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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang Potensi Desa dan peluang implemntasi program corporate social responsibiity PT. Antam, TBK UBPE Ponglor di Desa Malasari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implemntasi program CSR PT. Antam TBK UBPE Pongkor sudah banyak di Desa Malasari, namun program yang digulirkan belum sepenuhnya memperlihatkan dampak keberlanjutan terutama untuk peningkatan kesejahtreaan masyarakat, padahal Desa Malasari memiliki potensi sumber daya dan modal sosial yang kuat.
This thesis aims to gain an overview of the Village Potential and opportunities implemntasi PT Corporate Social Responsibility programs. Antam TBK Malasari UBPE Ponglor in the village. This study used qualitative research methods with descriptive study. the results showed that implemntasi CSR program PT. Antam TBK UBPE Pongkor Malasari many in the village, but the programs initiated yet fully show the impact of sustainability primarily to an increase in public Welfare, whereas the village Malasari resource potential and strong social capital.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sousa, Domingos da Costa
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif tentang Upaya Preventif Child Protection Networks Dalam Merespon Kekerasan Terhadap Anak, di Kota Dili, Timor-Leste. Child Protection Networks dibentuk oleh Pemerintah Demokratik Timor-Leste, yakni Kementrian Solidaritas Sosial dalam rangka merespon kekerasan terhadap anak. Pelaksanaan kegiatan mobilisasi sosial dalam rangka upaya preventif terahadap kekerasan anak di Dili masih pada tingkat pemahaman mendasar tentang hak-hak anak dan perlindungan anak. Faktor pendukung mobilisasi sosail antara lain adanya partisipasti stakeholder, serta komitmen pemeritntah dalam pelakasanaannya. Faktor penghambat yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan kegiatan mobilisasi sosial diantaranya: kurangnya ketrampilan staff, pergantian staff, ketergantugan pada donor, dan kurangnya transparansi dalam pelaporan keuangan.
This is a qualitative research about the Prevention Effort of Child Protection Networks in Responding Child Abuses in Dili, Timor-Leste. Child Protection Networks was established by the Democratic Government of Timor-Leste, Ministry of Social Solidarity in responding to child abuses. The implementation of social mobilization activities as a prevention effort in responding child abuses in Dili is still on the basic level of child rights and child protection. The contributing factors of social mobilization activities such as participation of stakeholders as well as the commitment of the government on its implementation. The inhibiting factors that effected the implementation of social mobilization activities such as: lack of skilled staff, turn-over staff, dependency to donor, and less transparency in budget reporting;This is a qualitative research about the Prevention Effort of Child Protection Networks in Responding Child Abuses in Dili, Timor-Leste. Child Protection Networks was established by the Democratic Government of Timor-Leste, Ministry of Social Solidarity in responding to child abuses. The implementation of social mobilization activities as a prevention effort in responding child abuses in Dili is still on the basic level of child rights and child protection. The contributing factors of social mobilization activities such as participation of stakeholders as well as the commitment of the government on its implementation. The inhibiting factors that effected the implementation of social mobilization activities such as: lack of skilled staff, turn-over staff, dependency to donor, and less transparency in budget reporting, This is a qualitative research about the Prevention Effort of Child Protection Networks in Responding Child Abuses in Dili, Timor-Leste. Child Protection Networks was established by the Democratic Government of Timor-Leste, Ministry of Social Solidarity in responding to child abuses. The implementation of social mobilization activities as a prevention effort in responding child abuses in Dili is still on the basic level of child rights and child protection. The contributing factors of social mobilization activities such as participation of stakeholders as well as the commitment of the government on its implementation. The inhibiting factors that effected the implementation of social mobilization activities such as: lack of skilled staff, turn-over staff, dependency to donor, and less transparency in budget reporting]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cucu Nurhayati
