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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Riset merupakan aspek penting yang telah dijadikan sebagai salah satu pertimbangan bagi proses sebuah kebijakan Negara maju, lembaga non pemerintah, lembaga usaha, dan lembaga nirlaba hamper tidak bisa terlepas dari keberadaan riset. Upaya penempatan hasil riset sebagai landasan proses kebijakan telah dilakukan Indonesia slama lebih dari lima puluh tahun, tetapi hasilnya masih belum optimal. Naskah ini bertujuan mengungkap sejumlah persoalan yang dihadapi lembaga penelitian, khususnya di Kementrian Sosial dalam menempatkan riset sebagai salah satu referensi empirik proses kebijakan. Dari pembahasan ini terungkap bahwa persoalan utamanya adalah bagaimana riset itu dapat dipahami sebagai bahan penting dalam penetuan alternatif kebijakan. Penelitian komperehensif (intersektoral) dan interdisiplin ilmu sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjawab permasalahan sosial yang semakin besar sekaligus semakin kompleks. Peningkatan kapasitas peneliti, baik kuantitas maupun kualitas dala merespons persoalan tersebut sangat dibutuhkan. Pada sisi lain, sinkronisasi program penelitian, baik di lingkungan lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan ,unit teknis kementrian maupun instasi sektoral di lingkungan pemerintah pusat dan daerah masih mengalami banyak hambatan. Pengejawantahan wacana proses kebijakan berbasis riset perlu dibangun berupa kesamaan pesepsi antaroganisasi termaksud sejak penentuan isu, perumusan masalah, hingga pelaporan hasil, tanpa megesampingkan kaidah ( meodologi dan administrasi ) penelitian untuk menjamin kredibilitas hasil. Konsekuensi logisnya sangat terkait dengan kesiapan peneliti dan sarana prasarana penelitian, termasuk dukungan penganggaran.
Research is an important aspect that has been used as one of the basic considerations for the process of a policy. In developed countries, every policy of non-governmental institutions, business entities, and non-profit instftutions can hardly be detached from the existence of research. Attempts to locate research results as the base for the policy process have been conducted by Indonesia for more than fifty years, but the results are still not optimum yet. This paper aimed to reveal a number of issues that are still faced by research institutions, especially in the Ministry of Social Affairs in placing research as one of the empirical references to the policy process. From the discourse it was revealed that the main issue was how the research can be understood as an important ingredient in the determination of policy alternatives. Comprehensive (intersectoral) and interdisciplinary research was needed to address the increasing complex social problems. Increasing the capacity of researchers, both quantity and quality in responding to the problem was still urgently needed. On the other hand, the synchronization of research programs, both within the research and development institutions, the technical units of ministries and sectoral agencies within the central and local governments still face many obstacles. Therefore, the manifestation of the discourse of a research-based policy process needs to be developed in the fonn of similar perceptions bet\veen inter-organizations since the determination of issues, the formulation of the problem, to reporting the results, without overriding the rules (methodology and administration) of research to ensure the credibility of the results. The logical consequence of this is closely related to the readiness of researchers and research infrastructure, including budget support.
