"Puskesmas harus mampu cepat tanggap terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan
dengan konsekuensi organisasi memerlukan sumber daya manusia yang
mempunyai keahlian dan kemampuan unik. Untuk mewujudkan hal terse-
but, puskesmas harus berorientasi pada pembentukan kualitas sumber
daya manusia yang mampu menjawab tuntutan perubahan. Tujuan dari pe-
nelitian adalah membuktikan pengaruh pengembangan organisasi, kepe-
mimpinan, serta pengembangan karir secara parsial dan simultan terhadap
kepuasan kerja dan kinerja pegawai Puskesmas Kota Denpasar. Penelitian
dilakukan pada pegawai di 10 Puskesmas Kota Denpasar menggunakan 3
tahap teknis analisis multivariat dengan metode confirmatory factor analy-
sis yang dilakukan dengan mengurangi satu demi satu indikator penyusun
suatu variabel hingga tercapai suatu model pendugaan yang memenuhi
persyaratan menggunakan program aplikasi structural equation model
(SEM) berupa analysis of moment structures (AMOS). Berdasarkan model
persamaan 1 terbukti bahwa hipotesis yang menyatakan pengembangan
organisasi, kepemimpinan, serta pengembangan karir secara parsial dan
simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja (nilai p < 0,05).
Berdasarkan model persamaan 2, pengembangan organisasi, kepemimpin-
an, pengembangan karir, serta kepuasan kerja secara parsial dan simultan
berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai (nilai p < 0,05).
Puskesmas should be able to quickly respond to costumer need with the
consequences of human resource organizations require the expertise and
unique capabilities. So, puskesmas should be oriented to the formation of
human resources capable of answering the demands of change. The aims
of the research to find out the implication of organizational development,
leadership, career development, both partially and simultaneously towards
work satisfaction and work performance of personnel in Puskesmas in Denpasar City. This research involved personnels of 10 Puskesmas in
Denpasar City: The research takes total population number as the sample
and total 324 people were involved in this research. Data analysis technique
was carried out in 3 phases; univariat, bivariat dan multivariat analysis.
Univariat analysis was carried out with backward confirmatory factor analy-
sis, while bivariat analysis was carried out with canonical correlation tech-
nique, and multivariat analysis was carried out with structural equation mo-
del (SEM). The analysis used computer program od SEM application: analy-
sis of moment structures (AMOS). The research results as follows; accord-
ing to equation 1, it is proved that hypothesis stating that organizational de-
velopment, leadership and career development, both partially and simul-
taneously, influences on work satisfaction significantly (p value < 0,05).
Organizational development, leadership, career development and work sa-
tisfaction, both partially and simultaneously, influence work performance
significantly (p value < 0,05)."