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Abstrak :
Diare lanjut dapat mengakibatkan dehidrasi pada balita dan saat ini merupakan penyebab kematian urutan kedua pada balita di dunia. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian dehidrasi pada balita dengan diare. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional dan melalui tehnik consecutive sampling didapat 110 balita dengan diare yang mengalami dehidrasi ringan/sedang dan berat yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Cempaka Putih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kejadian dehidrasi pada balita dengan diiare adalah usia balita p=0,023 dan status gizi balita p=0,000 . Hasil analisis berikutnya didapatkan faktor paling dominan yang berhubungan dengan kejadian dehidrasi pada balita dengan diare adalah status gizi balita OR=15,22. Diperlukan perhatian khusus/lebih pada balita dengan diare yang memiliki status gizi kurang terhadap risiko dehidrasi di tatanan pelayanan primer.
Further diarrhea can lead to dehydration and is currently the second leading cause of death in children under five in the world. The aim of research to identify factors associated with the occurrence of dehydration in under five with diarrhea. This research uses cross sectional design and through consecutive sampling technique is obtained 110 children under five with diarhhea who are dehydrated mild moderate and severe, hospitalized in Jakarta Islamic Hospital Cempaka Putih. The results showed factors that have a significant relationship with the occurrence of dehydration in children under five with diarrhea are the age of children p 0,023 and nutritional status p 0,000. The next analysis results were obtained the most dominant factor related to the occurrence of dehydration in children under five with diarrhea is the nutritional status of children OR 15,22. Special attention is required more in children under five with diarrhea who have the status of malnutrition on the risk of dehydration in the order of prymary care.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Destry Rizkawati
Abstrak :
Stunting tidak hanya berdampak pada perawakan yang pendek namun juga padapenurunan fungsi kognitif usia sekolah, menurunkan kapasitas kerja dankemampuan ekonomi serta peningkatan risiko penyakit metabolik di usia dewasa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor dominan kejadian stuntingpada balita kelompok usia 6-12 bulan, 13-24 bulan dan 25-59 bulan di wilayah kerjaPuskesmas Kelurahan Tambora tahun 2017. Desain penelitian ini adalah kasuscontrol dengan 68 sampel kasus dan 68 sampel kontrol. Data dianalisis dengan ujichi square untuk melihat hubungan antar variabel dan uji regresi logistik gandauntuk menemukan faktor dominan penyebab stunting pada setiap kelompok usia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tinggi badanibu, kenaikan berat badan hamil, panjang badan lahir, asupan energi saat usia 6-12bulan, 13-24 bulan dan 25-59 bulan, asupan protein saat usia 6-12 bulan dan 13-24bulan, penyakit infeksi dan sanitasi total dengan kejadian stunting pada balita disetiap kelompok usia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat diketahui bahwa faktordominan kejadian stunting pada balita kelompok usia 6-12 bulan adalah asupanenergi saat usia 6-12 bulan p-value 0,001; OR 7,382; 95 CI 2,261-24.102 , padakelompok usia 13-24 bulan adalah penyakit infeksi p-value 0,016; OR 7,154;95 CI 1,436-35,653 dan pada kelompok usia 25-59 bulan adalah asupan energisaat usia 13-24 bulan p-value 0,040; OR 12,599; 95 CI 1,125-141,126 . Perluadanya perbaikan asupan gizi balita sesuai kelompok usia dan pencegahan penyakitinfeksi melalui pendekatan sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat. ......Stunting affects not only to short stature but also decreases in cognitive function atschool age, decreases work and economic capacity at the productive age andincreases the risk of metabolic diseases in elderly. The purpose of this study was toanalyze the dominant factors of stunting among children aged grup 6 12 months,13 24 months and 25 59 months in Kelurahan Tambora. This was case controlstudy with 68 cases and 68 controls. The data were analyzed by chi square test forbivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression test to find the dominant factorof stunting in each of age group. The results of this study shows that there was asignificant relationship between maternal height, weight gain during pregnancy,birth length, energy intake at 6 12 months, 13 24 months and 25 59 months, proteinintake at 6 12 months and 13 24 months, infectious diseases and sanitation withstunting. Based on multivariate analysis, it was found that the dominant factor ofstunting at 6 12 months children was energy intake at 6 12 months p value 0,001 OR 7,382 95 CI 2,261 24,102 , at 13 24 Months was infectious disease p value0.016 OR 7,154 95 CI 1,436 35,653 and at 25 59 months was energy intake at13 24 months p value 0,040 OR 12,599 95 CI 1,125 141,126 . It is necessaryto improve the nutritional intake of under five children and prevention of infectiousdiseases through community based total sanitation approaches.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifka Putri Andayani
