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Philadelphia Hutama Harlim Poerwana
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan Penugasan Pemerintah atas Pengusahaan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera yang dilaksanakan oleh PT.Hutama Karya (Persero), yang merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara dengan kepemilikan saham negara sebesar 100% (seratus persen), sebagaimana diketahui bahwa disatu sisi APBN tidak mampu mendanai program pembangunan infrastruktur secara keseluruhan, namun disisi lain infrastruktur dibutuhkan agar dapat menopang pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional, maka dari itu Pemerintahan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla melakukan percepatan pembangunan jalan tol di Sumatera berdasarkan Master Plan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI) 2011-2025 yang telah ditetapkan Pemerintahan Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Boediono. Pengusahaan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera adalah investasi yang secara finansial tidak layak. Adapun dalam Undang- Undang Nomer 19 Tahun 2003 tentang BUMN (UUBUMN) dan lebih spesifik lagi pada pasal 65 ayat (3) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomer 45 Tahun 2005 yang merupakan turunan aturan pelaksanaan UUBUMN, mewajibkan Pemerintah memberikan kompensasi atas semua biaya yang telah dikeluarkan oleh BUMN yang melaksanakan Penugasan yang tidak layak finansial, termasuk margin yang diharapkan. Bahwa Pemerintah berperan aktif memainkan peran BUMN dalam menyediakan barang jasa publik dalam hal ini membangun Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera, tentunya sejalan dengan konsepsi negara kesejahteraan (welfare state), namun peran aktif tersebut tentunya terkendala ketika Negara juga oleh aturan memiliki kewajiban memberikan kompensasi atas biaya termasuk margin sedangkan APBN tidak mampu mendanai program pembangunan infrastruktur yang porsi kebutuhannya sangat besar. Selain itu penulisan tesis ini akan membahas kendala klasik dalam pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum yaitu masalah pembebasan lahan, yang tentunya menganalisa penerapan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum, sebagaimana dikomitmenkan bersama Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah dalam Service Level Agreement untuk mendukung percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur dalam hal ini Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera.
This thesis discusses the implementation of the Government Assignment for the Business of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road implemented by PT. Hutama Karya (Persero), which is a State-Owned Enterprise with 100% (one hundred percent) state ownership, as it is known that on the one hand the APBN is unable to fund the overall infrastructure development program, but on the other hand infrastructure is needed in order to sustain national economic growth, therefore the Government of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla accelerated the construction of toll roads in Sumatra based on the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development 2011-2025 (MP3EI) that had been set by the Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Boediono Government. Business of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road is an investment that is financially inadequate. As for Law Number 19 of 2003 concerning BUMN and more specifically in article 65 paragraph (3) Government Regulation Number 45 of 2005 which is a derivative of the rules for implementing UUBUMN requires the Government to compensate for all costs incurred by SOEs that carry out assignments that are financially not feasible, including the expected margin. That the Government has an active role in playing the role of SOEs in providing public goods services in this case build the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, certainly in line with the conception of the welfare state, however, the active role is certainly constrained when the State also has the obligation to provide compensation for costs including margins while the APBN is unable to fund infrastructure development programs, the portion of which is very large. In addition, this thesis will discuss the classic constraints in development for the public interest, is a problem of land acquisition, which is analyzes the application of Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest, as committed together with the Central and Regional Governments in the Service Level Agreement to support the acceleration of infrastructure development in this case the Trans Sumatra Toll Road.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Erar Joesoef
