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Faizul Ibad
"Revolusi Tunisia tahun 2011 tidak hanya berpengaruh pada perubahan sistem politik domestik maupun internasional. Tetapi juga telah mendorong munculnya identitas dalam wacana politik Tunisia yang menguat setelah terbentuknya pemerintahan demokratis. Tentu ini akan berdampak pada kebijakan luar negeri Tunisia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konstruksi identitas dalam kebijakan luar negeri Tunisia pasca revolusi, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui studi pustaka. Sedangkan dalam analisis, menggunakan konsep identitas dalam teori konstruktivis dan kepentingan nasional. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, di bawah pemerintahan Moncef Marzouki dan Caid Beji Essebsi, identitas berpengaruh penting dalam kebijakan luar negeri Tunisia. Hubungan Tunisia dengan Qatar dan Turki sangat dekat karena memiliki kesamaan identitas dan kepentingan nasional. Sebaliknya, hubungan Tunisia dengan Uni Emirat Arab bersifat konfliktual karena memiliki perbedaan identitas. Sementara hubungan Tunisia dengan Arab Saudi, meskipun awalnya konfliktual, tetapi setelah perubahan struktur domestik di Arab Saudi, hubungan kedua negara menjadi kooperatif (kerjasama).

The Tunisian revolution in 2011 did not only effect changes in the domestic and international political system. But it has also encouraged the emergence of identity in Tunisian political discourse which strengthened after the formation of a democratic government. Of course, this will have an impact on Tunisian foreign policy. This study aims to explain the construction of identity in post-revolutionary Tunisian foreign policy, using qualitative research methods through literature study. While in the analysis, using the concept of identity in constructivist theory and national interests. The results of this study indicate, under the government of Moncef Marzouki and Caid Beji Essebsi, identity has an important influence on Tunisian foreign policy. Tunisia's relations with Qatar and Turkey are very close because they share a common identity and national interest. On the other hand, Tunisia's relationship with the United Arab Emirates is conflictual because it has different identities. While Tunisia's relations with Saudi Arabia, although initially conflicting, after changes in the domestic structure in Saudi Arabia, the relations between the two countries became cooperative (cooperation)."
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Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nawan Yulianto
"Periode pasca-Arab Spring telah menjadi sebuah arena politik dimana partai-partai Islamis memainkan peran yang relatif signifikan dalam transisi politik demokratis di Timur Tengah. Meski banyak pihak menafsirkan adopsi kalangan Islamis atas nilai-nilai demokrasi sebagai sekedar upaya pragmatis, taktis, dan minim ketulusan, persoalan Islam dan demokrasi telah menjadi perhatian beberapa pemikir Islamis berpengaruh bahkan beberapa dekade sebelum pecahnya Arab Spring. Mengkaji Islamisme lebih sebagai sebuah tradisi pemikiran, penelitian ini berupaya menelusuri genealogi pemikiran kalangan Islamis mengenai demokrasi pada tradisi pemikiran Islam modernis hingga munculnya kelompok yang dikenal sebagai “neo-Islamis”. Berbarengan dengan analisis terhadap aspek-aspek doktrinal dari pemikiran kalangan Islamis, penelitian ini akan mendemonstrasikan bagaimana perdebatan intra-Islamis mengenai teologi politik tertentu dapat menimbulkan perbedaan-perbedaan penting, baik secara ideologis maupun politis. Hal ini dilakukan dengan melihat pada praktik politik partai-partai Islamis di Mesir, Tunisia, dan Maroko. Studi ini mendapati adanya kontinuitas sekaligus perubahan pada pemikiran kalangan Islamis mengenai demokrasi dari tradisi pemikiran Islam modernis dan menganalisis bagaimana hal ini memengaruhi trayek politik partai-partai Islamis di tiga negara tersebut setelah Arab Spring. Meski terdapat ambivalensi terhadap gagasan demokrasi, bahkan kecenderungan anti-demokrasi, di kalangan Islamis awal; periode pasca-Arab Spring menegaskan mungkinannya upaya rekonsiliasi antara pemikiran Islamisme dan aspek-aspek demokrasi tertentu.