Abstrak :
Diare pada balita menimbulkan dampak yang merugikan bagi kesehatan anak salah satunya adalah dehidrasi. Pemberian madu bermanfaat terhadap diare. Madu memiliki kandungan antibakteri, antiinflamasi, dan antivirus yang dapat melawan organismepenyebab diare. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian madu dengan ORS dan larutan madu ORS terhadap frekuensi diare dan lama rawat pada anak balita. Desain penelitian ini adalah uji klinis acak terkontrol randomized controlled trial atau RCT dengan pendekatan pre and post test control group design pada 72 responden kelompok intervensi = 36 dan kelompok kontrol = 36 . Kelompok intervensi diberikan madu dengan ORS sebanyak 5 ml dan pemberian ORS setiap anak diare, sedangkan kelompok kontrol diberikan larutan madu 10 ml ditambahkan dengan ORS diberikan setiap anak diare. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara frekuensi diare sebelum dan sesudah pada kelompok intervensi (p<0,001) dan kelompok kontrol (p<0,001). Lama rawat juga mengalami perbedaan yang bermakna setelah diberikan madu dengan ORS dan larutan madu ORS (p<0,001). Madu dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif terapi yang dapat diterapkan oleh perawat anak di ruang rawat inap anak untuk menurunkan frekuensi diare dan lama rawat pada anak. ABSTRACT

Diarrhea under five children causing adverse effects on the health of children one of them is dehydration. Honey is useful in reducing the frequency of diarrhea. Honey has antibacterial, antiinflammatory, and antiviral properties that can fight against diarrhea. This study aims to determine the effect of giving honey with ORS and ORS honey solution to the frequency of diarrhea and long treatment in children under five. This study designed was randomized controlled trial or RCT with pre and post test control group design at 72 respondens intervention group 36 and control group 36 . The intervention group was given 5 ml of ORS with ORS for each child diarrhea, while the control group was given 10 ml honey solution added with ORS given every child diarrhea. The results showed the effect of honey on the frequency of diarrhea (p<0,001) and length of treatment (p<0,001). Honey can be one alternative therapy that can be applied by child nurses in the inpatient room to reduce the frequency of diarrhea and length of care in children.
Depok: 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratri Utami
Abstrak :
Kejadian ISPA  masih menjadi masalah yang sering terjadi pada anak balita.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan paparan asap kendaraan dan perilaku berkendara bermotor orang tua dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik korelatif cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 112 responden yang dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling di 8 puskesmas Kecamatan Cakung, Jakarta Timur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara pendidikan dan kejadian ISPA pada balita (p=0,002; p< 0,05). Namun demikian, pada penelitian ini tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan paparan asap kendaraan dan perilaku berkendara bermotor dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi perawat, tenaga kesehatan, dan pengembangan penelitian berikutnya sebagai referensi, rekomendasi hasil penelitian ini adalah perlunya peningkatan edukasi dan penyuluhan kesehatan kepada masyarakat terkait faktor risiko yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya ISPA pada balita. ......The occurrence of ARTI is still a common problem in under five children. This research aims to determine the relationship between knowledge of vehicle smoke exposure and motorized driving behavior of the parents with the incidence of ARTI in under-five children. The method used in this research is correlative analytic design with cross-sectional approach. The number of samples was conducted on 112 respondents who were selected by simple random sampling technique in 8 puskesmas in Cakung, East Jakarta. The results of this study on parents' last education were found a significant relationship with the incident of ARTI (p = 0,002; p < 0.05). Nevertheless, this study indicates no significant correlation between knowledge of vehicle smoke exposure and motorized driving behavior with the incidence of ARTI in under-five children. The results of this research are expected to benefit for nurses, workers, and research development as a reference to further research. The recommendation of this research is the need to improve education and health counseling to the people who have risk factors that can cause ARTI in under five children.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rohani Agustini
