigi pada anak Gangguan Spektrum Autisme (GSA) sering menimbulkan stres karena kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi. Untuk mengurangi stres anak GSA, komunikasi verbal ditingkatkan dengan sarana pembelajaran seperti modul pedagogi visual dan video modeling. Alfa amilase saliva merupakan salah satu biomarker stres yang terdapat dalam saliva. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan tingkat stres anak GSA dengan intervensi Modul Pedagogi Visual dan Video Modeling Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi melalui analisis kadar alfa amilase saliva. Metode Penelitian: Subjek penelitian sebanyak 18 anak usia 6-10 tahun dengan GSA ringan, dibagi dalam 2 kelompok intervensi, yaitu kelompok Modul Pedagogi Visual (MPV) dan Video Modeling (VM) Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi. Pengukuran kadar alfa amilase saliva dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Hasil: Pada kedua kelompok Kadar Alfa Amilase Saliva sesudah intervensi menunjukkan penurunan. Analisis statistik dengan uji Mann-Whitney U-test menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan tidak bermakna (p >0,05) pada penurunan tingkat stres antara kelompok dengan intervensi MPV dan VM Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi. Kesimpulan: MPV dan VM Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi menurunkan tingkat stress anak GSA.

Kata kunci: Alfa amilase, Gangguan Spektrum Autisme, Saliva, Pedagogi

Background: Dental treatment in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often causes stress because of difficulty in communicating. To reduce stress for ASD children, verbal communication is enhanced with learning tools such as visual pedagogy modules and video modelling. Salivary alpha amylase is one of the stress biomarker found in saliva. Objective: To determine the differences in stress levels of ASD children with the intervention of the Visual Pedagogy Module and Video Modelling Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi through the analysis of salivary alpha amylase levels. Methods: Subjects were 18 children aged 6-10 years with mild ASD, divided into 2 intervention groups, namely The Visual Pedagogy Module (VPM) and Video Modeling (VM) Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi group. Measurement of salivary alpha amylase levels was carried out before and after intervention. Result: In both groups the alpha amylase levels of saliva after the intervention showed a decrease. Statistical analysis using The Mann-Whitney U-test showed that there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the reduction in stress levels between the VPM and VM Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi intervention groups. Conclusion: VPM and VM Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi reduce the stress levels of ASD children.

Keywords : Autism, alpha amylase, saliva, pedagogy

Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meta Yunia Candra
Latar belakang : Penerbang Sipil merupakan profesi pekerjaan yang memiliki resiko mengalamistres karena tantangan yang dihadapinya setiap hari, seperti lingkungan penerbangan, ketinggian,kebisingan, komunikasi, dan getaran. Penerbangan jarak dekat yang terjadi di Indonesia sebagainegara kepulauan tidak dapat dihindirai oleh penerbang sehingga dapat menjadi pemicu terjadikelelahan yang menyebabkan stres. Untuk mengukur kelelahan yang menyebabkan stres padapenerbang sipil dapat diketahui berdasarkan kuesioner dan biomarker stres dapat mengunakansampel saliva dengan mendeteksi kadar enzim alfa amilase saliva. Tujuan : Dengan mengetahuihubungan stres akibat faktor kelelahan pada penerbang sipil Indonesia terhadap kadar enzim alfaamilase saliva, maka diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keselamatan penerbangan sipil Indonesia.Metode : membandingkan kadar enzim alfa amilase saliva pada dua kelompok penerbang sipilIndonesia yang melakukan penerbangan sektor dan memiliki jam terbang total lebih dari 6624 jamdengan kelompok penerbang sipil Indonesia yang yidak melakukan penerbangan sektor danmemiliki jam terbang total kurang dari 6624 jam. Hasil : Terdapat hubungan peningkatan kadarenzim alfa amilase saliva pada kelompok penerbang sipil dengan Indonesia yang melakukanpenerbangan sektor dan memiliki jam terbang total lebih dari 6624 jam dengan kelompokpenerbang sipil Indonesia yang tidak melakukan penerbangan sektor dan memiliki jam terbangtotal kurang dari 6624 jam. Kesimpulan : Kadar enzim alfa amilsae saliva berbeda secarasignifikan pada dua kelompok penerbang, sehingga enzim alfa amilase saliva dapat dijadikanbiomarker untuk mengetahui adanya stres pada penerbang sipil Indonesia.

