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Ditemukan 49 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Prasetyo Andriono
"Despite improvements in the outcome of patients with acute myocardial infarction during the last three decades, room for improvement exists in the elderly patients and in patients who are not candidates for throm-bolysis. Statistical analysis of randomized trials of magnesium in myocardial infarction reveals a gradient of response. When higher risk patients were enrolled, a greater benefit of magnesium was observed; progressively smaller benefits of magnesium occur as control group mortality approached 7%, at which point no benefit was detected. Although the ISIS-4 study enrolled more than 58,000 patients, no reduction in mortality was seen, probably as a result of low control group mortality and relatively late administration of magnesium. Because the potential benefits of magnesium in myocardial infarction remains an open question, additional trials are needed before this inexpensive and early-administered therapy is prematurely cast aside."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwinegoro Heri saputro
"Kejadian infark miokard akut pada pasien diabetes mellitus adalah masalah kesehatan utama yang disebabkan oleh penurunan laju filtrasi glomerulus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan laju filtrasi glomerulus dengan kejadian infark miokard akut pada pasien diabetes mellitus. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik korelasi dengan rancangan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel adalah 96 rekam medis pasien diabetes mellitus yang dirawat di RSPAD Gatot Subroto Ditkesad periode 2007-2011. Hasil analisis menggunakan Chi-Square menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan laju filtrasi glomerulus dengan kejadian infark miokard akut (p= 0,012). Variabel perancu terhadap hubungan laju filtrasi glomerulus dengan kejadian infark miokard akut adalah lama menderita diabetes mellitus (p= 0,065). Berdasarkan hal tersebut, perawat perlu melakukan intervensi yang tepat untuk mencegah komplikasi terjadinya infark miokard akut pada pasien diabetes mellitus.

Incidence of acute myocardial infarction in diabetes mellitus is a major health problem caused by a decrease in glomerular filtration rate. This study aimed to determine the correlation between glomerular filtration rate with the incidence of acute myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes mellitus. This study used an analytic design of a correlation with cross sectional design. The number of samples was 96 medical records of patients with diabetes mellitus who were treated at RSPAD Gatot Subroto Ditkesad between 2007 and 2011. The analysis using Chi-Square indicated that there is a correlation between glomerular filtration rate with the incidence of acute myocardial infarction (p=0.012). Confounding variable of correlation between glomerular filtration rate with the incidence of acute myocardial infarction is length of illness of diabetes mellitus (p= 0.065). Based on the findings, nurses need to make appropriate interventions to prevent complications of acute myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes mellitus."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mogadam, Michael
New York: New American Library, 2001
616.123 05 MOG e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This reassuring and indispensable guide covers every aspect of a heart attack and its aftermath in understandable language. First, you will learn the warning signs to watch for and find out just what happens during a heart attack. Next, the American Heart Association takes you through every stage of treatment in the hospital, including which medications and other methods of treatment your doctor is likely to use"
New York: Times Books, 1996
616.123 AME a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransisca Anjar Rina Setyani
Pasien infarct myocard yang menjalani rawat inap beresiko untuk mengalami
konstipasi akibat dari bedrest. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh
minuman probiotik terhadap pencegahan konstipasi pada pasien infarct myocard.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasi eksperimental post test only non
equivalent control group, yaitu membandingkan perbedaan pola eliminasi
defekasi antara kelompok kontrol dan intervensi. Jumlah sampel 48 orang yang
terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu 24 responden pada kelompok kontrol dan 24
responden pada kelompok intervensi. Hasil uji t- independen menunjukkan ada
perbedaan yang signifikan skor defekasi antara kelompok kontrol dan intervensi,
artinya ada pengaruh minuman probiotik terhadap pencegahan konstipasi pada
pasien infarct myocard (p value = 0,001; α = 0.05). Hasil penelitian ini dapat
digunakan sebagai sumber informasi dan bahan pertimbangan bagi perawat saat
memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien khususnya pasien infarct myocard
yang menjalani rawat inap untuk menjaga keteraturan pola eliminasi defekasi

Inpatients of myocardial infarction are at risk for constipation as resulting from
bed rest. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of probiotic drinks to
prevent constipation toward patients with myocardial infarction at Gatot Subroto
Army Hospital in Jakarta. This research uses quasi experimental posttest only
non-equivalent control group design, which compares the differences of
elimination defecation patterns between control and intervention groups. The
number of sample is 48 people, divided into 2 groups, i.e. 24 respondents in the
control group and 24 respondents in the intervention group. Independent t-test
results showed significant difference defecation scores between the control and
intervention groups, meaning that there is the effect of giving probiotic drink to
prevent constipation in patients with myocardial infarction (p value = 0.001; α =
0.05). The results of this research can be used as a source of information and
consideration for the nurses when providing nursing care in myocardial infarction
patients, especially patients who undergo hospitalization to maintain regularity of
elimination defecation patterns."
