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Afham Ramadhan
Abstrak :
Paparan getaran pada tubuh manusia memiliki dampak pada kesehatan dalam jangka waktu panjang yang salah satunya adalah getaran ketika berkendara. Penelitian ini adalah perancangan sistem pemandu kecepatan untuk kenyamanan berkendara dengan mengukur paparan getaran berdasarkan besar kecepatan dan bentuk permukaan jalan berdasarkan metode whole-body vibration getaran seluruh tubuh . Ruang lingkup perancangan sistem akuisisi data meliputi penyimpanan data sensor accelerometer ,vibration dan kecepatan. Dengan demikian bisa didapatkan besar nilai paparan getaran seluruh tubuh Whole-Body Vibration Exposure yang akan menjadi rekomendasi untuk mengkondisikan kecepatan kendaraan yang sesuai dengan bentuk permukaan jalan.
Vibration exposure on the human body has an impact on health in the long term, one of which is a vibration when driving. This study is the system design of vehicle guidance system for driving comfort by measuring the vibration exposure based on great speed and shape of the road surface based on the method of whole body vibration whole body vibration . The scope of the data acquisition system design includes accelerometer sensor data storage, vibration and speed. Thus can be obtained great whole body vibration exposure value Whole Body Vibration Exposure which will be on conditioning the vehicle speed corresponding to the shape of the road surface.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Rahmadi
Abstrak :
Maraknya pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia tentu saja diiringi dengan harapan bahwa infrastruktur tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dengan maksimal, sesuai dengan umur rencananya. Namun, tidak sedikit kasus kegagalan struktur terjadi pada beberapa proyek infrastruktur. Hal ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh minimnya implementasi pemantauan kesehatan struktur bangunan. Kurangnya pemantauan kesehatan struktur dapat menjadikan risiko kehilangan nilai suatu bangunan dan keselamatan penggunanya menjadi tinggi. Tingginya biaya pengadaan alat pemantauan dan terbatasnya anggaran pengelola/pemilik aset menjadi hal yang memberatkan untuk dapat melakukan pemantauan kesehatan struktur tersebut. Melalui penelitian ini, diharapkan bisa mendorong lahirnya alternatif teknologi yang dapat diandalkan dan lebih terjangkau dalam memantau kesehatan dan perilaku struktur bangunan. Penelitian dilakukan pada dua jenis benda uji, pelat besi (600mmx25.4mmx2.5mm) dan balok beton bertulang (3000mmx250mmx150mm), dengan membandingkan hasil pengukuran regangan pada uji lentur dan pengukuran natural frekuensi pada uji getar bebas menggunakan dua sistem alat monitoring, Arduino dan data-logger konvensional (NI). Kedua sistem alat monitoring tersebut dilengkapi dengan sensor percepatan (Kistler) & sensor regangan (TML). Penelitain ini diawali dengan melakukan pengamatan terhadap dua jenis koneksi pada sistem Arduino, I2C dan SPI, guna menentukan pengaturan yang akan digunakan. Koneksi SPI menunjukan kemampuan merekam data lebih tinggi dibanding I2C, dengan maksimum 2036 data/detik dan nilai deviasi standar 0.028g. Hasil monitoring regangan pada uji lentur pelat besi menunjukan pola yang serupa antara Arduino, NI, dan nilai teoritis. Pada uji getar bebas, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nilai natural frekuensi yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis FFT data percepatan yang didapatkan dari Arduino (ADXL345) dan NI (Kistler) menunjukan pola yang serupa. Relative error pada mode 1 & 2 berkisar antara 0.6% - 4.8% dan pada mode 3 menunjukan relative error antara 2.4% - 17.2%. Pada benda uji pelat besi, nilai relative error mode 1 terhadap analisis teoritis adalah 0.396%. ......Massive infrastructure development in Indonesia is definitely accompanied by the hope that the infrastructure can be utilized optimally, in accordance with the design lifetime. However, quite a number of structural failure cases have occurred in several infrastructure projects. Lack of structural health monitoring system (SHMS) is one of the causes which makes the risk of building collapse and safety issue is increased. The high cost of equipment procurement and the limited budget of the project are the factors that mainly caused the implementation of SHMS challenging. This research is expected to encourage the emergence of reliable and more affordable SHMS technologies. The study was conducted on two types of specimens, steel plates (600mmx25.4mmx2.5mm) and reinforced concrete beam (3000mmx250mmx150mm). It compared the results of strain measurements in the bending test and natural frequency measurements in the free vibration test using two monitoring tool systems, Arduino and data logger (NI) equipped with accelerometer (Kistler) & strain gauge (TML). The research begins by observing two types of connections on the Arduino system, I2C and SPI, to determine the settings to be used. SPI connection shows higher sampling rate than I2C, with a maximum of 2036 data/second and standard deviation is 0.028g. Strain measurements in the steel plate bending test showed a similar pattern between Arduino, NI, and theoretical values. In the free vibration test, the natural frequency value from the FTT analysis of acceleration data for the two systems has a similar pattern. The relative error in modes 1 and 2 ranges from 0.6-4.8%, while in mode 3 it ranges from 2.4-17.2%. On the steel plate test specimen, the relative error mode 1 value to the theoretical analysis is 0.396%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aji Suryadi
Abstrak :
