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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dadi Hidayat Maskar
Abstrak :
Every body consumes street-foods, even babies as early as 6 months of age. The older the children, the more varied the street foods being consumed. Street foods therefore have contributed to a significant proportion of energy, protein and iron intake of school age children. Looking at high percentages of street foods contribution to their nutrient intake, street foods play an important role in school children's growth and school achievement. On the other hand the safety (microbiological & chemical aspect) of street foods is still questionable. This study aimed to investigate the predicted consumption of illegal food additives from street food among school children from two different types of government primary schools. This research report is arranged and divided in three sequential parts. Part 1 contains comprehensive review on the background and rationale of the study, problem statements, literature review, conceptual framework, objectives of the study and the hypothesis. Part 2 consists of manuscript for publication entitled "School children from model school had lower intake of illegal food additive from street foods compare to school children from regular school" that presents the main findings of the study. The manuscript is written in accordance with the "Instruction for Author's" of "Food and Nutrition Bulletin". Part 3 is the compilation of the detailed questionnaire, methodology, other important results that are not included in the manuscript, ethical consideration and list of references.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Ayuningtyas
Abstrak :
Selai merupakan produk makanan semi padat yang terbuat dari buah-buahan yang dimasak dengan gula yang digunakan sebagai pemberi rasa pada roti termasuk selai stroberi. Selai stroberi merupakan makanan yang ditambahkan bahan tambahan makanan berupa zat warna. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya Ponceau 4R, merah Allura, Rodamin B, dan Amaran dalam sampel selai stroberi yang ada di Pasar Tradisional kota Depok serta menetapkan kadar zat warna merah sintetik yang diijinkan yang terdapat pada sampel selai stroberi. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah isolasi zat warna dengan bulu domba kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis menggunakan reaksi warna, dilanjutkan dengan kromatografi kertas menggunakan eluen etanol-n-butanol-air (3:4:4) dan isobutanol-etanol-air (3:2:4) dan KLT-densitometri dengan menggunakan eluen etanol-n-butanol-air (3:7:1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari delapan sampel yang diperiksa, enam diantaranya mengandung ponceau 4R dengan kadar masing-masing sampel sebesar 0,01164; 0,00469; 0,00974; 0,00283; 0,00482 dan 0,00435% yang masih aman untuk dikonsumsi. ......Jam is a semi-solid food products made of fruit cooked with sugar that used as a flavoring on bakery including strawberry jam. Strawberry jam is added to food additives such as food dyes. The purpose of this study is to know about ponceau 4R, allura red, rodamin B, and amaran in the sample of strawberry jam in the traditional market at Depok City and to determine the levels of synthetic red dyes that are permitted on the sample strawberry jam. The method applied was dye isolation with wool and followed by analysis using a color reaction, then followed by paper chromatography using mobile phase n-butanol-ethanol-water (3:4:4) and isobutanol-ethanol-water (3:2:4 ) and also TLC Densitometri using eluent ethanol-n-butanol-water (3:7:1). The result of study that from eight that has been investigated, it was found that six of them was contained ponceau 4R with levels of each sample at 0,01164; 0,00469; 0,00974; 0,00283; 0,00482 and 0,00435% still safe to consume.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Millstone, Erik
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1986
664.06 Mil f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eady, Julie
Abstrak :
First published in September 2004, Additive Alert - Your Guide to Safer Shopping has become a best selling consumer reference about food additives in Australian foods. The book has sold more than 25 000 copies in its first year and thousands of families around the country have already discovered the simple steps they can take to avoid harmful additives and enjoy better health and happier kids as a result.This remarkable book will tell - What food additives are and why they are used.- Which ones are safe and which ones are not.- How additives are linked to health problems.- How to read and understand food labels – what the manufacturers do not tell you.- Which additives are considered unsafe overseas yet still used in Australia.- How to take control of your kitchen and make healthier choices for you and your family.- Things you can do to help make a difference.
