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McDermott, Lynda Caryl
Abstrak :
Research continues to show that strong emotional intelligence is critical for anyone hoping become a top-performer in their workplace. Emotional intelligence provides us with a better understanding of ourselves and those around us. This Infoline is designed for anyone looking to understand the basics of emotional intelligence with an eye toward improving their abilities. Readers will learn how emotional intelligence is related to work performance, how to assess their own emotional intelligence, and how to develop their emotional intelligence competencies.
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training and Development, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Wijaya
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan emosional dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja pelayanan pegawai Kantor Pelayanan Tipe A Tanjung Priok III, baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Kecerdasan emosional menurut Coleman (I955: 57) adalah kemampuan untuk mengenali emosi diri, mengelola emosi, memotivasi diri, mengenali emosi orang lain dan membina hubungan dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Komitmen menurut Greenberg dan Baron (2003: 159) adalah tingkat dimana orang mengidentifikasikan dan terlibat dengan organisasinya atau tidak tertarik untuk keluar dari organisasinya. Sedangkan kinerja menurut Robbins (1986: 410) adalah aktivitas yang menggambarkan bagaimana seseorang berusaha dalam mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan dan juga merupakan hasil evaluasi terhadap pekerjaan yang dilakukan dibandingkan dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan beruama. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai pada Kantor Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe A Tanjung Priok III yang berjumlah 249 orang. Sedangkan sampel penelitian diambil dengan metode stratified random sampling yaitu sebesar 60 responden. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sementara itu instrumen pengumpulan data disusun dalam angket yang menggunakan skala model Likert. Analisis data dilakukan pada taraf signifikansi 95 % dan hasilnya adalah: 1. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kecerdasan emosional terhadap kinerja pelayanan. Koefisien korelasi untuk hubungan kedua variabel ini adalah sebesar 0,562. Dari angka korelasi ini maka taksiran koefisien determinasinya adalah 0,316. Angka ini dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa 31,6 % variansi yang ada pada variabel kinerja pelayanan dapat diprediksi oleh variabel kecerdasan emosional. Berdasarkan basil pengujian signifikansi ternyata bahwa korelasi X~ dengan Y sangat signifikan, hal disebabkan karena t hitung 4,743 > tabel 2,00, maka Ho ditolak yang berarti variabel kecerdasan emosional secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja pelayanan. 2. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan variabel komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja pelayanan .Koefisien korelasi untuk hubungan kedua variabel ini adalah sebesar 0,626. Berdasarkan angka korelasi ini maka harga koefisien detenninasinya 0,391, yang berarti 31,9 % variansi yang ada pada variabel kinerja pelayanan dapat diprediksi oleh variabeI komitmen organisasi. Berdasarkan basil pengujian signifikansi ternyata bahwa korelasi X2 dengan Y sangat signifikan, hal disebabkan karena t hitung 5,681 > t tabel 2,00, maka Ho ditolak yang berarti variabel komitmen organisasi secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja pelayanan. 3. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kecerdasan emosional dan komitmen organisasi secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja pelayanan. Koefisien korelasi antara kedua variabel babas dengan variabel terikat adalah sebesar 0,751. Koefisien deterrninasinya dapat dihitung menjadi 0,564. Angka ini mencerminkan bahwa variansi kinerja pelayanan dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel kecerdasan emosional dan komitrnen organisasi secara bersama-sama sebesar 56,4 %. Dengan kata lain variabel kecerdasan emosional dan komitmen organisasi secara bersama-sama dapat memprediksi variansi yang ada pada variabel kinerja pelayanan sebesar 56,4 %, meiaiui regresi Y = 11,877+ 0,416 Xi + 0,429 X2. Uji keberartian dengan menggunakan uji F menghasilkan F hitung sebesar 36,793 Karena (Fh = 36,793 > F, 3,15), dengan demikian variabel kecerdasan emosional dan komitmen organisasi secara serentak (simultan) berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pelayanan. Saran-saran yang dapat diberikan dari penelitian ini antara lain (1) instansi DJBC diharapkan memberikan perhatian yang lebih terhadap faktor ini. Perhatian ini berupa pelatihan dan kursus yang diberikan sesuai jenjang dan kepangkatan serta sesuai kebutuhan--pekerjaannya berkaitan dengan pengguna jasa dan (2) ,pihak DJBC perlu memberikan perhatian kusus pada masalah komitmen organisasi. Peningkatankomitmen organisasi dapat dilakukan melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan serta mekanisme reward dan punishment untuk meningkatkan integritas yang arahnya kepada peningkatan komitmen pegawai.