The post-Arab Spring period had been a political arena where Islamist parties played relatively significant roles in the democratic political transition in the Middle East. Despite the fact that many have interpreted the adoption of democratic values by Islamist parties as merely pragmatic, tactical effort and lacking sincerity, the question of Islam and democracy had been discussed by some prominent Islamist thinkers, even decades before the break of the Arab Spring. Approaching Islamism more as an intellectual tradition, the present study seeks to trace the genealogy of Islamist thought on the issue of democracy in the discourses of some Islamic modernist thinkers until the emergence of the so called “new-Islamist”, in the years prior to the Arab Spring. Along with an analysis on the doctrinal aspects of Islamist thought, this study will then demonstrate how intra-Islamist debates on certain political theology can cast light on important differences among Islamists themselves, both ideologically and politically. This will be done by looking at the politics of Islamist parties in Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco. The study notices the existence of both continuity and change in the Islamist thought on democracy from the Islamic modernist tradition and analyzes how they affect the different political trajectories of Islamist parties in those three countries in the aftermarth of the Arab Spring. Eventhough there had been an ambivalence attitude, or even a hostile tendency, toward democracy among the early Islamists; the post-Arab Spring has confirmed the possibility of reconciliation between Islamist political thought and certain aspects of democracy"
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Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fauzan Irvan
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis serangkaian upaya Tunisia dalam mengkonsolidasi Negara demokrasi pasca Arab Spring pada periode 2014 sampai 2020. Periode tahun 2014 sebagai titik awal langkah maju untuk membangun demokrasi di Tunisia yang membawa harapan bagi masyarakat Tunisia akan ketidakstabilan politik dan di tahun 2020 sebagaimana dalam Indeks Demokrasi Tunisia pada tahun 2019 mendapatkan skor 6.72 (dari 10,00). Ini menunjukan bahwa Tunisia telah melakukan lompatan besar dalam mengonsolidasikan demokrasinya setelah Arab Spring. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Analisis tahapan kondisi konsolidasi demokrasi di Tunisia dapat dilihat dalam perjalan sistem pemilihan Presiden dan Parlemen Tunisia pada periode 2014 dan 2019 yang bebas dan adil serta digunakannya Konstitusi baru 2014 menjadi tonggak utama demokratis yang menghormati kebebasan berorganisasi, kebebasan beragama, menjamin check and balance yang berkaitan dengan eksekutif dan mengakui kesetaraan gender. Faktor pendukung proses konsolidasi demokrasi di Tunisia diantaraya: 1) Kemauan tokoh-tokoh politiknya untuk berkompromi; 2) Sektor keamanan (militer) yang lemah dan 3) Kuatnya civil society mengawal proses demokrasi. Namun demikian, penerapan sistem demokrasi tersebut masih menjadi perdebatan dengan masalah tingkat ketidakpuasan yang signifikan tidak hanya dengan partai politik dan Parlemen, tetapi juga dengan institusi demokrasi itu sendiri. Pemerintahan masih belum mampu mengatasi tantangan mendesak, seperti pengangguran kaum muda, kesenjangan sosial ekonomi regional, marjinalisasi politik islam dan korupsi yang merajalela sehingga menjadi penghambat proses konsolidasi demokrasi.

This study aims to analyze a series of Tunisian efforts in consolidating a post-Arab Spring democratic state in the period from 2014 to 2020. The 2014 period is the starting point for moving forward to build democracy in Tunisia which brings hope to the Tunisia society for the political instability in 2020 as shown in the Tunisia Democracy Index in 2019 got a score of 6.72 (out of 10,00). This shows that Tunisia has made a big leap in consolidating its democracy after the Arab Spring. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method, and the data is analyzed by using the interactive Miles and Huberman model. An analysis of the stages of the consolidation of democracy in Tunisia can be seen in the course of the Tunisian Presidential and Parliamentary election system in the 2014 and 2019 periods which were free and fair and the use of the new 2014 Constitution as the main democratic pillar that respects freedom of association, freedom of religion, guarantees checks and balances related to executive and recognizes gender equality. Contributing factors of the democratic consolidation process in Tunisia include: 1) the Willingness of political figures to compromise; 2) The security sector (military) is weak and 3) The strength of civil society overseeing the democratic process. However, the implementation of the democratic system has still in conflict with the problem of a significant level of dissatisfaction, not only with political parties and Parlement but also with the democratic institutions themselves. The government is still unable to overcome urgent challenges, such as youth unemployment, regional socio-economic disparities, the marginalization of Islamic politics and rampant corruption which have become obstacles to the process of consolidating democracy.  "
