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Ratu Kania Puspakusumah
Abstrak :
Peraturan Pemerintah No.74 Tahun 2001 tentang Pengelolaan Bahan Berbahaya dan beracun telah mendorong persaingan industri kimia pertanian semakin kompetitif. Persaingan ini menyebabkan banyak perusahaan yang mendaftarkan formulasi produknya kepada Departemen Pertanian, sehingga banyak bermunculan perusahaan-perusahaan baru. Hal ini menuntut perusahaan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, kesadaran serta penerapan sumber daya dan kemampuan agar tetap memiliki sumber keunggulan bersaing. Salah satu cara yang ditempuh adalah melalui rantai pasokan. Rantai pasokan merupakan penghubung antara pemasok, distributor, manufaktur dan pelanggan, sehingga perusahaan harus bisa memaksimalkan apa yang mereka sudah miliki. Hasil penelitian menyarankan kepada PT. NIP agar mengerti dan menyadari bahwa penerapan sistem rantai pasokan merupakan salah satu sumber keunggulan bersaing perusahaan untuk memenangkan kompetisi yang sudah sangat ketat.
Government regulation No.74, 2001 regarding the management of hazardous and poisonous chemical substances has created stiffer competition in the agrochemical industry in Indonesia. The regulation has changed the industry's competitive environment since many existing companies have been encouraged to register new brands to the ministry of agriculture. At the same time, many firms such as the new entrants have also entered the industry and pushed the creation of higher competition. This situation causes the firms in the industry to manage the awareness and understanding to create Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) through the utilization of resources and capabilities. One of the efforts to create SCA is through Supply Chain Management (SCM). The result of this research suggests that PT. NIP must be aware and understand that SCM can be the source of SCA to win the competition.
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joanne Felicia Caroline
Abstrak :
Industri makanan dan minuman merupakan industri manufaktur yang memiliki peranan krusial dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia, baik dari segi kontribusi terhadap PDB Indonesia maupun penciptaan lapangan kerja. Pertumbuhan ini membawa tantangan lain karena berdampak terhadap lingkungan dan sosial sehingga menuntut industri untuk mengintegrasikan aspek lingkungan dan sosial ke dalam manajemen rantai pasok. Salah satunya dengan memiliki pemasok yang menerapkan aspek keberlanjutan karena pemasok memiliki peran yang sangat penting sebagai dalam rantai pasok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kinerja pemasok pada salah satu perusahaan makanan dan minuman di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) untuk memperoleh bobot kriteria penilaian pemasok berkelanjutan, dan Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) untuk memperoleh nilai kinerja setiap pemasok perusahaan. Kemudian Importance-Performance Analysis digunakan untuk mengelompokkan kriteria penilaian pemasok berdasarkan hasil bobot kepentingan kriteria yang tinggi dan nilai kinerja pemasok yang tinggi, untuk memilih pemasok-pemasok potensial dalam mengimplemenasi praktik keberlanjutan. Pengelompokan kriteria penilaian pemasok ini akan menjadi dasar dalam merancang strategi untuk meningkatkan kinerja penerapan keberlanjutan pemasok. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan perusahaan memiliki lima pemasok yang berpotensial untuk menerapkan keberlanjutan dan rekomendasi strategi penerapan keberlanjutan terhadap ke-lima pemasok perusahaan dengan nilai kinerja pemasok yang tinggi, sebagai panduan untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan potensi pemasok dalam menerapkan aspek keberlanjutan.