Yogyakarta: Balai Besar dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial Yogyakarta (B2P3KS), 2017
360 MIPKS 41:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shabrina Ayu Adani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi kebijakan imigrasi zero tolerance di masa Pemerintahan Donald Trump pada bulan Mei – Juni 2018. Kebijakan ini merupakan penegakan program Operation Streamline yang diinisiasikan oleh Department of Homeland Security (DHS) dan Department of Justice (DOJ) pada tahun 2005. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat eksplanatif. Penulis menggunakan teori kebijakan publik dan implementasi kebijakan untuk menganalisis secara mendalam langkah-langkah yang diambil pemerintahan Donald Trump dalam implementasi kebijakan ini. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kebijakan ini berhasil menekan jumlah imigran gelap yang menyeberang melalui perbatasan Meksiko-Amerika Serikat, yang berarti bahwa kebijakan ini mencapai tujuan dan sasarannya. Dalam implementasinya, kebijakan ini menuai banyak kontra dari berbagai pihak, baik dari internal Partai Republik sebagai partai pengusung Trump, masyarakat Amerika Serikat, organisasi serta asosiasi di Amerika Serikat, dan tokoh-tokoh internasional. Kebijakan ini pada akhirnya justru memiliki dampak negatif berupa terpisahnya anak dari orang tua imigran serta bengkaknya dana yang dikeluarkan untuk implementasi kebijakan. Karenanya, kebijakan ini pada akhirnya dibatalkan oleh Presiden Donald Trump dua bulan setelah kebijakan ini diimplementasikan. ......This study discusses the implementation of the zero tolerance immigration policy in May to June 2018 during the Donald Trump Administration. This policy is an enforcement of the Operation Streamline program initiated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) back in 2005. This study uses qualitative method. This research uses public policy and implementation of public policies theories to analyse the steps taken by the Donald Trump Administration to implement this policy. This study finds that the zero tolerance immigration policy managed to suppress the number of illegal immigrants who tried to cross the Mexico-United States border unlawfully, which means that this policy met its goals and objectives. In its implementation, this policy received pushbacks from various parties, both from within the Republican Party, the American public, various organizations and associations in United States, and international figures. This policy ultimately had negative impacts, in the form of separating children from immigrant parents and increasing the funds spent on implementing the policy. As a result, the policy was eventually overturned by the then-President Donald Trump only two months after it was implemented.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marco Kenji Setiawan
Abstrak :
Tingginya tingkat emisi gas rumah kaca yang dihasilkan dari sektor transportasi di ibukota menjadi salah satu isu lingkungan yang paling diperhatikan. Dalam rangka mengurangi polusi udara dari sektor transportasi, pemerintah mendorong masyarakat untuk beralih ke mobil listrik dengan mengeluarkan fasilitas insentif PPnBM yang diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2021. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas kebijakan PPnBM atas mobil listrik di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post positivisme dan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan mencakup studi literatur dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan analisis kebijakan PPnBM dari kelima dimensi efektivitas kebijakan. Pertama, kebijakan ini belum mampu mencapai target terkait penurunan emisi namun mampu mencapai target terkait adopsi mobil listrik, dirumuskan dengan permasalahan yang hendak dipecahkan, dan dirumuskan oleh instansi yang memiliki wewenang dibidangnya. Kedua, kebijakan ini bersifat monopoli sehingga dijalankan oleh pihak pemerintah. Ketiga, kebijakan ini belum mampu mengakomodir kemampuan seluruh komponen target group, tidak menyebabkan tumpang tindih dengan kebijakan lain, dan merupakan pembaruan dari aturan yang telah ada sebelumnya. Keempat, kebijakan ini mendapat dukungan dari lingkungan internal kebijakan dan dari lingkungan eksternal kebijakan. Terakhir, kebijakan ini telah mencapai tahapan paling baik yaitu strategic readiness dilihat dari kesiapan kedua aktor yang terlibat, yaitu pemerintah dan target group. Terdapat empat rekomendasi untuk mendorong efektivitas kebijakan ini. Pertama, lebih fokus pada pengembangan tenaga listrik ramah lingkungan sehingga sumber daya pengisiannya berasal dari energi terbarukan. Kedua, melakukan benchmarking terhadap kebijakan fiskal di negara-negara yang telah berhasil mendorong penggunaan mobil listrik. Ketiga, perlu dilakukannya ekstensifikasi ekosistem mobil listrik, terutama Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPKLU) untuk mendorong minat beli masyarakat. Keempat, melakukan kajian terhadap relaksasi kriteria produsen mobil listrik terkait TKDN. ...... High levels of greenhouse emissions produced by the transportation sector in DKI Jakarta have been one of the most discussed environmental issues. In order to reduce air pollution from the transportation sector, the government encourages people to switch to electric cars by issuing sales tax incentives on luxury goods as regulated in Government Regulation Number 74 of 2021. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the sales tax on luxury goods on electric cars in DKI Jakarta. The research was conducted using the post-positivism paradigm and a descriptive type of research. Data collection techniques used include literature studies and in-depth interviews. The research results conclude the sales tax on luxury goods policy analysis from the five dimensions of policy effectiveness. First, this policy has not been able to achieve targets related to reducing emissions but has been able to achieve targets related to the adoption of electric cars, is formulated in accordance with the problems to be solved, and is formulated by government agencies that have authority in their fields. Second, the nature of this policy is monopoly, so it must be executed by the government. Third, this policy has not been able to accommodate the capabilities of all target group components, does not cause overlap with existing policies, and is an update of pre-existing rules. Fourth, this policy received support from both the internal policy environment and the external policy environment. Finally, this policy has reached the best stage, namely strategic readiness, as seen from the readiness of the two actors affected by the policy, namely the government and the target group. There are four recommendations to encourage the effectiveness of this policy. First, focus more on developing environmentally friendly electric power so that charging resources come from renewable energy. Second, benchmarking fiscal policies in countries that have succeeded in expanding the use of electric cars. Third, it is necessary to extend the electric car ecosystem, especially the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (PEVCS), to encourage people’s buying interest. Fourth, conducting a study on the relaxation of the criteria for electric car manufacturers related to local content requirements.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Ghina Fatina
Abstrak :
Sekuritisasi kerap kali menjadi faktor penentu bagi aktor politik untuk memformulasikan kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan keamanan negaranya. Atas dasar hal tersebut skripsi ini mengangkat tema kebijakan imigrasi dan kaitannya dengan sekuritisasi dan geopolitik, yang mengambil studi kasus Kebijakan Imigrasi Zero-Tolerance pada masa pemerintahan Donald Trump di tahun 2018. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori sekuritisasi dan teori geopolitk perbatasan. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah tata letak geografis antara Amerika dan Meksiko membangkitkan sekuritisasi pemerintah Amerika untuk mempertahankan wilayahnya dari imigran ilegal yang terus berdatangan dari Meksiko. Sekuritisasi ini menjadi dorongan bagi pemerintah untuk menghasilkan sebuah kebijakan imigrasi yang mengatur hal tersebut demi mempertahankan keamanan dan stabilitas Amerika. Sehingga dapat dilihat bahwa sekuritisasi dan tata letak geografis sebuah negara terhadap negara lainnya menjadi faktor pendorong dari sebuah formulasi kebijakan. ......Securitization is often a determining factor for political actors to formulate policies aimed at maintaining the security of their country. On this basis, this thesis raises the theme of immigration policy and its relation to securitization and geopolitics, which takes the case study of Zero-Tolerance Immigration Policy during Donald Trump's reign in 2018. The theory used in this research is the theory of securitization and border geopolitical theory. The findings of this study are that the geographical layout between America and Mexico evoked securitization of the American government to defend its territory from illegal immigrants who continued to arrive from Mexico. This securitization is an encouragement for the government to produce an immigration policy that regulates this in order to maintain American security and stability. So, it can be seen that the securitization and geographical layout of a country against other countries are the driving factors of a policy formulation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mayer, Robert R.