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Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Hidayat
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai wacana politik berupa peran semantis dan pragmatik yang terdapat di dalam Pidato Raja Yordania Abdullah II Pasca ArabSpring sejak 2011 sampai dengan 2015. Penelitian ini memfokuskan kepada analisis relasi semantis dan analisis tindak tutur ilokusi yang digunakan RajaAbdullah II pasca Arab Spring. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi deskriptif kualitatif yang digabungkan dengan studi kuantitatif enklitik . Adapun teori yang digunakan berupa teori relasi makna dan teori tindak tutur Searle 1979 yang meliputi ilokusi asertif, direktif, komisif, ekspresif, dan deklaratif. Pidato Raja Yordania yang menjadi korpus data, adalah pidato politik Parlemen yang memuat permasalahan bangsa Yordania pasca Arab Spring antara tahun 2011-2015.Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tindak tutur yang dilakukan oleh Raja Yordania Abdullah II mengacu kepada konteks pragmatik yang ditimbulkan dari permasalahan politik di negara Yordania seperti permasalahan demokrasi,ekonomi, keamanan, reformasi politik, dan hubungan internasional. Salah satukarakteristik bentuk tindak tutur direktif yang digunakan oleh Raja Abdullah IIadalah penggunaan tekanan ilokusi dengan menggunakan partikel. Selain partikel tersebut penggunaan tindak tutur direktif jugadilakukan dengan penggunaan retorika bahasa Arab Al Iqtibas. Dalam ujaran ekspresif pujian, Raja Abdullah II juga menggunakan makna reflektif sebagai bentuk pujian. Sedangkan konteks Arab Spring antara tahun 2011-2015, sangat jelas mempengaruhi tindak tutur yang berkaitan dengan topik Palestina, Suriah,Terorisme dan Fanatisme serta Dewan Kerjasama Teluk. Relasi makna yang dibangun Raja Abdullah II terbentuk atas pengaruh dimensi konteks yang adapada ujarannya.

This undergraduate thesis is discussed about political discourse that concentratedwith the semantic relational and pragmatic speech act of discourse . Therefore,this topic was focussed on the analysis semantic and pragmatic from politicaldiscourse on Speeches of King Abdullah II Kingdom of Hashemite of Jordan postArab Spring 2011 2015 .This thesis undergraduate used mixing method ofqualitative description and quantitative enclitic . The theory of Speech Act ofSearle 1979 and theory of semantic relational is main theory. The Speech Act ofSearle 1979 to including of Assertive, Directive, Commisive, Expressive, andDeclarative. The speeches of King Abdullah II to be main corpus data whichsubject of political issues of Jordan after Arab Spring on 2011 2015. This researchwas founded Abdullah II rsquo s speech act using utterance pragmatics that haverelation with Jordan political issues as democracy, economy, security, politicreformation, and international relationship. On the speech act of King Abdullah IIhave characteristic on his utterance. One of characteristic of King Abdullahutterance is directive illocution that using the particles of laa budda , inna , akkada , yajibu , usyaddidu and ad daruuriyy . In additionto this particles, on King Abdullah II rsquo s directive illocution, he did utterance withthe Al Iqtibas Arabic Rhetoric . For praise illocution expressive , KingAbdullah II occasionally, he used reflective meaning as praising. The Arab SpringInfluence 2011 2015 effected his illocutions on the topic of Palestine, Syria,terrorism, fanaticism, and Gulf Cooperation Council GCC . And on his utterancefounded of semantic relational which influenced dimension of political context onhis utterances.
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elmaira Ineza
"Penelitian ini membahas gambaran wanita Suriah pada masa Arab Spring di Suriah dalam film يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ ي ي ي ي ي ي ي /Yom Ad’atou Zouli/ ‘The Day I Lost My Shadow’ tahun 2018 karya Sutradara Suriah kelahiran Prancis oudade Kaadan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk mengetahui perubahan wanita Suriah dalam film Yom Ad’atou Zouli setelah terjadinya Arab Spring. Penelitian diawali dengan melakukan observasi yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengumpulan dan reduksi data. Peneliti juga memperoleh data melalui studi pustaka dengan menelusuri informasi yang relevan dari sumber-sumber literatur seperti buku dan jurnal artikel dan kemudian data dianalisis dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, film Yom Ad’atou Zouli menunjukkan gambaran perubahan wanita Suriah setelah terjadinya konflik di Suriah pada masa Arab Spring dari sudut pandang Saudade Kaadan, termasuk perubahan peran wanita sebelumnya hanya bertanggung jawab dalam urusan rumah tangga berubah menjadi pencari nafkah dan tulang punggung keluarga.

