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Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara pelatihan dan budaya organisasi terhadap pengembangan karir. Pengembangan karir merupakan salah satu indikator yang efektif dalam upaya pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan merupakan faktor yang perlu dikaji, mengingat pengembangan karir berkaitan dengan peningkatan produktivitas dan kinerja organisasi. Secara konseptual bahwa pengembangan karir itu dipengaruhi oleh faktor kemampuan, ketrampilan dan pengetahuan pegawai yang dapat dikembangkan melalui pelatihan. Disamping itu, budaya organisasi juga merupakan variabel yang perlu mendapat pertimbangan khusus dalam pengembangan karir. Penelitian ini menggunakan 160 responden yang mewakili secara proporsional di setiap Unit Organisasi di Departemen Tenaga Kerja Pusat. Sedangkan pengumpulan data untuk masing-masing variabel dilakukan melalui survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner tertutup demi menjaga kerahasiaan dan keterbukaan pendapat bagi responden. Untuk menganalisis data dalam menjawab penelitian digunakan teknik korelasi dan dan regresi berganda.Hasii analisis korelasi ( r ) digunakan untuk menjawab hubungan antara variabel X dan variabel Y. Sedangkan R2 ( koefisien determination) digunakan untuk menjelaskan kontribusi variabel pelatihan dan variabel budaya organisasi terhadap pengembangan karir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel pelatihan mempunyai korelasi (r = 0,180 ; P, 0,05 ) dengan pengembangan karir. Berdasarkan analisis regresi stepwise, kontribusi variabel pelatihan sebesar 3,2 % dengan signifikansi (F= 0,023) terhadap pengembangan karir. Sedangkan variabel budaya organisasi mempunyai korelasi ( r = 0,178 ; P = 0,05 ) dengan pengembangan karir, dan hasil analisis regresi stepwise menunjukkan kontribusi variabel budaya organisasi sebesar 5,8 % dengan signifikansi (F=0,040) terhadap pengembangan karir. Adapun hubungan karakteristik individu dengan pengembangan karir yaitu dari hasil analisis regresi terlihat bahwa dengan masuknya karakteristik individu kedalam persamaan regresi telah mengakibatkan kenaikan pada nilai koefisien korelasi dan koefisien determinasi, artinya karakteristik individu responden memberikan peningkatan hubungan dan pengaruh terhadap pengembangan karir pegawai. Jadi secara indivual komponen karakteristik individu responden yang paling signifikan didalam meningkatkan persepsi pegawai terhadap program pengembangan. karir adalah : golongan atau kepangkatan. Sedangkan pengalaman kerja,pendidikan, usia tidak cukup signifikan didalam meningkatkan persepsi pegawai terhadap pengembangan karir.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana gambaran budaya organisasi di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta, menggambarkan nilai budaya organisasi yang dominan di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta, dan menjelaskan bagaimana memelihara budaya organisasi yang sehat di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Sampel diambil sebanyak 92 responden, dari 1111 populasi yang ada, teknik penarikan sampel probalitia yang digunakan adalah teknik acak berkelompok (cluster random sampling), teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan teknik survei, dan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis kuantitatif yang didukung analisis kualitatif. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif dilaksanakan dengan analisis univariat, digunakan distribusi frekuensi yang kemudian dikonversikan kedalam bentuk prosentase sebagai bagian dari analisis univariat. Kuesioner juga diolah dengan menggunakan analisis komponen utama, analisis faktor, dan analisis median. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian budaya organisasi di Universitas Negeri Jakarta menunjukkan bahwa masih dominannya nilai-nilai budaya yang masih lemah yang masih perlu ditingkatkan. Dimensi budaya yang kuat harus tetap dipertahankan dan dikembangkan secara terus menerus menjadi budaya yang bukan hanya kuat tetapi juga sehat, sehingga budaya yang kuat tadi tidak menjadi racun bagi kinerja organisasi lebih baik. Masih adanya nilai budaya yang diambang pintu, yaitu tugas-tugas yang masih berorientasi kepada tradisi atau kebiasaan yang sudah ada. Proses pembelajaran untuk melestarikan budaya organisasi yang sehat dan kuat kepada anggota organisasi sebagai pedoman berperilaku oleh seluruh anggota kelompok belum secara optimal dilaksanakan. Proses pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya belum menjangkau seluruh lapisan anggota dalam organisasi. Anggota belum seluruhnya mengetahui dan memahami sikap dan perilaku apa yang diharapan dari organisasi. Budaya organisasi perlu dirawat, dipelihara dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi khususnya nilai budaya yang menentukan keunggulan kompetisi dari organisasi. Pimpinan diharapkan dapat memegang peranan penting untuk dapat meningkatkan budaya yang kuat dan sehat bagi seluruh anggota organisasi di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta sehingga peningkatan kinerja organisasi yang lebih baik dapat terwujud. Pimpinan juga diharapkan dapat menjadi suri tauladan bagi anggota organisasi. Sistem perlu diperkuat, budaya organisasi harus menjadi jiwa dari sistem organisasi yang saling memperkuat dan melengkapi. Dan perlu adanya sosialisasi dan internalisasi nilai-nilai budaya organisasi yang sehat dan kuat kepada seluruh anggota organisasi yang dapat mendorong pada perkembangan dan kemajuan organisasi dalam menghadapi persaingan global.
