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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Since July 1997. there was a monetary crisis in Indonesia. This condition influences health and nutritional status of the communitv. There was a decrease of purchasing power. due to lack job opportunities. This condition lead to decreasing in quality and quantity of food intake of children under-five in the community.

Four cross-sectional surveys were carried out in East Jakarta in September 1993, April 1998, December 1998, and March 1999. There were totally 1859 under five children and 1622 household assessed within the four surveys. Multi stage random sampling was used in the first survey (September 1993) by Susilowati Regardless there were under fives or not the study covered all subdristricts select households having children under the age 60 months from 16 village units of 10 sub-districts. And the next three surveys used the same study area as the first study data on socio-economic, food consumption. environmental situation and nutrition status were collected using pre-coded questionaire and anthropometric measurements. The percentage of fathers without occupation increased in 1999 (7 .3 ~o) as compare to 1993 (2%). The anthropometric status of under-five children in September 1993. April 1998, December 1998 and March 1999 show the prevalence of stunting are as following 22.7%, 16.1%, 25 .4% and 22% (p value < 0.05, Chi Square). While the prevalence of wasting are as following 15%, 17.90/o, 11 .5% and 14.1 % (p value < 0.05, Chi Square). There were no significant difference in nutritional status between boys and girls within the four surveys. During the monetary crisis there were significant difference in prevalence of underweight (April'98 survey) in children from lower strata/percentile of per capitafood expenditure and upper level of strata percentile of per capita food expenditure (p < 0.05, Chi Square). Anthropometric indicators were calculated using growth reference data of the National Center for health Statistics ( 1977 )

The prevalence of stunting and wasting were also significantly higher inthcgroup receiving food aid compared to those without food aid. There is no significant difference in prevalence of malnourished mother by using cut-off point BMJ< 18.5. The prevalence of malnourished mother found in September 1993 was 14.7%. in April 1998 was 13.1%': in December 1998 was 16.2%, and in March 1999 was 13%. The same situation also describe ·n BM1>25 which has no changes from 1993 to 1999. The prevalence of overweight (BMI > 25) mother found in September 1993 was 24.2%, April 1998 was 21.3%, December 1998 19.1%, and March 1999 24.6%. It seems that the crisis has no impact on nutritional status of non pregnant mother.

The crisis was associated with a clear negative shift in household food consumption. The intake of animal prolein sources significantly decreased (p value< 0.05.chi-square). as a coping mechanism the plant protein as well as green leafy begetables consumption increased makedly)

Based on strata/percentile of per capita food expenditure there were no difference within the strata in all surveys in eggs consumption in the family but there were diference for poultry, meat, fish and milk (p< 0 05. Chi Square)

There was assoaciation between children nutritional starus and frequency of food intake of animal protein, milk, fruit and cooking oil (p value < 0.05 anova). There were also assoctation between nutritional status of under live children with food expenditure number of household member, mother nutrional status (BMI and MUAC). Duration of breast-feeding snack consumption, total expenditure and food and program
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Desianti Pritasari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya data mengenai pengiriman pasien oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang menjalin perjanjian kerja sama dengan Rumah Sakit PERTAMINA Klayan. Data tersebut menunjukkan terdapat 3 dari 14 perusahaan yang menjalin PKS pada tahun 2002 tidak melakukan pengiriman pasien sedangkan 11 perusahaan lainnya yang melakukan pengiriman pasien ke RS PERTAMINA Mayan di tahun 2002 pada bulan - bulan tertentu tidak mengirimkan pasien. Tujuan peneiitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor pada perusahaan dan faktor - faktor pada rumah sakit yang dapat menyebabkan perusahaan yang menjalin PKS melakukan dan tidak melakukan pengiriman ke RS PERTAMINA Klayan. Disain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan interaksi simbolik. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan mengambil data langsung ke sumber data. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pihak yang berwenang membawahi masalah kesehatan karyawan disetiap perusahaan dan karyawan perusahaan yang pernah merasakan pelayanan RS PERTAMINA Klayan. