"Hubungan kerjasama bilateral antara pemerintah Indonesia-Mesir telah terjalin cukup lama, bahkan Mesir adalah negara pertama yang mengakui kedaulatan dan kemerdekaan Indonesia, sekaligus memperjuangkannya untuk mendapatkan pengakuan dari negara anggota Liga Arab.
Objek penelitian tesis ini lebih fokus kepada kerjasama lembaga non pemerintah antar Negara Indonesia-Mesir. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya kerjasama antara Institute for Peace and Democracy (IPD) di Bali-Indonesia dengan al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS) di Kairo-Mesir. Pembahasan dalam penelitian ini bertumpu pada dua pertanyaan utama yaitu bagaimana peran Indonesia dalam proses konsolidasi demokrasi di Mesir dan bagaimana peran aktor/lembaga non pemerintah IPD dan ACPSS dalam memberikan edukasi dan implementasinya pada demokrasi di Mesir.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori transnasionalisme dan diplomasi sebagai kacamata dalam melihat fenomena di atas, yang diperkuat dengan aplikasi teori soft power dan multi-track diplomacy dalam proses konsolidasi demokrasi. Penelitian ini menemukan fakta terkait signifikansi peran serta aktor non pemerintah dalam menopang hubungan kerjasama kedua negara.
Kerjasama antara IPD dan ACPSS khususnya di bidang demokrasi terwujud dikarenakan adanya kebutuhan Mesir untuk memperbaiki sistem demokrasi yang ada di Mesir dan keluar dari masa transisi menuju konsolidasi demokrasi sehingga Mesir melakukan sharing informasi kepada Indonesia yang dianggap sudah lebih dahulu mencapai konsolidasi demokrasi. Cita-cita Mesir ini mampu ditangkap dan diterjemahkan oleh IPD sehingga antara ACPSS dan IPD melakukan berbagai kegiatan guna mewujudkannya.
Tujuan pembahasan tesis ini untuk memberikan informasi baru terkait hubungan diplomasi dan kerjasama antar kedua negara, khususnya terkait proses konsolidasi demokrasi di Mesir yang melibatkan aktor lembaga non pemerintah.
Bilateral relation between Indonesia and Egypt has existed quite a long time; even Egypt was the first country to recognize the sovereignty and independence of Indonesia, as well as to strife to acquire the recognition from the member of Arab League nations. The research object of this thesis is focused on the cooperation between non-governmental organizations of the two nations Indonesia-Egypt. This is proofed by the cooperation between the Institute for Peace and Democracy (IPD), located in Bali-Indonesia, with the al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS) located in Cairo-Egypt. The discussion on this research based on two main questions: how was Indonesia's role in the process of democratic consolidation in Egypt and how was the role of the actors non-governmental institutions, IPD and ACPSS, in providing education and implementation of democracy in Egypt. To answer these questions, the researcher employ the theory of transnationalism and diplomacy as the point of view in viewing the mentioned phenomenon, reinforced with the application of the theory of soft power and multi-track diplomacy in the process of democratic consolidation. This study found the facts related to the significance of the role of non-governmental actors in supporting the cooperative relationship between the two nations. The cooperation between IPD and ACPSS especially in democracy was materialized due to the need for Egypt to improve the democratic system and to come out of the transition period towards the consolidation of democracy so that the Egypt shared the information to Indonesia which is considered to have first reached the consolidation of democracy. The ideals of Egypt was captured and translated by IPD, so that ACPSS and IPD could perform various activities in order to make it happen. The purpose of the discussion of this thesis is to provide new information related to the diplomatic relations and cooperation between the two nations, particularly related to the process of democratic consolidation in Egypt involving non-governmental actors."