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini mengkaji bagaimana Pemerintah menerapkan konsep model kontrak build operate and transfer (BOT) dalam kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta (KPS) yang dituangkan dalam perjanjian pengusahaan jalan tol (PPJT) dibidang infrastruktur jalan tol di Indonesia setelah dikeluarkannya Undang-undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jalan (UU No. 38/ 2004) yang menggantikan Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1980 Tentang Jalan (UU No. 13/ 1980). Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa total ruas jalan yang terbangun berdasarkan UU No. 38/2004 (2004-2010) sepanjang 131,35 Km yang jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan total ruas jalan yang terbangun berdasarkan UU No. 13/1980 (1978-2004) yaitu sepanjang 610,62 Km. Partisipasi investor swasta juga sangat kecil yaitu hanya 25 % (dua puluh lima persen) sedangkan sisanya 75 % (tujuh puluh lima persen) adalah Jasa Marga sebagai badan usaha milik negara (BUMN). Pemerintah telah melakukan regulasi-regulasi yang mendukung, namun kendala-kendala masih ditemukan seperti: kenaikan harga tanah, status tanah yang dimiliki Pemerintah namun dibiayai investor swasta, pengadaan tanah, kelembagaan dan prosedur badan layanan umum untuk pendanaan tanah, kemampuan investor swasta dalam pendanaan pengadaan tanah, dan adanya ruas jalan tol yang layak secara ekonomi namun belum layak secara finansial. Permasalahan yang mendasar adalah bahwa Pasal 33 ayat (2) UUD 1945 menyatakan bahwa infrastruktur sebagai salah satu cabang-cabang produksi yang penting bagi Negara dan yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak dikuasai oleh Negara. Hal ini terlihat dari pola investasinya dimana tanah dibiayai oleh investor swasta, namun dimiliki secara hukum oleh Pemerintah. Secara teoritis pola tersebut mengarahkan infrastruktur jalan tol sebagai public goods, padahal konsep model kontrak BOT secara teoritis merupakan private goods. Disertasi ini mencoba memberikan solusi dengan membuat struktur hukum dimana infrastruktur jalan tol model kontrak BOT tetap sebagai private goods namun tidak melepaskan statusnya sebagai public goods, yaitu dengan memberikan hak penggunaan tanah kepada investor dalam bentuk hak pakai (HP) di atas hak pengelolaan (HPL) dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum RI. Dengan diberikannya HP di atas HPL selama masa konsesi private goods dan dapat dialihkan, disewa atau dijadikan jaminan utang dengan hak tanggungan, namun berdimensi publik, karena Pemerintah (Negara) masih menguasai infrastruktur jalan tol tersebut melalui HPL. ...... This dissertation examines how the government of Indonesia implements the concept of build operate and transfer (BOT) contract model upon partnership between government and private sector or public private partnership (PPP) of which entered into the toll road concession agreement after the government promulgated Law No. 38 year 2004 concering the Road (Law No. 38/ 2004) as new law which replaced the previous law. Data collected shows that total as built section roads refer to new law only 131,35 Km long compared with previous law which built as 610,62 Km long. Private sector was very small in participation as well with approximately 25 % (twenty five persen) only from which the remain with approximately 75 % (seventy five persen) operated by Jasa Marga as goverment enterprise. Government had issued the regulations to support its development, but obstacles still exist such as: increasing of land price, land status which owned by government legally but financed by private investor, land acqusition, and there are many toll road sections are economic worthyness but not financial worthyness. However, the basic problem of wich, the article 33 (2) of Indonesian Constitution (UUD 1945) stipulated that infrastructure as one of part of product (goods and services) that is very important for State and dominate the social lives are under authority of State. These could been seen from the pattern of investments where the land acquisition financed by private investor but then owned by the government legally. Theoritically, such patterns bring the toll road infrastructure as public goods whilst the concept of BOT contract model theoritically as private goods. This dissertation make an attempt to give a solution by making the legal structure where the toll road infrastructure contract model remain as private goods but do not realese the status as public goods, of which by giving to private investor the right of land use (Hak Pakai) upon the management right of land (Hak Pengelolaan) of Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum RI. By giving such the right of land during the concession period to private investor then the toll road infrastructure status could be as private goods, of which could be transferred, rent or could be put as collateral in debt financing (Hak Tanggungan), but with the public dimension, where the Government (State) still have the right of authority through Hak Pengelolaan.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Infrastruktur merupakan faktor terpenting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara, salah satunya pembangunan infrastruktur jalan tol yang dapat mendukung dan meningkatkan perekonomian Indonesia. Pembangunan infrastruktur merupakan kewajiban pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara negara, namun dalam hal ini pihak swasta dapat membangun proyek infrastruktur tersebut dengan skema Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta (KPS). Skema KPS merupakan alternatif sumber pendanaan utama infrastruktur karena terbatasnya anggaran negara untuk pembangunan infrastruktur. Pendapatan tol sangat dipengaruhi oleh volume lalu lintas kendaraan yang melalui jalan tol. Sehingga, permasalahan volume kendaraan minium merupakan salan satu tantangan terbesar dalam kontrak konsesi jalan tol. Untuk itu, penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai instrumen jaminan volume kendaraan minimum di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pembagian risiko yang diatur dalam KPS, mengetahui ketentuan hukum mengenai pembangunan infrastruktur jalan melalui KPS di Indonesia dan mengetahui apakah Indonesia telah menerapkan instrumen jaminan volume kendaraan minimum dalam perjanjian KPS.