Jakarta: Rajawali, 1984
361.010 72 MAY dt (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabriella Dea Marshantina
Abstrak :
Peningkatan jumlah pencari suaka memicu respon serius dari pemerintah Australia dalam bentuk implementasi kebijakan. Serangkaian kebijakan imigrasi diusung oleh Partai Buruh dan Partai Koalisi Liberal-Nasional tentunya memiliki corak serta perbedaan tersendiri dalam implementasinya. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perbedaan dalam implementasi kebijakan imigrasi antara kedua partai besar Australia. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini akan menggunakan konsep Multiculturalism yang dikemukakan oleh Charles Taylor untuk menjelaskan perbedaan ideologi yang mendasari perbedaan kebijakan serta konsep National Interest oleh Hans J. Morgenthau untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kebijakan imigrasi digunakan sebagai alat pertahanan guna melindungi kepentingan nasional Australia. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Partai Buruh dan Partai Koalisi Liberal-Nasional memiliki arah gerak partai yang berbeda akibat latar belakang ideologinya. Hal ini yang kemudian berpengaruh terhadap pendekatan masing-masing partai terhadap pembentukan sebuah kebijakan. ......The increase in the number of asylum seekers triggered a serious response from the Australian government in the form of policy implementation. A series of immigration policies promoted by the Labor Party and the Liberal-National Coalition Party certainly have their own style and differences in their implementation. This study discusses the differences in the implementation of immigration policies between the two major Australian parties. With a qualitative approach, this study will use the concept of Multiculturalism put forward by Charles Taylor to explain ideological differences and the concept of National Interest by Hans J. Morgenthau to explain how immigration policy is used to protect Australia's national interests. This study found that the Labor Party and the Liberal-National Coalition Party have different directions of movement due to their ideological backgrounds. This then influences the approach of each party towards the formation of a policy.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baverly Hill's: Sage, 1983
307.760 URB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulinda Rachma Dewi
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini membahas mengenai evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua di Jakarta. Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara memiliki suatu kawasan Kota Tua seluas ± 334 ha yang dulunya merupakan pusat kegiatan ekonomi dan pemerintahan pada tiga masa kekuasaan, dimulai dari masa pemerintahan Pangeran Jayakarta, masa penjajahan Portugis, dan masa penjajahan Belanda. Tingginya nilai budaya dan sejarah di kawasan tersebut merupakan potensi pariwisata yang baik, oleh karena itu pemerintah DKI Jakarta membuat kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta yang dimulai sejak masa pemerintahan Gubernur Ali Sadikin pada tahun 1970. Namun proses revitalisasi kawasan tersebut dianggap masih belum memenuhi harapan. Pada tahun 2014 revitalisasi dicanangkan kembali dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua Jakarta dan diselenggarakan kerjasama pemerintah-swasta melalui konsorsium JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, dan menganalisis evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan post-positivis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan yaitu implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta masih belum efektif. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi belum efektifnya kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta antara lain karena status kepemilikan bangunan-bangunan yang beragam antara pribadi, swasta/BUMN, dan Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Sedikitnya bangunan yang dimiliki Pemprov DKI Jakarta membuat proses revitalisasi terhambat, ditambah lagi belum adanya leading sector dan minimnya SDM maupun anggaran dari Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua Jakarta sebagai pengelola kawasan tersebut. Namun dilakukannya kerjasama pemerintah-swasta dengan keberadaan konsorsium JOTRC merupakan upaya yang baik dalam melakukan percepatan pembangunan di kawasan Kota Tua. Beberapa saran yang diajukan dalam penelitian antara lain implementasi badan otorita yang mengelola kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta secepatnya sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Pergub DKI Jakarta no. 36 tahun 2014, pelibatan ahli cagar budaya dalam setiap pemugaran di kawasan Kota Tua sehingga tidak merusak atau menghilangkan nilai historis bangunan tersebut, serta pelibatan masyarakat lokal dalam pembangunan kawasan Kota Tua. ......This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities. This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities.;This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private /state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities., This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private /state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa permasalahan yang berada di seputar hibah luar negeri seperti isu mengenai intervensi negara/lembaga donor terhadap Indonesia serta tidak tertibnya administrasi hibah luar negeri sehingga menimbulkan tumpang tindihnya pembiayaan program-program pembangunan. Namun di sisi lain hibah luar negeri dibutuhkan sebagai alternatif sumber pembiayaan pembangunan untuk melengkapi