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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Indah Permata Putri
"Depresi pada lansia dapat disebabkan oleh perubahan pada peristiwa kehidupannya. Salah satu faktor yang dapat melindungi lansia dari depresi yaitu kesejahteraan spiritual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kesejahteraan spiritual dengan tingkat depresi pada lansia di Sasana Tresna Werdha Ciracas.
Desain penelitian menggunakan analitik korelasi dengan metode pendekatan cross-sectional. Sampel berjumlah 68 lansia dengan secara systematic random sampling. Kesejahteraan spiritual dinilai dengan kuesioner Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) dan tingkat depresi lansia dinilai dengan kuesioner Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kesejahteraan spiritual dan tingkat depresi pada lansia dengan nilai p value (0,000) (r= -0,642). Perawat harus mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan spiritual lansia sehingga lansia mampu menghadapi gejala depresi yang timbul.

Depression in the elderly can be caused by changes in the events of their life. One factor that may protect the elderly from depression is spiritual well-being. This study aims to determine the relationship of spiritual well-being with depression levels of the elderly in Sasana Tresna Werdha Ciracas.
The study design was analytic correlation with cross-sectional approach. Samples consisted of 68 elders with systematic random sampling. Spiritual well-being was assessed by questionnaire Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) and depression levels of the elderly assessed by questionnaire Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15).
The results showed that there is a significant relationship between spiritual well-being and depression levels of the elderly with p value (0,000) (r = -0.642). Nurses should be able to enhance the spiritual well-being of the elderly as a coping elderly to deal with depression.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Nurhaniriva
Pernikahan poligami merupakan salah satu fenomena yang berkembang di
masyarakat. Berbagai penelitian terkait masalah ini mengkaji banyak aspek
diantaranya dilihat secara hukum dan sosial. Penelitian ini meneliti pengalaman
psikologis pria yang menjalani poligami, terutama dalam hal psychological wellbeing
dan spiritual well-being. Penelitian ini melibatkan lima orang pria berpoligami
sebagai subjeknya. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pria
berpoligami cenderung memiliki psychological well-being yang tidak utuh.
Sedangkan dalam hal spiritual well-being, pria berpoligami di dalam penelitian ini
cenderung cukup baik, terutama pada domain transendensi.

Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.
Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both
legally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoing
polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.
This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this
study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study
reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that
is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study
tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.
Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both
legally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoing
polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.
This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this
study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study
reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that
is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study
tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.
Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both
legally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoing
polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.
This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this
study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study
reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that
is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study
tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.
Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both
legally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoing
polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.
This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this
study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study
reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that
is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study
tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.
Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both
legally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoing
polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.
This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this
study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study
reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that
is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study
tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.
Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both
legally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoing
polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.
This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this
study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study
reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that
is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study
tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.;Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.
Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both
legally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoing
polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.
This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this
study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study
reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that
is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study
tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain., Polygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society.
Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both
legally and socially. This study examines men?s psychological experienceundergoing
polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being.
This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this
study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study
reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that
is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study
tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain.]"
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Suhandwifa
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan adanya hubungan antara spiritual well-being dan work engagement pada karyawan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 95 karyawan di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan bagian dari alat ukur Spiritual Leadership Theory (Fry, 2005) yang telah diadaptasi ke Bahasa Indonesia untuk mengukur spiritual well-being dan Utrecht Work Engagement Scale 9 (Schaufeli, Bakker, & Salanova, 2006) yang telah diadaptasi ke bahasa Indonesia untuk mengukur work engagement. Melalui penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara spiritual well-being dan work engagement (r = 0,629, p = 0,000). Keterbatasan penelitian serta saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya akan dibahas dalam diskusi penelitian.

This research was conducted to prove the existence of a relationship between spiritual leadership and employees? work engagement. Sample of this research includes 95 employees in Jakarta. This research used an Indonesian adaptation of a part of the Spiritual Leadership Theory questionnaire (Fry, 2005) to measure spiritual well-being and an Indonesian adaptation of Utrecht Work Engagement Scale 9 (Schaufeli, Bakker, & Salanova, 2006) to measure work engagement. It was found that spiritual well-being significantly correlated with work engagement on employees (r = 0,629, p = 0,000). The limitation of this research, as well as recommendations for further research are discussed at the end of this report."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meidy Hanifah
"Kecerdasan emosional dinilai sebagai salah satu indikator untuk mengetahui tingkat kesejahteraan spiritual seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan kecerdasan emosioanl dengan kesejahteraan spiritual pada mahasiswa. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan cross-sectional pada 212 responden mahasiswa keperawatan di Indonesia dengan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form (TEIQue-SF) untuk mengukur tingkat kecerdasan emosional dan Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire (SWBQ) untuk mengukur kesejahteraan spiritual. Hasil uji statistika t test didapatkan nilai p value sebesar 0.000 < 0.05 sehingga disimpulkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kecerdasan emosional dengan kesejahteraan spiritual pada mahasiswa keperawatan. Pada penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat diteliti lebih lanjut mengenai karakteristik lain yang dapat memengaruhi kesejahteraan spiritual mahasiswa keperawatan serta menggunakan metode penelitian yang berbeda seperti metode kualitatif.