This research had a purpose to explain how the picture of organisation culture in the State University of Jakarta?s environment, described the dominant value of organization culture at State University of Jakarta?s Environment, and explain how maintain the healthy organization culture at State University of Jakarta's environment. The sample is taken by as many as 92 respondents, from 1111 populations, sampling techniques probalitiy used technique is random group (cluster random sampling), data collection technique with survey techniques, and the research approach used a the descriptive quantitative research methods. Technical analysis of the data used in this research is quantitative analysis techniques that is support by the qualitative analysis, the analysis technique of quantitative data was conducted with the analysis univariat, use frequency distribution techniques that afterwards converted in the form percentage as a part of univariat analysis. The questionnaire also processed using the main component analysis, factor analysis, and analysis of median. Based on results of the research culture organization in the State University of Jakarta show that dominance values of culture still weak that need to be improved. The dimension strong culture that must be maintained and continuously developed into not only is a strong culture but also healthy, so that a last strong culture do not become toxic to the performance of the organization better. There is still a existence culture's values, the tasks that are still oriented to the traditions or the available habit. This means the changes IKIP into the State University of Jakarta, has not maximall the most followed by the changes to the innovative development and progress of the organization. The learning process to converse the culture of the organization culture that is healthy and strong to the organization members as the behaving guide by all of the group 's members have not been optimally implemented. Cultural organizations need to be treated, maintain and inherited from generation to generation, especially values cultural that determine benefits of competition from the organization. Leaders are expected to play an important role to improve the culture be a strong and healthy for all members at organizations environmental at the State University of Jakarta, so the increased performance for better organization could be realized. Leaders are also expected to become the role model for the organization members. System must be reinforced, the organizational culture must become spirit from organization system which reinforce each other and equipped. And need the exixtence of the socialization and internalization of organization culture values that the organization healthy and strong to all organizations members that could encourage in the development and progress of rganizations in facing global competition.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Tenripada
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan peran nilai-nilai budaya multikultural dalam proses pembentukan budaya organisasi yang khas di lingkungan sekolah internasional, dan menjelaskan bahwa budaya organisasi dibentuk melalui beberapa elemen pembentuknya, yaitu gaya kepemimpinan, asimilasi budaya asing, hubungan antara karyawan lokal dan asing, dan juga melalui perbedaan budaya yang ada, termasuk perbedaan bahasa, etos kerja, kebiasaan, dan tradisi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui observasi berperan serta dan wawancara terhadap narasumber. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan (1) Nilai-nilai budaya masuk melalui berbagai strategi komunikasi yang diprakarsai oleh pemimpin organisasi, dan diadopsi oleh unit-unit organiasasi di bawahnya, serta dominasi peran nilai budaya Indonesia sebagai jembatan yang menghubungkan unit-unit organisasi yang berbeda budaya. (2) Pemimpin memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk budaya organisasi. (3) Budaya asing dan budaya Indonesia memiliki peran yang sama besar dan sama penting dalam membentuk budaya organisasi. (4) Ada hubungan timbal balik yang positif yang terjadi antar karyawan yang berbeda budaya di dalam organisasi, dan budaya organisasi yang ada di Jakarta Nanyang School merupakan budaya yang spesifik dan merupakan perpaduan antara budaya asing dan budaya Indonesia.
