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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ryan Randy Suryono
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun proses bisnis pengawasan Fintech P2P Lending di Indonesia berbasis Berita Daring, Twitter, dan Ulasan Google Playstore. Usulan pengawasan yang baru digambarkan dengan Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Selanjutnya diimplementasikan dengan membuat prototipe. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Text Mining seperti ekstraksi informasi dengan Named Entity Recognition (NER), Analisis Sentimen dan Pemodelan Topik dengan Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Hasil eksperimen pada pendekatan NER menunjukan Algoritma Multinomial Naïve Bayes mendapatkan F1-score tertinggi sebesar 90%, sedangkan pada pendekatan analisis sentiment model Naïve Bayes dan Random Forest terbukti memiliki akurasi tinggi yaitu diatas 91%. Hasil NER membuktikan bahwa platform Cashless, Yokke, Digital Artha Media, Koinworks, Moka, Privy id, PT Tunaiku Fintech Indonesia, PT Relasi Perdana Indonesia, PT Dynamic Credit Asia dan PT Progo Puncak Group tidak ada dalam daftar Fintech di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Sedangkan hasil Persentase positif untuk aplikasi Adakami, Easycash, Danamas, Dompetkilat, dan Indodana berturut-turut adalah 47%, 59%, 28%, 24%, dan 29%. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh OJK untuk pengawasan Fintech dan meningkatkan perlindungan konsumen. ......This research aims to build a business process to supervise Fintech P2P Lending in Indonesia based on Online News, Twitter, and Google Playstore Reviews. The proposed new supervision is described by the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), then implemented by making a prototype. The Text Mining approach uses information extraction with Named Entity Recognition (NER), Sentiment Analysis, and Topic Modeling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Experimental results on the NER approach show that the Naïve Bayes Multinomial Algorithm gets the highest F1-score of 90%. In contrast, the Naïve Bayes and Random Forest model sentiment analysis approaches are proven to have high accuracy, above 91%. The NER results demonstrate that the platforms Cashless, Yokke, Digital Artha Media, Koinworks, Moka, Privy id, PT Tunaiku Fintech Indonesia, PT Relasi Perdana Indonesia, PT Dynamic Credit Asia, and PT Progo Puncak Group are not on the Fintech list at the Financial Services Authority (OJK). While the positive percentage results for the Adakami, Easycash, Danamas, Dompetkilat, and Indodana applications were 47%, 59%, 28%, 24%, and 29%, respectively. This research can be used by OJK for Fintech supervision and improving consumer protection.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Al Vina Mirayanti
Abstrak :
Proses bisnis dari suatu perusahaan merupakan hal yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan keberhasilan dari perusahaan tersebut. Proses bisnis dari suatu perusahaan harus selalu disesuaikan dengan kondisi yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan, baik halnya tujuan, strategi, maupun peraturan yang mengatur kegiatan bisnis dari perusahaan. Namun pada kenyataannya terdapat proses bisnis yang dirancang tanpa memenuhi ketentuan tersebut. Pada umumnya, terutama pada sektor bisnis swasta, tidak ada peraturan yang mengatur kegiatan bisnisnya. Namun terdapat sektor bisnis khusus yang disebut dengan regulated industry, yang merupakan sektor bisnis yang banyak diatur oleh ketentuan terutama peraturan dari pemerintah dalam penentuan tarif atau harga, aktivitas proses bisnis, ataupun hal yang lainnya. Untuk itulah diperlukan suatu pendekatan baru dalam merancang proses bisnis, terutama untuk sektor regulated industry, agar proses bisnis yang dihasilkan dapat memenuhi ketentuan yang membatasi suatu perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan pendekatan Model Motivasi Bisnis. Yang dimaksud “motivasi“ disini adalah alasan dari suatu perusahaan untuk melakukan kegiatan bisnisnya. Proses bisnis yang menjadi studi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah proses bisnis pembelian tiket kapal penyeberangan yang dikelola oleh PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) khususnya di Cabang Merak. Pada akhir penelitian ini didapatkan rancangan proses bisnis yang baru yang lebih sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah, yang digambarkan dengan menggunakan notasi Business Model and Notation (BPMN).
