Pariwisata Indonesia adalah salah satu penyumbang terbesar devisa negara. Pada 2015 devisa yang dihasilkan sektor pariwisata adalah sebesar $ 12,23 miliar dan diproyeksikan bahwa pada tahun 2020 akan memberikan kontribusi devisa negara sebesar $ 20 miliar. Kemajuan teknologi secara fundamental telah mengubah cara informasi diproduksi dan digunakan untuk banyak hal termasuk di sektor pariwisata. Dalam industri pariwisata, pengalaman pelanggan penting untuk pengembangan dan reputasi industri. Diperlukan pendekatan baru untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan dan persepsi wisatawan melalui analisis sentimen. Dalam penelitian ini permasalahan yang menjadi perhatian adalah bagaimana memanfaatkan analisis sentimen untuk menentukan persepsi wisatawan mengenai 3A (atraksi, amenitas, dan aksesibilitas) di destinasi wisata dan mengukur korelasi antara persepsi wisatawan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan wisatawan, menggunakan metode text mining NLP (Natural Language Processing) untuk mengembangkan strategi peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan dan pengembangan destinasi wisata. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil terdapat korelasi negatif yang kuat antara sentimen negatif dengan tingkat pertumbuhan kunjungan wisatawan. Tingkat pertumbuhan wisatawan akan menurun ketika sentimen negatif dari wisatawan meningkat. Penurunan tingkat pertumbuhan wisatawan berdampak pada potensi hilangnya pendapatan negara. Analisis sentimen dapat memberikan gambaran persepsi wisatawan secara lengkap terkait aspek amenitas, aksesibilitas, dan atraksi di destinasi pariwisata.
Indonesian tourism is one of the biggest contributors to the countrys foreign exchange. In 2015 the foreign exchange generated by the tourism sector was $ 12:23 billion and it is projected that in 2020 will Contribute to the countrys foreign exchange of $ 20 billion. Technological advances have fundamentally changed the way information is produced and used for many things Including in the tourism sector. In the tourism industry, customer experience is important for the development and reputation of the industry. A new approach is needed to measure customer satisfaction and tourist perceptions through sentiment analysis. In this study the goal is how to use sentiment analysis to Determine the perceptions of tourists regarding 3A (attractions, amenities and accessibility) in tourist destinations and measure the correlation between perceptions with tourist tourist growth rates, using the NLP (Natural Language Processing) text mining method to develop strategies for increasing tourist visits and developing tourist destinations. The results of the research Showed that there was a strong negative correlation between negative sentiment and the level of tourist tourist growth. The level of tourist growth when the negative sentiment will Decrease from tourists increases. Tourist Declining growth rates have an impact on the potential loss of state income. Sentiment analysis can provide a complete description of tourist perceptions regarding aspects of amenities, accessibility, and Attractions in tourism destinations. using the NLP (Natural Language Processing) text mining method to develop strategies for increasing tourist visits and developing tourist destinations. The results of the research Showed that there was a strong negative correlation between negative sentiment and the level of tourist tourist growth. The level of tourist growth when the negative sentiment will Decrease from tourists increases. Tourist Declining growth rates have an impact on the potential loss of state income. Sentiment analysis can provide a complete description of tourist perceptions regarding aspects of amenities, accessibility, and Attractions in tourism destinations. using the NLP (Natural Language Processing) text mining method to develop strategies for increasing tourist visits and developing tourist destinations. The results of the research Showed that there was a strong negative correlation between negative sentiment and the level of tourist tourist growth. The level of tourist growth when the negative sentiment will Decrease from tourists increases. Tourist Declining growth rates have an impact on the potential loss of state income. Sentiment analysis can provide a complete description of tourist perceptions regarding aspects of amenities, accessibility, and Attractions in tourism destinations. The results of the research Showed that there was a strong negative correlation between negative sentiment and the level of tourist tourist growth. The level of tourist growth when the negative sentiment will Decrease from tourists increases. Tourist Declining growth rates have an impact on the potential loss of state income. Sentiment analysis can provide a complete description of tourist perceptions regarding aspects of amenities, accessibility, and Attractions in tourism destinations. The results of the research Showed that there was a strong negative correlation between negative sentiment and the level of tourist tourist growth. The level of tourist growth when the negative sentiment will Decrease from tourists increases. Tourist Declining growth rates have an impact on the potential loss of state income. Sentiment analysis can provide a complete description of tourist perceptions regarding aspects of amenities, accessibility, and Attractions in tourism destinations.