This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as.;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as, This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Ladiawati
Abstrak :
This dissertation focuses on corporate organization culture. Through the case study conducted on PT. Bank Ralcyat Indonesia, Tbk, Parung unit, Bogor, West Java, this dissertation presents problems concerning the mechanism of realizing corporate organization culture, specifically with regards to the social relations within the company and its working environment. Based on the result of the research, conducted from January to June 2005, using participatory observation and in-depth interviews as the main methods of data collection, this dissertation describes how values and nouns of t.he company are socialized and internalized through various activities. These activities, which are ritualistic in nature, develop, maintain and strengthen solidarity and working order in the company, as well as the loyalty and interest of the company's customers. For an organization, values are regarded as determinants of the character of the organization. With the existence of values, the members of the organization create an identity for themselves. This feeling of togetherness what renders the values effective.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Binsar
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja pada karyawan tetap office non-struktural PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, variabel budaya organisasi diukur dengan menggunakan budaya organisasi perusahaan tersebut yang diukur melalui lima dimensi yaitu manajemen sumber daya manusia yang kuat, kepuasan pelanggan, perusanaa yang unggul, kreativitas dan inovasi, serta kesederhanaan. Sedangkan dimensi yang digunakan dalam variabel kepuasan kerja yaitu job in generan dan work on present yang diadopsi dari model kuisioner Job Satisfaction Sub-scale oleh C. Fichman, et al (1983). Data penelitian ini diambil dari 47 responden yang merupakan office non-struktural PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan korelasi pearson sebagai alat uji validitas, alpha cronbach untuk menguji reabilitas penelitian, dan analisis regresi sederhana untuk mendefinisikan hubungan antara variabel independen dan dependen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara budaya organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Micka Permata Putri
Abstrak :
Emtek Group menciptakan Vidio sebagai salah satu platform OTT (Over the Top) lokal di Indonesia untuk bersaing dengan platform lain di pasar bebas. Kehadiran Vidio menjadi media hiburan masyarakat untuk menonton berbagai hiburan yang ada, seperti live streaming, original series, content sports dan sinetron. Vidio bekerja sama dengan program kampus merdeka untuk melahirkan program magang demi mengembangkan soft skill dan hard skill mahasiswa. Saya mengikuti kegiatan magang di Vidio melalui program kampus merdeka. Saya harus melakukan proses adaptasi sendiri dengan budaya organisasi di Vidio, yang berbeda dengan diri saya di awal masuk magang. Namun, karyawan juga membantu proses adaptasi saya terhadap budaya organisasi di Vidio. Karyawan berperan sebagai mentor untuk membantu proses adaptasi saya dengan budaya organisasi di Vidio. Karyawan tidak hanya membantu proses adaptasi saya di Vidio, namun karyawan juga melakukan learning process untuk mengembangkan skill saya. Mentor menerapkan mentorship untuk membantu saya dalam beradaptasi dengan budaya organisasi Vidio serta melakukan learning process kepada saya. ...... Emtek Group created Vidio as one of the local OTT (Over the Top) platforms in Indonesia to compete with other platforms in the free market. The presence of Vidio has become a media for public entertainment to watch various existing entertainments, such as live streaming, original series, sports content, and soap operas. Vidio collaborates with the independent campus program to create an internship program to develop students' soft skills and hard skills. I took part in an internship at Vidio through the independent campus program. I had to adapt myself to the organizational culture at Vidio, which was different from what I was at the beginning of my internship. However, the employees also helped me adapt to the organizational culture at Vidio. Employees act as mentors to help me adapt to the organizational culture in Vidio. Employees not only helped me adapt to Vidio, but they also carried out a learning process to develop my skills. The mentor applied mentorship to help me adapt to Vidio's organizational culture and carry out the learning process for me..
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prisna Maharani Santoso
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai efektivitas pemimpin mulai mengarah kepada persepsi bawahan terhadap efektivitas pemimpinnya dan bukan karena performanya (Hannah, Sumanth, Lester, & Cavarretta, 2014). Behavioral integrity, yang merupakan pola konsisten antara ucapan dengan tindakan pemimpin yang dinilai oleh bawahan, merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang memengaruhi efektivitas pemimpin. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara behavioral integrity dan efektivitas pemimpin, dengan demikian penelitian ini melanjutkan penelitian-penelitian tersebut dengan beragumen bahwa hubungan antara behavioral integrity dan efektivitas pemimpin dapat terjadi apabila dimediasi penuh oleh cognitive trust dan affective trust. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 215 orang pegawai di bidang jasa dengan metode survei menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil analisis parallel multiple regression menggunakan PROCESS menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara behavioral integrity dengan efektivitas pemimpin hanya dapat terjadi apabila dimediasi penuh oleh cognitive trust dan affective. Ini berarti behavioral integrity baru dapat memengaruhi efektivitas pemimpin apabila bawahan memiliki cognitive trust dan affective trust kepada pemimpinnya.
Leadership theories have shifted over the last few decades from a focus on objective measure of performance toward subordinate?s evaluation of leaders? behaviors relevant to team performance. Behavioral integrity, which refer to subordinate?s perception of pattern of word-deed alignment, is one of the most important factors that influence subordinate?s evaluation of their leaders? effectiveness. We extend previous research by arguing that the importance of behavioral integrity on leader effectiveness is mediated by two forms of trust: cognitive trust, which refer to trust that based on performance-relevant cognitions such as competence, reliability, and dependability; and affective trust, which refer to the emotional bonds between individuals that are grounded upon expressions of genuine care and concern for the welfare of the other party. To test the hypotheses, we collected data from 215 employees in the service industry. Using parallel multiple regression by PROCESS, we find that the relationship between behavioral integrity and leader effectiveness is fully mediated by cognitive trust and affective trust, suggesting that behavioral integrity will only take place when subordinate have cognitive and affective trust on their leaders. This research is particularly important because it delineate the mechanism under which behavioral integrity impact leader effectiveness
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harrington, Jon
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991
302.35 HAR o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library