"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sikap guru terhadap pendidikan inklusif dengan peer acceptance siswa reguler terhadap anak berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah dasar inklusif negeri. Sikap guru pada konteks pendidikan inklusif didefinisikan sebagai kecenderungan dalam memberikan respon terhadap anak berkebutuhan khusus baik secara kognitif, afektif, dan perilaku (Mahat, 2008). Peer acceptance didefinisikan sebagai sejauh mana individu mampu diterima secara sosial oleh kelompok teman sebayanya (Berk, 2007).
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 11 sekolah dasar inklusif negeri di sekitar Jakarta, Depok, dan Bogor. Total responden penelitian ini adalah 50 guru dan 482 siswa reguler laki-laki dan perempuan kelas 4, 5, dan 6 SD.
Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur Multidimentional Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education versi Indonesia (MATIES-VI) dari Mahat (2008) dan Peer Acceptance Scale (PAS) dari Piercy, Wilto dan Townsend (2002, dalam Jenkins & Lloyd, 2010). Teknik unit analisis kelas digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan merata-ratakan skor siswa reguler dan mengorelasikannya dengan skor guru.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap guru terhadap pendidikan inklusif dengan peer acceptance siswa reguler terhadap anak berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah dasar inklusif negeri (r=-0.196, p<0,05). Artinya, sikap guru yang positif tidak selalu diikuti oleh penerimaan teman sebaya oleh siswa reguler yang positif terhadap siswa berkebutuhan khusus.
This research was conducted to find the relationship between teacher`s attitude towards inclusive education with regular student`s peer acceptance towards student with special needs in inclusive public primary school. The teacher`s attitude in the context of inclusive education is defined as a tendency to respond to children with special needs both cognitive, affective, and behavioral (Mahat, 2008). Peer acceptance is defined as a degree to which an individual is able to be accepted socially by a group of peers (Berk, 2007). This study was conducted in 11 inclusive public primary schools in Jakarta, Depok, and Bogor. Total respondents of this study were 50 teachers and 482 regular students boys and girls grade 4th, 5th, and 6th. This study uses Multidimentional Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education Indonesian version (MATIES-VI) by Mahat (2008) and Peer Acceptance Scale (PAS) by Piercy, Wilto and Townsend (2002, in Jenkins & Lloyd, 2010). Unit analysis of class is used in this study by averaging the scores of regular student`s score and correlate it with the teacher`s scores. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between the teacher`s attitudes towards inclusive education with regular students peer acceptance of children with special needs in inclusive public primary schools (r = -0196, p <0.05). It means, positive teacher`s attitude is not always following by positive regular student`s peer acceptance towards student with special needs."