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan triangulasi dengan sumber untuk menjaga keabsahan data. Pada penelitian ini diamati faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan terjadi atau tidaknya pengiriman pasien, yaitu: 1. Faktor Perusahaan: Karakteristik Perusahaan, Angka Kesakitan, Kebijakan, Penilaian terhadap isi PKS dan Pengambilan Keputusan. 2. Faktor rumah sakit: Pelayanan, Fasilitas Pelayanan, Waktu, Tarif dan Informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadinya pengiriman dari 11 perusahaan di tahun 2002 ke RS PERTAMINA Klayan (RSPK) disebabkan oleh karakteristik perusahaan yang menimbulkan kebutuhan akan pelayanan kesehatan seperti yang dimiliki oleh RSPK, sebaran tempat tinggal karyawan perusahaan yang dekat dengan lokasi RSPK, pimpinan perusahaaan yang memutuskan menjadikan RSPK sebagai pusat rujukan, pelayanan dokter dan perawat RSPK yang dinilai baik oleh informan, tarif rawat inap dan rawat jalan RSPK yang dinilai sesuai dengan kualitas pelayanan, kecepatan pelayanan rawat inap RSPK dan pendekatan persuasif mengenai informasi pelayanan RSPK. Faktor penyebab tidak terjadinya pengiriman pasien oleh 3 perusahaan dan faktor penyebab pengiriman pasien 11 perusahaan tidak optimal ke RSPK di tahun 2002 adalah 68,58% sebaran tempat tinggal seluruh karyawan di 14 perusahaan dikategorikan jauh dari lokasi RSPK, karyawan sebagai pengambil keputusan mempunyai banyak pilihan rumah sakit karena perusahaan memiliki perjanjian kerjasama (PKS) dengan rumah sakit lain selain RSPK, fasilitas kesehatan karyawan yang ditanggung perusahaan terbatas, isi PKS antara RSPK dengan perusahaan tidak mengikat perusahaan untuk mengirim pasien hanya kepada RSPK, image tarif RSPK yang mahal bagi karyawan 3 perusahaan yang tidak melakukan pengiriman pasien ke RSPK ditahun 2002, lamanya penagihan dari pihak rumah sakit kepada perusahaan membuat perusahaan merasa dirugikan baik secara waktu, ketepatan pelaksanaan pasal penagihan PKS dan materi khususnya yang terjadi pada PT Terminal Batubara Indah cabang Cirebon. Literatur: 24 buku (1977 -- 2002)
The Analysis Causation Factor Member of Agreement Company Sent and Not Sent Their Patient to PERTAMINA Klayan Hospital in CirebonThis research have a background data about quantity patient from companies that have master of agreement (MOU) with PERTAMINA Klayan hospital. From 14 companies, 3 of them not sent their patient to PERTAMINA Klayan hospital in 2002. in the other side 11 companies which sent their patient, in a certain month doesn't sent their patient. The aim of this research is to find out the causation factor at the company and hospital which is cause companies with MOU sent and not sent their patient to PERTAMINA Klayan hospital. This approach is qualitative approach with symbolic interaction research has been carried out based on data from interview. Informant in this research who is a person with authorithy on official health care problem in every company and company's employee who are ex. patient PERTAMINA Klayan hospital. This research take triangulation data in order to preserve validity of data. This research observe causaction factor companies with MOU sent or riot sent their patient, as follow as: 1. Company Factor: Company Characteristic, Figure of Illness, Policy, Proportion Section of MOU and Decision Making. 2. Hospital Factor: Service, Facility of service, Time, Price and Information. In 2002, the result of this research show that sent from 11 companies to PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan was caused by company's character which was appeared the need of healthy service like PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan, employee's residence which is near from PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan as center referral, service PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan doctor and nurses who judged kind by informant, hospitalize fee which is according to service quality, speed of hospitalize service PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan and persuasive approximation about PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan service information. The cause factor does not sent the patient by 3 companies and the cause factor sent patient from 11 companies were optimal to PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan in 2002 around 68,58% spread of residence whole of in 14 companies. Those categories are far from PERTANIINA Hospital Klayan location, the employee has many options because the company had MOU (member of understanding) with another hospital beside PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan, the facility of employee's health who guaranteed by company, the content of MOU between PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan with company is not to set the company to send the patient to hospital, the expensive fee in PERTAMINA Hospital Klayan for employee 3 companies which is not sent to hospital in 2002, the time limit of debt from hospital to company make they feel lost, in time, accuracy of debt chapter and especially in PT Terminal Batubara Indah Cab. Cirebon. Literature: 24 books (1977-2002)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andita Pritasari