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Blastocystis hominis merupakan salah satu protozoa yang paling sering ditemukan di saluran intestinal manusia dengan distribusi di seluruh dunia, dengan prevalensi yang lebih besar di negara berkembang. Di Indonesia prevalensinya mencapai 60%. Prevalensi pada anak usia di bawah 6 tahun cukup tinggi, yaitu 25%. Terdapat literatur yang melaporkankan efek infeksi B. hominis terhadap rendahnya status nutrisi pada anak. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui prevalensi infeksi B. hominis pada balita di kecamatan Jatinegara, serta hubungannya dengan status gizi pada balita. Metode: Studi cross-sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder hasil pemeriksaan tinja parasit usus dan pengukuran tinggi badan dan berat badan pada balita di Kecamatan Jatinegara pada tahun 2006. Dari hasil consecutive sampling didapatkan 386 sampel, kemudian dirandom menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok yang hanya terinfeksi B. hominis (n = 227) dan kelompok tanpa infeksi parasit usus (n = 159). Kemudian dibandingkan keadaan status nutrisi antara kedua kelompok ini. Penilaian status nutrisi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan indeks antropometri, yaitu berat berdasarkan usia (WAZ), yang menunjukkan tingkat underweight, tinggi berdasarkan usia (HAZ), yang menunjukkan tingkat stunting, dan berat berdasarkan tinggi (WHZ), yang menunjukkan tingkat wasting. Masingmasing indeks antropometri ini diperlihatkan dalam standar deviasi unit (z-score) dari median populasi referensi World Health Organization-National Center for Health Statistics (WHO-NCHS). Z-score dengan nilai -2 SD digunakan sebagai cut-off point malnutrisi. Hasil: Prevalensi B. hominis sebesar 58, 7%. Analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik (p > 0, 05) pada indeks antropometri untuk status nutrisi (WAZ, HAZ, WHZ) antara kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan: Pada studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa prevalensi B. hominis tinggi, serta tidak terdapat hubungan antara infeksi B. hominis dengan status nutrisi anak balita pada daerah ini. ......Background: Blastocystis hominis is one of the most common protozoa found in human intestinal tract with distribution throughout the world, with a greater prevalence in developing countries. In Indonesia, prevalence reaches 60%. Prevalence in children aged under 6 years old is quite high at 25%. There is literature that shows effect Blastocystis hominis infection on nutritional status in a child. Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of Blastocystis Hominis Infection among Preschool Children in Jatinegara and the relationship between Blastocystis hominis infection and nutritional status among children under 5 years old. Methods: Cross-sectional study using secondary data review for stool analysis of intestinal parasites and measurement of height and weight, which was carried out among children in Jatinegara district in 2006. Consecutive sampling of the results obtained 386 samples, then randomized into 2 groups: groups that were infected with only B. hominis (n = 227) and groups without intestinal parasitic infection (n = 159). Then compared the nutritional status between the two groups. Assessment of nutritional status in this research using anthropometry indexes, weight for age (WAZ), which indicates the level of underweight, height for age (HAZ), which indicates the level of stunting, and weight for height (WHZ), which indicates the level of wasting. Each of the three nutritional status indexes are expressed in standard deviation units (z-scores) from the median of this reference population World Health Organization-National Center for Health Statistics (WHO-NCHS). Z score of -2 SD was used as cut off point of malnutrition. Results: Prevalence of Blastocystis Hominis infection was 58, 7%. Statisical analysis revealed that the antropometric indexs for nutritional status (WAZ, HAZ, and WHZ) did not differ significantly (p > 0, 05) between the infected group and the control group. Conclusions: Prevalence of Blastocystis Hominis among Preschool Children in Jatinegara Distric is high. In this study showed that there is no relationship between infections of B. hominis with the nutritional status of children under five years old in this area.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna CP Armanugraha
Abstrak :
Banization is one of the causes of dietary changes creating dual form malnutrition. Susilowati (1997) discovered this condition occurred at national level and within households in East Jakarta. Lower energy expenditure and higher energy intake were predicted as potential risk of overweight, opposite to underweight status. This cross sectional survey aimed to explore the dietary intake and physical activity which resulted dual form malnutrition by comparing overweight mothers having underweight children and their normal counterparts. In this study, 81 pairs of mothers and their under fives were recruited for dietary intake, nutritional status and physical activity assessment and divided into two groups: the case group consisting of overweight or obese mothers with their underweight children, and the normal grove comprised of normal mothers with their normal children. Repeated 3 days.24-hour recall food intake of mothers and children, as well as