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pembangunan sosial sektor informal perkotaan terutama pedagang kaki lima di Pasar Minggu DKI Jakarta Serta menjelaskan konsep pembangunan sosial berdasarkan struktur kultur dan proses dalam mewujudkan masyarakat PKL yang inklusif Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penataan dan relokasi PKL di Pasar Minggu DKI Jakarta berdasarkan konsep pembangunan sosial belum mencapai tahapan ideal masih dalam tahapan proses menuju pembangunan yang inklusif Pembangunan struktur yang meliputi struktural setting dan struktural instrument dalam pembangunan PKL belum dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk kebijakan kongkrit untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup PKL Pembangunan kultur sosial menunjukan hasil yang cukup baik dengan mengacu pada misi Jakarta sebagai ldquo Masyarakat yang berkebudayaan rdquo yaitu dengan adanya perubahan prilaku satpol PP dan aparat pemerintahan yang lebih sopan dan persuasif Pembangunan proses sosial melalui interaksi komunikasi yang dibangun antara pemerintah DKI Jakarta UPB Pasar Minggu dan PKL belum terjalin secara maksimal Dengan adanya proses sosial yang maksimal akan melahirkan internalisasi budaya dan institusionalisasi kebijakan dalam rangka mewujudkan pembangunan yang inklusif dan menuju kualitas hidup PKL yang lebih baik Konsep pembangunan sosial idealnya dilakukan dalam bentuk kualitatif namun pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk memberikan model baru dalam penggunaan metodologi Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif penelitian ini berusaha untuk memudahkan membuat tingkatan pembangunan sosial PKL di Pasar Minggu DKI Jakarta serta dapat memahami makna dalam realitas PKL ;
This dissertation aims to describe the social development of urban informal sector particularly street vendors PKL at the Pasar Minggu Jakarta and to explain the concept of social development based on the structure culture and the process in creating an inclusive street vendor society The finding of this research shows that the maintenance and relocation of the street svendors in the Pasar Minggu Jakarta based on the concept of social development has not achieved an ideal stage It is still in the process towards an inclusive development Structural development that consists of the structural setting and the structural instrument in developing the street vendors cannot be implemented yet in a concrete policy that is able to improve the life quality of the street vendors The development of social culture shows a quite good result which refers to the Jakarta mission as ldquo civilized society rdquo which is indicated by changing attitude of satpol PP and other government apparatus that are more polite and persuasive The development of social process through interaction and communication which is established between the government of the DKI Jakarta the UPB Pasar Minggu and the street vendors has not been built significantly A significant social process will generate an internalisation of culture and an institutionalisation of policy that helps in creating an inclusive development and a better life quality of the street vendors The concept of social development is ideally conducted in a qualitative form However this research uses quantitative method in order to contribute a new model in the application of methodology Through both qualitative and quantitative methods this research attempts to simplify in making the stages of social development of the vendors in the Pasar Minggu Jakarta and to understand meanings in real life of the street vendors , This dissertation aims to describe the social development of urban informal sector particularly street vendors PKL at the Pasar Minggu Jakarta and to explain the concept of social development based on the structure culture and the process in creating an inclusive street vendor society The finding of this research shows that the maintenance and relocation of the street svendors in the Pasar Minggu Jakarta based on the concept of social development has not achieved an ideal stage It is still in the process towards an inclusive development Structural development that consists of the structural setting and the structural instrument in developing the street vendors cannot be implemented yet in a concrete policy that is able to improve the life quality of the street vendors The development of social culture shows a quite good result which refers to the Jakarta mission as ldquo civilized society rdquo which is indicated by changing attitude of satpol PP and other government apparatus that are more polite and persuasive The development of social process through interaction and communication which is established between the government of the DKI Jakarta the UPB Pasar Minggu and the street vendors has not been built significantly A significant social process will generate an internalisation of culture and an institutionalisation of policy that helps in creating an inclusive development and a better life quality of the street vendors The concept of social development is ideally conducted in a qualitative form However this research uses quantitative method in order to contribute a new model in the application of methodology Through both qualitative and quantitative methods this research attempts to simplify in making the stages of social development of the vendors in the Pasar Minggu Jakarta and to understand meanings in real life of the street vendors ]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herman Usman
Abstrak :