T 30396
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Fajarwati
"STEMI masih menjadi penyebab kasus kematian utama di Indonesia. Di Jakarta, angka kejadian STEMI meningkat setiap tahunnya. IKP primer merupakan tindakan utama untuk penanganan STEMI, namun tidak mengatasi penyebab terjadinya oklusi. Pengetahuan pencegahan sekunder diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya restenosis sehingga mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup setelah IKP primer.
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan pencegahan sekunder dengan kualitas hidup pada pasien STEMI Pasca IKP Primer. Desain penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang cross sectional. Responden terdiri dari 60 pasien STEMI pasca IKP Primer yang dipilih melalui teknik consequtive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan Maugerl Cardiac Prevention Questionnare MICRO-Q dan Seattle Angina Questionaire-7 SAQ 7.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan pencegahan sekunder dengan kualitas hidup pada STEMI pasca IKP primer p=0,662; =0,05. Namun, pengetahuan pencegahan sekunder penting untuk tetap diperlukan sabagai salah satu komponen yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup pada pasien STEMI pasca IKP primer.

STEMI is one a leading cause of death cases in Indonesia. In Jakarta, the incidence of STEMI increases anually. Primary PCI is the main treatment eventhough it is not the causes of occlusion. Secondary prevention knowledge is needed to prevent the occurrence of restenosis so it can improve quality of life after primary PCI.
This research has purpose to know the relationship between knowledge level about secondary prevention and quality of life in STEMI patient after Primary PCI. This is analytic with cross sectional approach. Respondents consisted of 60 STEMI patients post Primary PCI selected through concequtive sampling technique. The instrument is the Maugerl Cardiac Prevention Questionnare MICRO Q and Seattle Angina Questionaire 7 SAQ 7.
The results showed no correlation between knowledge level and quality of life in STEMI after primary IKP p 0,662 0,05. However, secondary prevention knowledge is important to remain as one of the components that can improve quality of life in STEMI post primary IKP.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roy Christian
"Inflamasi berperan penting dalam proses ateroklerosis mulai sejak awal sampai tahap akhir hingga terjadinya ruptur plak. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LDL teroksidasi memegang peranan kunci terhadap terjadinya inflamasi ini. Terbentuknya LDL teroksidasi dipengaruhi oleh stress oksidatif karena ketidakseimbangan antara oksidan dan antioksidan. Produksi radikal bebas oksigen pada pasien IMA lebih tinggi dibanding orang normal. Sementara itu, latihan fisik pada pasien IMA kini dianjurkan untuk dilakukan lebih dini. Walaupun aktifitas fisik akut dapat meningkatkan produksi radikal bebas oksigen, tetapi exercise training justru dapat menyebabkan produksi radikal bebas oksigen lebih rendah yang selanjutnya akan menurunkan proses oksidasi lipid. Namun hingga kini belum ada penelitian yang melihat efek latihan fisik yang teratur dan terukur terhadap proses oksidasi lipid pada pasien IMA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek latihan fisik secara teratur dan terukur terhadap proses oksidasi lipid (LDL teroksidasi) pada pasien IM."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adelin Dhivi Kemalasari
"Polimorfisme CYP2C19 menurunkan metabolisme klopidogrel dan telah diketahui meningkatkan mortalitas serta kejadian kardiovaskular mayor. VerifyNow P2Y12 merupakan salah satu pemeriksaan yang secara spesifik menggambarkan fungsi platelet terhadap agen penghambat P2Y12 yang dikonsumsi. Hubungan antara polimorfisme CYP2C19 dengan TIMI flow pada populasi Asia, khususnya Indonesia, belum pernah dilakukan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara polimorfisme CYP2C19 terhadap fungsi penghambatan platelet dan TIMI flow, serta hubungan antara fungsi penghambatan platelet dan TIMI flow.
