Syadza Andini
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan intervensi Stepping Stones Triple-P pada keluarga yang memiliki anak dengan Mild Intellectual Disability yang memiliki permasalahan perilaku disruptive (agresif dan tidak patuh). Program intervensi ini bertujuan untuk membantu orangtua mengembangkan strategi manajemen yang efektif untuk menangani berbagai masalah perilaku anak dengan developmental disabilities dan isu-isu perkembangan yang terkait. Program intervensi dilaksanakan dalam 7 sesi, yang terdiri dari 5 sesi di klinik, dan 2 sesi observasi di rumah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui metode ceramah, diskusi, worksheet dan
roleplay. Permasalahan perilaku anak diukur dengan menggunakan Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) yang diisi oleh orangtua pada sesi pertama dan terakhir program dan catatan harian perilaku yang diisi sepanjang program berlangsung. Gaya pengasuhan orangtua diukur dengan menggunakan instrument The Parenting Scale dari Arnold, O’Leary, Wolff, & Acker (1993). Selain itu, pengukuran persepsi orangtua mengenai kompetensinya dalam praktek pengasuhan diukur dengan Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) dari
Gibaud-Wallston, J. & Wandersman, L.P.(1978). Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah orangtua (Ayah) dari anak laki-laki usia 14 tahun 9 bulan (G) dengan diagnosa Mild Intellectual Disability, yang memiliki permasalahan perilaku disruptive (agresif dan tidak patuh). Ayah sebagai partisipan memiliki karakteristik pola pengasuhan yang keras, mudah marah, dan menggunakan kekerasan fisik sebagai metode pendisiplinan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan program intervensi Stepping Stones Triple-P terbukti efektif dalam mengurangi permasalahan perilaku membantah dan agresif pada G, melalui
peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan orangtua dalam menerapkan gaya pengasuhan yang positif. Pada studi ini, Ayah mengalami perubahan berupa lebih tenang ketika bereaksi terhadap kesalahan-kesalahan G dan tidak langsung memuncak kemarahannya, menerapkan strategi dalam meningkatkan hubungan positif dengan G, dan mampu menerapkan pola disiplin yang tegas dan konsisten, serta tidak menggunakan kekerasan;The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Stepping Stones Triple-P intervention on a family who have a child with Mild Intellectual Disability and disruptive behavior problems (aggressive and non-compliant). This program aims to help parent develop effective management strategies for dealing with a variety of behavioral problems of child with developmental disabilities and issues related to the development. This program implemented in 7 sessions, which consist 5 sessions at the clinic, and two observation sessions at home. The method used in this study is through lectures, discussions, worksheets, and role-plays. Child behavior problems were measured by using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) filled out by parents on the first and last session of the program; as well as diaries of problem behavior filled out throughout the program. Dysfunctional
parenting styles were measured using The Parenting Scale (PS) of Arnold, O’Leary, Wolff, and Acker (1993). In addition, the measurement of parental perceptions regarding their competence in parenting practices measured by the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) of Gibaud-Wallston, J. & Wandersman, LP (1978). Both PS and PSOC were filled out by parents on the first and last session of the program. Participant in this study were parents (father) of a boy ages 14 years and 9 months old (G) with a diagnosis of Mild Intellectual Disability, who has disruptive behavior problems (aggressive and non-compliant).
Father as a participant has characteristics of harsh parenting, irritability, and using physical violence as a disciplinary method. The results showed that the implementation of the Stepping Stones Triple-P interventions proved effective in reducing the problem of non-compliant and aggressive behaviors in G, by enhancing the knowledge and skills of parents to implement positive parenting styles. In this study, father experienced changes in parenting attitude that are able
to be calm when reacting to G’s problem behavior, able to implement positive relation strategies with G, and capable of implementing firm and consistent discipline instead of coercive disciplinary method., The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Stepping Stones
Triple-P intervention on a family who have a child with Mild Intellectual
Disability and disruptive behavior problems (aggressive and non-compliant). This
program aims to help parent develop effective management strategies for dealing
with a variety of behavioral problems of child with developmental disabilities and
issues related to the development. This program implemented in 7 sessions, which
consist 5 sessions at the clinic, and two observation sessions at home. The method
used in this study is through lectures, discussions, worksheets, and role-plays.
Child behavior problems were measured by using the Child Behavior Checklist
(CBCL) filled out by parents on the first and last session of the program; as well
as diaries of problem behavior filled out throughout the program. Dysfunctional
parenting styles were measured using The Parenting Scale (PS) of Arnold,
O’Leary, Wolff, and Acker (1993). In addition, the measurement of parental
perceptions regarding their competence in parenting practices measured by the
Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) of Gibaud-Wallston, J. &
Wandersman, LP (1978). Both PS and PSOC were filled out by parents on the
first and last session of the program. Participant in this study were parents (father)
of a boy ages 14 years and 9 months old (G) with a diagnosis of Mild Intellectual
Disability, who has disruptive behavior problems (aggressive and non-compliant).
Father as a participant has characteristics of harsh parenting, irritability, and using
physical violence as a disciplinary method. The results showed that the
implementation of the Stepping Stones Triple-P interventions proved effective in
reducing the problem of non-compliant and aggressive behaviors in G, by
enhancing the knowledge and skills of parents to implement positive parenting
styles. In this study, father experienced changes in parenting attitude that are able
to be calm when reacting to G’s problem behavior, able to implement positive
relation strategies with G, and capable of implementing firm and consistent
discipline instead of coercive disciplinary method.]
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library