Mesin banyak memiliki komponen penyusun di dalamnya yang mendukung untuk melakukan fungsi mesin dengan baik. Kualitas struktur dapat berpengaruh besar terhadap kondisi mesin dimana gaya yang normal ketika mesin beroperasi akan ter-eksitasi oleh frekuensi alami jika kondisi struktur kurang baik. Metode pengukuran vibrasi menggunakan vibrometer dan sensor vibrasi serta dihubungkan dengan kabel, bluetooth, atau wireless untuk transfer data vibrasi. Sensor terdapat 3 jenis yaitu displacement atau proximity probe, velocity probe, dan accelerometer. Perbaikan bisa dilakukan dengan pemasangan penguat/bracket ataupun pengecoran ulang untuk fondasi yang menggunakan beton. Selain itu bisa dilakukan juga dengan melakukan pemasangan mass damper yang tujuannya digunakan untuk mengurangi besar nilai amplifikasi dari penambahan gaya yang disebabkan oleh permasalahan struktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai vibrasi tinggi pada satu kali putaran mesin arah vertikal yang mengindikasikan adanya lemah struktur pada arah vertikal. Struktur damping menurunkan signifikan nilai vibrasi hingga ± 3 mm/s RMS posisi pengukuran M2V motor inboard vertical. Kondisi awal 4.142 mm/s RMS menjadi 0.753 mm/s RMS. ......The machine has many constituent components that support it to perform the function of the machine properly. The quality of the structure can greatly affect the engine's condition where the normal force when the engine is operating will be excited by natural frequencies if the structural conditions are not good. The vibration measurement method uses a vibrometer and vibration sensor connected by cable, Bluetooth, or wireless for vibration data transfer. There are three types of sensors, namely displacement or proximity probe, velocity probe, and accelerometer. Repairs can do by installing reinforcement/brackets or re-casting for foundations that use concrete. In addition, it can also do by installing a mass damper whose purpose is to reduce the amplification value of the additional force caused by structural problems. The results showed a high vibration value at one rotation of the engine in the vertical direction, which indicated a weak structure in the vertical direction. The damping structure significantly reduces the vibration value up to ± three mm/s RMS in the vertical inboard motor M2V measurement position. The initial conditions are 4,142 mm/s RMS to 0.753 mm/s RMS.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Aufa Irsyaddin
Abstrak :
Indonesia, sebagai salah satu negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia, memiliki wilayah perbatasan laut dengan berbagai negara. Kawasan perbatasan merupakan salah satu kawasan penting yang perlu dilindungi dan dipantau terus menerus menggunakan sistem monitoring. Sistem monitoring ini dapat digunakan untuk melindungi sumber daya yang berada di laut seperti pertambangan minyak, perikanan, dan kekayaan laut lainnya. Maka dari itu, dikembangkanlah teknologi terbaru yaitu Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel (JSN). Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mengembangkan sistem pendeteksi kapal menggunakan JSN yang dilengkapi dengan Global Positioning System (GPS). JSN bekerja dengan melakukan seluruh proses pendeteksian pada masing-masing node sensor. Pada node pendeteksian digunakan Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) untuk mengubah keluaran akseelrometer kedalam domain frekuensi. Pendeteksian melibatkan frekuensi dan magnitude dari gelombang air danau. Selain itu digunakan pula GPS untuk mendapatkan data berupa latitude dan longitude dari kapal. GPS juga digunakan untuk menetukan jarak antar node sensor. Pada sistem pendeteksian kapal ini didapat nilai estimasi kecepatan, arah datang, dan koordinat kapal saat meninggalkan daerah pengawasan ......Indonesia, as one of the largest archipelagic countries in the world, has maritime borders with various countries. The border area is one of the important areas that need to be protected and monitored continuously using a monitoring system. Monitoring system can be used to protect marine resources such as oil mining, fisheries and other marine resources. Therefore, the latest technology, namely Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) was developed. In this paper, the authors develop a ship detection system using a JSN equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS). WSN works by carrying out the entire detection process at each sensor node. At the detection node, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to convert the output of the accelerometer to the frequency domain. Detection involves the frequency and magnitude of lake waves. In addition, GPS is also used to obtain data in the form of latitude and longitude from ships. GPS is also used to determine the distance between sensor nodes. In this ship detection system, the estimated value of speed, direction of arrival, and coordinates of the ship when leaving the surveillance area is obtained
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellis Kartika
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini berisikan tentang pembuatan alat ukur massa jenis zat cair yang dapat di gunakan secara otomatis untuk mengukur massa jenis suatu zat cair. Alat ukur ini dikerjakan secara otomatis karena menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMEGA 8535. Alat ukur massa jenis zat cair ini sama seperti neraca mohr. Yaitu alat ukur seperti timbangan. Dimana terdapat lengan neraca, yang akan berubah keadaannyapada saat beban sebelum dimasukkan dan sesudah dimasukkan kedalam suatu zat cair. Sebelum beban dimasukkan kedalam suatu zat cair,lengan neraca dalam keadaan setimbang, namun setelah beban dimasukkan kedalam suatu zat cair, lengan akan terangkat atau dalam posisi miring. Keadaan miring tersebut akan dicatat oleh sensor accelerometer ADXL 330. Baru kemudian akan kita dapatkan berapa massa jenis zat tersebut.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvin Prayuda Juniarta Dwiyantoro
Abstrak :