Dilakukan pemeriksaan polimorfisme CYP2C19 dengan menggunakan metode Taqman dan pemeriksaan fungsi penghambatan platelet yang diukur dengan VerifyNow P2Y12 pada 90 pasien IMA-EST yang menjalani IKPP yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian.
Dari 90 subyek penelitian, studi polimorfisme genetik mengungkapkan 23,3% pasien dengan alel * 2, 11,2% dari * 3 alel pembawa, dan 1,1% membawa kedua alel. 24,4% pasien tergolong non-responder terhadap klopidogrel. Secara keseluruhan tidak terdapat hubungan secara langsung antara polimorfisme CYP2C19 dengan TIMI flow 3, namun terdapat hubungan antara polimorfisme CYP2C19 dengan penurunan fungsi penghambatan platelet (OR 4.7, p = 0.030). Indeks reaktivitas platelet >208 PRU meningkatkan risiko TIMI flow < 3 (OR 3.3, p= 0.046).
Tidak terdapat hubungan secara langsung antara polimorfisme CYP2C19 dengan TIMI flow, namun pasien dengan polimorfisme CYP2C19*2 dan/atau *3 memiliki risiko untuk mengalami penurunan penghambatan fungsi platelet. Pasien yang tergolong non-responder terhadap klopidogrel ini juga berisiko untuk mendapatkan reperfusi miokard yang suboptimal.

CYP2C19 polymorphism plays an important role in clopidogrel metabolism. The genetic factor is VerifyNow P2Y12 is an examination that specifically describes platelet function against P2Y12 inhibitors. It is unknown whether platelet reactivity measured by P2Y12 reaction unit (PRU) is affected by CYP2C19 polymorphism or predictive of TIMI flow in Asian populations, particularly in Indonesia. We sought to define whether polymorphisms on CYP2C19 genes and platelet reactivity may affect the myocardial perfusion.
STEMI patients who underwent primary PCI and has received 600 mg loading dose of clopidogrel were recruited for the study. We measured platelet reactivity by VerifyNow P2Y12, high platelet reactivity was defined as > 208 PRU. Genetic polymorphisms analysis to assess the presence of CYP2C19*2 and *3 alleles on each patient were performed by Taqman method.
There were 90 patients recruited for study. Genetic polymorphisms studies revealed 23.3% of patients with *2 allele, 11.2% of *3 allele carriers, and 1.1% carried both allele. 23.4% of patients were clopidogrel non-responders. Overall, there was no correlation between CYP2C19 polymorphism and TIMI flow < 3, but there was a relationship between CYP2C19 polymorphism and decreased function of platelet inhibition (OR 4.7, p = 0.030). Platelet reactivity index > 208 increased the risk of suboptimal reperfusion (OR 3.3, p = 0.046).
There is no direct relationship between CYP2C19 polymorphism and TIMI flow, but patients with CYP2C19*2 and/or CYP2C19*3 had increased risk of being clopidogrel non responders. After adjusted to confounding factors, VerifyNow > 208 PRU is associated with suboptimal myocardial reperfusion.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geis Alaztha
"Latar belakang: micro-RNA saat ini telah diketahui berperan dalam patofisiologi berbagai penyakit termasuk di bidang kardiovaskular. miR-26a platelet dikaitkan dengan aktifitas platelet tinggi.Resistensi klopidogrel telah diketahui memiliki prevalensi yang cukup tinggi di populasi Asia, yang mana dapat mempengaruhi mortalitas serta kejadian kardiovaskular mayor. Hubungan antara ekspresi miR-26a platelet dengan resistensi klopidogrel begitu pula dengan TIMI flow pasca IKPP pada IMA-EST di populasi Asia, belum pernah dilaporkan.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara ekspresi miR-26a platelet terhadap reaktivitas platelet dan perfusi miokardium pasca IKPP.