Food and beverage industry is a manufacturing industry that plays a crucial role in economic growth in Indonesia, in terms of contribution to Indonesia's GDP and job creation. This growth brings another challenge because it impacts on the environment and social, thus requires the industry to integrate environmental and social aspects into the supply chain management. One of them is by having sustainable suppliers, because suppliers have a very important role in the supply chain. This study aims to assess the performance of suppliers in a food and beverage company in Indonesia. The method used in this research is Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to obtain the weighting criteria for continuous supplier assessment, and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to obtain the performance value of each company's suppliers. Then, the Importance-Performance Analysis is used to classify supplier selection criteria based on the results of the high importance weight of criteria and high supplier performance score, to select potential suppliers to implement sustainability practices. This grouping of supplier selection criteria will be the basis for designing a supplier sustainability implementation strategy. The results of this study indicate that the company has five suppliers that potentially would implement sustainable practice and recommendations for implementing sustainability strategies for five suppliers of companies with high supplier performance values, as a guide to develop and enhance suppliers' potential to apply sustainability aspects.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aris Abdurrohman
Abstrak :
Integrasi rantai suplai delivery mobil di Indonesia dan kontribusinya dalam menunjang keunggulan kompetitif rantai suplai belum banyak di teliti oleh peneliti kontenporer di indonesia. Permodelan rantai suplai dengan sistem dinamis ditujukan untuk memahami perilaku dari  sistem sehingga dapat menunjang aktivitas analisa problem, dan menunjang proses perbaikan rantai suplai agar tercipta rantai delivery mobil yang efektif dan efisien di Indonesia. Dengan membangun model dan menganalis hasil simulasi di dapatkan sebuah konseptual model yang menunjukan peranan Integrasi sistem informasi, dan integrasi penggunaan fasilitas bersama di antara pabrik, distributor, pelabuhan, gudang mobil, dan outlet penjualan mobil terhadap penurunan waktu tempuh dan penurunan stok dalam rantai suplai. Hasil simulasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dukungan ilmiah dalam proses pengambilan keputusan  maupun proses desain strategi rantai suplai deliveri mobil  yang efektif dan effisien di Indonesia. ...... Cars supply chain Integration in Indonesia and its contribution to supporting supply chain competitive advantage has not been widely studied by contemporary researchers in Indonesia. Supply chain modeling with a dynamic sistem aims to understand the behavior of the sistem. With understanding sistem behavior will support problem analysis activities, and support the supply chain improvement process in order to create an effective and efficient vehicle supply chain in Indonesia. By building a model and analyzing simulation results, a conceptual model produced to shows the role of information sistem integration, and the integration of shared facilities between factories, distributors, ports, car warehouses, and car sales outlets in order to reduce delivery time and decrease stock in the supply chain. This study produces a casual loop diagram model for explaining the structure of the sistem so that it can support the supply chain company in the decision making process and supply chain strategy design process in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Khodijah
Abstrak :
Potensi besar pasar halal diperkirakan mencapai 3,081 miliar secara global pada tahun 2022. Pengembangan pasar halal harus didukung oleh industri halal dan rantai pasokan halal di dalamnya. Dalam sebuah laporan tentang Skor Indikator Ekonomi Islam Global 2017/18, Indonesia menempati urutan ke 11 di antara 15 negara. Secara umum, sertifikasi halal di Indonesia terbatas pada proses pembuatan dan tidak untuk seluruh rantai pasokan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan strategi-strategi adopsi rantai pasokan halal di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode AHP-TOPSIS, penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang strategi-strategi adopsi rantai pasokan halal di Indonesia. Strategi prioritas adalah penguatan sektor logistik halal melalui pelaksanaan pelatihan dan sertifikasi professional di bidang logistik halal.
The large potential of the halal market is estimated to reach 3.081 billion globally in 2022. The development of the halal market must be supported by the halal industry and halal supply chain in it. In a report on 2017/18 Global Islamic Economic Indicator Scores, Indonesia ranks 11th among 15 countries. In general, halal certification in Indonesia is limited to the manufacturing process and not to the entire supply chain. This research aims to determine halal supply chain adoption strategies in Indonesia. Using the AHP-TOPSIS method, this study provides an overview of halal supply chain adoption strategies in Indonesia. The priority strategy is strengthening the halal logistics sector through the implementation of training and certification of professionals in the field of halal logistics.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Yani Ismail
Abstrak :