physical activity of mothers but only one day of physical activity data for the children, were collected followed by ale day 24-hour recall plus observation from 08.00 to 16.00 for activities of sub sample children. Mean energy and macronutrients intake of the case mothers was higher than their normal peers, but there was no statistical significant difference between groups, which might be due to under reported energy intake. Estimated BMR and energy expenditure of the case mothers were significantly higher than their normal counterparts, though there was no difference in their PAL. Notorious energy balance was discovered after subtracting energy intake and expenditure, which might be due to under-reported energy intake. After adjustment by age and sex, statistical significant difference was found in energy intake and PAL. BMR and energy expenditure of the underweight children was lower significantly in contrasted to the others. Negative energy balance was discovered among the case children, opposite to positive energy balance of the normal peers. This research was part of a Multi-center study, Dietary Transition and Health in Asia.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eman Sumarna
Abstrak :
The purpose of the study was to compare the nutritional status of children receiving supplementary food from the high and low performing health centers in East Sumba District, Indonesia. Assessment of all 15 health centers was the first stage to determine the performance level using input output process approach, and 568 selected households from two performance categories was the second stage to investigate nutritional status. A Scoring system was used to determine the performance level, and anthropometry was used to assess nutritional status. SPSS 10.0 and Epilnfo 6.04b were used for data analyses. The study was conducted from February to March 2001. All input-process-output and personnel capability variables between the two performance levels were significantly different. The supplementary feeding package fulfilled optimally the standard requirement, but the method and frequency of distribution did not The prevalence of malnutrition was significantly different between the two performance levels. Lack of transportation and small number of personnel might have influenced the improper nutrition service management.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut ( ISPA ) merupakan suatu penyakit yang sering terjadi pada bayi dan anak balita, dan masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Kejadian ISPA di Kota Padang memberikan kontribusi jumlah kasus ISPA di Propinsi Sumatera Barat yaitu sebesar 11,15%, dengan kejadian sebesar 63,45%, sedangkan untuk wilayah puskesmas Alai didapatkan kejadian sebesar 51,39%. Beberapa faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi terhadap timbulnya ISPA adalah umur < 2 tahun, laki-laki, gizi kurang, berat badan lahir rendah ( BBLR ), tidak mendapat ASI memadai, polusi udara, kepadatan tempat tinggal dan defisiensi vitamin A. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko lingkungan fisik rumah dan sumber pencemaran dalam rumah dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita. Disain studi yang digunakan adalah jenis rancangan kasus kontrol. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah balita yang bertempat tinggal diwilayah Puskesmas Alai. Sampel adalah balita yang datang berobat ke puskemas dan balita yang tinggal dirumah terdekat dengan kasus. Jumlah sampel seluruhnya adalah sebanyak 318 responden (159 kasus dan 159 kontrol). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa anak balita yang tinggal di rumah dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik seperti ventilasi yang tidak memenuhi syarat, kepadatan hunian yang tinggi, kandungan particulate (PM10) yang tidak memenuhi syarat, ada sumber pencemaran seperti merokok dalam rumah serta penggunaan bahan bakar minyak tanah/kayu akan berpeluang untuk menderita ISPA. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah balita di Puskesmas Alai yang tinggal dirumah dengan ventilasi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan berpeluang untuk menderita ISPA sebesar 5,67 kali lebih banyak dibanding dengan balita yang tinggal dengan ventilasi yang memenuhi syarat. Saran yang diberikan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah penyuluhan kesehatan lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan perumahan sehat, dan memperbanyak ventilasi secara swadaya. ......Physical Environment Health and Exposure Sources within Living House as Risk Factor of ISPA Incidence among Under Five (Case Control Study in Alai Health Center, Padang City 2003)Infant and under five often suffer from acute respiratory infection (ISPA), this became community health problem. In Padang city 63,0% ISPA incidence contribute 11,5% of ISPA incidence in West Sumatra, while in area covered by Alai health center incidence rate is 51,39%. Some of risk factor which influence ISPA age < 2 years, male, under nutrition, low birth weight (BBLR), not receiving adequate breastfeeding, air