Metode: Pada pasien IMA-EST yang menjalani IKPP dan mendapatkan terapi dosis loadingklopidogrel 600 mg, dimasukkan kedalam populasi penelitian. Kami mengukur reaktivitas platelet dengan menggunakan VerifyNow P2Y12, aktifitas platelet tinggi didefiniskan jika memiliki nilai > 208 PRU. Metode RealtimePCR Taqman dilakukan untuk analisa ekspresi miR-26a platelet. Ekspresi miR-26a platelet dan reaktivitas platelet dikorelasikan dengan TIMI flowpasca IKPP pada pasien IMA-EST.
Hasil: Terdapat 100 subyek yang direkrut pada studi ini. Diantaranya, 59% menunjukkan peningkatan ekspresi miR-26a. Reaktifitas platelet meningkat pada 27 % pasien studi ini dikategorikan non-responder terhadap klopidogrel. Terdapat hubungan antara ekspresi dengan penurunan fungsi penghambatan platelet (OR 4.2, p = 0.006). Indeks reaktivitas platelet >208 PRU meningkatkan risiko TIMI flow < 3 (OR 3.3, p= 0.015). Tidak terdapat hubungan langsung antara ekspresi miR-26a platelet dan TIMI flow < 3.
Kesimpulan: Pasien dengan peningkatan ekspresi miR-26a platelet memiliki risiko untuk mengalami menjadi non-responderklopidogrel. Tidak terdapat hubungan langsung antara ekspresi miR-26a platelet dan TIM flowpasca IKPP.

Background: micro-RNA has now been known to play a role in the pathophysiology of various diseases including cardiovascular disease. Clopidogrel resistance has been known prevalent in Asian population, that may affect mortality and major cardiovascular events. The relationship between the expression of platelet miR-26a and clopidogrel resistance as well as TIMI flow post primary PCI in STEMI among Asian populations, has never been done.
Objective: the aim of this study is to define whether miR-26a platelet expression has a relation with platelet reactivity and myocardial perfusion after primary PCI.
Methods: STEMI patients who underwent primary PCI and has received 600 mg loading dose of clopidogrel were recruited for the study. We measured platelet reactivity by VerifyNow P2Y12, high platelet reactivity was defined as > 208 PRU. Realtime PCR by taqman method were performed to asses the expression of miR-26a platelet. miRNA-26a platelet expression and platelet reactivity were correlated with TIMI flow post primary PCI in STEMI.
Hasil: there were 100 patients recruited for this study. among them, 59% of patients with high expression of miR-26a platelet. Platelet reactivity showed 27% of the patients were clopidogrel non-responders. There was a relationship between high miR-26a expression and decreased function of platelet inhibition (OR 4.2, p = 0.006). Platelet reactivity index > 208 increased the risk of suboptimal reperfusion (OR 3.3, p = 0.015). There was no direct correlation between miR-26a expression and TIMI flow < 3.
Conclusion: Patients with high miR-26a platelet expression had increased risk of being clopidogrel non responders. There is no direct relationship between miR-26a platelet expression and TIMI flow after primary PCI.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diagnosis infark miokard akut ditegakkan apabila memenuhi 2 dari 3 kriteria, yaitu klinis, perubahan EKG, dan peningkatan kadar penanda biokimia jantung. Troponin merupakan penanda biokimia jantung yang spesifik untuk infark miokard, akan tetapi memiliki keterbatasan yaitu kurang sensitif apabila dilakukan pada fase awal karena troponin akan meningkat dalam darah setelah 4 -10 jam setelah infark miokard. Copeptin merupakan penanda stres endogen, yang dapat meningkat pada awal onset infark miokard akut, namun kurang spesifik. Penelitian tentang copeptin-us sebagai penanda biokimia jantung masih sedikit dan di Indonesia penelitian tentang copeptin-us sebagai penanda biokimia jantung belum pernah dilakukan.
Penelitian ini mengikutsertakan 91 pasien tersangka sindrom koroner akut yang terbagi atas 15 (16,5%) NSTEMI, 43 (47,3%) UA, dan 33 (36,3%) non SKA. Diagnosis ditegakkan oleh dokter di IGD RS Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita. Karakteristik pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dicatat dan kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan copeptin-us.