New York: Additive Alert, Mullaloo, W.A, 2011
641.308 EAD a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pardede, Bosar M.
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan ketidaktaatan para pelaku usaha IRTP dalam menggunakan bahan kimia berbahaya pada pangan yang diproduksinya dan mengetahui langkah-langkah kebijakan yang efektif dan tepat dalam mengendalikan ketidaktaatan pelaku usaha IRTP dalam penggunaan bahan kimia berbahaya (formalin). Metode yang digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan tipe pertanyaan terbuka. Penentuan informan didasarkan pada teknik purposive. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) formalin merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam pembuatan tahu karena sudah sejak lama digunakan sebagai bahan untuk menjaga kualitas rasa, aroma, warna, tekstur, dan menghilangkan lendir; (2) Tidak adanya bahan pengganti formalin yang efektif, meskipun terdapat beberapa alternatif pilihan bahan pengganti formalin, membuat kualitas tahu tidak hanya menurun, justru tahu menjadi rusak; (3) Adanya penolakan dari konsumen, apabila formalin tidak ditambahkan dalam tahu, maka akan terjadi penolakan dan keluhan; (4) Keberlangsungan Usaha, akibat dampak dari penolakan konsumen terhadap tahu non formalin secara langsung dan cepat akan mengancam keberlangsungan industri tahu; (5) tidak adanya keterlibatan efektif pemerintah, bahwa pemerintah bukan hanya tidak secara maksimal turun ke lapangan, namun juga dapat dikatakan tidak berkontribusi langsung terhadap permasalahan ini; (6) tidak tegasnya pemerintah, khususnya dalam hal ini aparat penegak hukum dalam penerapan sanksi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku, serta belum adanya pemecahan masalah sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Saran yang bersifat strategis bagi para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) adalah segera melakukan penelitian untuk menemukan zat pengganti formalin yang mampu menggantikan secara utuh sesuai permintaan produsen dan konsumen. Saran yang bersifat metodologis, khususnya bagi peneliti selanjutnya adalah dengan mencoba menerapkan pendekatan penelitian yang berbeda, yaitu pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif berupa survey, dengan fokus lebih kepada perilaku ketidaktaatan secara individual. Penelitian yang berfokus pada sisi konsumen juga disarankan dilakukan, karena dengan mempelajari sisi konsumen diharapkan masalah dengan harapan konsumen dapat ditanggap secara baik. Selain itu, peneliti selanjutnya disarankan untuk meneliti bahan kimia berbahaya lain seperti penggunaan boraks, rhodamin B, dan methanyl yellow yang digunakan pada produk makanan lain seperti bakso, mie, ikan asin, serta produk minuman.
This research was aimed to obtain factors causing disobedience among food household industries in using hazardous chemical substance and to obtain effective and fit policy in overcoming or eliminating disobedience of food household industries in using hazardous chemical substance (formaldehyde) in their product. Qualitative research method by conducting in-depth interviews using open-ended questions was used in this study. Informers were determined by purposive technique. Results showed that: (1) formaldehyde was one of important substances in processing tahu (bean curd) to maintain qualities such as taste, aroma, texture, and eliminating mucous; (2) there were no chemical substitutions which had the same effectiveness as formaldehyde, even though there were alternatives of chemical substances, they would only degrade and damage the product; (3) there were rejections and complaints from customers if the product did not include formalin; (4) the continuity of business was at stake directly and indirectly as a result of customers? rejections; (5) there was no effective involvement from the government, not only in supervising role in the field but also did not give direct contribution to the problem; (6) the irresoluteness from government, specifically from law enforcement in implementing sanctions according to regulations, and there was no problem solving as expected. Strategic suggestions needed for stakeholders are to conduct relevant research to discover substitute substance of formalin which can replace it perfectly in accordance with producers and consumers needs. Methodological suggestions for the next researchers are to try using different research method, such as quantitative survey approach which focuses more on individual disobedience behaviors. Research focuses on consumer?s side also needed to investigate since by understanding consumer?s point of view the whole picture of consumer expectations can be learned. Furthermore, next researchers interested are suggested to study another hazardous chemical substances such as the using of borax, rhodamin B, and methanyl yellow in usage another food such as bakso, mie, ikan asin, and beverage.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lina Rospita
Abstrak :
Studi cross sectional ini bertujuan untuk membuat Iembaran data HACCP dan mengetahui praktek pembuat makanan di Kotamadya Bekasi. Hasil Studi menemukan 10 makanan yang paling sering dikonsumsi oleh anak 6-24 buian adalah sayur bening bayam, sayur sop, nasi, nasi tim, biskuit, bubur ayam, bubur instant, tempe goreng, ikan goreng, dan telur dadar dengan CCP yaitu pemasakan, pendinginan, penyimpanan, pemanasan ulang, pembelian, penyiapan, dan penambahan bahan setelah pemanasan. Praktek pembuat makanan yang diiclentifikasi meliputi tidak memasak secara menyeluruh, tidak segera memakan makanan, tidak memanaskan makanan, tidak membaca tanggal kadaluarsa, tidak memeriksa kondisi kemasan ketika pembelian, dan tidak mencuci tangan dengan benar.