The routine daily activities that tend to be sedentary and repetitive may cause severe health problems. This issue has encouraged researchers to design a system to detect and record people activities in real time and thus encourage them to do more physical exercise. By utilizing sensors embedded in a smartphone, many research studies have been conducted to try to recognize user activity. The most common sensors used for this purpose are accelerometers and gyroscopes; however, we found out that a gravity sensor has significant potential to be utilized as well. In this paper, we propose a novel method to recognize activities using the combination of an accelerometer and gravity sensor. We design a simple hierarchical system with the purpose of developing a more energy efficient application to be implemented in smartphones. We achieved an average of 95% for the activity recognition accuracy, and we also succeed at proving that our work is more energy efficient compared to other works.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvin Prayuda Juniarta Dwiyantoro
Abstrak :
The routine daily activities that tend to be sedentary and repetitive may cause severe health problems. This issue has encouraged researchers to design a system to detect and record people activities in real time and thus encourage them to do more physical exercise. By utilizing sensors embedded in a smartphone, many research studies have been conducted to try to recognize user activity. The most common sensors used for this purpose are accelerometers and gyroscopes; however, we found out that a gravity sensor has significant potential to be utilized as well. In this paper, we propose a novel method to recognize activities using the combination of an accelerometer and gravity sensor. We design a simple hierarchical system with the purpose of developing a more energy efficient application to be implemented in smartphones. We achieved an average of 95% for the activity recognition accuracy, and we also succeed at proving that our work is more energy efficient compared to other works.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:5 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Sensors and Instrumentation, Volume 8. Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2018, the eighth volume of nine from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Sensors and Instrumentation, including papers on; Sensor Applications, Accelerometer Design, Accelerometer Calibration, Sensor Technology, Energy Harvesting Technology, and Aircraft/Aerospace Technology
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nando Kusmanto
Abstrak :
Sistem navigasi merupakan komponen yang paling penting pada kendaraan di udara, air dan luar angkasa, termasuk juga pada roket dan misil yang dapat dikendalikan. Salah satu yang paling umum digunakan adalah sistem navigasi inersia. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perancangan dan pembuatan system navigasi inersia untuk mendapatkan data posisi dan kemiringan, yaitu dengan sensor rate-gyroscope, accelerometer, dan mikrokontroler AVR ATMega16. Demikian juga pembahasan tentang sistem kalibrasi dan digital filter data dari sensor. Selain itu, karena accelerometer dipengaruhi percepatan gravitasi, maka dibutuhkan suatu koreksi gravitasi dimana membutuhkan data kemiringan yang sangat akurat. Dalam skripsi ini kalman filter digunakan untuk mendapatkan data kemiringan yang lebih akurat, dengan memanfaatkan dua masukan, dari rategyroscope dan accelerometer.
Navigation system is the most important component in air-, space-, and watercraft, including guided missiles. One of the common navigation systems is inertial navigation system. This bachelor thesis discusses about designing and building inertial navigation system, to get information about position and tilt, using rate-gyroscope, accelerometer, and AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. Furthermore, this thesis also discusses about calibration system and digital filter of sensor's data. In addition, because accelerometer also measures gravity acceleration, to get the real position needs a gravity correction which needs very accurate information about tilt angle. In this study, kalman filter used to get more accurate tilt angle, using two inputs, from rate-gyroscope and accelerometer.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Takashi Sato
Abstrak :
The purpose of this study was to determine sway characteristics of a supported leg during a lateral stepping over obstacle task with different obstacle height and movement patterns, using a small triaxial accelerometer. We examined 20 healthy young adults to assess their trochanter malleolar distance traveled during a lateral stepping over obstacle task with obstacle heights of 30%, 50%, and 70%. The lateral stepping over tasks revealed flexion and extension patterns. We directed the subjects to grasp a forward handrail, perform the lateral step, and subsequently step over to the side. We calculated synthetic acceleration (SA) from acceleration data measured using two small triaxial accelerometers and two web cameras. We calculated supporting leg sway; RMS phases of X-, Y-, and Z-axes; and SA data. The subjects showed increased RMS of Y-axis and SA according to the obstacle height for the flexion pattern; however, they did not show change in RMS of Y-axis and SA according to the obstacle height for the extension pattern. During lateral stepping over, the RMS of Y-axis and SA for the flexion pattern were higher than for the extension pattern. The findings for the flexion pattern suggest that the center of gravity shifts higher according to increased obstacle height; consequently, the supporting leg becomes unstable. The findings for the extension pattern suggest that the "screw-home" rotation effect of the supporting leg during movement can support lateral stepping over better than the flexion pattern.
Jepang: The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2017
617 JPFSM 66:5 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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