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Skripsi ini membahas tentangBentuk Kerjasama Public Private Partnership Untuk Pengembangan Pasar Seni Gabusan. Pengembangan Pasar Seni Gabusan ini adalah dalam bentuk pembangunan fasilitas-fasilitas baru yaitu hotel, cottage, convention hall, showroom, pintu masuk dan koridor Pasar Seni Gabusan yang bertujuan untuk menarik dan meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan ke Pasar Seni Gabusan. Jumlah kunjungan yang minim merupakan permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh Pasar Seni Gabusan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, Pemkab Bantul bekerjasama dengan
sektor swasta untuk melakukan pengembangan Pasar Seni Gabusan. Commercial force merupakan faktor pendorong utama Pemkab Bantul untuk melakukan kerjasama pemerintah swasta. Sementara opposition by legislative dan opposition by public merupakan faktor penghambat kerjasama pemerintah swasta untuk pengembangan Pasar Seni Gabusan. Strategi kerjasama yang cocok untuk pengembangan Pasar Seni
Gabusan berdasarkan kondisi existing yang ada adalah dengan Public Private Partnership dengan bentuk joint venture.
This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo Government and Bantul.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for
Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop
Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by
legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The
suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing
condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for
Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop
Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by
legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The
suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing
condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.;This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for
Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop
Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by
legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The
suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing
condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government., This thesis discusses about Public Private Partnership Arrangement Form for
Gabusan Art Market Development which take build some new facilities such as
hotel, cottage, convention hall, showrooms, new entrance, and corridor. This
development aimed to attract and increase the number of visitors. The lack of visitors
is the main problem faced by Gabusan Art Market. This thesis is written with
qualitative approach. The results of the study shows that the Bantul Local
Government have a plan to make a partnership with private sector to Develop
Gabusan Art Market. Commercial Force is the main force which urge Bantul Local
Government to make a partnership with private sector. While opposition by
legislative and opposition by public are the main obstacles of partnership. The
suitable strategies for the Gabusan Art Market development based on existing
condition is Joint Venture between Jogja Investment Forum, Timbulharjo
Government and Bantul Government.]
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library