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Sri Hartati
"Tumbuhan obat dari genus Garcinia, termasuk familia Guttiferae telah banyak dikenal mengandung senyawa metabolit skunder seperti xanton, bitlavonoid dan benzofenon. Banyak senyawa yang ditemukan memiliki bioaktivitas yang potensial sebagai antibakteri, antimalaria dan bersifat sitotoksik terhadap beberapa se] kanker. Kurang lebih 50 spesies Garcinia tumbuh cli Indonesia termasuk Garcinia tetrandra Pierre, Garcinia eugeniaejblia Wall dan Garcinia maingayi Hook. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan kandungan senyawa kimia dari ekstrak n-heksana dan aseton kulit batang pohon tiga tanaman tersebut di atas serta uji aktivitas biologi, yang meliputi uji awal toksisitas terhadap udangfirtemia salina Leach dan uji sitotoksisitas terhadap sel leukemia murin P388 serta qii antibakteri terhaclap Baccil us subtilis ATCC 6633, Exrherichia cali ATCC 25922,,S!aphyIococcus aureus ATCC 6538 dan Psedomonas auregenase DSM 43286. Isolasi dilakukan dengan tehnik kombinasi lcromatografi. Penentuan Slrulftur molekul dilakukan dengan menganalisis data-Clataspaktrunl UV-Vis, infra merah, massa, resonansi magnet inti ?H dan '3 C sam dan dua dimensi. Beberapa senyawa dinalisis dengan difraksi sinar-X. Dari basil isolasi ditemukan I l seuyawa termasuk 2 senyawa bam, meliputi beberapa senyawa turunan xanton, xanton dimer, isopltnilbenzofenon dan flavanol. Dari G. Ietrandra telah diisolasi dan diidentifikasi stigmasterol, cudmksanton, lupeol dan, xanton baru yang dinamai tetrandraksanton atau [l,3-dihidroksi .2?, 2?-dirneiil pimno (5?, 6?, 5, 6)]- xanton. Dari G. eugeniaefolia-telah diisolasi dan diidentiikasi stigmasterol dansexiyawa baru yang dinamai eugeniaefenon rnerupakan turunan benzofenon yangmengandung gugus isoprenil dan dimetil siklobutan. Dari G. maingayi telah diisolasi dan diidentlfikasi stigmasteml, camb0ginol, isoksantochymol, griffipaviksanton dan 5, 7, 2', 5?-3tetrahidrokSi flavan-3-ol. Dari hasil uji bioaktivitas, gtiflipaviksanton, carnboginol dan eugeniaefenon dinyatakan sangat aktif/toksik terhadap larva udimg (Anemia Salina Leach) yang memiliki alctivitas dengan LC50 masing-masing 1,06 x io* ; 1,69 dan 3,24 ,ug/mL, sedangkan senyawa isoksantochymol, cudraksanton dan lupeol dinyatakan tidal: aktii Dari hasil uji terhadap sel murin P3 88, senyawa isoksanthochymol dan grifiipaviksanton dinyatakan sangat aktif dalam menghambat pertumbuhannya, dengan IC50 1,47 dan 0,42 ,ug/ml.. Senyawa eugeniaefenon memiliki aktivitas sedang dengan IC50 2,5 ,ug/mL, sedangkan senyawa camboginol dan 5, 7, 2?, 5?- tetrahidroksi flavan-301 tidak aktif yang menunjukkan aktivitas dengan IC50 > 4 pg/rnL . Dari hasil uji antibakteri, senyawa camboginol dan eugeniaefenon memiliki aktivitas hambatan pertumbuhan mikroba pada lconsentrasi 10.000 ppm terhadap mikroba B. subtilis ATCC 6633, E. colli ATCC 25922, .SZ aureus ATCC 6538, P.auregenase DSM 43286 bertmut-turut 16, 13, 15 dan 14 mm: 13, 16, 13 dan 15 mm. Pada konsetrasi yang sama tetrasiklin menunjukkan aktivitas hambatan pertumbuhan mikroba rata-rata 30 mm.