Abstrak :
Terjadinya fenomena kredit bermasalah merupakan salah satu resiko yang dapat ditemui dalam kegiatan perkreditan perbankan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam perkreditan guna mencegah terjadinya kredit bermasalah di kemudian hari adalah dengan menerapkan suatu analisis yang akurat dan mendalam saat menilai kelayakan atas suatu permohonan fasilitas kredit. Skripsi ini membahas perihal Penerapan Prinsip 5C (The Five C's Of Credit) dalam analisis pemberian kredit dan pengaruhnya dalam pencegahan terjadinya kredit bermasalah pada PT Bank X Tbk Cabang Bogor. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi kepustakaan atau yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian kemudian menyimpulkan bahwa Bank X memiliki pedoman perkreditan yang telah sesuai berdasarkan ketentuan Bank Indonesia di mana di dalamnya telah memuat kriteria analisis secara rinci untuk menggali tiap aspek dari Prinsip 5C guna menilai kelayakan calon debitur. Selain itu penerapan prinsip ini cukup berpengaruh dalam pencegahan terjadinya kredit bermasalah pada Bank X yang ditandai dengan rendahnya angka kredit bermasalah yang terjadi bila dibandingkan dengan total jumlah pinjaman dana yang disalurkan hingga periode tertentu. ......The phenomenon of non-performing loans is one of the risks that usually arise up in the bank lending activities. The accurate and depth analysis in assessing the feasibility of an application credit facility is needed as a method that can be done in order to implement the precautionary principle in matters concerning financial credit and loans. This thesis tries to consider in-depth about the implementation of the five c's of credit principle in analysing lending and its effect in preventing the non performing loan at Bank X Tbk Bogor. The research was done by using the library research method or normative juridical. Afterwards, the researcher found a conclusion that Bank X already has its lending guidelines according to the Bank of Indonesia Regulation which contains detailed criterias for them to analysis every five C's principle in assessing the feasibility of the aplicants. Besides, the researcher also found that the implementation of this principle is quite affecting Bank X in order to prevent the non performing loan at the bank which is indicated by the low of the number of non performing loan that occured if compare to the total amount of loan funds that channeled until a certain period.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belinda Pritasari
Abstrak :
Pekerja Seks Komersial adalah subjek yang memiliki risiko tinggi terkena infeksi menular seksual, salah satunya adalah Kandidiasis vulvovaginitis akibat Candida albicans. Mayoritas PSK menggunakan alat kontrasepsi berupa kontrasepsi hormonal, yang terdiri dari pil KB dan suntik KB, untuk mencegah kehamilan akibat pekerjaan. Akan tetapi, penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dapat mempengaruhi perubahan hormon dalam tubuh sehingga dapat menjadi faktor risiko kandidiasis vulvovaginitis. Pil KB dan suntik KB merupakan dua jenis kontrasepsi hormonal yang berbeda. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara prevalensi Kandidiasis vulvovaginitis dengan penggunaan pil keluarga berencana (KB) dibandingkan suntik KB pada pekerja seks komersial (PSK) di Tangerang, Banten. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross - sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari Departemen Parasitologi FKUI. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 103 PSK di Tangerang, Banten. Hasil penelitian ini, terdapat 70 PSK (68%) yang positif terkena Kandidiasis vulvovaginitis, dan 33 PSK (32%) yang negatif. Terdapat 70 PSK yang menggunakan pil KB (68%), 33 PSK menggunakan suntik (32%). Hasil statistik penelitian ini adalah p=0,014 (p<0,05) dan rasio prevalensi 1,4 dengan IK 95% 1,27 ? 1,88, sehingga dapat dinyatakan bahwa Kandidiasis vulvovaginitis memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan penggunaann pil KB dibandingkan dengan suntik KB. Kesimpulannya, pil KB merupakan faktor risiko kandidiasis vulvovaginitis. ...... Prostitutes are always in the high risk to develop sexually transmitted disease, one of the commonly found transmitted diseases is Candidiasis vulvovaginitis which is caused by Candida albicans. Meanwhile, some prostitutes are taking contraceptive to prevent pregnancy such as using birth control pills and the birth control in the form of injection. The objective of the study is to identify the prevalence between Candidiasis vulvovaginitis and the administration of birth control pills compared with the injection birth control on prostitutes living in Tangerang, Banten. The study employs the cross-sectional design using secondary data from the Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine the Universitas Indonesia. The subjects of this study are 103 prostitutes living in Tangerang, Banten, comprising 70 are regulary taking birth control pills (68%), 33 are using the birth control in the form of injection (32%). The result of this study demonstrates that the statistic p=0,014 and the ratio prevalence is 1,4 with 95% CI (1,27-1,88) which is significantly lower than the standard reference 0,05. Thus, Candidiasis vulvovaginitis has the significance prevalence with the use of contraception, where birth control pills has the highest prevalence on prostitutes living in Tangerang, Banten.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verra Donna Rastyana Pritasari