This cross sectional study aimed to develop HACCP data sheet and assess food handler's practices in Bekasi municipality. The study found 10 foods mostly consumed by 6-24 months old children were spinach soup, vegetable soup, cooked rice, nasi tim, biscuit, ready to eat rice porridge, instant porridge formula, fried temps, fried lish, and egg omelet. The CCPS commonly found were cooking, holding, storing, reheating, purchasing, preparation, and addition of ingredients after heat treatment. Food handler's practices identified were not thoroughly cooking; not eating cooked food promptly; not reheating; not reading expiry date; not observing broken package; and improper hand washing.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusiani Dewi Assaat
Abstrak :
Akrilamida merupakan senyawa kimia yang bersifat karsinogenik, terdapat dalam sejumlah makanan yang melalui proses pemanasan tinggi. Pentingnya suatu alat deteksi yang dapat mendeteksi keberadaan akrilamida pada sampel makanan menjadi suatu hal yang sangat berguna pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan alat deteksi untuk deteksi keberadaan Akrilamida (AA) di dalam sampel makanan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 4 tahap, yaitu: sintesis antigen NAS-BSA, produksi, purifikasi dan karakterisasi antibodi, sintesis AuNP untuk label dalam perangkat sensor AA berbasis sandwich LFIA dan aplikasinya untuk pengujian sampel kopi. Sintesis antigen NAS-BSA yang berupa cairan tak berwarna berhasil diperoleh. Pemurnian antibodi dilakukan menggunakan ammonium sulfat dan protein A. Karakterisasi dilakukan menggunakan uji presipitasi (AGPT), elektroforesis (SDS-PAGE), tanpa elektroforesis (DBIA), dan Indirect ELISA. Konsentrasi antibodi crude (tanpa pemurnian), pemurnian ammonium sulfat dan protein A berturut turut sebesar1,812 mg/mL, 0,751 mg/mL, dan 0,932 mg/mL. Hasil SDS-PAGE antibodi menunjukkan bahwa pemurnian protein A lebih murni dibandingkan dengan ammonium sulfat dan crude antibodi, yang menunjukkan pita pada 50 kDa dan 25 kDa. Hasil karakterisasi DBIA menunjukan spesifitas yang baik terhadap akrilamida, dan Indirect ELISA menunjukkan titer antibodi yang semakin meningkat. Nanopartikel emas (AuNP) dan konjugat AuNP-anti-AA telah berhasil disintesis dan  dikarakkterisasi menggunakan spektrofotometer Visible, FTIR, dan TEM. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan tidak terjadi perbedaan ukuran nanopartikel yang signifikan. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa AuNP dan konjugat AuNP-anti AA telah berhasil disintesis dan dapat digunakan sebagai label. Strip test immunokromatografi untuk sensor akrilamida sudah berhasil difabrikasi dan bekerja dengan spesifik untuk mendeteksi larutan akrilamida standar. Strip test immunokromatografi berhasil mendeteksi akrilamida pada sampel kopi secara kualitatif.
Acrylamide (AA) is neurotoxin and carcinogenic which is found in food with high heating process.In this work, we developthe detection devices for presence of AA in food samples. We conducted 4 stages in this study, (i) NAS-BSA antigen synthesis, (ii) production, purification and characterization of antibodies, (iii)synthesis AuNP as labels in LFIA sandwich-based AA sensor devices and (iv) detection of AA in coffee sample. The synthesis of NAS-BSA antigen in the form of colorless liquid was successfully obtained and confirmed by Ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Antibody purification was carried out using ammonium sulfate and protein A. Characterization was carried out using precipitation tests (AGPT), electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), without electrophoresis (DBIA), and Indirect ELISA. The crude antibody concentration (without purification), ammonium sulfate purification and protein A were 1,812 mg/mL, 0.751 mg/mL and 0.932 mg/mL, respectively. The SDS-PAGE antibody results showed that purification of protein A was purer compared to ammonium sulfate and crude antibodies, which showed bands at 50 kDa and 25 kDa. The results of DBIA characterization showed good specificity for acrylamide, and Indirect ELISA showed an increasing antibody titer. Gold nanoparticles (AuNP) and AuNP-anti-AA conjugates have been successfully synthesized and characterized using Visible, FTIR, and TEM spectrophotometers. The results show no significant difference in the size of the nanoparticles and can be used as labels. Immunochromatographic test strips for acrylamide sensors have been fabricated and detect specifically for standard acrylamide solution and coffee samples qualitatively.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindy Agatha Donnabella
Abstrak :

Sektor pangan terutama jagung merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang berperan penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Namun industri tersebut memiliki permasalahan food loss pada rantai pasok di sentra jagung nasional seperti Nusa Tenggara Timur yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan keuntungan produksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari strategi berupa kebijakan terbaik dalam upaya mengurangi food loss dalam rantai pasok industri jagung di Nusa Tenggara Timur menggunakan pendekatan sistem dinamis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah model yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa variabel yang memiliki pengaruh cukup tinggi terhadap penggenerasian food loss dalam rantai pasok seperti kualitas bibit jagung yang ditanam dan kualitas peralatan yang digunakan. Maka dari itu, dari hasil model skenario yang telah dijalankan, ditemukan alternatif strategi utama yang menunjukkan pengurangan food loss yang signifikan yaitu meningkatkan investasi terhadap kualitas bibit jagung yang ditanam dan kualitas peralatan yang digunakan.


......The agricultural sector, especially maize, is one of the industrial sectors that plays an important role in the Indonesian economy. However, the industry has a food loss problem in the supply chain in national maize centers such as East Nusa Tenggara which results in a decrease in production efficiency. The purpose of this research is to find the best policy strategy as an effort to reduce food loss in the supply chain of the maize industry in East Nusa Tenggara using a dynamic system approach. The result of this study is a model that shows several variables that have a high influence on the generation of food loss in the supply chain such as quality of seeds that will be planted and quality of equipment used. Therefore, from the results of the scenario model that has been run, its found the main alternative strategies that show a significant reduction in food loss are increasing investment in the quality of planted maize seeds and the quality of equipment used.


Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bangkok: Board of Investment Welfare, 1994
641.308 593 FOO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benarde, Melvin A.
New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1971
664.06 BEN c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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