pollution, density of living house population, and A vitamin deficiency. Objective of this study is to find out relation risk factors of physical environment and sources of exposure within living house with ISPA incidence among under-five. Design of this study is case control, population is under-five which living in covered area of Alai health center. Samples are under-fives who came to seek medication to health center and under-fives which living nearest to case. Total samples are 318 samples (159 cases and 154 controls). Result of this study showed that under-five who lives in living house with physical environment condition which have inappropriate ventilation, high density of residence in living house, particulate (PM10) content higher than minimum level, sources of pollution such as cigarette smoke and fuel combustion in cooking would be have greater chance to suffer ISPA. This study conclude that under-five in covered area by Alai health center which stay in living house with inappropriate ventilation could have chance to suffer ISPA 5,67 times than others who have good ventilation in their living house. It recommends conducting educational program about healthy environment, such as healthy house with good ventilation.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 11358
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Karyana
Abstrak :
Diseluruh dunia, setiap tahun ada 12 (dua belas) juta anak meninggal sebelum berusia 5 (lima) tahun, terbanyak pada usia satu tahun pertama. Paling tidak 4-5 juta kematian tersebut disebabkan oleh diare. Di Indonesia diare masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat karena 40 % kematian di kelompok usia < 2 tahun disebabkan oleh diare. Angka kejadian diare pada tahun 2000 sebanyak 300 kasus per 1.000 orang. Tingginya kejadian penyakit diare ini dapat menyebabkan kerugian yang besar baik bagi masyarakat maupun bagi pemerintah. Namun selama ini informasi tentang jumlah biaya akibat penyakit diare masih kurang, khususnya untuk biaya yang ditanggung keluarga akibat balita menderita diare akut. Informasi ini dapat digunakan dalam advokasi ke penentu kebijakan dalam usaha menururkan angka insiden diare. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian di Puskesmas Kelurahan Tugu Selatan yang berada di Kecamatan Koja Kotamadya Jakarta Utara, disebabkan karena wilayah ini mempunyai tingkat kepadatan tinggi di DKI Jakarta, rata-rata tingkat pendidikan masyarakat yang rendah, sosial ekonomi yang kurang, dan banyak pemukiman kumuh yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kejadian diare. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran tentang biaya yang ditanggung oleh keluarga akibat dan penyakit diare akut pada balita. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mendapat gambaran keadaan kerugian biaya bagi penderita yang datang berobat ke puskesmas, karena puskesmas merupakan ujung tombak fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Perhitungan biaya dilakukan terhadap biaya langsung, biaya tidak langsung dan biaya peluang dalam penanganan balita diare. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 42 balita yang terkena diare akut dan datang berobat ke Puskesmas Tugu Selatan pada bulan Pebruari 2003. Data primer dikumpulkan langsung dari keluarga balita yang menderita diare akut dengan cara wawancara yang dilakukan pada saat kunjungan kerumah 14 hari setelah balita berobat ke puskesmas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh keluarga apabila ada balita menderita diare sebesar Rp. 28.040 per episodnya. Jika dihitung rata-rata per hari biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh keluarga apabila ada balita menderita diare, yaitu sebesar Rp. 4.210. Komponen biaya tersebut terdiri atas biaya konsultasi sebesar 4,7 %, biaya obat 14,7 %, biaya administrasi 8,4 %, biaya transportasi 6,3 %, biaya konsumsi 5,4 %, biaya peluang 60,6 %. Sehingga tampak komponen biaya yang menyebabkan kerugian biaya terbesar akibat penyakit diare pada balita adalah biaya peluang yaitu sebesar 60,6 %. Dengan hasil yang diperoleh, apabila dilakukan perhitungan kerugian ekonomi yang menjadi beban masyarakat akibat sakit diare di Jakarta Utara didapatkan angka biaya sebesar Rp. 12.072.986.520 setiap tahunnya. Tampak penyakit diare akan memberikan efek memperburuk status sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Sehingga perlu perhatian lebih terhadap pelaksanaan program pemberantasan diare, agar kerugian akibat sakit diare dapat diturunkan. Saran yang disampaikan adalah perlu penelitian perhitungan kerugian biaya akibat diare yang lebih lengkap, meliputi perhitungan kerugian biaya dan pihak pemerintah dan pihak masyarakat, mengingat diare merupakan salah situ penyakit dengan angka kejadian dan kematian yang tinggi. Bagi divas kesehatan perlu melakukan analisis biaya satuan pelayanan kesehatan di puskesmas dan bagi pemerintah daerah Kotamadya Jakarta Utara perlu memberikan perhatian khusus terutama perbaikan sanitasi lingkungan di pemukiman penduduk, karena sangat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kejadian diare.