Studi ini mengkaji keberadaan Kota Ternate. Dikenal sebagai wilayah pada satu sisi memiliki kekuatan adat tradisi melalui struktur Kesultanan Ternate, dan pada sisi lain, menjadi kota modern dengan struktur birokrasi pemerintahan. Tautan dua kekuasaan ini, kadang melahirkan pertentangan dan konfliktual (dualisme), kadang juga hadir hubungan timbal balik (dualitas), saling menguntungkan. Analisis atas kota dengan dua kuasa ini, menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksplanasi. Hasil studi lapangan menjelaskan, struktur kekuasaan tradisional melalui Sultan Ternate memiliki dominasi atas masyarakat adat (balakusu se kano-kano), namun juga memegang kekuasaan secara politik maupun pemerintahan melalui agen (Wakil Walikota Ternate, Arifin Djafar). Sementara pada struktur pemerintahan Kota Ternate, sejak Era Walikota Syamsir Andili mengusung tema kultural melalui visi-misi, yakni “Ternate Menuju Masyarakat Madani” dan Era Walikota Burhan Abdurrrahman, hal yang sama juga dilakukan dengan mengusung visi misi “Bahari Berkesan”. Namun, baik Syamsir Andili maupun Burhan Abdurrahman, sama-sama tidak dapat mengatur keberadaan ruang kota dengan baik. Pasar dan terminal justru menjadi ajang kepentingan ekonomi antar SKPD. Secara sosiologis, studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada kekuasaan tradisional maupun modern, tarikan kepentingan struktural begitu menguat yang memengaruhi dan mendominasi kultural (struktur mendominasi kultur/strukturisasi kultur), melalui tindakan sosial aktor dengan praktik-praktik sosial yang rekursif (berulang-ulang). Sementara peran warga kota melalui prosesual masih belum mampu menegosiasikan dua kekuatan ini. Karena itu, pembangunan sosial perkotaan, harus lebih diarahkan untuk kepentingan publik, dan bukan kepentingan ekonomi politik semata, sehingga integrasi sosial Kota Ternate di masa mendatang dapat tercipta.[];
This study examine the existence of Ternate City that known as the region on the one hand has the power custom through the structure of the Sultanate of Ternate, and on the other hand, into a modern city with the structure of government bureaucracy. The relation of two powers, sometimes spawned opposition and conflictual (dualism), sometimes also present the mutual relations (duality), mutually beneficial. The analysis of city with the two powers, by using qualitative method and explanation approach. The result of the field study explain, traditional power structure through the Sultanate of Ternate has dominand over indigenous peoples (balakusu se kanokano), but also hold political power and government by an agent (Deputy Mayor of Ternate, Arifin Djafar), while the governance structure of Ternate, since the era of Mayor Syamsir Andili with his cultural theme or his vision-mission, namely "Ternate Menuju Masyarakat Madani". The era of Mayor Burhan Abdurrrahman, the same things also is done by his vision and mission of "Bahari Berkesan". However, both Syamsir Andili and Burhan Abdurrahman can not set up the town well. The station and market became the economic area interest between the SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah). Sociologically, this study conclude that between traditional and modern power, there is a pull so strongly in structural interest that influence and dominate the cultural (structure dominated culture/strukturisasi kultur), through social action actor with the social practices recursively (perulangan). The role of the towns people a processual still not able to negotiate this two forces. Therefore, the urban social development, should be directed to the public interest, and not for the economic and political interest, so that the social integration of Ternate City in the future can be created.[], This study examine the existence of Ternate City that known as the region on the one hand has the power custom through the structure of the Sultanate of Ternate, and on the other hand, into a modern city with the structure of government bureaucracy. The relation of two powers, sometimes spawned opposition and conflictual (dualism), sometimes also present the mutual relations (duality), mutually beneficial. The analysis of city with the two powers, by using qualitative method and explanation approach. The result of the field study explain, traditional power structure through the Sultanate of Ternate has dominand over indigenous peoples (balakusu se kanokano), but also hold political power and government by an agent (Deputy Mayor of Ternate, Arifin Djafar), while the governance structure of Ternate, since the era of Mayor Syamsir Andili with his cultural theme or his vision-mission, namely "Ternate Menuju Masyarakat Madani". The era of Mayor Burhan Abdurrrahman, the same things also is done by his vision and mission of "Bahari Berkesan". However, both Syamsir Andili and Burhan Abdurrahman can not set up the town well. The station and market became the economic area interest between the SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah). Sociologically, this study conclude that between traditional and modern power, there is a pull so strongly in structural interest that influence and dominate the cultural (structure dominated culture/strukturisasi kultur), through social action actor with the social practices recursively (perulangan). The role of the towns people a processual still not able to negotiate this two forces. Therefore, the urban social development, should be directed to the public interest, and not for the economic and political interest, so that the social integration of Ternate City in the future can be created.[]]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arifin Utha
