Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimen faktorial 3x2. Eksperimen dilakukan terhadap 180 pegawai di Kementerian PUPR di bagi 6 kelompok secara acak menggunakan platform Qualtrics survey. Uji hipotesis menggunakan Uji Non parametrik Kruskal Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh signifikan perbedaan tingkatan ancaman terhadap motivasi proteksi namun temuan lainnya berbeda dengan prediksi Extended Parallel Process Model (Witte, 1992). Tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan perbedaan level ancaman terhadap motivasi defensif serta tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pesan efikasi tinggi dan rendah terhadap baik motivasi proteksi maupun defensif. Faktor penilaian pesan ancaman dan efikasi, budaya organisasi, hirarki struktural mungkin saja mempengaruhi hasil penelitian.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan pentingnya merancang pesan persuasi komunikasi dalam organisasi pemerintah dengan pendekatan rasa takut dengan merumuskan bentuk-bentuk ancaman yang relevan dan mengembangkan pesan efikasi yang lebih efektif sehingga respon yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan tujuan komunikasi yang ingin di capai yaitu terciptanya kepatuhan dalam organisasi (internal). ......The aim of this thesis research is to examine the influence of receiving threat messages and efficacy messages on protection motivation and defensive motivation in the context of internal communication, especially anti-gratification campaign messages in government organizations using the EPPM (Extended Parallel Process Model).
This research is qualitative research with a research design using a 3x2 factorial experimental design. The experiment was carried out on 180 employees at the PUPR Ministry divided into 6 groups randomly using the Qualtrics survey platform. Hypothesis testing using the Kruskal Wallis Non-parametric Test. The research results show that there is a significant influence of different levels of threat on protection motivation, but other findings differ from the predictions of the Extended Parallel Process Model (Witte, 1992). There was no significant effect of different levels of threat on defensive motivation and there was no significant difference between high and low efficacy messages on either protective or defensive motivation. Factors assessing threat and efficacy messages, organizational culture, structural hierarchy may influence research results. The research results suggest the importance of designing communication persuasion messages in government organizations using a fear approach by formulating relevant forms of threats and developing more effective efficacy messages so that the resulting response is in accordance with the communication objectives to be achieved, namely creating compliance within the organization (internal).