In the whole world, there are 12 (twelve) million children die before five years old in every year; the most is on the beginning of the first year of age. At least 4-5 million of deaths were caused by diarrhea. In Indonesia, diarrhea is still being public health problem because 40% of the death in age group under 2 years old was caused by diarrhea. Diarrhea prevalence in year 2000 was 300 cases per 1000 persons. This high prevalence of diarrhea can cause a big loss to the public and also to the government. But all this time, information about the cost of diarrhea still less, especially for the cost that the family has to bear because of children under five suffering acute diarrhea. This information can be used in advocacy to the policy makers in the way of decreasing diarrhea prevalence. Tugu Selatan Sub district Health Center which located in Koja District North Jakarta being selected as the study location because this area has high population density in DKI Jakarta, low education level rate, low social economic rate, and a lot of slum area that affecting to the diarrhea prevalence. This study is aims at to get the description of financial loss that being a burden of the family as a consequence of diarrhea at children under five. This study being focus to get the description about financial lost of the patient who came to the Health Center, because Health Center is the most important thing in health service facility. Cost calculation was performed to Direct cost, Indirect cost and Opportunity cost in treating diarrhea at children under five. This Study was performed to 42 children under five who have diarrhea and came to Tugu Selatan Health Canter on February 2003. The primary data were collected direct from the family of the children under five who suffering acute diarrhea by interview in their home 14 days after visiting the Health Center. The results of research shows that the average cost that the family spent when children under five suffering diarrhea is Rp. 28.040 in each episode. If we calculate average cost per day, the cost that being spent when children under five suffering diarrhea is Rp. 4.210. Component of the cost consists of 4,7 % Consultation Cost, 14,7 % Medicine Cost, 8,4 % Administration Cost, 6,3 % Transportation Cost, 5,4 % Consumption Cost, 60,6 % Opportunity Cost. So that seen the cost component that cause the biggest financial lost because of diarrhea at children under five is opportunity cost which is 60,6 The extrapolation to prevalence of diarrhea in North Jakarta use prevalence based study, shows that in North Jakarta is Rp. 12.072.986.520 in every year. Obviously diarrhea will make the social economic status in the community worst. It need to pay more attention to the implementation of diarrhea eliminating program, in order to eliminate the financial lost because of diarrhea. Suggestion for farther action is that it needs more complete study about calculation of financial lost caused by diarrhea, including calculation of financial lost in the government and in the community, considering diarrhea is one of disease with high prevalence and mortality rate. For the Health Service it necessary to perform cost analysis health service unit cost in Health Center and for the North Jakarta Municipality territory government need to give special attention especially in environment sanitary improvement in habitant residential, because it affecting a lot to the diarrhea prevalence reduction.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahayu Astuti
Abstrak :
Kekurangan Energi Protein (KEP) pada balita masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Seperti diketahui bahwa masalah gizi kurang akan berdampak pada penurunan intelegensia dan produktifitas dan pada akhirnya akan berdampak pada rendahnya tingkat intelektualitas bangsa dan menurunnya kualitas sumberdaya manusia sehingga dikhawatirkan bangsa Indonesia tidak dapat bersaing dengan bangsa lain di era globalisasi. Dengan memperhatikan masalah gizi kurang yang dihadapi dewasa ini, pemerintah dan masyarakat perlu meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan upaya penanggulangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap status gizi balita dan memprediksi faktor yang paling berperan terhadap kejadian status gizi kurang pada balita di pedesaan Jawa Tengah tahun 2002. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yaitu hasil survei Helen Keller lnternasional (HKI) bekerjasama dengan Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Disain penelitian adalah cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh anak balita (umur 0-60 bulan) di wilayah pedesaan Jawa Tengah. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah multistage cluster. Dari sebanyak 8110 balita yang ada pada data sekunder, berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang sudah ditetapkan maka didapatkan sebanyak 7582 balita yang memenuhi kriteria untuk dianalisis. Status gizi balita diukur dengan pengukuran antropornetni menggunakan indeks BB/U dan disajikan dalam Z skor. Analisis data meliputi univariat, bivariat (Pearson Chi Square dan regresi logistik sederhana) dan analisis multivariat (pemodelan dengan regresi logistik multivariat). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat masalah gizi kurang di Jawa Tengah, khususnya pada balita dengan prevalensi gizi kurang (Z skor < -2 SD) sebesar 31,3 % dimana 4,6 % diantaranya adalah gizi buruk. Hasil analisis multivariat ada 6 faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap status gizi balita adalah umur anak, penyakit infeksi, status gizi ibu, pendidikan bapak, pendidikan ibu, nomor urut lahir anak, dimana masing-masing mempunyai peranan yang spesifik dalam mempengaruhi status gizi. Pengaruh penyakit infeksi pada balita terhadap status gizi berkaitan dengan keadaan sanitasi. lingkungan keluarga yang kurang baik. Faktor yang dominan dalam mempengaruhi status gizi balita adalah umur balita kemudian status gizi ibu, kemudian pendidikan ibu, pendidikan bapak, nomor urut lahir anak dan penyakit infeksi. Model regresi logistik yang terbentuk cukup mantap untuk memprediksi karena hampir 70 % variabel yang ada dalam model dapat menerangkan kondisi status gizi. Hasil ini diharapkan dapat dipakai oleh penentu kebijakan dalam penanggulangan masalah gizi kurang pada balita. Dari hasil penelitian ini disarankan kepada pengelola program dan lintas sektor di tingkat kabupaten/kota dan propinsi, perlu menekankan prioritas penanggulangan masalah gizi kurang pada balita umur 6-23 bulan. Perlu dilakukan peningkatan status gizi ibu khususnya pada keluarga balita dengan sosial ekonomi rendah, melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakat, yaitu program pelatihan .khususnya kepada ibu-ibu untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan sumberdaya rumah tangga Perlu dilakukan pemberdayaan ekonomi keluarga melalui program pemberian paket produktif (sistem bergulir) pengembangan usaha ekonomi produktif sesuai dengan potensi masing-masing daerah. Untuk mengatasi adanya penyakit infeksi pada anak maka perlu penyuluhan tentang sanitasi lingkungan keluarga. Daftar Pustaka: 82 (1982-2004)
Protein-energy malnutrition of children under five year is still health problem in Indonesia. Like we know that malnutrition will impacts - decreased intelegentia and productivity and so will impact to decreased level of nation intellectuality and decreased human resources and is apprehensived Indonesia nation can not competed with others nation in era globalization. With attention to malnutrition who was attended this time, government and community be needed increased vigilance and efforts to tackling. The purpose of this study is to examine influence factors of nutritional status underfive children and predicted factors was most role in case malnutrition of underfive children in rural Central Java, year of 2002. This study was use secondary data from result survey of Helen Keller International joint with Office of Health Central Java Province. Study designed was cross sectional. The population was underfive children (0-60 years) in rural Central Java. Sampling methods was multistage cluster. From 8110 underfive children in secondary data, with inclusion and exclusion criteria was has been definited, so be obtained 7582 underfive children was fulfill criteria for analyzed. Nutritional status was measured with anthropometric, and weight-for-age index and was asserted with Z-score. Data analysis with univariate, bivariate (Pearson Chi Square and Logistic Regression) and multivariate (Multivariate Logistic Regression Model). The result of study show there was malnutrition problem in Central Java, especially of underfive children with prevalence of malnutrition (Z-score < -2 SD) are 31,3 %, where 4,6 % of them is severe malnutrition. The result of multivariate analysis was there are 6 factors influenced nutritional status underfive children was children age, infection, mother nutritional status, father education, mother education, number of birth child there were each others have specific role in influenced nutritional status. Role of infection to nutritional status associated with family environment sanitation that less good. Dominant factors influenced nutritional status underfive children was children age then mother nutritional status, mother education, father education, number of birth child and infection. Logistic Regression Models that was resulted enough steady to predict because almost 70 % variable in model can explain condition of nutritional status. This result was hope can applied by provider in tackling malnutrition problem in underfive children. The study recommended to organizer of program and cross sector in district level and province level, necessary emphasize priority tackling malnutrition problem of children age 6-23 month. Be needed to increasing mother nutritional status especially to family with low social economic, by means of community empowerment program, that is trained program especially to mother for increasing organizing family resources. Necessary to empower family economic by means of distribution productive package (turned system) effort extended productive economic appropriate with potential in each district. To tackling infection in children be needed to conducting communication about family environment sanitation. Bibliography: 82 (1982-2004)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
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