The aim of the research is to identify the influence of emotional intelligence and organization commitment toward service performance at Customs Service Office Type A Tanjung Priok III. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand self emotion, manage emotion, motivate himself or herself, to recognize other people emotion and to make good relation between himself or herself with another. Commitment is the extent to which an individual identifies and is involved with his or her organization or is unwilling to leave_ Meanwhile performance is how well you do a please of work and activity. Population of the research is all of customs officer at Customs Service Office Type A Tanjung Priok III which are 249 people. The sample was taken by using stratified random sampling method, namely 60 respondents. The method of research is associative method with quantitative approach. Meanwhile, instrument for data collection is questionnaire using Likert scale model. Data analysis is applied in significancy level of 95 % and the results are as follow : 1. There is a significant influence between emotional intelligence and service performance. Correlation coeficient of this both variable is 0.562. Determination coeficient is 0.316. It can be interpreted that 31.6 percent variance of service performance variable can be predicted by emotional intelligence variable. Based on significance test, correlation between X1 and Y is relatively significant. It can be seen from tcounted 4,743 which is bigger than ttable 2.39, so that Ho is denied. It means that emotional intelligence variable significantly influence the service performance. 2. There is a significant influence between organization commitment and service performance. Correlation coeficient of this both variable is 0.626. Determination coeficient is 0.391. It can be interpreted that 31.9 percent variance of service performance variable can be predicted by organization commitment variable. Based on significance test, correlation between X2 and Y is relatively significant. It can be seen from tcounted 5.681 which is bigger than ttable 239, so that Ho is denied. It means that organization commitment variable significantly influence the service performance. 3. There is a significant influence between emotional intelligence and organization commitment simultaneously toward service performance. Carrel-it-ion coefficient of the both independant variable and dependant variable is 0.751. Determination coeficient is 0.564. It can be interpreted that 56.4 percent variance of service performance variable can be predicted by organization commitment and emotional intelligence trough regression equation Y= 11.887 + 0.416 Xi + 0.429 X2. Trough F test found F counted is 36.793. Becaused Fcounted = 36.793 is bigger than Ftable =5.01, so that emotional intelligence and organization commitment variable simultaneously influence service performance. Recommendations that can be suggested here are: (I) Customs should pay more attention on emotional intelligence. This attention can be in shape of trainning and course for customs officer that is suitable for their job needs. (2) Customs should pay special attention on organization commitment. It can be implemented trough course and trainning as well as reward and punishment mechanism in order to improve integrity and finally to improve organization commitment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marbun, Runsen
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara budaya organisasi dan kecerdasam emosional dengan komitmen organisasi pegawai pads Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Penanaman Modal Asing Tiga (PMA TIGA). Budaya organisasi adalah nilai-nilai dan semangat yang mendasar dalam cara mengelola serta mengorganisasikan organisasi, yang diukur dengan menggunakan indikator : inisiatif individu, toleransi terhadap risiko, integrasi, dukungan manajemen, pengawasan, identifikasi, sistem penghargaan, toleransi terhadap konflik, dan pola komunikasi. Kecerdasan emosional merupakan kecakapan untuk merasakan, memahami, dan mengimplementasikan kepekaan tenaga dan emosional secara aktif sebagai sumber energi, informasi, hubungan dan pengaruh yang manusiawi yang dilihat berdasarkan indikator kemampuan mengenali emosi diri, mengelola emosi diri, memotivasi diri, berempati, dan membina hubungan dengan orang lain. Sementara komitmen organisasi adalah kekuatan yang bersifat relatif dari individu mengenai rasa kepercayaan terhadap nilai-nilai organisasi, kesediaan untuk berusaha sebaik mungkin demi kepentingan organisasi, keinginan untuk tetap menjadi anggota organisasi yang bersangkutan, dan ketertarikan terhadap tujuan, nilai-nilai, dan sasaran organisasi. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dan korelasional dengan melibatkan 95 responder yang diambil secara acak sederhana. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Uji validitas menggunakan rumus korelasi Spearman Rank dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan Spearman Brown. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan formula statistika, yakni korelasi Spearman Rank dan West yang pengolahannya dilakukan dengan program SPSS versi 13.0. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi tergolong baik, kecerdasan emosional dan komitmen organisasi tergolong tertinggi. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi memiliki hubungan positif dan signifikan dengan komitmen organisasi. Demikian pula kecerdasan emosional juga memiliki hubungan positif dan signifikan dengan komitmen organisasi. Hasil ini memberikan arti bahwa semakin baik budaya organisasi dan semakin tinggi kecerdasan emosional maka semakin tinggi komitmen organisasi; sebaliknya semakin buruk budaya organisasi dan semakin rendah kecerdasan emosional maka semakin rendah komitmen organisasi pegawai. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, maka komitmen organisasi pegawai perlu ditingkatkan dengan cara mengembangkan budaya organisasi dan kecerdasan emosional. Budaya organisasi dapat dikembangkan dengan meningkatkan kepedulian pimpinan untuk memberikan apresiasi positif kepada pegawai yang berprestasi dan menyediakan forum khusus sebagai media untuk menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi di dalam organisasi. Selain itu, perlu dikembangkan suatu kebersamaan di antara pegawai yang didasarkan atas kepentingan bersama dan perasaan kebersamaan melalui keteladanan pimpinan, pembentukan teamwork, melakukan mindsetting, dan kegiatan outbond. Untuk pengembangan kecerdasan emosional dapat dilakukan dengan menanamkan paradigma baru kepada semua anggota organisasi bahwa faktor kecerdasan emosional merupakan faktor yang tidak kalah pentingnya dalam upaya penyelesaian tugas. Penanaman paradigma ini perlu ditindakianjuti dengan peningkatan pemahaman pegawai tentang kecerdasan emosional melalui program inhouse training atau short training.
This research is aimed at knowing correlation among organization culture and emotional intelligence by organization commitment of employee's at Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Penanamana Modal Asing Tiga (KPP PMA Tiga) Organizational culture is both fundamental values and spirits by which management and organization is measured by using indicators: individual initiative, risk tolerances, integration, management support, supervision, identification, reward system, tolerance with conflict and communication model. Emotional Intelligence is any capability to feel, understand, and actively to implement energy and power sensitivitly as energy resource information, relationship and human's influence based on capability indicator regarding self emotion, managing and motivating it, as well as empathy and correlation building with others. Meanwhile, organizational commitment is strength in relative nature with individual in terms of self confident with organizational values, readness to do efforts as good as possible for sake of organizational interest, to be member of such related organization and attractiveness to objective, value and organization objective. This research using both descriptive and correlation method involving 95 respondents randomized simply. Data collection is conducted by questioner which of validity and reliability had been tested. Validity test using Spearman Rank correlation and Reliability test by Spearmen Brown. Subsequently, the obtained data is analyzed using statistical formulation, i.e both Spearman Rank correlation and t-test which of processing conducted using version -13 SPSS's Program. Result of descriptive analysis indicated that organizational culture is grouped good whereas both emotional intelligence and organizational commitment is highest. Result of hypothesis test indicated that organizational culture has correlation with organizational commitment both significantly and positively. So do emotional intelligence. It means that both the better organization and the higher emotional intelligence , then the higher organization commitment, conversely, that both the worst organizational culture and the lower emotional intelligence, then the lower commitment of employee's organization. Then, based on those findings, the commitment of employee's organization should be increased by developing both organizational culture and emotional intelligence. It may be developed by improve caring of leader to give positive appreciation to the employee that have good achievement and provide the special forum as media to solve the conflict that happened in organization. Additionally, it should developed the togetherness among employees based on mutual interest and joint feeling by leadership model, teamwork establishment, mind setting and outbond activities. To develop emotional intelligence it may be implemented by growing new paradigm with all organizational member that emotional intelligence is not less important favor to settle duties. This paradigm establishment should be followed up by increasing employee's comprehension regarding emotional intelligence either trough in house training or short training's program.