Supply chain is a system in which an organization transfers products and services to the customers. This chain is actually a network of various entities from downstream to upstream which has different processes and activities, but to serve common purposes to create a value in the form of products or services to final customer. The shift in business landscape, such as market globalization, more demanding custOmers, and shorter product life cycle, has caused supply chain ag ility becom i ng o ne maj o r facto r th at d ete rm î n es corn p a ny? s corn petitive advantage. This report tries to describe the supply chain in Alcatel with focus in Mobile Network Division. it ¡s one among several business divisions inside Alcatel concerned with equipments for mobile network infrastructure as its main product. It will also cover the process along the chain, from headquarter in France, Indonesian? subsidiary and final customer. The supply chain description is concentrated in its main process and activities which are planning and customer?s order fulfillment. It also describes the information system used to support the process and exchange of information between parties involved. These aspects will be seen from the point of view of headquarter and from Indonesia?s subsdiary. The analysis of supply chain performance ¡s based on qualitative and quantitative analysis. The first will be based on supply chain drivers which are: transportation, information, inventory, and facilities. The seconnd is done by measuring some common metrics and compare them with targets internally set by Alcatel. From the observation and analysis done, ¡t can be concluded that Alcatel?s supply chain performance has not reached ¡ts optimum level due to some reasons: -Planning process is becoming a weak point because it can not anticipate change or modificatIon in customer demands which create high inventory -Application of Alcatel?s standard supply chain process which has not reached supply chain?s entities in Indonesian subsidiary -Less concern for development of information system to support supply Chain
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulul Azmi Kamili
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu meminimasi risiko negatif bagi perusahaan akibat dari efek negatif bagi lingkungan dari aktifitas SCM MRO dengan memberikan usulan strategi manajemen rantai pasok hijau yang optimal untuk diimplementasikan di industri MRO aviasi termasuk dengan penentuan kriteria yang krusial dalam mempengaruhi pemilihan strategi tersebut. Untuk menjawab tujuan penelitan ini, fokus penelitian dibagi kepada tiga kategori proses kunci dari manajemen rantai pasok industri MRO yaitu proses purchasing, proses internal dan proses outsourcing. Metode Analytical Network Process (ANP) digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai metode untuk menentukan usulan strategi manajemen rantai pasok hijau (Green Supply Chain Management-GSCM) yang paling optimal untuk diimplementasikan pada industry MRO Aviasi. Berdasarkan hasil, alternatif risk-based strategi menjadi alternatif strategi paling optimal untuk diimplementasikan di proes SCM MRO Aviasi, sedangkan kriteria Green Management System merupakan kriteria yang memiliki bobot pengaruh paling tinggi, ......The purpose of this study is to help minimize negative risks for companies due to negative effects on the environment from MROs SCM activities by proposing an optimal green supply chain management strategy to be implemented in the aviation MRO industry including with determining the crucial criteria which influencing the selection of the strategy. To help achieve the objectives of this research, the focus of this study is divided into three key process in aviation MRO industry supply chain management, which are the purchasing process, the internal process and the outsourcing process. The Analytical Network Process (ANP) method is used in this study as a method for determining the most optimal Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) strategy to be implemented in the MRO Aviation industry. Based on the results, risk-based strategy alternative is the most optimal alternative strategy to be implemented in the MRO Aviation SCM process, while the Green Management System criteria is the criteria that has the highest weight value.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadhlun Adzim
Abstrak :
Pemrosesan ulang kembali sebuah produk adalah hal yang biasa dilakukan didalam industri proses. Hal tersebut merupakan enabler untuk reverse supply chain di industri proses. Namun penelitian mengenai reverse supply chain di industri proses masih terbatas. Penelitian sebelumnya mengelola risiko reverse supply chain di industri proses secara terpisah yang dapat menyebabkan munculnya permasalahan baru. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan semua risiko sehingga proses manajemen risiko dilakukan secara menyeluruh. Untuk mengembangkannya, dibutuhkan daftar risiko dari aktivitas reverse supply chain secara menyeluruh di industri proses, dibutuhkan juga kriteria untuk risiko tersebut. Data yang didapat diolah dengan menggunakan AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) - PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) berdasarkan preferensi dari ahli. Telah dikumpulkan 8 kriteria dari penelitian sebelumnya, dengan bobot berdasarkan penilaian ahli sebagai berikut: biaya atau investasi tambahan (0.064), pengelolaan volume barang atau produk (0.040), kerugian karena gangguan (0.047), kecepatan recovery bisnis jika terjadi gangguan (0.111), keunggulan daya saing (0.088), lingkungan (0.241), tanggung jawab sosial (0.097), hukum dan undang-undang (0.312). Selanjutnya, penelitian ini melakukan prioritasisasi risiko dengan pendapat ahli dengan menggunakan PROMETHEE. Penelitian menemukan urutan risiko dari yang paling tinggi ke rendah dimulai dari risiko regulasi, risiko lingkungan, risiko reputasi dan branding, risiko kualitas dan stabilitas, risiko pemindahan dan penanganan, risiko teknis, risiko informasi, risiko penjadwalan dan kapasitas, risiko kuantitas, risiko persediaan dan risiko perlawanan. Dari hasil analisis sensitivitas didapat bahwa 3 kriteria yang paling mempengaruhi hasil akhir PROMETHEE adalah kriteria biaya atau investasi tambahan, kriteria hukum dan undang-undang dan kriteria keunggulan daya saing. ......Reprocessing a product is a common practice in the process industry. This is an enabler for the reverse supply chain in the process industry. But research on the reverse supply chain in the process industry is still limited. Previous research managed the risk of reverse supply chain in the process industry separately which could lead to new problems. This research integrates all risks so that the risk management process is carried out thoroughly. To develop it, it requires a list of risks from the overall reverse supply chain activities in the process industry, and also the criteria for these risks. The data obtained is processed using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) - PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking of Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) based on expert preferences. 8 criteria have been collected from previous studies, with weights based on expert judgment as follows: investment cost (0.064), volume management (0.040), business interruption value (0.047), business recovery time after interruption (0.111), competitive advantage (0.088), environment (0.241), social responsibility (0.097), legislation (0.312). Furthermore, this study prioritizes risk with expert opinion using PROMETHEE. The research found the order of risk from the highest to the lowest starting from regulatory risk, environmental risk, reputation and branding risk, quality and stability risk, transfer and handling risk, technical risk, information risk, scheduling and capacity risk, quantity risk, inventory risk and risk of resistance. From the results of the sensitivity analysis, it was found that the 3 criteria that most affected the final results of PROMETHEE were the criteria for additional costs or investments, legal and legal criteria and criteria for competitive advantage.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erzanda Nugraha Ridhwan Amir
Abstrak :
Permasalahan jaringan rantai pasok atau supply chain network pada umumnya hanya memperhatikan model optimasi biaya dengan menentukan konfigurasi supply chain yang optimal dalam lingkungan bisnis yang tidak pasti. Sekarang ini, muncul banyak tekanan dari masyarakat untuk merancang supply chain network yang berkelanjutan untuk mengurangi emisi karbon yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan supply chain dengan biaya yang proporsional. Studi ini membahas perancangan supply chain network yang berkelanjutan dengan mempertimbangkan skema perdagangan karbon dan ­trade-credit dari pemasok untuk memaksimalkan total profit supply chain. Permasalahan yang dibahas tidak hanya tentang pengambilan keputusan mengenai jumlah, lokasi, dan kapasitas dari fasilitas supply chain, aliran produk antar fasilitas di dalam network, dan harga jual produk, tetapi juga mengenai jumlah pemesanan material kepada pemasok yang optimal berdasarkan pada skema trade-credit yang berbeda-beda. Sebuah model robust fuzzy programming yang dikembangkan dari integrasi model robust optimization dan fuzzy programming digunakan untuk menangani ketidakpastian pada permintaan pelanggan dan komponen biaya. Sebuah studi kasus pada perusahaan baja Taiwan dilakukan untuk menunjukkan kinerja dan efisiensi model yang diusulkan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa model yang diusulkan dapat meningkatkan total keuntungan supply chain sebesar 3 persen dan mengurangi waktu perhitungan sebesar 76% dibandingkan dengan model scenario-based robust stochastic programming. Temuan kami juga menunjukkan bahwa konfigurasi supply chain network yang optimal dipengaruhi oleh skenario perdagangan karbon yang berbeda dan pemilihan pemasok juga dipengaruhi oleh skema trade-credit
Classical supply chain networks mainly concern on the economic optimization model by determining the optimal supply chain configuration under the chaotic business environment. There has been an immense pressure from the society to design more sustainable supply chain networks for reducing the carbon emissions generated from supply chain activities with reasonable cost. This study addresses the sustainable supply chain network design problem considering carbon trading policy and trade-credit from suppliers to optimize the total supply chain profit in both physical market and carbon market. The problem entails decisions regarding not only the number, location, and capacity of facilities, the product flow among entities in the network, and the product-selling price but also the optimal economic order quantity to suppliers under different trade-credit schemes. A robust fuzzy programming model based on the integration of robust optimization and fuzzy programming is applied to tackle the uncertainties in demand and relevant costs. A case study in Taiwan steel firm was conducted to demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed model. Results show that the proposed model improves the total supply chain profit, including the profits from physical and carbon markets, by approximately 3 percent and reduces the computational time by 76% compared to the scenario-based robust stochastic programming. Our findings also show that the optimal configuration of supply chain network is sensitive to different scenario of carbon trade and selection of supplier is affected by the trade-credit policy.