pembiayaan dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara. Dengan kondisi ini maka hibah tetap diperlukan namun administrasinya harus ditertibkan antara lain melalui kebijakan pencantuman hibah dalam dokumen pelaksanaan anggaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel komunikasi dan variabel sumberdaya terhadap implementasi kebijakan pencantuman hibah dalam dokumen pelaksanaan anggaran serta bagaimana keadaan komunikasi dan sumber daya di dalam implementasi kebijakan ini. Model analisis yang digunakan didasarkan pada Teori Edwards III namun tidak secara utuh karena hanya meneliti pengaruh dari dua variabel dari empat variabel yang dinyatakan oleh Edwards berpengaruh terhadap implementasi kebijakan. Variabel yang mempengaruhi dalam penelitian ini adalah komunikasi dan sumberdaya, sedangkan variabel yang dipengaruhi adalah implementasi kebijakan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan positivisme dan merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui survai, wawancara dan kajian dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hubungan komunikasi terhadap implementasi kebijakan pencantuman hibah dalam dokumen pelaksanaan anggaran Kementerian/Lembaga pelaksana program kerjasama hibah UNICEF yang menjadi respponden dalam penelitian ini merupakan hubungan yang kuat serta mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan; hubungan sumberdaya terhadap implementasi kebijakan pencantuman hibah dalam dokumen pelaksanaan anggaran Kementerian/Lembaga instansi pelaksana program kerjasama hibah UNICEF yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan hubungan yang kuat serta mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan; hubungan komunikasi dan sumberdaya secara bersama-sama terhadap implementasi kebijakan pencantuman hibah dalam dokumen pelaksanaan anggaran Kementerian/Lembaga instansi pelaksana program kerjasama hibah UNICEF yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan hubungan yang sangat kuat serta mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan. Hasil penelitian juga memperlihatkan bahwa komunikasi sudah dilakukan namun belum mencapai hasil optimal dilihat dari pemahaman pelaku kebijakan terhadap kebijakan pencantuman hibah dalam dokumen pelaksanaan anggaran. Saran yang disampaikan berdasarkan hasil penelitian yaitu komunikasi dan kapasitas sumber daya harus ditingkatkan baik secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara paralel.
Several problems existing in the grants from overseas become the background for this research, and those problems are like the issue on state/donor institution?s intervention towards Indonesia and unorganized administration of the grants from overseas so that it causes the overlapping of the financing of the development programs. On the other hand, the grants from overseas are needed as an alternative development financing source to complement the financing from the State Budget. Because of this condition, the grants are still needed, but the administration has to be organized through, among others, the policy of putting a grant in a budget implementation document. The research aims to find out the influence of the communication variable and the resources variable towards the implementation of the policy of putting a grant in a budget implementation document and to understand how the condition of communication and resources is in the implementation of this policy. The analysis model used is based on the Theory of Edwards III, but the model is not based entirely on that theory because the study only investigated the influence of the two variables out of the four variables stated by Edwards having the influence towards the implementation of the policy. The variables influencing in this research are communication and resources, while the variable influenced is the implementation of the policy. The research used the positivism approach, and it is descriptive-quantitative research. The data collection technique was through survey, interview, and documentation study. One of the research results shows that the communication relation towards communication in the implementation of the policy of putting a grant in a budget implementation document of a Ministry/Institution which becomes an official body to implement the UNICEF grant cooperation program is a powerful relation and has a positive and significant influence; another result is the relation of resources towards the implementation of the policy of putting a grant in a budget implementation document of a Ministry/Institution which becomes an official body to implement the UNICEF grant cooperation program is a powerful relation and has a positive and significant influence; the relation of communication and resources together towards the implementation of the policy of putting a grant in a budget implementation document of a Ministry/Institution which becomes an official body to implement the UNICEF grant cooperation program is a very powerful relation and has a positive and significant influence. The research results also show that communication has been done, but it has not reached an optimal result seen from the understanding of the doers of the policy towards the policy of putting a grant in a budget implementation document. The recommendation given based on the research results is communication and the capacity of the resources have to be improved separately and in parallel.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015
306.449 RES
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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