T 19467
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andry Dromicho
Abstrak :
Undang Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai peraturan tertinggi di Indonesia telah mengatur bahwa hak atas pendidikan merupakan salah satu hak asasi manusia yang harus dipenuhi Secara rinci jaminan pemenuhan hak warga negara akan pendidikan tertuang dalam Pasal 31 ayat 1 UUD 1945 yang menyebutkan bahwa Setiap warga negara berhak mendapat pendidikan Permasalahan krusial dalam bidang pendidikan di Indonesia adalah hak atas akses pendidikan yang tidak sepenuhnya diterima oleh masyarakat terutama masyarakat miskin Salah satu upaya pemerintah mengatasi masalah tersebut yakni pembentukan Pendidikan Non Formal PNF Upaya tersebut memberikan peluang kepada masyarakat maupun pihak swasta non pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan sendiri secara bertanggungjawab yang diatur selanjutnya dalam Undang Undang tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam mengatasi masalah pendidikan tersebut diharapkan agar kebutuhan akan pendidikan oleh masyarakat benar benar tepat sasaran dan menjadi tolok ukur atas kebutuhan masyarakat akan pendidikan itu sendiri Namun sayangnya tujuan baik tersebut justru membawa masalah baru terutama masalah prosedur dan tujuan penyelenggaran kegiatan PNF itu sendiri Ketimpangan prosedur seperti kegiatan tanpa izin pemerintah dan berada dalam ruang publik yang tidak tepat merupakan salah satu bentuk penyimpangan yang terjadi di lapangan Oleh karena itu penelusuran motif penyelenggaraan PNF yang menyimpang oleh masyarakat tersebut adalah langkah utama dalam menganalisis akar masalah sebenarnya Sehingga mendapatkan suatu kesimpulan dan menjadi upaya perbaikan bersama bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat Dari hasil penelitian PNF yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat yakni komuniti peduli pendidikan di Kolong Tol Jembatan Tiga Penjaringan Jakarta Utara ditemukan bahwa ketimpangan tidak hanya dari segi prosedur penyelenggaran PNF tetapi juga ketidaksesuaian model dan konsep pendidikan serta jaringan komuniti perspektif community based development sebagai landasan teori dari penerapan kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan Kemudian dari penelitian kegiatan PNF dalam ruang publik oleh komuniti tersebut diperoleh suatu kesimpulan bahwa motif penguasaan ruang publik adalah sebagai tameng ldquo penyelamatan diri rdquo dari berbagai permasalahan ketimpangan yang telah ditemukan di atas Motif demikian jika mengacu pemikiran oleh Erving Goffman merupakan bagian dari strategic interaction dalam konsep intelligence organization.
Act 1945 as the highest rule in Indonesia has arranged that the right to education is one of the human rights that must be met In detail guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of citizens for education set out in Article 31 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution which states that Every citizen has the right to education Crucial issues in the field of education in Indonesia is a right of access to education that is not fully accepted by society especially the poor society One of the government 39 s efforts to overcome the problem namely the establishment of the Non Formal Education PNF Such efforts provide an opportunity to the public and the private sector non government for education alone are responsible for further stipulated in the Law on National Education System Community involvement in addressing the issue of education is expected so that the need for public education by actually right on target and the benchmark on the education needs of the community itself Unfortunately the good cause it brings new problems mainly a matter of procedure and the delivery destination PNF activity itself Inequality procedures such activities without government permission and are in a public space that is not right is one form of irregularities that occurred in the field Therefore search patterns motive the PNF organized by the community is a major step in analyzing the root of the real problem So get a conclusion and become joint improvement efforts for government and society From the results of research conducted the PNF organized by the community in Kolong Toll Jembatan Tiga Penjaringan North Jakarta found that inequality not only in terms of the delivery procedures PNF but also discrepancy model and the concept of education as well as networking community perspective community based development as the basis for community theory of the application of community based education activities in the field Then from the research activities of the PNF in the public space by the community in conclusion that motive is the mastery of public space as a shield escape from problems of inequality that have been found above Thus motive when referring to the thought by Erving Goffman is part of the strategic interaction in the concept of intelligence organization Key Words inequality non formal education community based development strategic interation intelligence organization , ABSTRACTAct 1945 as the highest rule in Indonesia has arranged that the right to education is one of the human rights that must be met In detail guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of citizens for education set out in Article 31 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution which states that Every citizen has the right to education Crucial issues in the field of education in Indonesia is a right of access to education that is not fully accepted by society especially the poor society One of the government 39 s efforts to overcome the problem namely the establishment of the Non Formal Education PNF Such efforts provide an opportunity to the public and the private sector non government for education alone are responsible for further stipulated in the Law on National Education System Community involvement in addressing the issue of education is expected so that the need for public education by actually