Background Aviators are one of the high risk jobs that have high levels of stress due to aviationenvironment, altitude, noise, communication and vibration. Indonesia as an archipelagic countryrequires its civilian aviators to go through high frequency intersection routes between islands. Thiscircumstance triggers fatigue that leads to a stress condition. Salivary amylase is an enzyme thatcan be used as a stress biomarker. Aim This study aims at analyzing the effect of stress on salivary amylase levels in Indonesian civil aviators. Methods comparing salivary alpha amylaseenzyme levels in two groups of Indonesian civil aviators who are on a sector flight and have a totalflight time of more than 6624 hours with Indonesian civil aviation groups that do not fly sectorsand have a total flight time of less than 6624 hours. Result Nineteen people 47.5 from 40subjects were clinically diagnosed fatigue. Ten out of nineteen subjects 52.6 had high SAAlevel and the rest had moderate one. Summary Based on this study, SAA level can be utilized asan effective tool for forensic investigation on aviation accidents and or incidents caused by humanfactors."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budiman Bela
"Biofilm is an aggregate of consortium bacteria that adhere to each other on a surface. It is usually protected by the exopolysaccharide layer. Various invasive medical procedures, such as catheterization, endotracheal tube installation, and contact lens utilization, are vulnerable to biofilm infection. The National Institute of Health (NIH) estimates 65% of all microbial infections are caused by biofilm. Periplasmic α-amylase (MalS) is an enzyme that hydrolyzes α-1, 4- glicosidic bond in glycogen, starch, and others related polysaccharides in periplasmic space. Another protein called hemolysin-α (HlyA) is a secretion signal protein on C terminal of particular peptide in gram negative bacteria. We proposed a novel recombinant plasmid expressing α-amylase and hemolysin-α fusion in pSB1C3 which is cloned into E.coli to enable α-amylase excretion to extracellular for degrading biofilm polysaccharides content, as in starch agar. Microtiter assay was performed to analyze the reduction percentage of biofilm by adding recombinant E.coli into media. This system is more effective in degrading biofilm from gram positive bacteria i.e.: Bacillus substilis (30.21%) and Staphylococcus aureus (24.20%), and less effective degrading biofilm of gram negative i.e.: Vibrio cholera (5.30%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8.50%), Klebsiella pneumonia (6.75%) and E. coli (-0.6%). Gram positive bacteria have a thick layer of peptidoglycan, causing the enzyme to work more effectively in degrading polysaccharides."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahma Natalia Hardjakusumah
"Kunjungan ke dokter gigi dapat menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman. Hal ini dapat menjadi sumber rasa cemas atau takut pada semua tingkat usia khususnya pada anak. Salah satu cara untuk menurunkan kecemasan tersebut adalah dengan memberikan video training mengenai perawatan gigi yang merupakan modifikasi manajemen perilaku modeling. Indikator dalam mengukur kecemasan anak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar alpha amylase dan kalsium saliva. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan video training 'Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi' dan tingkat kecemasan anak usia 7 tahun. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik cross-sectional. Sebanyak 23 anak usia 7 tahun diberikan video training 'Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi' dan dinilai tingkat kecemasan sebelum dan sesudah video training menggunakan indikator kadar alpha amylase dan kalsium saliva. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan video training 'Berkunjung ke Dokter Gigi' dan penurunan tingkat kecemasan anak usia 7 tahun berdasarkan kadar alpha amylase dan kalsium saliva. (p=0,001).

A visit to the dentist can cause discomfort. This can be a source of anxiety or fear at all age levels, especially in children. One way to reduce the anxiety in dental care is to provide video training, which is a modification of modeling behavior management. Indicators in measuring anxiety in this study are the level of salivary alpha amylase and salivary calcium. The purpose is to analyze the correlations of video training 'Visit to the Dentist' and level of anxiety in children aged 7 years old. The study design is analytic cross-sectional. A total of 23 children aged 7 years old given video training "Visit to the Dentist" and assessed the level of anxiety before and after watching the video training using indicators of levels of salivary alpha amylase and salivary calcium. The result is that there is a correlations of video training 'Visit to the Dentist' and reduced level of anxiety in children aged 7 years old based on the levels of salivary alpha amylase and salivary calcium (p=0,001)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evie Lazuardy Fasa
"Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai aktivitas amilase 28 isolat actinomycetes dari serasah pada ekosistem bakau di Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta. Penapisan secara kualitatif dilakukan menggunakan metode iodin pada medium starch agar, kemudian berdasarkan zona bening yang terbentuk, aktivitas amilase diekspresikan sebagai Indeks Aktivitas (IA) amilase. Penapisan secara semi-kuantitatif dilakukan menggunakan metode iodin pada medium starch broth, kemudian nilai transmitan diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer pada λ=620 nm. Berdasarkan hasil penapisan tersebut, SM 25 merupakan isolat terpilih dengan nilai IA= 3,21 dan transmitan 84,3%. Uji aktivitas amilase isolat SM 25 dan konsentrasi glukosa yang terbentuk pada filtrat medium fermentasi dengan dua sumber pati berbeda yaitu soluble starch dan tepung beras diukur pada λ=540 nm berdasarkan metode dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS). Aktivitas amilase isolat SM 25 pada medium dengan tepung beras (3,33 U/mL) lebih rendah daripada medium dengan soluble starch (5,02 U/mL). Namun konsentrasi glukosa pada medium pertumbuhan isolat SM 25 dengan tepung beras (582 μg/mL) lebih tinggi daripada medium dengan soluble starch (407 μg/mL). Hasil identifikasi menggunakan sekuens parsial gen 16S rRNA, isolat SM 25 teridentifikasi sebagai Streptomyces sanyensis dengan homologi sebesar 99,66 persen.