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis isi kebijakan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural, dan implementasinya di Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena dipandang sebagai pendekatan yang tepat untuk menjawab permasalahan kompleksitas isi kebijakan dan implementasinya di Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari. Data dihimpun dari informan terkait melalui wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi inkonsistensi isi kebijakan di beberapa level mulai dari policy level, maupun organizational level sampai pada operational level, karena ketidaktegasan pembuat kebijakan (aktor kebijakan), dan ketidakjelasan isi kebijakan. Sistem merit belum dijadikan dasar dalam implementasi kebijakan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di lingkup instansi pemerintah Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari, karena penentuan penetapan calon pejabat struktural tidak dilakukan melalui mekanisme, tidak dilakukannya assesment (penilaian) kompetensi yang sebenarnya, penetapan penempatan pejabat struktuaral tidak didasarkan atas sistem merit, serta adanya indikasi spoils system, nepotisme dan patronage pada penentuan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di Kabupaten Muna. Sementara, di Kota Kendari, selain spoils system dan nepotisme juga adanya indikasi akomodasi terhadap kepentingan etnisitas dalam penentuan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural, adalah beberapa indikator memperkuat bahwa penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural masih jauh dari prinsip-prinsip sistem merit. Praktik penentuan penempatan pejabat struktural yang terjadi di lingkup instansi pemerintah Kabupaten Muna disamping didasarkan atas kepentingan partai politik, kekuasaan bupati, juga tidak terlepas dari kepentingan keluarga, pertemanan dan kekerabatan. Praktik penentuan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di Kota Kendari disamping lebih banyak didasarkan pada kepentingan akomodasi terhadap kepentingan etnisitas, juga tidak terlepas dari kepentingan partai politik, keluarga, pertemanan, kekerabatan, dan kekuasaan walikota. Hal ini pulalah yang merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh tidak diterapkannya sistem merit dalam penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di lingkup instansi Pemerintah Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari selama tahun 2008-2011. Implikasi teoritis penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pendekatan sistem merit dalam penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural akan memperkuat sistem pemerintahan daerah itu sendiri tidak bertentangan dengan azas demokrasi malah saling melengkapi.;
The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the policy on the placement of civil servants structural position, and its implementation in Muna District and Kendari City. This study used a qualitative approach because the wilderness as the right approach to address the complexi ty of the content of the policy and its implementation in Muna District and Kendari City. Data were collected through interviews of informants related. The results show the contents of the policy inconsistency has occurred at several levels ranging from policy level, and organizational level to the operational level, because indecision policy makers (policy actor), and the vagueness of policy content. Merit System has not been used as a basis for policy implementation civil servant placement on structural positions in the scope of government agencies Muna District and Kendari City, because the determination of the structural determination of official candidates was not made by the mechanism, not doing the assessment (assessment) of actual competence, determination of placement is not based structural officials on the merit system, as well as indications Spoils system, nepotism and patronage in determining the placement of civil servants in a structural position in Muna. Meanwhile, in the Kendari City, besides spoils system and nepotism are also indications of accommodation of the interests of ethnicity in determining the placement of the structural position of civil servants, are some indicators that the placement of civil servants reinforce the structural position is far from the principles of the merit system. Practice determining the placement officer's structural scope Muna Regency besides government agencies based on the interests of a political party, the regent power can not be separated from the interests of family, friendship and kinship. Civil Servant placement determination practices in structural positions in Kendari City besides more based on the interests of property against the interests of ethnicity, can not be separated from the interests of a political party, family, friendship and kinship, and the power of the mayor. This is precisely what is one of the factors that influence non-application of the merit system in the civil service placement on the scope of the structural positions in government agencies Muna Regency and Kendari City during the years 