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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nyimas Fauziah Alfi
Abstrak :
Dengan diterapkannya kebijakan notifikasi kosmetika di negara ASEAN, maka produsen bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap mutu dan keamanan produknya. Selain itu, kosmetika semakin mudah beredar dan konsumen memiliki beragam pilihan kosmetika. Tanpa pengetahuan yang memadai, konsumen terutama kaum perempuan masih banyak menggunakan kosmetika yang mengandung bahan berbahaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan notifikasi kosmetika dalam memberikan perlindungan bagi kaum perempuan dari produk kosmetika yang tidak aman. Penelitian dilakukan dengan survei rumah tangga di 5 wilayah di DKI Jakarta dengan responden 200 orang kaum perempuan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kebijakan notifikasi kosmetika belum sepenuhnya efektif dalam memberikan perlindungan bagi kaum perempuan dari produk kosmetika yang tidak aman. Masih banyaknya kosmetika yang tidak memiliki izin edar atau nomor notifikasi, palsu, dan mengandung bahan yang dilarang menandakan bahwa produsen atau importir kosmetika belum sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab terhadap mutu dan keamananan dari kosmetika yang diedarkan.
Due to the implementation of cosmetic notification policy in ASEAN countries, cosmetic industries haven been considered to have higher responsibility for both the quality and safety of their products. In addition to this, cosmetics are easier to be distributed and consumers have a various option of cosmetics. Without adequate knowledge, consumers, especially women, remain to use cosmetics that contain hazardous substances. This study aims to analyze the cosmetic notification policy under ASEAN to protect women from consuming unsafe cosmetics. This study conducted with field survey of households in five areas in Jakarta with 200 women respondents. The result shows that cosmetic notification policy has not been fully effective in giving protection for women from unsafe cosmetics. Moreover, many cosmetics which have been distributed, have no registration or notification number, counterfeiting, containing hazardous materials indicated that the manufacturers or importers of cosmetics do not reflecting responsibility of the quality and safety of those products, Due to the implementation of cosmetic notification policy in ASEAN countries, cosmetic industries haven been considered to have higher responsibility for both the quality and safety of their products. In addition to this, cosmetics are easier to be distributed and consumers have a various option of cosmetics. Without adequate knowledge, consumers, especially women, remain to use cosmetics that contain hazardous substances. This study aims to analyze the cosmetic notification policy under ASEAN to protect women from consuming unsafe cosmetics. This study conducted with field survey of households in five areas in Jakarta with 200 women respondents. The result shows that cosmetic notification policy has not been fully effective in giving protection for women from unsafe cosmetics. Moreover, many cosmetics which have been distributed, have no registration or notification number, counterfeiting, containing hazardous materials indicated that the manufacturers or importers of cosmetics do not reflecting responsibility of the quality and safety of those products]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The How, What and Why Reference of Active Ingredients Active ingredient research advances quickly and you can't afford to miss the next active principle that could make that new product a blockbuster. This compilation of articles from Cosmetics & Toiletries magazine provides a look at the cutting-edge of active ingredient and testing methodology research. Biologically Active Ingredients explains what is known about specific active ingredients used by formulating chemists from the manufacturing industry and even explains how a certain type of mechanism or the efficacy of an active ingredient is measured. This compilation is a must-have for chemists in the development labs of both the manufacturing industry and the supplier industry!
New York: Allured Books, 2009
646.72 BIO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahra Nadhila Saraswati
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini membahas mengenai batasan peran pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah khususnya untuk pengawasan terhadap label pada kemasan kosmetika yang menjadi tanggung jawab dari Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan dan Kementerian Perdagangan. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif dan dengan menggunakan data primer serta data sekunder, pada skripsi ini ditemukan adanya nota kesepahaman antara BPOM dan Kementerian Perdagangan, yang dimana menjelaskan bahwa peran pengawasan pre-market dan post-market menjadi tanggung jawab BPOM secara penuh. Dengan melihat kenyataan yang demikian, ternyata peran pengawasan pihak terkait pun belum dapat menutupi angka peredaran kosmetika impor tanpa label dengan benar.Salah satu kendalanya adalah belum adanya aturan formal mengenai pengawasan terhadap kegiatan perdagangan melalui media online dan media sosial yang sekarang menjadi media paling diminati masyarakat. Jika dibandingkan dengan sistem pengawasan di Amerika Serikat, pihak US Food and Drug Administration yang memiliki kewenangan tersebut hanya melakukan pengawasan post-market. Salah satu faktor yang membedakan bentuk pengawasan tersebut adalah karena industri kosmetika lokal di Amerika Serikat sendiri sudah sangat maju serta kesadaran para pelaku usaha dalam memenuhi kewajibannya. Serta peran dari konsumen yang telah sadar akan hak-haknya dengan melakukan pelaporan mengenai keluhan secara aktif kepada pihak yang berwenang.
