Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh mindset terhadap kemampuan matematika yang dimediasi oleh metacognitive knowledge pada siswa SD. Penelitian ini melibatkan 370 siswa kelas 5 SD yang bersekolah di lima SD di wilayah Jakarta. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini meliputi 1) 12 soal matematika terkait hitungan sederhana dan penalaran; 2) alat ukur hasil adaptasi dari Metacognitive Knowledge in Mathematics Questionnaire (MKMQ) yang dikembangkan oleh Efklides & Vlachoupoulos (2012); 3) Adaptasi Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale dari Dweck (1999) untuk mengukur mindset siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari mindset terhadap kemampuan matematika. Pengaruh ini tetap signifikan setelah dimensi-dimensi metacognitive knowledge, yaitu person, task, dan strategy, dikontrol. Diketahui pula bahwa pengaruh mindset terhadap kemampuan matematika dimediasi oleh dimensi-dimensi metacognitive knowledge secara keseluruhan. Peran mediator masing-masing dimensi secara spesifik diketahui signifikan untuk dimensi person dan task, namun tidak demikian halnya dengan strategy.
This study was conducted to examine the indirect effects of mindset on elementary school students mathematical ability through metacognitive knowledge, as well as through its each dimensions. The participants of this study were 370 5th grade students in five schools in Jakarta. The instruments used in this were: 1) a mathematical test; 2) adapted version of Metacognitive Knowledge in Mathematics Questionnaire (MKMQ) by Efklides & Vlachopoulos (2012); and 3) adapted version of Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale (Dweck, 1999). The results showed that there was a significant effect of mindset on mathematical ability. This effect was still significant even after person, task and strategy dimensions of metacognitive knowledge were included. The total indirect effects of mindset on mathematical ability through metacognitive knowledge dimensions were significant. There were also significant specific indirect effects of mindset through person as well as task dimensions, but not through strategy dimension.