Nilai rerata copeptin-us pada NSTEMI adalah 151,80 ± 130,03 pmol/L, median copeptin-us pada UA adalah 7,12(1,145 ? 62,23) pmol/L, dan rerata copeptin-us pada non SKA adalah 7,36 ± 4,17 pmol/L. Nilai cut off copeptin-us untuk membedakan NSTEMI dengan UA/non SKA adalah 13,97 pmol/L. Area under curve (AUC) kombinasi hs-cTnT saat masuk rumah sakit dengan copeptin-us adalah 0,941 (0,882 ? 1,00), hs-cTnT saat masuk rumah sakit 0,885 (0,790 ? 0,98), dan AUC hs-cTnT 3 jam kemudian adalah 0,925 (0,824 ? 1,00). Nilai median hs-cTnT saat masuk RS pada NSTEMI adalah 114(29-1102) pg/mL, pada UA adalah 16 (3-3352) pg/mL, dan pada non SKA adalah 6(3-366) pg/mL. Nilai median hs-cTnT 3 jam pada NSTEMI adalah 488 (81-18437) pg/mL, pada UA 14(3-2224) pg/mL, dan pada non SKA adalah 3(3-679) pg/mL. Kombinasi copeptin-us ≥ 13,97 pmol/L dan hs-cTnT ≥ 14 pg/mL dan untuk membedakan NSTEMI dengan UA/non SKA memberikan sensitivitas 100%, spesifisitas 90,78%, NPP 68,18%, dan NPN 100%.
Uji diagnostik kombinasi copeptin-us dan hs-cTnT saat masuk RS lebih baik dibandingkan hs-cTnT saat masuk RS saja dan dapat digunakan untuk rule out NSTEMI.ABSTRACT
Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction is made when two of the followed criterias are met; clinical, ECG changes, and increased levels of cardiac biochemical markers. Troponin is a specific cardiac biochemical marker for myocardial infarction but has limitation. It is less sensitive when measured in the early phase, because troponin will increase in blood after 4 -10 hours post myocardial infarction. Copeptin is an endogenous stress marker, it level increases in the early onset of acute myocardial infarction but study on copeptin-us as cardiac biochemical marker are limited and in Indonesia there is no study on copeptin-us has been done.
In this study 91 consecutive patients fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria, consist of 15 (16,5%) NSTEMI, 43 (47,3%) unstable angina, and 33 (36,3%) non acute coronary syndrome. Diagnosis was made by the emergency physician at Harapan Kita cardiovascular centre. Characteristics of these subject were recorded and then the copeptin-us levels were measured.
The mean value of copeptin-us in NSTEMI is 151,80 ± 130,03 pmol/L, median copeptin-us in UA is 7,12(1,145 ? 62,23) pmol/L, and the mean copeptin-us in non ACS is 7,36 ± 4,17 pmol/L. Cut off value of copeptin-us to distinguish NSTEMI from UA/non ACS is 13,97 pmol/L. Area under curve of the combination hs-cTnT on admission and copeptin-us is 0,941 (0,882 ? 1,00), hs-cTnT on admission is 0,885 (0,790 ? 0,98), and hs-cTnT 3 hours laters is 0,925 (0,824 ? 1,00). Median value hs-cTnT on admission in NSTEMI is 114(29-1102) pg/mL, in UA is 16 (3-3352) pg/mL, and in non ACS is 6(3-366) pg/mL. Median hs-cTnT 3 hours in NSTEMI is 488(81-18437) pg/mL, in UA is 14(3-2224) pg/mL, and in non ACS is 3(3-679) pg/mL. Combination of copeptin-us ≥ 13,97 pmol/L and hs-cTnT ≥14 pg/mL to distinguish NSTEMI from UA/non ACS has sensitivity 100%, specificity 90,78%, PPV 68,18%, and NPV 100%.
The diagnostic value of combination on copeptin-us and hs-cTnT is better than only hs-cTnT on admission so that it can be used to rule out NSTEMI.;Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction is made when two of the followed criterias are met; clinical, ECG changes, and increased levels of cardiac biochemical markers. Troponin is a specific cardiac biochemical marker for myocardial infarction but has limitation. It is less sensitive when measured in the early phase, because troponin will increase in blood after 4 -10 hours post myocardial infarction. Copeptin is an endogenous stress marker, it level increases in the early onset of acute myocardial infarction but study on copeptin-us as cardiac biochemical marker are limited and in Indonesia there is no study on copeptin-us has been done.