This research will discuss the portrayal of Syrian women during the Arab Spring in Syria in the film يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يوملعظضتأ يييي ييي ي ي /Yom Ad’atou Zouli/ ‘The Day I Lost My Shadow’ by the French-born Syrian director, Soudade Kaadan. This research was conducted using qualitative methods to understand the context of whether the depiction of Syrian woman in the film Yom Ad’atou Zouli (The Day I Lost My Shadow) corresponds to the reality that is happening. Researchers also obtain data through library studies by searching for relevant information from literary sources such as book and journal articles then analyzing it using sociology of literature approach. This research result shows a picture of changes in Syrian women after the conflict in Syria during the Arab Spring from Saudade Kaadan's perspective, including changes in the role of women, previously only responsible for household affairs, becoming breadwinners and backbones of the family."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adeela Arshad Ayaz
"Artikel ini meruntuhkan kontruksi dominan dan penggambaran dunia Muslim dalam literatur tentang media sosial dan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam kaitannya demgam Arab Spring. Pembacaan kritis literatur tentang media sosial dan 'Muslim Semi Arab' Menunjukkan bahwa analisis oleh para sarjana dan komentator Barat masih didasarkan pada 'Dualisme modernis' dan pemahaman orentalis. Artikel ini dimulai dengan menelusuri sejarah teknologi untuk menyatakan bahwa analis potensi pendidikan dan sipil media sosial dalam konteks Barat pada umumnya, adalah kelanjutan dari argumen tentang teknologi sebelumnya dalam kaitannya dengan pembangunan masyarakat. Namun ketika datang untuk menganalisis media sosial dan keterlibatan masyarakat khususnya didunia Muslim, kecenderungan ini akan dikacaukan dengan pola yang sudah terbangun, yaitu Orientalisme. Dampak keseluruhan Kecenderungan ini menyebabkan pembatasan mayoritas argumen dalam paradigmaessentialis atau determinis."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FITK) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah , 2014
370 TAR 1:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Hidayat
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai wacana politik berupa peran semantis dan pragmatik yang terdapat di dalam Pidato Raja Yordania Abdullah II Pasca Arab Spring sejak 2011 sampai dengan 2015. Penelitian ini memfokuskan kepada analisis relasi semantis dan analisis tindak tutur ilokusi yang digunakan Raja Abdullah II pasca Arab Spring. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun teori yang digunakan berupa teori relasi makna dan teori tindak tutur Searle (1979) yang meliputi ilokusi asertif, direktif, komisif, ekspresif, dan deklaratif. Pidato Raja Yordania yang menjadi korpus data, adalah pidato politik Parlemen yang memuat permasalahan bangsa Yordania pasca Arab Spring antara tahun 2011-2015. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tindak tutur yang dilakukan oleh Raja Yordania Abdullah II mengacu kepada konteks pragmatik yang ditimbulkan dari permasalahan politik di negara Yordania seperti permasalahan demokrasi, ekonomi, keamanan, reformasi politik, dan hubungan internasional. Salah satu karakteristik bentuk tindak tutur direktif yang digunakan oleh Raja Abdullah II adalah penggunaan tekanan ilokusi dengan menggunakan partikel لا بد، إنّ، أكّد، يجب، أشدّد، الضروري . Selain partikel tersebut penggunaan tindak tutur direktif juga dilakukan dengan penggunaan retorika bahasa Arab Al Iqtibas. Dalam ujaran ekspresif pujian, Raja Abdullah II juga menggunakan makna reflektif sebagai bentuk pujian. Sedangkan konteks Arab Spring antara tahun 2011-2015, sangat jelas mempengaruhi tindak tutur yang berkaitan dengan topik Palestina, Suriah, Terorisme dan Fanatisme serta Dewan Kerjasama Teluk. Relasi makna yang dibangun Raja Abdullah II terbentuk atas pengaruh dimensi konteks yang ada pada ujarannya.