Emotional intelligence is considered as an indicator to determine the level of one's spiritual well-being. This study aims to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual well-being in college students. The design of this research used a cross-sectional study on 212 respondents from Indonesian nursing college students using a purposive sampling technique. The research instruments used were the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form (TEIQue-SF) to measure the level of emotional intelligence and the Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire (SWBQ) to measure spiritual well-being. The results of the t test statistical test obtained a p value of 0.000 <0.05 so that indiate there was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual well-being in nursing students. Regarding further research, we suggest to examine other variables that can affect spiritual well-being of nursing students and use different research methods such as qualitative methods."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liza D Boediman
Ada banyak cara untuk dapat meraih kesejahteraan spiritual (Spritual Well-being) salah satunya dengan menjalani hidup bertasawuf khususnya tarekat. Melalui metode tarekat dan peran mursyid tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Nazimiyah dapat mengantarkan murid atau salik wanita pengikut tarekat ini menjadi sedekat mungkin dengan Allah dan meraih akhlak mulia melalui transformasi jiwa serta menemukan kembali makna hidup dan spiritualitasnya. Tujuan penelitian ini selain untuk mendapatkan gambaran spiritual well-being wanita pengamal tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Nazimiyah di Jakarta.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi. Obyek penelitian adalah anggota Tarekat sufi Naqsyabandiyah Nazimiyah. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan terlibat (participant observation) dengan wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) kepada 5 subyek wanita sebagai informan utama untuk mengeksplorasi kedalaman data. Metode triangulasi juga dipakai untuk mengecek kebenaran data yang telah didapat dari informan utama.
Dari analisis data, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode-metode tarekat dan peran mursyid terbukti dapat membantu para wanita pengamal tarekat ini mencapai kesejahteraan spiritual mereka; mereka mampu membangun hubungan yang bermakna dan memuaskan dengan Tuhan, diri sendiri, orang lain dan lingkungan dimana ekspresi energi spiritual antara lain: merasakan cinta dan kepedulian Tuhan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, penuh harapan, hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain, ikhlas, memaafkan, tidak menghakimi, bahagia, berpikir positif, melayani orang dan toleransi.

There are many ways to achieve spiritual welfare (Spiritual Well-being) one of them by practicing tasawuf; particularly congregation. Through methods of congregation and roles of the mursyid of Naqsyabandiyah Nazimiyah order could assist their women followers to be as close as possible to God and achieve noble character through a transformation of the soul and rediscover the meaning of their life and spirituality. The purpose of this study is to get an overview of spiritual well-being on women practitioner of Naqsyabandiyah Nazimiyah order in Jakarta.
This study used a qualitative approach of phenomenology. The research object is a member of the Sufi orders Naqsyabandiyah Nazimiyah. Data was collected through participant observation with in-depth interviews to 5 subjects of women as key informants to explore the depths of the data. Triangulation method is also used to check the correctness of data that has been obtained from key informants.
From the data analysis, the result of this study indicates that the methods and the role of a mursyid proven could help women practitioner of this order reach their spiritual well-being; they are able to build a meaningful and satisfying relationship with God, self, others and environment in which the expression of this spiritual energy, among others are feel the love and care of God in everyday life, full of hope, a good relationship with others, sincere, forgive, nonjudgmental, happy, positive thinking, serving people and tolerance."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Qina Mahruzza Putri
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana self-acceptance dan spiritual well-being pada remaja awal dari keluarga single mother. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Subjek berjumlah 3 tiga orang yang mengalami pisah orang tua karena cerai hidup dan cerai mati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-acceptance dan spiritual well-being memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap kualitas hidup subjek. Hal yang membedakan adalah aspek penerimaan diri internal dimana subjek yang tidak melihat perpisahan orang tuanya mempunyai self-acceptance lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang melihat perpisahan orang tuanya. Sedangkan pada spiritual well-being subjek yang mengalami melihat perpisahan orang tuanya lebih mampu mendekatkan diri pada sisi spiritual dalam dirinya.