In this study 91 consecutive patients fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria, consist of 15 (16,5%) NSTEMI, 43 (47,3%) unstable angina, and 33 (36,3%) non acute coronary syndrome. Diagnosis was made by the emergency physician at Harapan Kita cardiovascular centre. Characteristics of these subject were recorded and then the copeptin-us levels were measured.
The mean value of copeptin-us in NSTEMI is 151,80 ± 130,03 pmol/L, median copeptin-us in UA is 7,12(1,145 ? 62,23) pmol/L, and the mean copeptin-us in non ACS is 7,36 ± 4,17 pmol/L. Cut off value of copeptin-us to distinguish NSTEMI from UA/non ACS is 13,97 pmol/L. Area under curve of the combination hs-cTnT on admission and copeptin-us is 0,941 (0,882 ? 1,00), hs-cTnT on admission is 0,885 (0,790 ? 0,98), and hs-cTnT 3 hours laters is 0,925 (0,824 ? 1,00). Median value hs-cTnT on admission in NSTEMI is 114(29-1102) pg/mL, in UA is 16 (3-3352) pg/mL, and in non ACS is 6(3-366) pg/mL. Median hs-cTnT 3 hours in NSTEMI is 488(81-18437) pg/mL, in UA is 14(3-2224) pg/mL, and in non ACS is 3(3-679) pg/mL. Combination of copeptin-us ≥ 13,97 pmol/L and hs-cTnT ≥14 pg/mL to distinguish NSTEMI from UA/non ACS has sensitivity 100%, specificity 90,78%, PPV 68,18%, and NPV 100%.
The diagnostic value of combination on copeptin-us and hs-cTnT is better than only hs-cTnT on admission so that it can be used to rule out NSTEMI.;Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction is made when two of the followed criterias are met; clinical, ECG changes, and increased levels of cardiac biochemical markers. Troponin is a specific cardiac biochemical marker for myocardial infarction but has limitation. It is less sensitive when measured in the early phase, because troponin will increase in blood after 4 -10 hours post myocardial infarction. Copeptin is an endogenous stress marker, it level increases in the early onset of acute myocardial infarction but study on copeptin-us as cardiac biochemical marker are limited and in Indonesia there is no study on copeptin-us has been done.
In this study 91 consecutive patients fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria, consist of 15 (16,5%) NSTEMI, 43 (47,3%) unstable angina, and 33 (36,3%) non acute coronary syndrome. Diagnosis was made by the emergency physician at Harapan Kita cardiovascular centre. Characteristics of these subject were recorded and then the copeptin-us levels were measured.
The mean value of copeptin-us in NSTEMI is 151,80 ± 130,03 pmol/L, median copeptin-us in UA is 7,12(1,145 ? 62,23) pmol/L, and the mean copeptin-us in non ACS is 7,36 ± 4,17 pmol/L. Cut off value of copeptin-us to distinguish NSTEMI from UA/non ACS is 13,97 pmol/L. Area under curve of the combination hs-cTnT on admission and copeptin-us is 0,941 (0,882 ? 1,00), hs-cTnT on admission is 0,885 (0,790 ? 0,98), and hs-cTnT 3 hours laters is 0,925 (0,824 ? 1,00). Median value hs-cTnT on admission in NSTEMI is 114(29-1102) pg/mL, in UA is 16 (3-3352) pg/mL, and in non ACS is 6(3-366) pg/mL. Median hs-cTnT 3 hours in NSTEMI is 488(81-18437) pg/mL, in UA is 14(3-2224) pg/mL, and in non ACS is 3(3-679) pg/mL. Combination of copeptin-us ≥ 13,97 pmol/L and hs-cTnT ≥14 pg/mL to distinguish NSTEMI from UA/non ACS has sensitivity 100%, specificity 90,78%, PPV 68,18%, and NPV 100%.
The diagnostic value of combination on copeptin-us and hs-cTnT is better than only hs-cTnT on admission so that it can be used to rule out NSTEMI."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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