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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nabila Mardy Fitria
Abstrak :
Au Fere II merupakan resep obat tradisional asal Maluku yang sering digunakan sebagai pengobatan alternatif hipertensi. Hipertensi merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terbesar dari berbagai penyakit kardiovaskular. Jenis penyakit kardiovaskular yang paling banyak menyebabkan kematian adalah infark miokard. Pada kejadian infark miokard terdapat peningkatan tekanan darah dan konsentrasi endotelin-1 pada plasma darah. Peningkatan pelepasan endotelin-1 sebagai vasokonstriktor akan menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan darah atau hipertensi. Hipertensi yang berkelanjutan akan menyebabkan infark miokard. Oleh karena itu, tekanan darah dan konsentrasi endotelin-1 pada plasma dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan terjadinya infark miokard. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan mengevaluasi kemampuan Au Fere II sebagai pengobatan preventif terhadap infark miokard melalui kemampuan mempertahankan tekanan darah dan kadar endotelin-1 plasma normal tubuh. Infark miokard diinduksi melalui injeksi subkutan Isoproterenol pada tikus putih galur Wistar. Tikus dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok perlakuan. Perlakuan diberikan selama 28 hari, kemudian diberikan injeksi subkutan isoproterenol selama 2 hari. Hasil analisis tekanan darah dan konsentrasi endotelin-1 menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok negatif dengan semua kelompok dosis. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Au Fere II memiliki kemungkinan efek kardioprotektif terhadap infark miokard. ......Au Fere II is a traditional concoction from Maluku that is used as hypertension alternative medicine. Hypertension is one of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Myocardial infarction is the leading cause of death among CVDs. There is a rise in plasma endotelin-1 concentration and blood pressure in myocardial infarction. Endotelin-1 release cause blood pressure to risen, causing hypertension. Prolonged hypertension will lead to myocardial infarction. This leads to the use of blood pressure and endothelin-1 as a marker for myocardial infarction. The purpose of this study was to prove and evaluate Au Fere II potency as myocardial infarction preventive medication by evaluating its ability to maintain normal blood pressure level and endothelin-1 concentration. Myocardial infarction was induced by subcutaneous injection of Isoproterenol on Wistar strain white rats. Rats were divided into 6 treatment group. Treatment was done for 28 days and induction was done for 2 days. The result of blood pressure measurement and analysis of plasma sample showed that there was a significant difference of blood pressure level and endothelin-1 concentration between negative kontrol group and the three dose groups. Therefore, it can be concluded that Au Fere II has a possible cardioprotective effect against myocardial infarction.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Mardy Fitria
Abstrak :
https://lib.ui.ac.id/unggah/node/151106#:~:text=Pelayanan%20informasi%20obat%20(PIO,ketersediaan%20waktu%20dari%20pasien. ......Drug information services and counseling are important aspects of clinical pharmacy services to increase public knowledge about how to use drugs properly. Drug information services is an activity carried out by pharmacists in providing information about drugs that are impartial, evaluated critically and with the best evidence in all aspects of drug use to other health professionals, patients or the public. Counseling is an interactive process between pharmacists and patients/families to increase knowledge, understanding, awareness, and compliance so that a change in behavior occurs in drug usage and resolves problems faced by patients. The implementation of drug counseling and information services at the Roxy Pharmacy has not yet been implemented for all patients who meet the counseling criteria. This is caused by various factors such as the limited time that the patient can spare, the patient's willingness to be counseled, and the patient who uses a delivery service to redeem his prescription. Roxy Biak Pharmacy provides a telephone number that patients can use to contact the pharmacist on duty. However, from the archives of drug information services reports and drug-related counseling at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy, it is known that all of them are still carried out face-to-face. Therefore, drug information services and counseling are still often hampered by the patient's time availability.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Mardy Fitria
Abstrak :