The aims of this research is to find out overview of self acceptance and spiritual well being in early adolescence from single mother family. This research used observation and in depth interview as the data collection method. There are three subjects who experience their parents that live separately as the result of divorce or dead spouse. The research showed that self acceptance and spiritual well being had a positive impact on quality of life of the subjects. The differentiation comes from internal self acceptance aspects where subject who do not see the conflicts between their parents have better self acceptance than those who see the conflicts. While the spiritual well being of the subject who experience see the conflict between their parents have deeper connections within their spiritual side. "
Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Nurayu Kusumawardani

Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) memiliki peranan yang penting bagi pasien jantung. HRQoL pada pasien jantung bisa ditingkatkan dengan melihat faktor-faktor yang menjadi prediktornya, seperti spiritual well-being, illness perception, dan kecenderungan depresi. Penelitian ini melihat lebih jauh apakah spiritual well-being (SWB) dan illness perception (IP) memengaruhi HRQoL secara signifikan dan kecenderungan depresi memediasi hubungan antara SWB dengan HRQoL dan hubungan IP dengan HRQoL secara signifikan. Sebanyak 161 partisipan yang memiliki penyakit jantung terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Setiap partisipan mendapatkan tiga alat ukur yang berbeda, yaitu FACIT-Sp (spiritual well-being), Brief IPQ (illness perception), dan PHQ-2 (kecenderungan depresi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa spiritual well-being (B=14,415, p=0,000) dan illness perception (B=-7,8838, p=0,000) menjadi prediktor yang signifikan terhadap HRQoL. Sementara itu, kecenderungan depresi tidak memediasi hubungan spiritual well-being dengan HRQoL (effect= 1,0934), namun menjadi mediator yang signifikan dalam hubungan illness perception dengan HRQoL (effect= -2,0332). Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk penyusunan intervensi bagi pasien jantung agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan keberfungsiannya.  

Kata kunci:

spiritual well-being, illness perception, kecenderungan depresi, HRQoL

Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) is the most important thing to be considered as a treatment for heart disease patients. There are some variables to be considered as significant predictors of HRQoL such as spiritual well-being, illness perception, and depressive symptoms. Based on previous research, spiritual well-being (SWB) and illness perception (IP) significantly predicted heart disease patients HRQoL. Depressive symptoms variable can be a mediator for explaining the relationship between SWB and HRQoL and IP and HRQoL`s relationship.  The main aim of this research is to investigate whether SWB and IP are significant for predicting heart disease patients HRQoL and depressive symptoms is a significant mediator for explaining those relationships. This research involves n=161 heart disease patients with minimum of age 18. Every partient is measured using three measurements. The measurements include FACIT-Sp (spiritual well-being), Brief IPQ (illness perception), and PHQ-2 (depressive symptoms). The result shows that spiritual well-being (B=14,415, p=0,000) and illness perception (B=-7,8838, p=0,000) predict HRQoL`s patients. Depressive symptoms does not mediate significantly the relationship between SWB and HRQoL (effect= 1,0934), but it mediates the relationship between IP and HRQoL significantly (effect= -2,0332). This research can be used for medical worker in designing intervention for heart disease patients.



UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Syaiful Huda

Prestasi akademik dalam rangkaian proses pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya spiritual well-being dan resiliensi. Berdasarkan data dan laporan hasil ujian nasional, siswa sekolah Islam berasrama pada umumnya belum mampu mendapatkan prestasi akademik yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Spiritual well-being dan resiliensi dengan prestasi akademik siswa sekolah Islam berasrama. sampel penelitian ini adalah madrasah tsanawiyah Pondok Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah. penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, teknik pengumpulan data untuk penelitian kuantitatif dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua kuesioner yaitu spiritual well-being scale untuk mengukur spiritual well-being, dan resilience scale untuk mengukur resiliensi, sedangkan untuk pengukuran prestasi akademik menggunakan nilai rapor siswa. Untuk pengumpulan data kualitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara. Partisipan dalam penelitian kuantitatif adalah 263 siswa, dan partisipan penelitian kualitatif adalah 3 guru dan 4 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa spiritual well-being tidak berkorelasi secara signifikan dengan prestasi akademik. Resiliensi ditemukan berkorelasi secara signifikan dengan prestasi akademik. Sementara itu spiritual well-being dan resiliensi secara bersamaan terbukti tidak berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap prestasi akademik.