Business processes of an enterprise is very closely related to the success of the company. It must always be adapted to the conditions faced by the company, either as goals, strategies, and regulations which are governing the business activities of the company. But in fact there are many business processes that are designed without complying with those provisions. In general, particularly in private business sector, there are no regulations governing business activities. But there is a specific business sector called the regulated industry, which is a business sector that is heavily regulated by the provisions of the regulations of the government, especially in the determination of rates or prices, business process activities, or other things. In order to design business processes, particularly for the regulated industry sector, we need a new approach that can be used to create business process that comply with the environmental boundaries of a company. In this study, we used Business Motivation Model. The definition of "motivation" is the reason why a company do its business activities. This research studies the business process of ferry ticket purchases that are managed by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) especially in Merak Branch. At the end of this study, the design a new business processes that are more in line with government regulations, which are represented using Business Model and Notation (BPMN).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oky Dzulqarnain
Abstrak :
Keberadaan raw material sangat penting bagi Car Manufacture dan suppliernya dalam proses produksi. Pandemi Covid-19 telah mempengaruhi kondisi ekonomi global dan menyebabkan kenaikan harga material secara global. Hal ini berdampak signifikan pada biaya produksi dan daya saing perusahaan. Dalam upaya mempertahankan daya saing, perusahaan perlu menerapkan strategi supply chain management yang tepat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk 4mengevaluasi kinerja supply chain saat ini serta memberikan rekomendasi proses bisnis supply chain yang tepat dalam menghadapi fenomena kenaikan harga material global. Penelitian ini menggunakan SCOR Framework serta BPMN untuk membantu mengevaluasi dan meningkatkan kinerja operasi rantai pasok di perusahaan Car Manufacture. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif menggunakan SCOR framework dan BPMN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja supply chain masih kurang baik pada area procurement. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan business process improvement dengan mengubah bisnis pembelian raw material yang saat ini dilakukan oleh supplier menjadi self-purchase. Rekomendasi bisnis proses baru adalah Car Manufacture yang melakukan pembelian raw material untuk kebutuhan supplier, sehingga menghilangkan handling fee pada supplier. ......The existence of raw materials is crucial for Car Manufacturers and their suppliers in the production process. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the global economy and led to a global increase in material prices. This has had a significant impact on production costs and the competitiveness of companies. In order to maintain competitiveness, companies need to implement the appropriate supply chain management strategies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the current supply chain performance and provide recommendations for the appropriate supply chain business processes in addressing the phenomenon of global material price increases. This research utilizes the SCOR Framework and BPMN to evaluate and enhance the supply chain operations performance in Car Manufacturing companies. This research is conducted through qualitative and exploratory quantitative methods using the SCOR framework and BPMN. The research findings indicate that the supply chain performance is still lacking in the procurement area. Therefore, business process improvement needs to be conducted by transforming the current supplier-led raw material purchasing into self-purchase by the Car Manufacturer. The recommendation for the new business process is for the Car Manufacturer to directly purchase the raw materials for the supplier's needs, thereby eliminating the handling fee charged by the supplier.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Egi Aulia Mahendra
Abstrak :
Populasi negara Indonesia merupakan salah satu yang terbesar di dunia. Hal tersebut menciptakan pasar yang berpotensi dalam industri layanan jasa terutama layanan kesehatan. Pada akhir tahun 2019, 85% dari business plan perusahaan-perusahaan di seluruh dunia diprediksi akan mengimplementasikan Internet of Things . Implementasi dari IoT didorong oleh inovasi bisnis dan efisiensi bisnis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih alternatif terbaik sistem IoT yang dapat dilaksanakan pada satu atau lebih layanan kesehatan di rumah sakit swasta dengan memperhatikan faktor kualitatif (Quality of Services) IoT dan kemampuan keuangan rumah sakit. Opinin enam orang ahli digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memilih faktor dan Subfaktor yang mendukung proses integrasi IoT pada rumah sakit di Indonesia. Metode Analytic Network