The medicinal plants in the genera of Garcinia belong to Guttiferae family have been known to be rich on secondary metabolites, such as xanthones, bitlavonoids and benzophenones. Some of wmpounds havetbeen reported as unique novel chemicals and having potential for various bioactivities as antibacterial, airimaia-ia, and eymmxie against cancer cells About so ? Garcinia species -growing in Indonesia include Gm'einrh?tetrandra Pierre, Garcinia eugeniawlia Wall. and Garcinia maingyi Hook. This research is conducted to isolate the chemical constituents of n~hexane and acetone extracts
of stem barks and their biological activity evaluation, namely preliminary evaluation using brine shrimp lethality test against Artemia saline Leach, cytotoxic against P388 cultured murine cells and antimicrobial activity against
Baccilus subtilis ATCC 6633, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538" and Psedomonas auregenase DSM 43286. Isolation of the compounds was conducted through combined various chromatographic techniques. Structure elucidation ofthe isolates Wasperfonned by analysing their spectroscopic data, namely: UV-4Vis, inlia red, mass, one- and two-
dimension NMR The structures of -some of the isolates were also clarified by their X-ray diffraction dam. From this research, among ll isolates, 2 isolates were novel compoimds. The isolates were triterpepnegxantlione- derivatives,
xanthone dimers, isoprenylbenophenones, andtlavanol. From the stem bark of G. tetrandra stigrn asterol, cudraksantone, Iupeol and a new xanthone namely tetrandraxanthone or [l,3-dihydroxy-2?,2?;dimethyl pyrano-(5?,6?,5?,6)]-
xanthone have been isolated and identified. The work on G. eugeniaefolia, led to the isolation stigmasterol and a novel compound, eugcniaephenone, a benzophenone having isoprenyl groups and dimethyl cyclobutane. From G. maingayi. stigmasterol, camboginol, isoxanthochymol, griflipavixanthone and 5,7,2?,5?-tetrahydroxy ilavan-3-ol have been isolated and identified. From bioactivity test, griffipavixanthone, eugeniaephenone and carnboginol were strong cytotoxic to brine shrimp (Artemia salina Leach) lethality test results showing LC? 1,06 xlO'2 ; 1,69 and 3,24 pg/mL respectively. Meanwhile, the isoxantochymol, cudraxanthone and Iupeol were not active. From cytotoxicity against murine P-3 88 cultured cells test, showed that griffipavixanthone and isoxanthochymol ,were strong cytotoxic, judged by their IC50 values of 0.42 and 1.47 /xg/mL, respectively. Eugeniaephenon were also moderate cytotoxic having IC5Q 2.5 pg/mL. Meanwhile camboginol and 5,7,2?,5?~tetrahydroxy tlavan-3-ol were inactive, represented by its IC50 values more than 4 ,ug/mL. On evaluated for,their antibacterial activity. Camboginol and eugeniaephenone showed the highest antibacterial activity, having 'microbial growth inhibition against B. subtillis ATCC 6633, E. coli ATCC 25922, .SI aureus ATCC 6538, and P. auregenase DSM 43286. The inhibition diameter using concentration of 10,000 ppm, camhoginol and eugeniaefenone showed 16, l3, 15 and 14 mm; ind 13, 16, 13, and 15 mm, respectively. Tetracycline s9lution_was used as the positive control concentration of 10,000 ppm, showed diameter inhibition of 30 mm."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vailland, Roger
Paris: Seuil , 1958
FRA 928.44 VAI l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Irma F.
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan produksi, konsumsi, dan industri budaya suatu orkestra. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma teori kritis dengan pendekatan Pierre Bourdieu tentang habitus, field, dan kapital. Penelitian menemukan bahwa pihak orkestra membentuk dan memperkuat taste konsumen. Di balik penyajian orkestra terdapat maksud lain selain budaya. Realitas yang diterima masyarakat sebenamya realitas semu, yaitu realitas yang diatur pihak produsen dan industri guna memenuhi kebutuhan dan prinsip keberhasilan mereka sendiri."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lugt, Mara van der
"This book presents a new study of Pierre Bayles Dictionnaire Historique et Critique (1696), with special reference to Bayles polemical engagement with the theologian Pierre Jurieu. While recent years have seen a surge of interest in Bayle, there is as yet no consensus on how to interpret Bayles ambiguous stance on reason and religion, and how to make sense of the Dictionnaire. This book aims to establish a new method for reading the Dictionnaire under a dual premise: first, that the work can only be rightly understood when placed within the immediate context of its production in the 1690s; second, that it is only through an appreciation of the mechanics of the work as a whole, and of the role played by its structural and stylistic particularities, that we can attain an appropriate interpretation of its parts. Special attention is paid to the heated theological-political conflict between Bayle and Jurieu in the 1690s, which had a profound influence on the project of the dictionary and on several of its major themes, such as the tensions in the relationship between the intellectual sphere of the Republic of Letters and the political state, but also the danger of religious fanaticism spurring intolerance and war. The final chapters demonstrate that Bayles clash with Jurieu was also one of the driving forces behind Bayles reflection on the problem of evil; they expose the fundamentally problematic nature of both Bayles theological association with Jurieu, and his self-defence in the second edition of the Dictionnaire."