Departemen Quality Control (QC) bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan pengujian terhadap Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) dan Finished Goods (FG). Pada pelaksanaan pengujian, hasil uji sampel API dan FG akan dibandingkan dengan hasil uji dari reference standard. Standard stock adalah larutan dengan jumlah yang besar dengan konsentrasi terstandar. Standard stock umumnya mengandung primary reference standard (RS) atau working standard (WS). Sebelum WS digunakan perlu dilakukan pengujian terhadap RS untuk memastikan bahwa WS tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif yang valid. Setiap WS akan digunakan harus diuji terhadap standard stock yang dibuat dari RS, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengujian stabilitas standard stock RS untuk mengetahui berapa lama standard stock RS dapat digunakan sebagai pembanding setelah pertama dibuat. Ditemukan hasil pengujian salah satu larutan stok standar yang tidak sesuai dengan parameter yang telah ditetapkan sebelum 3 bulan, maka diambil kesimpulan bahwa larutan stok standar tersebut hanya dapat digunakan segera setelah pembuatan larutan stok standar. Sementara itu, hasil pengujian larutan stok standar lain yang masih memenuhi parameter setelah penyimpanan diambil kesimpulan sementara bahwa larutan stok standar tersebut masih stabil dan dapat digunakan hingga pengujian terakhir dan kemudian dibuat interim report. Studi ini dapat membantu dalam pertimbangan pengadaan primary reference standard dan working standard, untuk laboratorium QC di masa yang akan datang. ......The Quality Control (QC) Department is responsible for testing Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and Finished Goods (FG). During the test implementation, the test results of the API and FG samples will be compared with the test results from the reference standard. Standard stock is a solution with a large amount of standardized concentration. Standard stock generally contains a primary reference standard (RS) or working standard (WS). Before WS is used, it is necessary to be compared to the RS to ensure that the WS can be used as a valid alternative. Every WS to be used must be tested against standard stock made from RS, so it is necessary to test the stability of RS standard stock to find out how long RS standard stock can be used as a comparison after it was first made. It was found that the test results for one of the standard stock solutions were not in accordance with the parameters that had been set before 3 months passed, so it was concluded that the standard stock solution could only be used immediately after the preparation of the standard stock solution. Meanwhile, other standard stock solutions that still meet the parameters after storage are drawn a temporary conclusion that the standard stock solutions are still stable and can be used until the last test and then an interim report is made. This study can assist in the consideration of procuring primary reference standards and working standards for QC laboratories in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Mardy Fitria
Abstrak :
Peptic ulcer atau ulkus peptikum adalah defek pada dinding mukosa lambung atau duodenum yang meluas melalui mukosa muskularis ke lapisan submukosa yang lebih dalam. Dalam penanganan ulkus peptikum di rumah sakit, perlu dimiliki clinical pathway terkait ulkus peptikum dimulai dari diagnosis hingga pemilihan terapi untuk pasien. Pembuatan clinical pathway dan algoritma terapi pengobatan ulkus peptikum di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia (RSUI) harus menyesuaikan dengan obat-obatan yang digunakan di RSUI. Obat antisekresi yang digunakan untuk penyakit ulkus peptikum termasuk antagonis reseptor H2 dan proton pump inhibitor (PPI). Algoritma terapi diawali dengan diagnosis saat pasien datang. Khusus untuk pasien lanjut usia perlu dilakukan endoskopi untuk mengetahui status ulkus. Setelah diagnosis ditegakkan maka pengobatan ulkus peptikum dilakukan mengikuti dengan regimen terapi ulkus. Tidak ada perbedaan pada pemilihan terapi ulkus peptikum untuk pasien anak, dewasa, dan lanjut usia. Ulkus peptikum memiliki beragam pilihan terapi yang dapat digunakan sesuai dengan kondisi pasien. Obat golongan Antagonis reseptor H2 lebih sesuai diberikan kepada pasien yang sedang menjalani terapi menggunakan clopidogrel karena memiliki risiko pendarahan yang lebih kecil sementara obat golongan Proton Pump Inhibitor lebih sesuai diberikan kepada pasien dengan pH lambung yang rendah karena memiliki kemampuan supresi asam yang lebih baik. ......Peptic ulcer or peptic ulcer is a defect in the mucosal wall of the stomach or duodenum that extends through the muscularis mucosa into the deeper submucosal layers. In treating peptic ulcer in a hospital, it is necessary to have a clinical pathway related to peptic ulcer starting from diagnosis to selecting therapy for the patient. The creation of clinical pathways and therapeutic algorithms for treating peptic ulcers at the University of Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) must adapt to the drugs used at RSUI. Antisecretory drugs used for peptic ulcer disease include H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). The therapy algorithm begins with a diagnosis when the patient arrives. Especially for elderly patients, endoscopy is necessary to determine the status of the ulcer. After the diagnosis is established, the treatment of peptic ulcer is carried out following the ulcer therapy regimen. There was no difference in the choice of peptic ulcer therapy for pediatric, adult, and elderly patients. Peptic ulcers have a variety of therapeutic options that can be used according to the patient's condition. H2 receptor antagonist drugs are more suitable for patients who are undergoing therapy using clopidogrel because they have a smaller risk of bleeding while Proton Pump Inhibitor class drugs are more suitable for patients with low gastric pH because they have better acid suppression capabilities.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library