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Haryati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh matriks pengukuran kinerja pada perusahaan berbasis produksi obat-obatan. Penilaian kinerja ini bisa digunakan untuk membantu perusahaan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi saat ini dari supply chain, mencari akar masalah dan melakukan perbaikan pada kinerja rantai pasok. Matriks-matriks supply chain yang digunakan adalah berasal dari supply chain operation reference (SCOR) model. Setiap matriks akan dilakukan peninjauan pertama apakah matriks ini penting digunakan pada industri farmasi. Setelah dilakukan verifikasi dan pemilihan matriks yang akan digunakan, langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan penilaian dengan membandingkan secara berpasangan matriks kinerja (Pairwise Comparison Matrix) dengan metode AHP. Hasil pembobotan tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan peringkat matriks kinerja dengan menggunakan metode TOPSIS. Matriks yang terpilih dinilai sebagai kriteria matriks yang paling penting dan dijadikan bahan untuk mendapatkan solusi terbaik untuk mencapai performa maksimum perusahaan. ......The objective of this research is to obtain performance measurement matrices of a pharmaceutical company. This performance scoring can be used to help the company to identify the current condition of the supply chain, to find the root cause of the problem, and to improve supply chain performance. Supply chain matrices used are derived from the supply chain operation reference (SCOR) model. Each matrix will be reviewed whether this matrix is important to be used in pharmaceutical industry. After the verification and selection of the matrices, next step is scoring by doing pairwise comparison of the performance matrices with AHP method. The result then used to determine the rank of performance matrices using TOPSIS method. The highest ranked matrix then selected as the most important matrix and can be used as a source to get the best solutions to achieve maximum performance of the company.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurul Fahmi
Abstrak :
Produk ekspor perikanan Indonesia mengalami peningkatan pada periode lima tahun terakhir, disisi lain kasus penolakan masih ditemukan, terutama untuk produk ekspor ke Amerika Serikat, terdeteksi kontaminasi bakteri Salmonella spp. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi adanya potensi resiko bahaya kontaminasi Salmonella spp., determinasi tingkat resiko Salmonella spp. rantai pasok ikan cakalang skala kecil, mengusulkan alternatif perbaikan dalam sistem pembinaan, pengendalian jaminan mutu dan keamanan hasil perikanan cakalang di PPN Palabuhanratu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapatnya potensi kontaminasi Salmonella spp. didapatkan dari rantai pasok di kapal adalah 18,5%, pendaratan/TPI 18,5%, dan pengumpul 7%. Persentase kontaminasi sampel didapatkan dari air/es adalah 11%, ikan cakalang 26% dan swab tangan pekerja 7%. Perhitungan jumlah koloni di kapal 46% (480 koloni/ml), pendaratan 34% (360 koloni/ml) dan pengumpul 20% (210 koloni/ml). Berdasarkan jenis sampel, air/es 28% (290 koloni/ml), ikan cakalang 61% (640 koloni/25g) dan swab tangan pekerja 11% (120 koloni/cm2). Alternatif sistem pengendalian di rantai pasok skala kecil adalah dengan memberikan pembinaan dan pengawasan dalam rangka perbaikan sistem cara penanganan ikan yang baik dan benar sesuai Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 52A/MEN-KP/2013.
Indonesian exports of fishery products have increased in the last five years, on the other hand, the case of rejection could still be found, especially for products that were exported to the United States of which Salmonella spp was detected frequently. The purposes of this study was to identify the potential hazards of Salmonella spp, to determine the risk level of Salmonella spp. Contamination of the small scale supply chains of skipjack, The study was carried out by determining to propose options for improvement in guidance and control systems to achieve quality and safety assurance of skipjack fisheries in the Pelabuhanratu fishing port. The result from this research shows that the percentage of Salmonella spp. contamination from supply chain 18,5% was collected on board, 18,5% was from the landing site, and, 7% was at the collection area of supplier’s handling space. While the percentage contamination of samples obtained from the water/ice (11%), skipjack (26%), and hand swabs of workers (7%). The expected colony counts of bacteria on board 46 % (480 colonies/ml), the landing site 34% (360 colonies/ml) and at the supplier 20% (210 colonies/ml). Based on the percentage of sample water/ice 28% (290 colonies/ml), skipjack 61% (640 koloni/25g) and hand swabs of worker 11% (120 colonies/cm2). The official control alternatives in small scale supply chain is to give guidance and supervision in order to provide a system improvement of good handling practices established according to the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. 52A/MEN-KP/2013.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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