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Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novriantoni Kahar
"MQ Corporation is one of phenomenal business institutions led by a prominent Muslim preacher KH Abdullah Gymnastiar, familiarly called Aa Gym. However, many have neglected the existence of MQ Corporation as an outstanding business institution and paid more attention on Aa Gym's religious preaching. There is no specific academic research on the phenomenon of MQ Corporation in sociological perspective.
This thesis, therefore, constitutes an attempt to highlight MQ Corporation into the analysis of symbolic capital, a theoretical framework developed by French sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu. Throughout this theory, the research assumes that development of MQ Corporation is high-correlated with symbolic capital, namely mass recognition. At first, this wide mass recognition obtained by Aa Gym as the central figure and it afterward affects on his business units.
Additionally, this research attempts to explore how that symbolic capital obtained, how it benefits the owner, and how it maintained. This research furthermore predicts the future of MQ Corporation in case the deflation of symbolic capital as regards the rise and fall of Aa Gym's popularity whose personal brand is much greater than MQ corporation's
corporate brand.
This research concludes that development of MQ Corporation is very much correlated with the symbolic capital of Aa Gym. Therefore, the development of MQ Corporation correlated highly with the maintenance of symbolic capital as well as the invention of qualified products as any other commercial activity.
This research finds that deterioration of Aa Gym's popularity would influence MC business units. Those units which depends much on the figure of Aa Gyim would be hard to develop whenever his popularity declines. While those which do not depend on his figure and able to invent their products well and innovatively would continue to exist.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruff, Marcel A.
Paris: Hatier-Boivin, 1957
FRA 928.44 RUF b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gwyn, Richard
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1980
971.064 GWY n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Hartati
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari beberapa senyawa kimia dari ekstrak kulit pohon Garcinia tetrandra serta uji aktivitas biologi terhadap Artemia salina L. dan aktivitas antibakteri. Senyawa tersebut diisolasi dengan cara ekstraksi dalam n-heksan selanjutnya ekstraksi dengan aseton . Masing masing ekstrak dipisahkan dengan cara kromatografi kolom dengan fasa diam silika gel dan fasa geraknya adalah n-heksan , etil asetat, metanol secara gradien. Senyawa kimia yang telah mumi ditentukan struktur molekulnya dengan cara spektrofotometri UV-Vis, spektrofotometri Infra Merah, Spektrometri Massa, Spektrometri Resonansi Magnet Inti 1H dan 13 C. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh senyawa GT-1 yang mempunyai rumus molekul C23H200 6 , diperkirakan sama dengan Thwaitesixanton, senyawa GT -2 dengan rum us Sri H. 2000. molekul C30H500 yang diperkirakan senyawa 3-a- (22) (29) Hopen-ol; Senyawa GT -3 dengan rumus molekul C38H500 6 yang diperkirakan sama dengan Camboginol; Senyawa GT -4 dengan rumus molekul C38H~006 yang diperkirakan sama dengan cambogin. Dari senyawa - senyawa tersebut yang memiliki aktiyitas antimikroba adalah senyawa GT-3 dengan diameter hambatan rata-rata= 8 mm/1000 ppm.terhadap bakteri B. subtilis A TCC 6633, E. coli ATCC 25922, S. aureus ATCC 6538, M phlei DSM 43286 Dari hasil uji aktivitas terhadap larva udang Artemia salina Leach., senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas yang cukup signifikan adalah senyawa GT -3 dan GT -4 dengan LC50 masing-masing 7 pg/ ml dan 18. pg/ml.

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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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