Tujuan dari riset ini adalah memberikan penyesuaian metodologi atau prosedur langkah-langkah instalasi dan implementasi sistem biaya kualitas termasuk penyesuaian model perhitungan biaya kualitas untuk kalangan industri otomotif manufaktur khususnya pabrik mobil penumpang. Pendekatan tinjauan literatur digunakan dan studi percontohan dipilih untuk aspek empiris riset guna memperkaya campuran data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Meskipun tinjauan literatur menunjukkan begitu banyak ahli yang menulis riset sejenis, penyesuaian model biaya kualitas tetap direkomendasikan. Hasil studi percontohan menjelaskan bahwa implementasi biaya kualitas pada tahap awal dirasa cukup sampai dengan pelaporan. Riset selanjutnya disarankan untuk berlatih dalam melacak biaya kualitas. Riset dimulai dari persiapan hingga pelaporan biaya kualitas. Ruang lingkup riset terbatas pada biaya kualitas di area operasional (produksi). Metodologi implementasi sistem biaya kualitas dapat memandu organisasi mendapatkan gambaran internal biaya kualitas. Riset ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa organisasi memang perlu memodifikasi model biaya kualitas yang tersedia sesuai tujuan, kebutuhan, dan lingkungan organisasi. Dengan demikian, model-model sederhana yang ditawarkan pada riset ini menjadi bernilai sekaligus berkontribusi terhadap literatur ekonomi kualitas.
The purpose of this research is to provide methodological adjustments or procedures for installation steps and the implementation of a quality cost system, including adjusting the quality cost calculation model for the automotive manufacturing industry, especially passenger car factories. A literature review approach is used and pilot studies are chosen for empirical aspects of research to enrich the mix of qualitative and quantitative data. Although the literature review shows that many experts write similar research, adjusting the quality cost model is still recommended. The results of the pilot study explain that the implementation of quality costs at an early stage is considered sufficient until reporting. Further research is advised to practice tracking quality costs. Research starts from preparation to reporting on quality costs. The scope of research is limited to quality costs in the operational area (production). The methodology for implementing a quality cost system can guide organizations to get an internal view of quality costs. This research confirms that organizations do need to modify the available quality cost models according to the organization's goals, needs, and environment. Thus, the simple models offered in this research are both valuable and contribute to quality economic literature.