This thesis discusses about the limitations of the role of control which carried out by the government, especially for the control of the liability to include labels on cosmetics packaging which is the responsibility of the National Agency of Food and Drug Control of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. By using normative juridical research methods and using primary data also secondary data, in this thesis found out a memorandum of understanding between the National Agency of Food and Drug Control of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, which explains that the role of controls of pre-market and post-market is fully the responsibility of the National Agency of Food and Drug Control of the Republic of Indonesia. By looking at this reality, the controls role of the related party has not been able to cover the number of imported cosmetics without labels. One of the problems here is there is no formal regulation regarding the control of trade activities through online media and social media which are the most popular trade medias nowadays. When compared with the control system in the United States of America, the US Food and Drug Administration, which has this authority, only do post-market control. One of the factors that distinguishes this form of control is that the local cosmetics industry in the United States of America itself is already very advanced and the awareness of vendors in fulfilling their obligations. Also the role of consumers who have been aware of their rights by actively reporting any complains to the authorities.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fandy Mulyawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana suatu tanggung jawab hukum klinik kecantikan dalam peredaran sediaan kosmetik yang tidak memiliki izin edar lalu perlu diketahui pula mengenai pengawasan dan penegakan hukum yang dilakukan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan yang mana lembaga ini berperan sebagai pengawas dan penegak hukum dalam hal peredaran sediaan kosmetik. Terlebih lagi dikarenakan adanya kasus yang terjadi di dalam Putusan Nomor 2008 K/Pid.Sus/2018. Penelitian ini berbentuk Yuridis Normatif yang mana dilakukan dengan pendekatan berdasarkan bahan hukum, kepustakaan, serta perundang-undangan yang berlaku terkait topik penelitian ini. Tipe penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan data seteliti mungkin tentang manusia, suatu keadaan, atau gejala lainya dan dalam hal ini adalah mengenai tanggung jawab hukum klinik kecantikan serta pengawasan dan penegakan hukum dalam kasus kosmetik yang tidak memiliki izin edar. Dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tanggung jawab hukum klinik kecantikan berada pada pihak yang mendirikan klinik kecantikan tersebut, pengawasan dan penegakan hukum yang dilakukan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan adalah dengan upaya non pro justitia dan pro justitia. penulis menyarankan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia untuk membuat suatu peraturan yang khusus terkait klinik kecantikan yakni Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan tentang Klinik Kecantikan agar konsumen yang menggunakan jasa klinik kecantikan ini dapat terlindungi hak-haknya.
This research aims to find out about legal responsibilites of a beauty clinic in regards of cosmetic product distribution that do not have a distribution authorization. Furthermore, it rsquo s also necessary to find out about supervision and law enforcement which conducted by Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makan in this matter. Particularly because of the case that happened in Case Decision Number 2008 K Pid.Sus 2018, it is important to know how Mahkamah Agung conducts examinations in such cases where a beauty clinic is involved in the distribution of cosmetic products that do not have a disribution authorization. This research is in the form of yuridis normatif which is done with approach based on legal material, bibliography, and applicable legislation related to this research topic. The type of this research is descriptive research, which aims to provide as much data as possible about humans, a condition, or other symptoms which in this case is about the legal responsibilities of beauty clinics as well as supervision and law enforcement in cases of cosmetics that do not have distribution authorization. From this research, it shows that the legal responsibility of beauty clinic is possesed by the party who establish the beauty clinic itself, supervision and law enforcement by Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makan is done by doing non pro justitia effort and pro justitia effort. Although it can be inferred from some existing legislation, the authors suggest to the Government of Indonesia to make a regulation specifically related to beauty clinics such as Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan tentang Klinik Kecantikan so that consumers who use the services of this beauty clinic can be more protected.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deandra Hendira Maharani
Abstrak :
Munculnya beauty influencer dalam industri kecantikan, dapat mempengaruhi masyarakat melalui iklan testimoni yang dibuatnya khususnya produk kosmetik. Namun pada praktiknya, tidak semua beauty influencer melakukan iklan testimoni sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Sehingga apabila terjadi kerugian terhadap konsumen, beauty influencer dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban yang sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Oleh sebab itu, skripsi ini hendak menganalisis mengenai tanggungjawab beauty influencer atas hasil iklan testimoni yang dibuat pada instagram dengan mengategorikan terlebih dahulu beauty influencer sebagai pelaku usaha periklanan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa beauty influencer dapat dikatakan sebagai pelaku usaha periklanan apabila telah memenuhi kategori tertentu. Hasil analisis mengenai konstruksi pertanggungjawabannya menunjukkan bahwa beauty influencer dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaba atas iklan yang dibuat. Namun, tidak jelas sejauh mana batas pertanggungjawabannya yang harus di emban karena tidak ada pengaturan lebih lanjut. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka diperlukan adanya pembentukan undang-undang periklanan di Indonesia yang secara khusus mengatur mengenai periklanan dengan definisi pelaku usaha periklanan yang diperluas.
The emerge of beauty influencers in the beauty industry, influence the society through testimonial advertisements especially regarding cosmetic products. In reality, not all beauty influencers make testimonials advertisements in accordance with the regulations. Hence, if Customers suffered losses beauty influencers should be responsible in accordance with applicable regulations. Therefore, this thesis will analyze the responsibilities of beauty influencers on the results of testimonial advertisements made on Instagram by categorizing beauty influencers as business actors advertising . This study shows that beauty influencers can be categorized as business actors advertising if they meet certain categories. The results of the analysis regarding the construction of its accountability show that the beauty influencer can be held accountable for the advertisements made. However, it is not clear to what extent the liability limits must be imposed because there is no further regulation. Based on this, it is necessary to establish an advertising regulation in Indonesia which specifically regulates advertising with the definition of an expanded business actors advertising.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library