Kecemasan adalah emosi dasar berupa pikiran negatif akan ketidakpastian yang muncul ketika adanya ancaman, seringkali disertai nyeri kepala, jantung berdebar, gangguan lambung ringan maupun berkeringat. Rasa cemas berlebih akan menghambat fungsi seseorang dalam hidup. Di dunia, prevalensi gangguan kecemasan mencapai 5% dari jumlah penduduk, sedangkan di Indonesia gangguan mental emosional (depresi dan kecemasan) mencapai 9,8%. Pada tahun 2018 ditemukan proporsi kecemasan pada mahasiswa FKM UI sebesar 87,2%, proporsi tertinggi pada tingkat severe (25,3%) dan terendah pada tingkat moderate (18,3%). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kecemasan pada mahasiswa S1 Reguler FKM UI tahun 2020. Pendekatan dilakukan secara kuantitatif, dengan desain studi cross-sectional, serta analisis dengan uji Chi Square untuk melihat hubungan antara 8 variabel independen dengan kecemasan. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 146 orang dari populasi 1121 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner DASS-21, dan pengumpulan data menggunakan google form. Ditemukan proporsi kecemasan pada mahasiswa S1 reguler FKM UI tahun 2020 sebesar 83,6%, proporsi tertinggi pada tingkat extremely severe (39,7%), dan terendah pada tingkat mild (4,1%). Uji statistik menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara faktor jenis kelamin dan usia dengan kecemasan. Diharapkan UI dan FKM UI dapat meningkatkan intervensi promotif dan preventif terkait kesehatan mental terutama kecemasan, serta meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas SDM di Klinik Makara agar dapat menangani kasus kesehatan mental lebih optimal kedepannya.
Anxiety is a basic emotion in the form of negative thoughts of uncertainty that arise when there is a threat, often accompanied by headaches, palpitations, mild gastric disturbances or sweating. Excessive anxiety will inhibit a persons function in life. In the world, the prevalence of anxiety disorders reaches 5% of the population, while in Indonesia mental emotional disorders (depression and anxiety) reach 9.8%. In 2018 the proportion of anxiety found in FKM UI students was 87.2%, the highest proportion was at the severe level (25.3%) and the lowest was at the moderate level (18.3%). The purpose of this study is to determine the factors associated with anxiety in FKM UI students in 2020. The approach was carried out quantitatively, with cross-sectional study design, and analysis with the Chi Square test to see the relationship between 8 independent variables with anxiety. The research sample of 146 people from a population of 1121 people. The instrument used was the DASS-21 questionnaire, and data collection using google forms. The proportion of anxiety found in regular S1 FKM UI students in 2020 was 83.6%, the highest proportion was at the extremely severe level (39.7%), and the lowest was at the mild level (4.1%). Statistical tests show there is a relationship between sex and age factors with anxiety. It is hoped that UI and FKM UI can improve promotive and preventive interventions related to mental health, especially anxiety, and improve the quality and quantity of human resources at the Makara Clinic so that they can handle mental health cases more optimally in the future.
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an acute infection caused by arbovirus (arthopodborn virus) which is transmitted through the bite of aedes mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti). Clients of children with DHF and PDP COVID 19 must receive isolation treatment at the hospital so that the psychological impact that often occurs in children is anxiety about therapy and hospital care. This case study describes the results of the analysis of nursing care for children who experience anxiety during nursing action by using the application of story telling techniques that undergo isolation care. The nursing care provided has been adjusted to the health care care of the child is an interview, observation and physical examination, study documentation and collection of results from diagnostic examinations. While the evaluation measurements were carried out using the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time) for 3 days of treatment where the client appeared unafraid and fussy with the nurse approaching him and when he would be examined. To conclude the problem of child nursing requires a holistic integrated nursing action plan that includes bio-psycho-social-spiritual to overcome client anxiety.