Research about amylase activity of 28 actinomycetes isolates from mangrove litter at Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta, has been carried out. Qualitative screening was done using iodine method on starch agar, based on the formation of clear zone, then amylase activity was expressed as amylase Activity Index (AI). Semi-quantitative screening was done using iodine method on starch broth, then transmittance value was measured using spectrophotometer at λ=620 nm. Among the isolates tested, SM 25 was the isolate with the most potential for amylase activity with AI=3,21 and transmittance 84,3% which was further tested. Amylase activity of isolate SM 25 and glucose concentration in medium filtrate with soluble starch and rice flour was measured at λ=540 nm using the dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. The result showed that isolate SM 25 has lower amylase activity in medium with rice flour (3,33 U/mL) than soluble starch (5,02 U/mL). However, isolate SM 25 has higher glucose accumulation in medium with rice flour (582 μg/mL) than soluble starch (407 μg/mL). Identification based on partial sequence of 16S rRNA gene, isolate SM 25 was identified as Streptomyces sanyensis with 99,66 homology.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretha Sovaria
Anak dengan gangguan pendengaran mempunyai masalah dalam berkomunikasi yang menimbulkan dampak perkembangan psikologisnya. Hubungan emosional antara ibu dan anak dapat membantu memberikan pengaruh emosi pada anak dengan gangguan pendengaran. Kecemasan terhadap perawatan gigi merupakan masalah psikologis yang sering muncul dan menjadi masalah pada anak dengan gangguan pendengaran. Salivary alpha amylase sAA merupakan biomarker non invasif yang dapat menilai kecemasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa kadar sAA antara ibu dan anak dengan gangguan pendengaran usia 4-6 tahun sebelum dan sesudah oral prophylaxis. 21 ibu dan anak dengan gangguan pendengaran usia 4-6 tahun ikut dalam penelitian ini. Keduanya duduk bersama di ruang tunggu untuk diambil sAA pertama. sAA kedua diambil setelah anak menerima oral prophylaxis di ruangan yang terpisah dan saat bersamaan sAA ibu diambil diruang tunggu. sAA yang terkumpul kemudian diukur dengan sAA monitor. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Spearmann. Terdapat korelasi positif kadar sAA antara ibu dan anak dengan gangguan pendengaran sebelum dan sesudah oral prophylaxis p=0.001 dengan kekuatan koefisien korelasi r=0.817 . Penelitian ini menunjukkan kecemasan ibu dan anak dengan gangguan pendengaran berkorelasi sangat kuat sehingga untuk mencapai keberhasilan perawatan dalam kedokteran gigi anak dapat dilakukan pendekatan melalui ibu untuk menurunkan tingkat kecemasan anak.ABSTRACT
Children with hearing impairment have a communication problem that has impact on their psychological developmental. Stronger emotional relationship between mother and her child can give positive emotional feedback to children with hearing impairment. Dental anxiety is one of psychological problems that often appear in children with hearing impairment. Salivary alpha amylase sAA is a non invasive biomarker that can assess anxiety. The purpose of this research is to analyze sAA level between mothers and their 4 ndash 6 years old children with hearing impairment, before and after oral prophylaxis. 21 mothers and their 4 6 years old children with hearing impairment join this research. Their first sAA was taken while sitting together in the waiting room. Second sAA was taken after the children given oral prophylaxis in the separated room at the same time as mothers rsquo are collected in the waiting room. Collected sAA are measured with sAA monitor. Collected data are analyzed with Spearmann test. There is a positive anxiety correlation between mothers and their children with hearing impairment, before and after oral prophylaxis p 0.001 with correlation coefficient strength r 0.817 . This research showed anxiety of mothers and their children with hearing impairment strongly correlated so that to achieve a successful dental treatment in pediatric dentistry, an approach to mother can reduce dental anxiety level in a child."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Sabaty Shofiyah
"Gangguan penglihatan pada anak mempengaruhi perkembangan psikologis anak, termasuk kecemasan. Kedekatan anak yang memiliki gangguan penglihatan dengan ibu dapat membantu anak untuk merespon perawatan lebih baik. Kadar salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) merupakan biomarker kecemasan non invasive yang dapat diterima secara luas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kadar sAA pada ibu dan anak dengan gangguan penglihatan usia 6-9 tahun sebelum dan sesudah oral profilaksis. 21 anak dengan gangguan penglihatan beserta ibunya berpartisipasi dalam studi ini. Kadar sAA keduanya pertama diukur di ruang tunggu saat mereka sedang bersama. Anak kemudian menerima oral prophylaxis dan diukur kembali kadar sAAnya. Pada saat yang sama kadar sAA ibu kedua diukur di ruang tunggu. Analisis data menggunakan uji Spearmann. Kadar sAA ditemukan berkorelasi positif antara ibu dan anak dengan gangguan penglihatan usia 6-9 tahun sebelum dan sesudah oral prophylaxis (p≤0,05) dengan koefisien korelasi (r=0.788). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bawa kecemasan ibu dan anak dengan gangguan penglihatan sebelum dan sesudah oral prophylaxis berkorelasi secara kuat yang kemudian dapat digunakan oleh dokter gigi apakah kehadiran ibu di dalam ruang tindakan dapat menunjang kesuksesan perawatan gigi anak dengan gangguan penglihatan.

