ABSTRAKAkibat pengaruh globalisasi serta peningkatan pendidikan maupun kemampuan ekonomi maka tuntutan masyarakat berubah, apalagi dalam situasi persaingan, menuntut Rumah Sakit Umum Kardinah menentukan sikap dengan pemilihan strategi.
Bertolak dari visi dan misinya maka dilakukan penelitian operasional dengan analisis strategik melalui 3 tahapan yaitu:
1. The Input Stage terdiri dari identifikasi External Factor Evaluation dan Internal Factor Evaluation serta Competitive Profile Matrix.
2. The Matching Stage menggunakan Strength - Weakness - Opportunities - Threats ( SWOT ) Matrix dan Boston Consulting Group Matrix, Internal External Matrix serta Grand Strategy Matrix.
3. The Decision Stage dengan Quantitative Strategic Plan ning Matrix (QSPM).
Pengumpulan data lewat observasi data sekunder dan analisa faktor lingkungan dengan intuisi terbaik dalam fokus grup serta indepth interview pada sampel purposive.
Dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa RSU. Kardinah mempunyai kekuatan sedikit di atas rerata dan internal sedikit di bawah rerata, dengan posisi kompetisi yang kuat dalam pertumbuhan pasar yang cepat, setelah melalui berbagai cara matching direkomendasikan strategi rayanya adalah product development dan market penetration.
Melalui berbagai analisa maka direkomendasikan strategi mengoptimalkan kinerja staf medik, perbaikan ,jasa pelayanan, pelayanan baru, renovasi fisik, persiapan unit swadana dan pemasaran aktif serta pengembangan tenaga.
Dicoba dibahas keterkaitan antar strategi dan disimpulkan bahwa persiapan unit swadana merupakan strategi terpenting, dan mengoptimalkan kinerja staf medik adalah strategi yang penting.
Daftar Pustaka 30 ( 1982 - 1997 )
ABSTRACTThe globalization, the increasing level of education and also the ever strengthening of economic sector have, anyway, changed the public demand. In this competitive situation, Kardinah General Hospital should determine its proper strategy.
Based on its vision and mission this operational research is conducted through 3 stages of strategic analysis as follows :
1. The Input Stage consisting of identification of External Factor Evaluation and Internal Factor Evaluation besides Competitive Profile Matrix.
2. The Matching Stage using Strength - Weakness - Opportunities - Threat (SWOT) Matrix and Boston Consulting Group Matrix, Internal External Matrix and also Grand Strategy Matrix.
3. The Decision Stage with Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix.
Data collection is done by observing secondary data and analyzing environmental factor with the good intuitive judgment in group focus, and in-depth interview to purposive samples.
Based on the research, it is known that Kardinah General Hospital has a little bit strength above the average and the internal is slightly lower than the average, with strong competitive position in a fast growing market, thus its recommended grand strategies are the product development and market penetration.
Through various analysis, it is strategically recommended to make improvement the performance of medical staff, improvement of service reward, new service, physical renovation, preparation for self-funding unit and active marketing, and also development of human resources.
This thesis also tries to show the inter-correlation of the strategies and it is concluded that preparation for self funding unit is the most urgently strategy needed and optimalization on the work performance of medical staff is urgently strategy needed.
Reference 30 ( 1982 - 1997 )"