Kata Kunci : Prestasi Akademik, Spiritual well-being, Resiliensi, Sekolah Islam Berasrama

Academic achievement in the series of educational processes is influenced by many factors, including spiritual well-being and resilience. Based on the data and national exam results report, generally the boarding school students have not been able to obtain good academic achievement. The study aims to find out the relationship between Spiritual well-being and resilience with the academic achievement of boarding schools of Islamic students. This research sample is Madrasah tsanawiyah Pondok Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah. This study uses mixed methods, data collection techniques for quantitative research in this study using two questionnaires which are Spiritual well-being scale, resilience scale. and student`s raport book to measure student`s academic achievement, while data collection for qualitative reseach, the researcher uses the interview techniques. Participants in quantitative research were 263 students, and qualitative research participants were 3 teachers and 4 students. The results of this study show that Spiritual well-being is not significantly correlated with academic achievement. Resiliency is found to be significantly correlated with academic achievement. While Spiritual well-being and resilience are simultaneously proved to not contribute significantly to academic achievement.

Keywords: Academic achievement, Spiritual well-being, Resilience, Islamic Boarding School

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library

Permasalahan pada kanker serviks meliputi permasalahan fisik, psikologis, sosial, spiritual dan seksual. Keperawatan holistik diperlukan dalam perawatan kanker serviks, spiritual merupakan dimensi inti yang akan mempengaruhi dimensi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh model intervensi keperawatan spiritual dengan nilai-nilai Islami yang dinamakan model intervensi keperawatan spiritual Islami (INSPIRASI) dan mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan spiritual perempuan kanker serviks. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap. Tahap satu penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi masalah pada kanker serviks dengan desan mix method, pada studi kuantitatif dilakukan survey pada 93 responden, dan metode kualititaif dengan wawancara mendalam pada tujuh partisipan. Tahap dua pengembangan model dengan cara mengintegrasikan hasil studi tahap satu, studi literatur, dan konsultasi pakar. Tahap tiga dilakukan penelitian quasi eksperiment dengan desain pre-post test control group design. Metode sampling consecutive sampling pada perempuan kanker serviks stadium II-IV yang menjalani terapi kemoradiasi usia 25-68 tahun dengan jumlah sampel 80 (40 kelompok intervensi, 40 kelompok kontrol). Hasil penelitian teridentifikasinya permasalahan, gambaran kualitas hidup dan gambaran kondisi spiritual perempuan dengan kanker serviks, terbentuknya model intervensi keperawatan spiritual islami INSPRIRASI dan terujinya model intervensi. Hasil uji didapatkan terdapatnya pengaruh model INSPIRASI terhadap kualitas hidup (p=0.021) dan kesejahteraan spiritual  (p=0.001). Dengan demikian diharapkan model INSPIRASI dapat dijadikan salah satu strategi intervensi keperawatan pada perempuan dengan kanker serviks yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan spiritual.


Problems in cervical cancer include physical, psychological, social, spiritual and sexual problems. Holistic nursing is needed in the treatment of cervical cancer, spiritual is a core dimension that will affect other dimensions. This study aims to obtain a model of spiritual nursing intervention with Islamic values called the Islamic spiritual nursing intervention model (INSPIRASI) and determine it is the effect on the quality of life and spiritual well-being of cervical cancer women. This research consisted of three stages. The first phase was to identify problems in cervical cancer with the desain mix method, a quantitative study surveyed 93 respondents, and a qualitative method with in-depth interviews with seven participants. The second phase of the model development was by integrating the results of the first phase study, literature study, and expert consultation. The third phase used a quasi-experimental study with a pre-posttest control group design. Method of consecutive sampling in women with stage II-IV cervical cancer undergoing chemo radiation therapy aged 25-68 years with total samples of 80 (40 intervention groups, 40 control groups). The results of the study identified problems, depictions of quality of life and depictions of the spiritual condition of women with cervical cancer, the formation of an Islamic spiritual nursing intervention model INSPIRASI and the testing of an intervention model. The test results found the influence of the INSPIRASI model on quality of life (p = 0.021) and spiritual well-being (p = 0.001). It is hoped that the INSPIRASI model can be used as one of the nursing intervention strategies in women with cervical cancer that can improve quality of life and spiritual well-being.


Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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