Visual impairment in children known to have profound effect on psychological development, including anxiety. However, stronger emotional relationship with their mother found in this group can possibly help them cope better. Measurement of salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) in saliva sampling is a widely used reliable non-invasive biomarker of anxiety level in clinical settings. Our objective was to evaluate sAA level in visually impaired children and their mothers before and after dental treatment. 21 children with visual and hearing-impairment and their mothers participated, sAA of both subjects were recorded together in the waiting room before treatment. Children then underwent dental prophylaxis in separated room, and had their post-treatment sAA measured right after. At the same time, mother's post-treatment sAA recorded in the waiting room. Data analyzed using Spearmann correlation test. sAA levels found to be significantly correlated between mothers and children with visual impairment pre- and post-oral prophylaxis (p≤0,05) with strong correlation coefficient (r=0.788). Our research found that anxiety in children with visual impairment and their mothers before and after oral prophylaxis were strongly correlated, which can be used as aid to decide whether mother's company inside dental operatory is beneficial in providing treatment for children with visual impairment."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kumala Dewi
"Black rice (Oryza sativa L. “Cempo Irengâ€) is one of local rice varieties in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The black color is caused by high anthocyanin content which is important source of antioxidant. The cultivation of black rice is still limited due to its tall phenotype, long vegetative stage and low productivitycompared to white rice. Paclobutrazol is a growth retardant causing dwarfing in several crop plants and reducing lodging. Blue light can improve plant quality. This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of blue light and paclobutrazol on seed germination, vegetative growth and yield of black rice. The results showed that the average of seed germination as well as the activity of α-amylase of seeds subjected to blue light were lower compared to those subjected to sunlight; however, paclobutrazol concentrations did not affect seed germination percentage. The height of rice plants treated with paclobutrazol decreased in accordance with the increase of paclobutrazol concentration. Chlorophyll content and tiller numbers increased by paclobutrazol treatment of 12.5 ppm. Nitrate reductase activity was higher in rice seedlings subjected to blue light compared to those subjected to sunlight. Iron (Fe) content of rice plants treated with 25 or 50 ppm paclobutrazol increased compared to control. It was concluded thatpaclobutrazol applicationof 12.5 ppmalready reduced plant height. The higher concentration of paclobutrazol applied the greater reduction on plant height was observed.Blue light treatment applied during black rice seed germination slightly reduced germination percentage and α-amylase activity in the germinated seeds. However, blue light treatment combined with paclobutrazol application during black rice seed germination increased chlorophyll content, tiller numbers and Fe content in black rice grain."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2016
634.6 BIO 23:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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