This undergraduate thesis is discussed about political discourse that concentrated with the semantic relational and pragmatic (speech act of discourse). Therefore, this topic was focussed on the analysis semantic and pragmatic from political discourse on Speeches of King Abdullah II Kingdom of Hashemite of Jordan Post Arab Spring (2011-2015).This thesis undergraduate used a method of qualitative description. The theory of Speech Act of Searle (1979) and theory of semantic relational is main theory. The Speech Act of Searle (1979) to including of Assertive, Directive, Commisive, Expressive, and Declarative. The speeches of King Abdullah II to be main corpus data which subject of political issues of Jordan after Arab Spring on 2011-2015. This research was founded Abdullah II?s speech act using utterance pragmatics that have relation with Jordan political issues as democracy, economy, security, politic reformation, and international relationship. On the speech act of King Abdullah II have characteristic on his utterance. One of characteristic of King Abdullah utterance is directive illocution that using the particles of لا بدّ /la>budda/, إنّ /inna/, أكّد /akkad/ , يجب /yajibu/, أشدّد /usyaddidu/, and الضروري /ad} daru>riyy/. In addition to this particles, on King Abdullah II?s directive illocution, he did utterance with the Al Iqtibas (Arabic Rhetoric). For praise illocution (expressive), King Abdullah II occasionally, he used reflective meaning as praising. The Arab Spring Influence (2011-2015) effected his illocutions on the topic Palestine, Syria, terrorism, fanaticism, and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). And on his utterance founded of semantic relational which influenced dimension of political context on his utterances."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amrullah Umar
Dominasi politik yang dilakukan Bashar al Assad melanjutkan kepemempinan Hafiz al Assad selama dua periode kepemimpinan menimbulkan gejolak politik dalam negeri Suriah Bashar Al Assad yang didukung oleh Partai Ba rsquo ats dan militer dengan berbagai kebijakan dalam negeri dan luar negerinya tidak mampu membendung konflik politik yang terjadi Konflik politik yang meletus pada tahun 2011 sampai sekarang telah menimbulkan korban dan meruntuhkan sendi kehidupan di Suriah Konflik politik yang terjadi di Suriah juga dianggap bagian dari rencana Arab Spring Dominasi politik yang dilakukan oleh bashar al Assad dianalisis dengan pendekatan teori Max Weber.
Dominasi politik yang dijelaskan dengan teori dominasi tradisional kharismatik dan legal rasional Konflik politik yang terjadi melibatkan banyak pihak baik pihak dalam negeri Suriah sendiri maupun pihak luar negeri dimana bisa dilihat beberapa negara Amerika Serikat Rusia Cina Iran Turki dll Hampir semua Negara yang terlibat dalam konflik Suriah memiliki kepentingan dan diantara kepentingan yang bermain dalam konflik tersebut dapat di klasifikasi dalam kepentingan ekonomi stabilitas kawasan dan politik luar negeri Kata kunci Dominasi Politik Bashar al Assad arab spring konflik politik dan kepentingan,

Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ;Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ;Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ;Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ;Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad , Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moaddel, Mansoor
"The central theme of this volume is change; its causes, consequences, and processes. The authors use diverse frameworks to analyze nationally representative sample data from Middle Eastern and North African countries. Their objectives are (a) to understand cross-national variation and trends in values and perceptions, and the extent to which this variation is affected by age; (b) to assess the empirical correlates of different modalities of change, lay perspectives on development and morality as well as peoples varying understanding of the meanings of traditional and modern family; (c) to employ social-scientific perspective in explaining cross-national and individual variation in political engagement, participations in the movement of the Arab Spring, varying political outcomes in Egypt and Tunisia, and the failure of revolutionary movements and the predictors of autocratic recidivism; and (d) to address the methodological issues and challenges in carrying out empirical research in the Middle East and North Africa."
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Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felicia Mayasaphira Hakim
"Krisis Suriah tidak hanya melahirkan perpecahan secara domestik, tapi juga di tataran komunitas internasional. Ketika Amerika Serikat bersama dengan aliansinya menjadi pendukung utama pergerakan oposisi dalam menurunkan rezim Bashar al-Assad, Rusia justru berada di posisi yang berlawanan dengan mayoritas negara-negara di dunia.
Tujuan utama dari skripsi ini adalah memaparkan proses konstruksi dalam pembentukan kebijakan luar negeri Rusia di Suriah. Dengan meneliti proses konstruksi tersebut, skripsi ini mencoba untuk menemukan hubungan yang sebelumnya tidak terlihat antara norma dan identitas yang dipegang Rusia dengan kebijakan di dalam kasus Suriah.
Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keputusan Rusia untuk melindungi rezim al-Assad dikonstruksi oleh (1) struktur lingkungan dan aktor yang berada disekitar; (2) persepsi diri sebagai global power dan adanya keinginan untuk mendapat pengakuan dari pihak lain; dan (3) adanya kepentingan untuk melindungi negara eks-Soviet dengan mayoritas Muslim dari risiko kemunculan Islamic renaissance.

The Syrian crisis has not only torn the domestic society into pieces, but also the international community. United States and its allies are the main supporters of opposition movement in toppling Bashar al-Assad regime, while Russia stands on the opposite of the majority.
The primary aim of the thesis is to provide the constructive process within the formation of Russian foreign policy in Syria. By exploring the constructive process, the thesis seeks to uncover the unseen relations between Russia‟s norms and identity with its policy in Syria.
The results show that Russia's decision to defend al-Assad regime is constructed by (1) the structure of environment and actors surround the conflict; (2) self-perception as global power and how to get the recognition from others; and (3) an interest to protect the Muslim-majority ex-Soviet countries from the risk of Islamic renaissance.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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