Kamelia Dewi Muliani
Abstrak :
Salah Satu tujuan dari Program Peningkatan Perilaku Disiplin Guru adalah menciptakan suasana yang nyaman dan tertib dalam sekolah. SDN Krukaut 3 terletak diperbatasan desa dan kota, dengan fasilitas sekolah yang belum memadai. Fasilitas yang kurang memadai tidak akan menjadi masaljah jika diimbangi dengan ketertiban dalam kegiatan belajar mengajamya. Guru merupakan wjung tombak pendidikan, salah satu perannya adalah menjadi penegak kedisiplinan sekolah Sebagai penegak kedisiplinan gum harus mentaati peraturan yang ada, agar dapat menjadi contoh yang baik Situasi yang, dapat diamati di SDN Krukut 3 adalah guru sering keluar kelas saat jam pelajaran hanya untuk membaca koran, berbincang-bincang dengan sesama guru bahkan merokok.
Tujuan utama dari program intervensi adalah meningkatkan perilaku disiplin guru dalam mentaati perafuran. Program Peningkatan perilaku disiplin guru dilakukan melalui pendekatan appreciative inquiry. Appreciative Inquiry diharapkan menjadi alternatif bara dalam melakukan perubahan suatu organisast.Appreciative Inquiry berusaha menemukan hal-hal terbaik yang terdapat pada guru, sekolah dan lingkungan sekitamya. Sebuah seni berianya positif untuk memahami, mengantisipasi dan memperkuat potensi positif yang dimiliki guru. Sebagai panti dari mencari sumber permasalahan dilakukan afirmasi tentang topik perubahan. Perubahan melalui Appreciative Inquiry melalui tahapan discovery, dream, design dan destiny.
Mempbutuhkan waktu 3 bulan untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilannya program intervensi ini. Meski demikian telah dibuat suatu seg ene bersama untuk mencapai” perilaku gum taat peraturan” Tahapan lanjutan _ program intervensi peningkatan perilaku disiplin guru masih diperiukan dilanjutkan metalui pelatihan,. workshop dan diskusi sesuai dengan kebutuhan guru.
The purpose of the program of Developing the Teacher’s Discipline is to create comfortable and deductive situation. SDN Knuikut 3, Limo, Depok ts located at the outskirts with the inadequate facilities. Basically the inadequate facilities will not be the problem that the school has to face on as long as the maintenance of the discipline at the teaching and learning process ts conductively done. As the main person in the teaching and learning process, teachers too must be able to maintain the discipline both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Thus, in becoming the role model for the students, the teachers too must obey and follow the rules applied in school. But in reality that happened in SDN Kmikut 3, Limo, Depok, the teachers manage to skip the class by leaving the classroom during the teaching and learning process, reading the newspaper in the teacher’s lounge and worst above all smoking.
The purpose of this intervention is for the teachers understand and oblige themselves with the rules provided, in order fo maintain the teaching and learning process as well as they can. This program is done by using the appreciative inquiry approaches. Hoping by using these approaches can be chosen as the altemative way to make changes in an organization. Appreciative Inquiry is applied to seek out the positive potentials from teachers, schools and the school’s environment. It is a kind of the art of asking to understand, appreciate and to strengthen the positive potentials that the teachers have. As it is already affirmed in seeking for the main problem to make the changes. These approaches are done through some steps, those are Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny.
And for the evaluation for this program, it takes 3 months. The agreement fs already settled to obtain the “Teacher’s Attitude towards Rules’. Stil] the continuation of this intervention is required through the training, workshop and so on based on the needs required.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library