Abstrak :
Korupsi telah mempengaruhi kehidupan ketatanegaraan serta merusak sistem perekonomian dan masyarakat dalam skala besar sehingga tidak dapat lagi digolongkan sebagai kejahatan biasa, melainkan telah menjadi kejahatan luar biasa (extra ordinary crime). Penegakan hukum dalam pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan secara konvensional selama ini terbukti mengalami hambatan. Sehingga untuk meningkatkan upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi pemerintah bersama lembaga legislatif berupaya menyempurnakan peraturan yang mengatur pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi serta membentuk Komisi Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Namun upaya yang dilakukan oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi mustahil dapat berjalan efektif bila tidak didukung dengan pengadilan yang independent dan kompeten untuk mengadili perkara tindak pidana korupsi, sehingga dibentuklah Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Dalam keberadaaanya, ternyata adanya pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi menimbulkan dualisme diantara pengadilan yang mengadili pelaku korupsi, yaitu antara pengadilan umum dan pengadilan khusus Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Padahal kedua pengadilan ini mengadili perbuatan orang yang samasama di dakwa melakukan tindak pidana korupsi, yang diancaman pidana oleh undang-undang yang sama, namun dapat menghasilkan putusan yang berbeda. Penelitian lapangan dan penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan hakim terhadap tindak pidana korupsi dan faktor yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan bagi hakim dalam putusannya serta mencari upaya untuk mengurangi disparitas putusan hakim antara pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi dan hakim pada pengadilan Umum terhadap tindak pidana korupsi. Carl hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pada pandangan hakim terhadap tindak pidana korupsi. Sistem peradilan di Indonesia yang menganut asas pembuktian menurut undangundang secara negatif, tidak dianutnya "the binding of precedent", multi tafsir darn pengaruh non yuridis seringkali menjadi penyebab disparitas putusan. Sehingga upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalkannya adalah dengan znenyatukan pandangan, versi dan misi pada setiap hakim untuk menjadikan korupsi sebagai musuh bersama.
Corruption influenced state life and destructed economic and society system in a large scale, hence, no longer it may be grouped as an ordinary crime but should be granted as an extraordinary crime. Presently, the conventional law enforcement to combat corruption had taken obstacles. So as to increase efforts for Combating of such corruption criminal act the government (executive) with legislative mutually, they had improved legislation to Combat corruption criminal act as well as to establish The Commission to Combat Corruption. Nevertheless, the efforts conducted by The' Commission to Combat Corruption, possibly, it may not be realized effectively, unless it will not be supported by competent and independent courts to try case of corruption criminal act, then it is established Corruption Courts had resulted in ambiguity among courts trying corruption actor(s), i.e, General and Special courts for trying corruption criminal Act. Indeed, those two institutions examining the same cases of corruption criminal act and threatened by imprisonment under legislation, but it had resulted in the different judgement. Both field and library researches had been conducted in order to know the opinion of judge is against corruption criminal Act and factor as basic considerations of judge regarding his/her judgement and seeking out the efforts for reducing disparity of judge's decision among court of corruption criminal act and general court in term of corruption criminal act. The result research indicated that there are disparities among judges' s opinion regarding corruption criminal act. Frequently, judiciary system of Indonesia based on the negativity evidentiary basic rule, not the binding of precedent, multi interpretations and non juridical impact had resulted in disparity of judgement. Hence, the efforts to be conducted for minimizing it is by unifying their opinion, vision and mission for each judge to put corruption as joint enemy.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library