2008-2011. The theoretical implication of this study indicate that the use of the approach in the placement of the merit system in the civil servants in the structural position will strengthen the local governance system itself is not contrary to the principle of democracy instead, The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the policy on the placement of civil servants structural position, and its implementation in Muna District and Kendari City. This study used a qualitative approach because the wilderness as the right approach to address the complexi ty of the content of the policy and its implementation in Muna District and Kendari City. Data were collected through interviews of informants related. The results show the contents of the policy inconsistency has occurred at several levels ranging from policy level, and organizational level to the operational level, because indecision policy makers (policy actor), and the vagueness of policy content. Merit System has not been used as a basis for policy implementation civil servant placement on structural positions in the scope of government agencies Muna District and Kendari City, because the determination of the structural determination of official candidates was not made by the mechanism, not doing the assessment (assessment) of actual competence, determination of placement is not based structural officials on the merit system, as well as indications Spoils system, nepotism and patronage in determining the placement of civil servants in a structural position in Muna. Meanwhile, in the Kendari City, besides spoils system and nepotism are also indications of accommodation of the interests of ethnicity in determining the placement of the structural position of civil servants, are some indicators that the placement of civil servants reinforce the structural position is far from the principles of the merit system. Practice determining the placement officer's structural scope Muna Regency besides government agencies based on the interests of a political party, the regent power can not be separated from the interests of family, friendship and kinship. Civil Servant placement determination practices in structural positions in Kendari City besides more based on the interests of property against the interests of ethnicity, can not be separated from the interests of a political party, family, friendship and kinship, and the power of the mayor. This is precisely what is one of the factors that influence non-application of the merit system in the civil service placement on the scope of the structural positions in government agencies Muna Regency and Kendari City during the years 2008-2011. The theoretical implication of this study indicate that the use of the approach in the placement of the merit system in the civil servants in the structural position will strengthen the local governance system itself is not contrary to the principle of democracy instead]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
[Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kemunculan lembaga bimbel yang hadir sebagai alternatif baru bagi para siswa sekolah untuk membantu beban sekolah mereka. Proses kegiatan belajar mengajar yang terjadi di dalam bimbel memungkinkan terjadinya pertukaran sosial melalui interaksi sosial yang terjadi. Melalui interaksi tersebut, proses typing, labelling dan self-fulfilling prophecy merupakan hal yang tidak dapat terhindarkan. Skripsi ini berusaha melihat bagaimana proses pertukaran sosial yang terjadi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar bimbel memberikan pengaruh terhadap proses pembelajaran siswa SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dan observasi partisipatoris sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Informan penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang yang terdiri dari dua orang pengajar bimbel, dua orang siswa bimbel dan satu orang ketua yayasan lembaga bimbel. Hasil dari penelitian ini sendiri menunjukkan bahwa proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di bimbel memberikan pengaruh yang cukup positif bagi proses pembelajaran siswa SMA, walaupun tidak menjamin keberhasilan pencapaian studi siswa SMA itu sendiri., This study discusses the increasing appearances of tutoring agencies as a new alternative for school students in getting help with their school workload. The learning process activities in tutoring agency allows the social exchange in the middle of social interaction between teacher and student. Through these interaction, the typing, labelling and self-fulfilling prophecy are inevitable. This thesis discusses how the social exchange process in tutoring agency affects the learning process of high school students who join the class in Salemba Group. This study used a qualitative method approach, with in-depth interview and observation in gathering data. There were five informants participating in this study: two tutoring agency teachers, two tutoring agency students, and the Chairman of said tutoring agency. The result of this study showed that the social exchange process which happen in Salemba Group gives positive effect to high school student learning process, but not guarantee their achievement in academic aspect.]
