"The Indonesian cosmetic industry recently has not yet covered on domestic market demand, where the production ability of cosmetics have been reached on 20% level, with the result that the opportunity of the cosmetics industry is widely open. Even more when be able to creating a new specific market segment, such as Wardah cosmetic the product of PT. Pusaka Tradisi ibu, Which oriented to serve the low mediate Moslem consumer and already hold a certificate of Halal from LPPOM MUI and have been registered on Indonesian Department of Health.
Within the effort to increase the quality of the Wardah cosmetics is a necessary to find out the preference of the potential customer by survey and research until the effort for the product development quality result can be focused to increasing the customer satisfactions, while the quality is also a key of success to facing and winning the competition.
Based on level of product satisfaction and level of importance about the product quality, it Is indeed so have degree of discrepancy and the weakness factor from the product. To reach an improvement direction and increasing the Wardah cosmetic quality appropriate with the expectation and perception customer, then the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method can be used. This method can be implementation for the customer requirements inside the product attribute, and then translated on the House of Quality (HOQ). From this analysis will give a focus to do an improvement about the product quality attribute, also can be a company consideration on doing the development priority in a technical manner or non - technical manner for increasing the product quality."