right on target and the benchmark on the education needs of the community itself Unfortunately the good cause it brings new problems mainly a matter of procedure and the delivery destination PNF activity itself Inequality procedures such activities without government permission and are in a public space that is not right is one form of irregularities that occurred in the field Therefore search patterns motive the PNF organized by the community is a major step in analyzing the root of the real problem So get a conclusion and become joint improvement efforts for government and society From the results of research conducted the PNF organized by the community in Kolong Toll Jembatan Tiga Penjaringan North Jakarta found that inequality not only in terms of the delivery procedures PNF but also discrepancy model and the concept of education as well as networking community perspective community based development as the basis for community theory of the application of community based education activities in the field Then from the research activities of the PNF in the public space by the community in conclusion that motive is the mastery of public space as a shield escape from problems of inequality that have been found above Thus motive when referring to the thought by Erving Goffman is part of the strategic interaction in the concept of intelligence organization Key Words inequality non formal education community based development strategic interation intelligence organization ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyuanda Suryadarmanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berjudul: Perspektif Intelijen Dalam Rangka Pembentukan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Hal yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah sedang menghangatnya upaya pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia yang dipicu dari dibentuknya suatu lembaga anti korupsi dengan sepak terjang yang luar biasa. Darisinilah muncul pertanyaan terkait dengan apa yang menjadi tujuan pembentukan KPK yang sebenarnya, mengapa lembaga yang secara khusus dirancang untuk melakukan pemberantasan korupsi tidak sanggup meningkatkan peringkat IPK Indonesia secara signifikan Dalam penelitian ini digunakan Teori Intelijen khususnya Teori Organisasi Intelijen khususnya alur rasionalitas produksi intelijen yang kemudian dibalik proses alur pembentukkannya sehingga memungkinkan dijadikan Perangkat Analisa Organisasi Intelijen. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jakarta yakni di Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Metode Penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode analisa dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh melalui studi pustaka dan studi lapangan berupa wawancara narasumber. Penentuan narasumber ditentukan dari seberapa jauh narasumber terlibat dalam proses awal pembentukan KPK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa ketidak selarasan antara perangkat organisasi KPK dengan kebutuhan KPK untuk mendorong pemberantasan korupsi. Terlalu beratnya perangkat organisasi KPK kepada upaya penindakan tindak pidana korupsi, menyebabkan timpangnya upaya pemberantasan korupsi yang bertumpu pada keseimbangan upaya penindakan dan pencegahan. Terlihat tujuan sebenarnya pembentukan KPK adalah untuk penindakan korupsi Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan kajian lebih lanjut untuk menyesuaikan kembali perangkat-perangkat organisasi didalam KPK apabila tujuan dari pembentukan KPK merupakan untuk mendorong pemberantasan korupsi. Dan apabila tidak ada penyesuaian, KPK harus mengakui bahwa tujuan dari pembentukan KPK adalah hanya untuk menindak korupsi
This study entitled: Intelligence Perspectives in the Establishment of Corruption Eradication Commission. The background of this research is being warming efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia that triggered the establishment of an anti-corruption agency with tremendous result. But unfortunately the international transparency of data shows that the level of corruption in Indonesia is still quite high , which in the 10 years since the establishment of the Commission, the value of Indonesian corruption CPI increased only gradually . In addition, when compared with neighboring countries that also seeks to eradicate corruption in Indonesia's rating is still far below them . from here on appeared questions related to what the actual purpose of establishing the Commission , why institutions that are specifically designed to combat corruption cannot significantly increase Indonesian GPA rank. This research use intelligence theory, especially Intelligence Organization Theory who then Modified to serve the needs of Organization Analysis Tool. This research was conducted in Jakarta, which is in the KPK . The research method used in this research is a qualitative approach . Source of data obtained through library research and field studies in the form of informant interviews . Speakers is determined by how much resource is involved in the process of establishment of the Corruption Eradication Commission. The results showed some lack of harmony between the organization devices of the Commission with the Commission needs to combat corruption. organization devices of the Commission tense to attempt enforcement of corruption rather than prevent it. causing the gap in efforts to combat corruption , which is based on the balance of enforcement and prevention efforts . Looks like the real goal of the establishment of the Commission is to crack down corruption Therefore, further studies are needed to readjust organization devices in the Corruption Eradication Commission , if the purpose of the establishment of the Commission is to promote the eradication of corruption . And if there is no adjustment applied, the Commission must recognize that the purpose of the establishment of the Commission is only to crack down on corruption
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library