ABSTRAKPembangunan Jaringan Distribusi Gas Bumi untuk Rumah Tangga (JGRT) adalah
salah satu program Pemerintah untuk memperbanyak penggunaan gas bumi.
Program JGRT dilaksanakan di 24 kota di seluruh Indonesia dengan sasaran
sebanyak 80.000 rumah tangga. Salah satu kota yang terpilih adalah Kota Depok.
Pembangunan JGRT Kota Depok diberikan terhadap 4000 rumah tangga di
Kelurahan Beji dan Beji Timur pada tahun 2010. Namun hingga saat ini belum
pernah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan program tersebut.
Penelitian ini mencoba mengevaluasi pencapaian outcomes program
pembangunan JGRT di Kota Depok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan
survei dengan jumlah responden 150 rumah tangga yang dipilih dengan metode
proportional random sampling. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara deskriptif
Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa jumlah penerima program yang
beralih menggunakan gas bumi dari LPG tabung sebesar 93,45%. Konsumsi gas
bumi dari penerima program dapat menggantikan 11.439 tabung LPG 3kg dan
1.120 LPG 12kg per bulan. Jumlah tersebut hanya 0,85% dari total rumah tangga
dan total konsumsi LPG 3kg dan 12kg per bulan di Kota Depok. Penghematan
subsidi yang telah didapatkan Pemerintah sejak bulan Juni tahun 2011 sampai
dengan Desember tahun 2013 sebesar 8,2 miliar rupiah. Analisis persepsi
responden terhadap penggunaan gas bumi disimpulkan bahwa gas bumi terbukti
lebih murah, lebih aman, dan lebih praktis dibandingkan LPG 3kg dan 12kg.
Hambatan program JGRT Kota Depok adalah belum adanya pengembangan
JGRT ke wilayah lain di Kota Depok.
ABSTRAKThe Development of Natural Gas Distribution Network for Household (JGRT) is
one of the Government of Indonesia's programs to increase the use of natural gas.
JGRT program is implemented in 24 cities across Indonesia with a target of
80,000 households, including Depok as one of the pilot. The JGRT Depok
development was applied to 4000 households in Beji and East Beji Village in
2010. However, an evaluation of the implementation of the program has never
been conducted until today.
This study is focused on evaluating the achievement of the program outcomes of
the JGRT in Depok. The study was conducted by using the survey approach with
150 households selected as respondents. The respondents? selection process was
done by using proportional random sampling method, while the analysis was
conducted by using descriptive quantitative method.
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the number of beneficiaries who
previously use the LPG tubes and switch to use the natural gas is 93.45% of all
surveyed beneficiaries. The amount of gas consumption can substitute 11,439
tubes of LPG 3kg and 1,120 tubes of LPG 12kg per month. This figure represents
0.85% of the total households in Depok and total monthly of 3kg and 12kg LPG
consumption in Depok. Government subsidies which have been saved since June
of 2011 until December of 2013 amounted to 8.2 billion Rupiah. Based on the
analysis of respondent?s perceptions of the use of natural gas, it is concluded that
the natural gas is proven to be cheaper, safer and more practical compared to LPG
3kg and 12kg. The barriers of the JGRT program in Depok is the lack of
development JGRT to other areas in Depok.;The Development of Natural Gas Distribution Network for Household (JGRT) is
one of the Government of Indonesia's programs to increase the use of natural gas.
JGRT program is implemented in 24 cities across Indonesia with a target of
80,000 households, including Depok as one of the pilot. The JGRT Depok
development was applied to 4000 households in Beji and East Beji Village in
2010. However, an evaluation of the implementation of the program has never
been conducted until today.
This study is focused on evaluating the achievement of the program outcomes of
the JGRT in Depok. The study was conducted by using the survey approach with
150 households selected as respondents. The respondents? selection process was
done by using proportional random sampling method, while the analysis was
conducted by using descriptive quantitative method.
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the number of beneficiaries who
previously use the LPG tubes and switch to use the natural gas is 93.45% of all
surveyed beneficiaries. The amount of gas consumption can substitute 11,439
tubes of LPG 3kg and 1,120 tubes of LPG 12kg per month. This figure represents
0.85% of the total households in Depok and total monthly of 3kg and 12kg LPG
consumption in Depok. Government subsidies which have been saved since June
of 2011 until December of 2013 amounted to 8.2 billion Rupiah. Based on the
analysis of respondent?s perceptions of the use of natural gas, it is concluded that
the natural gas is proven to be cheaper, safer and more practical compared to LPG
3kg and 12kg. The barriers of the JGRT program in Depok is the lack of
development JGRT to other areas in Depok.;The Development of Natural Gas Distribution Network for Household (JGRT) is
one of the Government of Indonesia's programs to increase the use of natural gas.
JGRT program is implemented in 24 cities across Indonesia with a target of
80,000 households, including Depok as one of the pilot. The JGRT Depok
development was applied to 4000 households in Beji and East Beji Village in
2010. However, an evaluation of the implementation of the program has never
been conducted until today.
This study is focused on evaluating the achievement of the program outcomes of
the JGRT in Depok. The study was conducted by using the survey approach with
150 households selected as respondents. The respondents’ selection process was
done by using proportional random sampling method, while the analysis was
conducted by using descriptive quantitative method.
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the number of beneficiaries who
previously use the LPG tubes and switch to use the natural gas is 93.45% of all
surveyed beneficiaries. The amount of gas consumption can substitute 11,439
tubes of LPG 3kg and 1,120 tubes of LPG 12kg per month. This figure represents
0.85% of the total households in Depok and total monthly of 3kg and 12kg LPG
consumption in Depok. Government subsidies which have been saved since June
of 2011 until December of 2013 amounted to 8.2 billion Rupiah. Based on the
analysis of respondent’s perceptions of the use of natural gas, it is concluded that
the natural gas is proven to be cheaper, safer and more practical compared to LPG
3kg and 12kg. The barriers of the JGRT program in Depok is the lack of
development JGRT to other areas in Depok., The Development of Natural Gas Distribution Network for Household (JGRT) is
one of the Government of Indonesia's programs to increase the use of natural gas.
JGRT program is implemented in 24 cities across Indonesia with a target of
80,000 households, including Depok as one of the pilot. The JGRT Depok
development was applied to 4000 households in Beji and East Beji Village in
2010. However, an evaluation of the implementation of the program has never
been conducted until today.
This study is focused on evaluating the achievement of the program outcomes of
the JGRT in Depok. The study was conducted by using the survey approach with
150 households selected as respondents. The respondents’ selection process was
done by using proportional random sampling method, while the analysis was
conducted by using descriptive quantitative method.
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the number of beneficiaries who
previously use the LPG tubes and switch to use the natural gas is 93.45% of all
surveyed beneficiaries. The amount of gas consumption can substitute 11,439
tubes of LPG 3kg and 1,120 tubes of LPG 12kg per month. This figure represents
0.85% of the total households in Depok and total monthly of 3kg and 12kg LPG
consumption in Depok. Government subsidies which have been saved since June
of 2011 until December of 2013 amounted to 8.2 billion Rupiah. Based on the
analysis of respondent’s perceptions of the use of natural gas, it is concluded that
the natural gas is proven to be cheaper, safer and more practical compared to LPG
3kg and 12kg. The barriers of the JGRT program in Depok is the lack of
development JGRT to other areas in Depok.]"