Infrastructures are the most important factor of the economic growth in a country, one of them is the toll road infrastructure development, which can support and increase the economy of Indonesia. Infrastructure development is the responsibility of Indonesian Government, but in this case the private sector can build the infrastructure projects with Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. PPP scheme is a major source of alternative financing, because the state has a limited budget for infrastructure development. The toll road revenue is influenced by the volume of traffic that pass through the roll road. Thus, the problem of minimum traffic is one of the biggest challenges in toll road concession contract. To that end, this research will discuss the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to determine the risk- sharing which regulated in a PPP scheme, knowing the legal provisions concerning the infrastructure development of toll road through PPP scheme in Indonesia and determine whether Indonesia has implemented the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in PPP agreement.;Infrastructures are the most important factor of the economic growth in a country, one of them is the toll road infrastructure development, which can support and increase the economy of Indonesia. Infrastructure development is the responsibility of Indonesian Government, but in this case the private sector can build the infrastructure projects with Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. PPP scheme is a major source of alternative financing, because the state has a limited budget for infrastructure development. The toll road revenue is influenced by the volume of traffic that pass through the roll road. Thus, the problem of minimum traffic is one of the biggest challenges in toll road concession contract. To that end, this research will discuss the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to determine the risk-sharing which regulated in a PPP scheme, knowing the legal provisions concerning the infrastructure development of toll road through PPP scheme in Indonesia and determine whether Indonesia has implemented the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in PPP agreement., Infrastructures are the most important factor of the economic growth in a country, one of them is the toll road infrastructure development, which can support and increase the economy of Indonesia. Infrastructure development is the responsibility of Indonesian Government, but in this case the private sector can build the infrastructure projects with Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. PPP scheme is a major source of alternative financing, because the state has a limited budget for infrastructure development. The toll road revenue is influenced by the volume of traffic that pass through the roll road. Thus, the problem of minimum traffic is one of the biggest challenges in toll road concession contract. To that end, this research will discuss the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to determine the risk-sharing which regulated in a PPP scheme, knowing the legal provisions concerning the infrastructure development of toll road through PPP scheme in Indonesia and determine whether Indonesia has implemented the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in PPP agreement.]
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Erar Joesoef
Jakarta: Badan Penerbit Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2006
346.02 IWA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ully Artha Febrianti
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai usaha infrastruktur jalan tol dimana pada awalnya dimonopoli oleh Negara. Seiring berjalannya waktu hal tersebut dirasa tidak menguntungkan, maka sektor usaha ini kemudian dibuka juga kepada badan-badan usaha baik milik daerah ataupun swasta, bukan hanya BUMN (yang dapat memegang kendali sebagai regulator). Di sisi lain dengan masuknya pihak swasta maka yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah apakah kepentingan masyarakat sebagai pengguna jalan tol tetap terlindungi, karena pada dasarnya pihak swasta akan berusaha untuk meraih untung dalam menjalankan usahanya.
This thesis discusses about highway infrastructure business which was originally monopolized by the state. Over time it is deemed not profitable, the business sector is then opened as well as to enterprises owned by municipal or private property not only by state-owned enterprise (which was hold the control as a regulator). On the other side with the entrance of private sector then the question is whether the public interests as the toll roads users still can be protected, because basically the private corporations will always seek to get high profit in running the business.
Depok: [Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia;;, ], 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library