Nur Setiawati Rahayu
Abstrak :
Sindrom pramenstruasi merupakan sekumpulan gejala yang dirasakan 7-10 hari sebelum siklus
menstruasi, gejala yang sering dirasakan adalah perubahan mood, nyeri sendi atau otot, food
carving. Desain studi dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan teknik sampling yang
digunakan adalah sensus, sehingga responden dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswi yang
terdaftar di program studi gizi dari angkatan 2011?2013. Dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat bahwa
sebagian besar mahasiswi Gizi FKM UI mengalami defisiensi zat gizi mikro, sedangkan hasil uji
hubungan antara asupan zat gizi dengan sindrom pramenstruasi menyatakan beberapa asupan zat
gizi memiliki hasil yang signifikan dengan sindrom pramenstruasi yaitu, Protein (0.047),
Vitamin A (0.014), Vitamin B1 (0.000), Vitamin B2 (0.002), Vitamin B6 (0.000), Magnesium
(0.000) dan Kalsium (0.000). adapun asupan zat gizi yang paling dominan memengaruhi sindrom
pramenstruasi adalah vitamin B1, mahasiswi yang memiliki asupan vitamin B1 yang cukup
memiliki resiko 61 kali lebih kecil mengalami sindrom pramenstruasi dibandingkan dengan
mahasiswi yang mengalami defisiensi.
Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that is felt 7-10 days before the menstrual cycle,
which is often perceived symptoms are changes in mood, muscle pain, food carving and many
more. Design study in this research used cross-sectional with sampling technique used is the
census, so the respondents of this study are all female students enrolled in the course nutrition of
force from 2011 to 2013. From this study it can be seen that most of the FKM UI student
Nutritional deficiency of micronutrients, while the test results the relationship between nutrient
intake with premenstrual syndrome reveals some nutrient intake had significant results with
premenstrual syndrome, namely, Proteins (0047), Vitamin A (0014), Vitamin B1 (0.000),
Vitamin B2 (0002), Vitamin B6 (0.000), Magnesium (0000) and Calcium (0000). As for the
nutrient intake of the most dominant influence of premenstrual syndrome is vitamin B1, a student
who has a sufficient intake of vitamin B1 has a 61 times lower risk of experiencing premenstrual
syndrome compared with students who are deficient;Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that is felt 7-10 days before the menstrual cycle,
which is often perceived symptoms are changes in mood, muscle pain, food carving and many
more. Design study in this research used cross-sectional with sampling technique used is the
census, so the respondents of this study are all female students enrolled in the course nutrition of
force from 2011 to 2013. From this study it can be seen that most of the FKM UI student
Nutritional deficiency of micronutrients, while the test results the relationship between nutrient
intake with premenstrual syndrome reveals some nutrient intake had significant results with
premenstrual syndrome, namely, Proteins (0047), Vitamin A (0014), Vitamin B1 (0.000),
Vitamin B2 (0002), Vitamin B6 (0.000), Magnesium (0000) and Calcium (0000). As for the
nutrient intake of the most dominant influence of premenstrual syndrome is vitamin B1, a student
who has a sufficient intake of vitamin B1 has a 61 times lower risk of experiencing premenstrual
syndrome compared with students who are deficient, Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that is felt 7-10 days before the menstrual cycle,
which is often perceived symptoms are changes in mood, muscle pain, food carving and many
more. Design study in this research used cross-sectional with sampling technique used is the
census, so the respondents of this study are all female students enrolled in the course nutrition of
force from 2011 to 2013. From this study it can be seen that most of the FKM UI student
Nutritional deficiency of micronutrients, while the test results the relationship between nutrient
intake with premenstrual syndrome reveals some nutrient intake had significant results with
premenstrual syndrome, namely, Proteins (0047), Vitamin A (0014), Vitamin B1 (0.000),
Vitamin B2 (0002), Vitamin B6 (0.000), Magnesium (0000) and Calcium (0000). As for the
nutrient intake of the most dominant influence of premenstrual syndrome is vitamin B1, a student
who has a sufficient intake of vitamin B1 has a 61 times lower risk of experiencing premenstrual
syndrome compared with students who are deficient]
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