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desrellita Amantha Putri
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai akses informasi perempuan penyandang disabilitas rungu mengenai kesehatan reproduksi yang dilakukan oleh anggota Gerakan untuk Kesejahteraan Tuna Rungu Indonesia (GERKATIN). Akses informasi yang di bahas dalam penelitian ini mengenai komponen akses informasi dan faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat penyampaian informasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa akses informasi penyandang disabilitas rungu mengenai kesehatan reproduksi masih memerlukan dukungan dari berbagai pihak. ......This research discusses about information access for deaf about reproductive health which have been done with the members of Indonesian Association for the Welfare of the Deaf (IAWD). The information access that explained in this research is about component of access and factors in understanding information about reproductive health. This research is using descriptive and qualitative research. The research result shows that information access for deaf still need to increase with much supports from the environment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kajian komunikasi telah diamati dari berbagai perspektif. Namun, belum ada perspektif yang secara spesifik mengamati dari sisi teknologi. Padahal saat ini teknologi komunikasi menjadi salah satu fondasi yang menyebabkan komunikasi menarik perhatian banyak orang. Tulisan ini memberikan dasar yang singkat untuk memahami perkembangan teknologi dari perspektif teknologi dari era awal komunikasi hingga era informasi dan konvergensi.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Media berkembang seiring dengan perubahan teknologi komunikasi melalui proses mediamorfosis menjadi media baru. Hal uang sama juga terjadi dengan demokrasi yang berkembangnya kebebasan berekspresi yang di dalam komunikasi lebih dikenal dengan "human cannot not communicate". Sehingga, baik medoa dan demokrasi saling memanfaatkan dan melengkapi menjadikannya selalu tergantung antara saru dengan lain. Paling tidak ada dua pandanganmyaktu utopia dan distopia. Di satu sisi utopia mengatakan bahqa salahnsatu yang dirasakan menarik saat ini adalah tumbuhnya media barj dalam peran partisipasi politik yang berbiaya rendah. Namun, pandangan distopia mengatakan bahwa perlu disadari baik media dan demokrasi juga mengalami proses marketisasi dan keduanya terkadang tidak menjadi dseterministik antara saru dengan lainnya serta memperlihatkan adanya konspirasi politik. Oleh karena itu, ketika adanya keinginan untuk membuat media baru sebagai suatu proses demokrasi yang dapat mensejahterakan masyarakat maka hal-hal tersebut perlu didiskusikan.
Media developed with movement of communication technology through mediamorfosis process was being new media. The same thing also occured with democration developed with growing of expression freedom in communication, it was called "human cannot not communicate". Until, media and democration mutual advantage and equip making depended upon one another. At least, there were two viewing specifically utopis and distopia. One side of utopia said that one of perceived attractive nowadays was developing new media in political participation with low cost. However, distopia viewing said that need to realize both media and democration also have marketisation process and both of them sometimes were not being deterministic one another and showed political conspiracy. Therefore, when there was necessity to make new media as a democration process that can be welfare society if the things need to be discussed.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tahun 2011 merupakan era baru teknologi komputasi (Cloud Computing) Teknologi komoutasi awan adalah solusi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang memberikan kesempatan kepada konsumen untuk dapat menyewa teknologi dari penyedoa (provider). Penyedia memberikan jasa pengelolzam infrastruktur, platform, dan aplikasi jasa teknologi informasi sehingga memudahkan konsumen tanpa harus berinvestasi. Hanya saja, ketika medoa baik media massa cdtsk dan media online menyebarluaskan informasi tentang teknologi komputasi awan, yang terjadi adalah penggunaan istilah-istilah teknologo yang beradampada level pakar (expert sphere) yang sulit dimengerti oleh masyarakat luas. Analisis yang digunakan adalah tiga kategori teknologi komputasi awan seperti Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructire as a Service (IaaS), dan Software as a Service (SaaS); dua lapisan dari model Arnold Pacey seperti lapisan pakar (expert sphere) dan pengguna (user sphere) dalam pemanfaatan teknologi; dan dua pendekatan dari Arnold Pacey tentang pendekatan obyek (object approach) dan manusia (human approach). Dengan metode analisis isi diperoleh bahwa pemberitaan tentang teknologi komputasi awan lebih banyak pada kategori PaaS, expert sphere, dan object approach. Kemudian penelitian ini memperlihatkan adanya kecenderungan penggunaan bahasa dan tulisan wartawan yang tidak seimbang. Dengan menggunakan analisis framing, penelitian ini memperlihatkan adanya bingkai tertentu yang dilakukan oleh wartawan dalam menulis artikel dan berita terkait dengan teknologimkomputasi awan.
In 2011 was new era of Cloud Computing Technology . Cloud Computing Technology was solution of information and communication technology which gave opportunity to consumer to get hired technology service from provider. Provider gave managing service for infrastructure, platform, and information technology application service until facilitating consumer without might invest. It is just, when media both printed media and online media disseminated information about cloud computing technology, occured using of terms technology were on expert sphere level that was misunderstanding by society. Analyses was used that were three categories of cloud computing technology such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS); two layers of Arnold Pacey model such as expert sphere and user sphere in technology utilization ; and two approach of Arnold Pacey about object approach and human approach. By content analyses method obtained reporting about cloud computing technology was more than PaaS, expert sphere, and object approach categories. Then this study showed that tends used language and journalist writing were unbalance. By using framing analyses, this research described the particular framing was conducted by journalist to write article and news related to cloud computing technology.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library