ABSTRAKBelum banyak pemahaman tentang efek komunikasi media sosial milik perusahaan pada Brand Advocacy, Brand Equity, Brand Attitude, dan Purchase Intention ketika diterapkan pada industri properti. Jadi, kami menyelidiki 164 pengguna Facebook menggunakan survei online terstandarisasi. Untuk menguji model yang diusulkan, kami menganalisis akun Facebook resmi PT. Lippo Cikarang, pengembang properti yang berlokasi di sebelah Timur Jakarta, ibu kota Indonesia. Dalam analisis data, kami menerapkan Analisis Jalur. Hasil studi empiris kami menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi media sosial yang dibuat perusahaan hanya mempengaruhi Brand Advocacy, Brand Attitude, dan Brand Equity, tetapi tidak mempengaruhi Purchase Intention. Namun, pengukuran dengan mengabaikan responden muda di bawah 30 tahun mengungkapkan bahwa komunikasi media sosial yang dibuat perusahaan hanya mempengaruhi Brand Advocacy dan Brand Attitude, tetapi tidak mempengaruhi Brand Advocacy dan Purchase Intention. Brand Advocacy, Brand Attitude, dan Band Equity menunjukkan pengaruh positif pada Purchase Intention di semua kelompok umur.
ABSTRACT There have been limited understanding of the effects of firm created social media communication on Brand Advocacy, Brand Equity, Brand Attitude, and Purchase Intention when applied to the property industry. Thus, we investigated 164 Facebook users using a standardized online survey. To test the proposed model, we analyzed the Official Facebook account of PT. Lippo Cikarang, a property developer located to the East of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. In the data analysis, we applied the Path Analysis. The results of our empirical studies showed that firm created social media communication affected only Brand Advocacy, Brand Attitude, and Brand Equity, but did not affect Purchase Intention. However, measurement removing young respondents below 30 years of age reveals that firm created social media communication only affected Brand Advocacy and Brand Attitude, but did not affect Brand Equity and Purchase Intention. Brand Advocacy, Brand Attitude, and Brand Equity and showed a positive influence on Purchase Intention across all age groups. "