Process (ANP) mendapatkan bobot prioritas dari praktik layanan kesehatan yang didukung oleh implementasi IoT. Metode Zero-One Goal Programming (ZOGP) digunakan untuk memilih praktik layanan kesehatan berdasarkan limitasi seperti bobot prioritas ANP, biaya pengadaan, biaya instalasi, biaya pelatihan, biaya pemeliharaan. Praktik yang tepilih kemudian akan disimulasikan dengan menggunakan Business Process Modelling and Notation untuk menganalisis perubahan sebelum dan setelah pengimplementasian IoT. Studi kasus dilakukan pada rumah sakit pemerintah dan swasta di Jakarta. ......Indonesian's population is one of the highest in the world and create a potential market in the service industry especially healthcare. By the end of 2019, 85% of world business plans will implement Internet of Things (IoT). Implementation of IoT was driven by business innovation and business efficiency. This paper aims to select the best IoT system that can be implemented in one or more healthcare services in private hospital by considering qualitative factors (Quality of Services) dan hospital's financial capabilities. Six experts' opinions are used to identify the relationship and select the factors and Subfaktor that support the integration of Internet of Things in Indonesian hospital. Analytic Network Process (ANP) method is used to obtain the decision priority of healthcare practices supported by the implementation of Internet of Things. Zero-One Goal Programming (ZOGP) method is used to choose which healthcare practices will be implemented based on constraints such as the optimal decision priority of ANP, procurement cost, installation cost, training cost, maintenance cost. The selected practices will be simulated using Business Process Modelling And Notation to analyze the difference prior and post implementetation of IoT. The case study was conducted to private and public hospitals in Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renny Rahmadi Putra
Abstrak :
Industri asuransi rangka kapal (H&M) memperoleh profitabilitas rendah yang berdampak pada keberlanjutan industri asuransi, salah satunya terjadi pada bisnis fakultatif di reasuransi PT. ABC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis proses bisnis asuransi H&M yang dijalankan saat ini, (2) mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang menyebabkan ketidakefektifan proses bisnis, (3) mengevaluasi parameter underwriting, dan (4) merancang bisnis proses baru di reasuransi PT. ABC. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif. Metode delphi dilakukan terhadap tujuh expertise di industri asuransi H&M yang dipilih melalui metode purposive sampling untuk mendukung pengumpulan data. Business process digambarkan menggunakan Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Analisis proses bisnis diselesaikan menggunakan root-cause analysis, value added analysis, waste analysis, dan direct weighting analysis digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat relevansi parameter underwriting. Transformasi business process dilakukan dengan (1) menambahkan parameter risiko yang penting diperhatikan dalam proses underwriting,(2) menghapus aktivitas waste dan non value added,(3) meningkatkan aktivitas analisis risiko yang memberikan business value added terhadap proses akseptasi bisnis (underwriting),(4) memperbaiki manajemen data dengan mengoptimalkan adminsitrasi sebagai agen bank data dan sistem, dan (5) pengaplikasian pricing rate untuk menjaga tarif dan kecukupan premi. Analisis statistik yang menunjang penilaian tingkat risiko dan pricing rate untuk menjaga kecukupan premi sangat diperlukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. ......Hull and Machinery (H&M) insurance industry suffered low profitability which impacted the sustainability of insurance industry, one of which occurs in reinsurance company PT. ABC. This study aim to (1) analyze current business process of H&M insurance,(2) identify problem of business process uneffectiveness,(3) evaluate underwriting parameters, and (4) propose new business process in PT. ABC. This study use qualitative method. Delphi method is carried out to seven expertises in H&M insurance who are choosen by purposive sampling to support data collection. Business processes are described by Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Business process analysis is completed by using root-cause analysis, value added analysis, waste analysis, and direct weighting analysis specifically used to determine underwriting parameters relevancy degree. Business process transformation is carried out by (1) completing underwriting parameters,(2) eliminating waste and non-value added activities,(3) increasing risk analysis activities that provide business value added to the underwriting process,(4) improving data management by optimizing administration as a data bank agent and system, and (5) applying pricing rates to maintain tariff and premium adequacy. Statistical analysis that supports the assessment of the risk level and pricing rate that maintain premium adequacy are urgently needed for proceeding observation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desfray, Philippe
Abstrak :
Modeling enterprise architecture with TOGAF explains everything you need to know to effectively model enterprise architecture with The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), the leading EA standard. This solution-focused reference presents key techniques and illustrative examples to help you model enterprise architecture. This book describes the TOGAF standard and its structure, from the architecture transformation method to governance, and presents enterprise architecture modeling practices with plenty of examples of TOGAF deliverables in the context of a case study. Although widespread and growing quickly, enterprise architecture is delicate to manage across all its dimensions. Focusing on the architecture transformation method, TOGAF provides a wide framework, which covers the repository, governance, and a set of recognized best practices. The examples featured in this book were realized using the open source Modelio tool, which includes extensions for TOGAF.
Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Two kinds of business scenarios are considered: application- and service-oriented. It is shown that the former are more flexible and easier reconfigurable for both traditional (human-oriented) and IT services. Moreover, complex IT services can be created by simple IT services using the modern mashup technology. It is the reason why such business scenarios can be modeled by BPMN in much easier ways. A simple example of a supply chain of a sales company is considered and the available advantages of such technologies are emphasized in the paper.
Gdansk : TASK , 2018
600 SBAG 22:4 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library